Is he the best DM ever? I have binging on his content and dungeon world is so good.
Is he the best DM ever? I have binging on his content and dungeon world is so good
Other urls found in this thread:
Whoever this is, he looks like an absolute faggot SJW. I think we can dismiss him on this basis alone
He is the creator of dungeon world, probably the best RPG created in the last 10 years.
he's a very specific brand of GMing (though I think he can do others, albeit not as well) and in that he is VERY good.
But we're talking about a guy who GMs every day like an office job, or at least that was his life for a while, twitch probably shifted his priorities. If you have that much practice and are a deliberate learner and critical thinker, obviously you're gonna get real fucking good.
>tumblr hair
>disgusting ear thing
>tattoos on his fingers
>fingernail polish
>thin mangy beard
>soyboy body build
>wears watches
>lets himself be seen in the same photograph as yellow penis flowers
N O.
Oh fuck sorry I replied honestly to a bait thread. I should have known from the the superlative.
he is absolutely what youd call a faggot SJW.
Watches did nothing wrong.
>yellow penis flowers
Tell us about yellow penis flowers, user. It is clearly the best use for the thread.
>>wears watches
what the hell is wrong with watches
Judging a book by its cover never felt so great.
We need to eradicate queers and fags from the fantasy roleplay world and finally mold it the way its creators imagined it. Dark, gritty, fascist, patriarchal, misogynist, chauvinist, imperialist, hellrealm of endless battles and merciless white male supremacy.
Fuck reD&Dit.
He's good at dming, but an insufferable person otherwise.
>replying to a bait thread
user is right though, he's the complete opposite of the DM archetype. He probably gets pussy even
he's good if you like narrative games but otherwise not the best
l unironically love him as a GM and a player. (Maybe prefer him as a player, depending on the game.)
Not so sure about him as a person, but I honestly don't give a fuck about most entertainers' personal lives as long as they aren't truly monsters, and I've heard nothing that suggests he's a monster, just far more left than I personally think is healthy.
I mean, he could. But I don't think that's his thing, if you catch my drift. Maybe I'm wrong and he likes both, though.
This is now a Veeky Forums watch thread. Post your watches!
>But I don't think that's his thing, if you catch my drift.
As far as I've heard, he plays wizards AND warriors, if you catch my drift.
Is this really what Veeky Forums has become? A gossip circle on internet personalities?
i dont respect people with colored hair's opinions
It's called Hair of Color (HoC), user!
>only respects albinos opinions
watches are for stupid pretentious assholes who want to look hip and trendy but are so ignorant they don't have a passive calendar, clock, or compass built into their brains.
I have the authority to say this with no irony: that man is no true Scotsman.
On the other hand there but for the grace of God go I and all that. If he's a good dm maybe he can be salvaged. Modern propaganda is a hell of a drug if it can turn men into this. Until such a time I wish him well enough since apparently he's a great dm.
I'll say this for him, he doesn't include politics in his games, and is not afraid to be really harsh and cruel when playing as a player. He's more hippy than SJW in all honesty.
that doesnt excuse me from being a fucking piece of shit sjw tumblrite tho
Are you kidding me? you realize how much of a faggot you look like pulling out your phone every 10 minutes.
He's from Reddit, someone there is trying to push an agenda against velcro wallets and watches. It's pathetic.
HIM, fuck!
guys with dyed hair are always egotistical assholes, absolutely without exception. pink is less bad than blue, but still very high level wank.
I would honestly support this but only on the condition that it doesn't turn into Gor
Everything you said is complete nonsense. I need a watch at work and it is a handy device. Old people who are not hip or trendy have watches. Nice people throughout history and right now wear watches. And nobody can perfectly predict time. Literally everything you wrote is complete garbage. Fuck off to /b/ with your bullshit you watchless pleb cunt.
>>>>>>>he has to pull out his phone every 10 minutes
And hippies are basically conservative nationalist socialists that the CIA managed to drug into forgetting their own beliefs for a bit. Maybe there's hope yet. If he's a good dm good for him that's what matters.
The only reason I can think of is that only businessmen wear watches, and anyone under the age of 30 wearing one HAS to be a hipster because no one can possibly just like things.
I don't know, this is some crazy shit.
>im so stupid
>im a brainlet who needs to be reminded of what time it is all fucking day
>if i dont look at my watch I'll get time kompression and be ejected from the universe
>wuh this guy doesnt like watches!?
do me a favor.
like seriously a favor.
delete yourself.
>Taking the bait hook, line and sinker.
Holy fuck I am laughing like a retard as I write this.
Watch Baiter you magnificent bastard, I salute you.
this sounds a lot like just tribal Africa.
Oooh. Okay. I get it now. I know just what to do. Here you are, you tried so hard, you at least deserve this one.
he plays ALL classes in fact, and often multiclasses, apparently.
Low test detected. I have a calendar, watch, compass, internet connection, sun dial, GPS, magnet, 3 days worth of provisions, full chemistry, mathematics and fishing gear sets, atlas and a map of the London underground built into my head.
>being this salty with bracelets that tell the time
Fuckin' brainlet.
I have a working hydroelectric dam that generates power whenever I take a piss built directly into my body, with neurosynaptic feedback kinesis modules installed into my foreceplexes as well as an advanced medical knowledge of over fourteen kinds of anthrosemetric humanoids including but not limited to humans, dwarves, xygarts, monothesians, and crustapoleans.
You think you're so great, wait until I show you my swiss army hands.
well we know he banging pic related so I think he does like both
He has confirmed that he's bisexual before.
