I have been shanghai'd into a magical girl MAID game

I have been shanghai'd into a magical girl MAID game.

I know magical girls are gay as fug, but I don't know if I could roleplay THAT gay (effectively). Would a chaste cheek kiss/hug/earnest handholding be enough? Advice from experienced magical girl GMs/players would be welcome.

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Subvert the stereotypes. Be the straightest thing this side of Russia.

If anything does anything sexual, get the fuck out of there immediately.

When in doubt, talk to your GM. How much lesbianism is your GM expecting there to be? How much are you comfortable with roleplaying or having roleplayed around you? What are some possible comprises (IE playing the straight-woman: )?

I've only seen a couple magical girl shows myself, but the gayness tends to be more tension than legit action. Your stated actions will probably be fine, but depends on what the GM is going for.

OP is a faggot, three quarters of Mahou Shoujo material has straight or non-committed girls.

It's not going to last long enough to matter. Just play a good friend.

If all the other players are magical girls, subvert expectations. I recall one screencap where one player was a dodgy urban warlock and the others magical girls.

I demand to see your source on that number.

user, you can be a magical girl, kiss girls and still be straight.

Play it like Sailor Moon, be thirsty as fuck for dudes

It's MAID, duder. If you are not up for sexual hijinx let the GM and other players know. It's not required that you go further than what you've expressed you're comfortable with. (It's just heavily encouraged by way of rules + inventory because Japan.)