Chess online blitz

>chess online blitz
>be in an obvious winning/drawn position
>opponent doesn't resign or accept a draw
>instead starts waiting the game out and wins on time


Well, he did beat you.

How do they win on time when they're the ones who draw out the game?

what are you asking?

Do you understand the concept of Blitz chess?

probably just run with the king asap every turn if they're ahead in time before they get into the bad position.

>playing chess in 2017
>not playing Go

If you enjoy chess that's fine, if you do for the brain tingling feeling you are just missing out by not mastering go

Go Shogi ChessCheckers
What are other similar games?

OP - this is why the top 4 or 5 Chess 'Players' in the world currently are all computer programs. They don't do dick-ass shit just to preserve their standing. They always play to win, and never puss out on a game.

If you lost then you were clearly never in an obvious winning position.

That is why men are better than machines, we can think our way around problems.

They beat you at chess. Quit whining.

what's blitz chess?
how do you win by running out of time?

How can your opponent win on time? The only thing I've seen is a false AFK bait in hope you quit out of the game from boredom. Sounds like a shitty multiplayer chess service.

Also AI will always win turn based perfect information games. Play a game that is less robotic.

>wins on time

>thinks his position is winning because he forgot about a rule
>only notices that in fact it isn't too late
>can't into "sometimes just surviving the siege until winter is a win condition" in a wargame
fampai your complaint is about as smart as "i was in an obvious winning position until he promoted that pawn, reeeeeeeee"

Both opponents each separately have 5 minutes to make all their moves.

so OP is a retard who needs 30+ seconds for every move and got beat because he couldn't sigh seven times while breathing mayonese breath between every move?

Ohhhh. 'and you've used up all the time for your moves' is a lose state.
In which case 'play fast and make your opponent run out their clock' is a legit strategy and OP is just salty that they didn't realise it was being used on them until it was too late.

Yep. It is kind of a rubberband rule because it takes more thought and thus more time to crack a defense than to just throw pieces into the line of fire, but really that's war.

If your opponent is making speedy blunders you should be winning faster.

This. If OP's opponent could keep making moves with minimal thought until OP ran out if time then clearly OP wasn't in a winning position.


based rim man

Because winning on time is still a win. Would you rather play someone who deliberately throws a game?

>chess game lasting less than 10 moves
Have you played 2 or 3 games total?



>playing Go

Go can help itself become more popular by having the players not teach the rules and strategies using fortune cookie lines.

patrician taste

Out fucking skilled

Well your opponent did well and you lose simple...
Even in real tourment you use one of those and you tap your clock at the end of every move, otherwise things will simply drag forever

One man's trash is another man's treasure

>Even in real tourment you use one of those
I wish, it's all electronic and cheap plastic these days. Proper game clock comes with massive mark-up so unless your local club set some pieces aside back in the 90's chances are you're not having the chinese shit.

Because the only winning move is not to play.

when did fortune cookies start being helpful?

even though being an original and interesting game, Hive comes nowhere near any of the games listed when it comes to depth, elegance or relevance.

>blitz chess

>he doesn't play lightspeed chess with 1 second on his clock
i'm beginning to wonder who the real brainlet is here

If you're choosing to play blitz why are you then complaning when people beat you by the rules? You clearly allocated your time resources poorly. I don't like blitz chess personally

Blitz is chess with very low time restraints. Standard chess might be 15 or 20 minutes per person, blitz is like 30 sec to 2min per person.

If it was obvious winning position, then why didn't you just mate him?

Block on the wider side... in bed