How do you deal with your players flaking on you
How do you deal with your players flaking on you
Like an adult.
Ok that might be a little unfair. It depends on circumstance really. If your party is IRL talking to them is the best way about it, who knows they might have unforseen mitigating circumstances. If they are a serial flaker it'd be better if you just cut them out of the game or at the very least put their character in the background for the time being. You should let them know that the game is important to you and you'd appriciate it if they could make the time, that might come off as a litte condescending but it's all in the execution of it, again they might have mitigating circumstances
Online, talking again is the correct course of action but it's much easier to cut someone out of a game if it's online.
Lastly, if they're flaking and there is no reason for it. Perhaps the problem lies with you. As the GM you're probably not a bad person, taking the time to run this game but maybe you're just having trouble engaging this person. That's about all i've got for you.
I have this player who flakes >20% of the time. At the last minute. It is just tolerable but annoying as fuck.
Shrug it off, if it gets out of hand you let them know. Some people are socially inept and will have to be reminded when they go too far, they lack the social finesse that is required to sense the mood of the situation.
Misunderstood the question nevermind, how ironic.
If they flake on our very first game and they don't inform me why afterwards even when messaged, they get kicked immediately.
If their explanation is kinda shit, they get one more chance and then get kicked immediately on the second flake.
I refuse to play with serial flakers.
"three strikes and you're out" rule - players are diam... I mean dime a dozen
>Join fortnightly game
>First two sessions go well
>Two players flake before the third session so the GM cancels
>Then the GM can't do the day he suggested for the 4th session and cancels
>This keeps happening
>We end up playing once a month at most
>One player misses more than half the sessions
>We last played in March
>GM messages us after 6 months of no game asking if we want to have another session
>Everyone says yes
>He never gets back to us
Talk to them about it, see if they need a reschedule or if they're actually interested at all.
kemomo friends is a shit franchise
You're a shit franchise.
Stop using Roll20 and look for players in the area.
Make your game more compelling, I guess.
Flaking is when you don't want to do something, so you deprioritize it among your other potential activities. It's rude but stems from seeing "meeting up" with someone as more chore than joy.
However, feel free to boot people that aren't having fun. Save them the excuse-building they have to keep doing.
I stopped running games.
Kill the nigga off
Flake on them. See how they like it.
You stop running games for them, and possibly for anyone. Never DM. Never.
They don't care about the game, so they won't care if you cancel. They'll say, "oh great now I can spam video games all night." They'll see it as a reprieve.
I'm in a game I hate right now and believe me, when the gm can't make it I celebrate with a tall glass of coke and an episode of The Crown on netflix.
By running a game people will not want to flake on, and running it on the same timeslot every week. If people do flake, the game happens without them unless they warned the group well in advance and we could reschedule.
Sure, sometimes you run into shitty people, but if everyone constantly flakes on your games, the problem is you. Not them.
Well hold on now, the problem could be that they suck.
But I do think OP needs to either entrance them and make them want to show up or stop wasting his time.
You don't. You lose all motivation and never GM a game since this was going to be your first and you put tons of effort into it with the player's wishes in mind. Or maybe that's just me.
are u me
If I ran an online game, and they flaked and didn't let me know before game time? They're kicked, and I'd ban them from the game. If they did give me notice, I'd let them know that this is their one chance and if it happened again they wouldn't be coming back, as I'd always run the game at the same time every week.
IRL? I only play with my friends and we all don't work one day of the week to hang out, so no problems for the most part.
>By running a game people will not want to flake on
it's this. if your players aren't showing up and aren't telling you in advance, it's because they don't think your game is worth coming to and don't respect you enough to let you know.
>the crown
I bet you like skub and wear watches, too.
no watch, no skub.
The Crown was alright but honestly it's kind of boring. I much prefer Victoria, even if it's probably less accurate. Bit more spicy drama and more charismatic actors.
...but yea what's wrong with coke?
yup, lack of respect is what it comes down to. If they liked/respected you enough they'd actually come up with real excuses and tell you in advance, or suck it up and play. Not caring + no respect = flaking out and obvious lies about why.
Simple. Anytime a player dares to skip out on a game without warning, I cut their head off and put it on a pike in the gaming room, as a warning to other potential flakes. It's harsh, but fair. And it works! I haven't had to behead a player in months!