> His game design, GM advice, and GM prep videos are some of the best RPG content online.
> t. Watch wearer
AIght I'll take the bait. Does anyone have a podcast where they play Dungeon Worlds or a good fantasy play podcast in general
Stop idolizing and making threads about faggots.
stop burning down churches
wow a 6/10
Dungeon World is not very good, it's not even as good as Apocalypse world, which it's based on. Don't bother with it. But if you want a roleplay podcast with the guy this thread is about to sample if he's really that good, he does a lot of the GMing on itmejp's Rollplay shows, all of which is on youtube
sort your schizophrenic value system out first to have a justified end and not only justified means holy shit
Bunch of famous streamers playing it, with my favorite of the celebrity DMs, Steven Lumpkin.
>celebrity DMs
Normies were a mistake.
>celebrity DMs
I hate this timeline.
Buncha fuckin watch wearers in this thread.
Too bad they dont wear them around their necks and strangle themselves to death.
Don't worry, he'll grow out of it. It's just a phase of modern millennials.
Does Sage still work here?
"user had heard the word "irony" before, but he thought it was used to describe something containing iron."
This tickled me
Stop making threads about homosexuals outside /lgbt/.
So the conclusion is "he is really good but he has pink hair and a watch so I am going to bash him!"?
Yes. Do you take fault with that logic?
I bet you wear a fucking watch.
The conclusion is fags like him and fags think making threads about celebrities isn't AIDS, but they also don't mind AIDS.
It's just the /pol/niggers getting easily triggered again.
>when you witness a new meme's birth
I actually do. A titanium Citizen.
There is literally nothing wrong with wearing a watch.
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
I love it.
Fucking branded watch-wearing cuckold, who do you serve? Who's the owner of your man-collar?
That's one misused pasta right there
>Owning two extra hands
>Not using them to strangle yourself to death while giving yourself the finger twice.
It's not being misused, you're just retarded.
>Dark, gritty, fascist, patriarchal, misogynist, chauvinist, imperialist, hellrealm of endless battles and merciless white male supremacy.
Hurr Durr I look retarded u fool u fell for the bait haha!
>pink-haired nu-male
I'd love to read his blog where he talks about the evils of capitalism and the patriarchy.
>t. watch strapper
>tfw wear a watch
Is it possible that I might be absolved of my sins?
>Getting triggered
The absolute state of right wing snowflakes.
What the fuck is up with all the casuals and newfags ITT?
depends on the brand
>the virgin swatch
>the chad Rolex
do you need a little cry?
Nu-Veeky Forums.
It's a Slazenger.
>Doesn't understand jokes
>Injects political jab
>Jab uses appropriated language from right
>Leftist hacks can't into humor
>Uses green text to fit in
I think that watch of yours might be cutting off blood circulation.
This thread may as well be proof that Veeky Forums is dead. Filled with discussion about SJWs, watches and tumblreddit this thread is nearly devoid of on-topic discussion and filled with baiter and baitee. Good bye tg.
>that doesnt excuse me from being a fucking piece of shit sjw tumblrite tho
Too late user, your mistake has been made, you sjew fuck
e-celeb thread, no wonder
>t. watchwearer
Begone autist. To reddit, where your kind fester and hate alone, for merely the sake of an upvote.
It was a shitty bait thread from the get-go. At least the watch thing is kinda funny.
The recipe to get (You)s generally relies on a flimsily defendable yet rather disagreeable claim, an argument steady enough that you have to work around it but empty enough there is something to argue against, and knowing your audience.
I have to say, OP has baiting distilled into an art.
this is the most reddit post on this whole fucking site
Reddit. We're infested. Pretty soon there will be nobody here that thinks for themselves, just retarded actual HIV+ faggots who don't know neither the origin or the meaning of the memes they spew constantly and think they're cool because they said le ebin meme so they fit into the club, because that's all their brains can do or have done for the past 7-10 years, repeat top text bottom text image macros that are themselves hand-me-downs from actual conversations and ideas we talked about and debated. They think any in depth conversation is edgy and they think whenever we tell them to go back to their reddit shithole or to lurk more it's some kind of funny joke, and then they say another le funni meme. But it's not. Their IQ is lower than the mid-atlantic ridge. They'll never understand that they're not wanted and they don't care. They're niggers that see conversations happening and they recognize that there's something above them they're speaking about, and even though they don't understand it at all, they still want to stick around and put in their worthless two cents, even after being told multiple times they're useless dumb niggers and nobody needs or wants them here, and they're only making board quality worse by contstantly repeating shit that's been repeated several million times before. But they're redditniggers, what do they care? They can always go back to their moderated/censored shithole, which they're perfectly content with because they can't imagine conversation happening without someone banning the other because some overweight hot-pocket eating jew didn't like what was said. They don't have the spark of creativity or life in them, and so they don't really care about the advancement of life or the absence of life, but they still leech off of quality made by someone else because they're parasites. Of course they make up several excuses as to why their parisitism is okay, and why they're just as good as people who aren't, but it's just excuses.
The mid-Atlantic ridge is actually higher than the seafloor around it due to the buoyancy of the magma plume below it.
I know - why would you make it?
this is some healthy self confidence right there.
Good on you user.
Go get em
This is a long, bitchy, rambling post full of bullshit, and I agree with every word.
well done on the good ol' reddit switcharooha!
>It's just irony!
>I'm not triggered over a watch!
>I'm just memeing!
Stop showing off your buttplugs, watch boy.
A voice echoes into the darkness, unheard
>Ironic shitposting is still shitposting