>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list. mtgcommander.net
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices. tappedout.net
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet. edhrec.com/
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity. manabasecrafter.com/
>What's your favorite spell with X in its mana cost and why? Villainous wealth cause the grass is always greener on the other side
Isaac Baker
Voltron Godo bro from last thread, pls respond with list
Oliver Foster
Thomas Harris
Gelatinous Genesis. Always and forever.
Jaxson Harris
I guarntee its like 35 mountains 10 rocks 10 filter/draw spells a couple of decent creatures 8-10 of the highest costing most timmy equipments ever printed (including hammer and blade of selves) then a butt ton of removal congrats you have yourself a godo deck got an eldrazi? throw that in there too, whatever
Carter Butler
what about gelatinous genesis on a creature?
Owen White
It's so versatile, and the new art is beautiful.
Henry Jones
>Splashy X Spells Edition I'm afraid I can't let you do that.
Samuel Adams
>guarntee holy crap what the hell did I just type lol the word is guarantee
Jose Perez
Jordan Jenkins
Good enough for me, user
Jaxon Wright
Easton Powell
i know i was being dismissive but its actually super fun
Justin Russell
>What's your favorite spell with X in its mana cost and why? It's an offer they can't refuse
Gabriel Edwards
Post em if you got em
Jack Cruz
Oh and here's a template
Parker Sullivan
Thomas Baker
Earthquake but much better
Jayden Rivera
Does the Legend rule not affect Myriad tokens?
Isaiah Lopez
It does affect them but you still get the ETB, that's why Omnath+Sword is most of the time a win.
Kevin Cook
Newfag in my playgroup wanted us to try pauper edh to "broaden our deck building horizons" or some shit like that. My question is, what do I build so these faggots never want to play this retarded variant ever again?
Cameron Baker
artifacts always artifacts
Eli Turner
thread question answered in picture
Cooper Watson
Why don't you just let your group know you do not want to play pauper EDH
That seems like a much easier solution, then trying to invalidate everyone else's enjoyment because you could not take the time to act like a decent human being.
Hunter Edwards
whoa shit damn how did I not know about this
Kevin Hughes
I'm just trying to spare my playgroup the agony of four hour board stalls because nobody has access to a board wipe.
Carter Thompson
>My question is, what do I build so these faggots never want to play this retarded variant ever again? does the legend have to be a common? if not just play talrand and yes pauper edh is gayasfuckwtfwereyouthinkingthissucks tier
James Brown
Just tell them that.
Let em know its a shitty format because board wipes arent common, and this leads to massive bogged down games.
Jack Bennett
Ascended Lawmage enchantments voltron
Pauper EDH uses uncommons as the commander
Alexander Nguyen
I remember the first time I actually got to play this card. Nobody understood why I payed 9 for it (x=8) because I wiped the board except for my dragons at 6 until I told them to read the damn card, and put my “Godzilla” token in.
Jack Turner
The token is pretty dope too
Oliver Baker
Thoughts on this race traitor?
Angel Adams
>does the legend have to be a common? the commander in pauper is any common or uncommon creature (under MOST regulations) If you can manage it, play Turbofog. You'll probably have to take a commander just for colors (you want GW and Angus is rare) but if you can get some draw power that would be good. Kei Takahashi, Ragnar, Rhox War Monk, and Skyward Eye Prophets are all legit choices.
The downside is that if you get 200% focused from the start, you can lose, but chances are any group that would fall for Pauper Commander will fall for turbofog until it is far, far too late. Just hold the game hostage for as long as it takes for everyone to get sick of this shit.
Christian Hughes
>uncommons as the commander cool clone was printed at uncommon at one point but really you need to go either Enclave Cryptologist or one of the infect creatures
Logan Reyes
This desu
Aaron Howard
cool in concept shit tier in execution traitors get the bullet first etc. etc. etc.
Brayden Parker
Getting rid of nuMagic sparklepires is one of the few noble things you can do. While he's still a filthy Twilight reject he at least knows he's subhuman shit.
Dylan Fisher
wtf is wrong with that guy>?!
Cooper Hernandez
Races aren't teams. Also, vamparism is more a disease than a race.
Robert Watson
>Races aren't teams you are wrong but also
Aaron Sanders
>playgroup shits on you for one shotting them with memes all the time >do a total 180 with deckbuilding and go full disruption instead >they shit on you for dragging every game out to 2 hours
welp back to using Gruul Removal then i guess
Ian Nguyen
So how much spot removal is enough, would you say, /edhg/? 6? 8? 10 cards?
How much is too much?
Jaxon Fisher
So bant with all the blink and spell recursion possible to fog all the time?
Colton Kelly
8 is a good number for most decks, usually you should prefer wraths and removal that targets permanents in general.
Levi Phillips
10 total including spot removal for art/enchants and boardwipes + counterspells if you are in blue though in blue decks I tend to go up to 15
Kevin Hill
They'll stop playing by themselves. No board wipes makes the format a durdly mess.
Luke Howard
spot removal is meh. trading 1 for 1 isn't usually very good.
board wipes are the best for general answer.
instant speed spot removal is nice if you can comfortably leave mana untapped when you pass, like if you have something to dump your mana into later.
sorcery speed spot removal is kind of shit. it's hard to be smart with it, you always have to assume the worst when it comes to threat assessment. with instant speed removal, you can hold that spell until you know you need it.
if you're playing an aggressive deck with an aggressive board, you're best off using gruul style removal instead of spot removal
Cooper Morales
I know the feeling. Except now they've all quit MtG.
Nolan Taylor
I've heard it goes pretty fast 1v1, but in a 4+ player pod that's just ridiculous.
Chase Carter
Yup! Ideally, you win by being the only one to recycle your GY while everybody else loses to drawing their 100th card.
Bentley Perez
How well would these two work?
Leo Gutierrez
I may hate the PDH with a passion, but I actually want to pull that off. Thanks user, I'll tell you how it goes.
Cameron Murphy
not as good as the other options, what are you looking to do, is gaining life a primary thing you want your deck to do?
Eli Lopez
Wanted lifegain but wanted to try green as I’ve never played the Timmy style before
Samuel Murphy
could be good for that especially if you arent planning on going hard into reanimator, which is what a lot of those decks end up doing
Dominic Smith
I would say 8
Prioritize stuff that's versatile (some Commands and Charms), hits multiple targets (Return to Dust, Decimate), or deals with things you usually can't in your color (Chaos Warp, Beast Within).
Charles Scott
So with the stupid unsets legal for the hot minute, what happens if i combo spy kit and wordmail?
Nicholas Smith
you have a very large creature
you can also play a single creature with literally infinite power
John Gomez
Tymna+Ikra would be a lot better. The card draw is invaluable and the 98 can be filled to the brim with lifegain synergy and combat tricks/anthems (True Conviction is fucking bonkers if you get to connect).
Carter King
>gruul style removal What
Lincoln Myers
instead of removing the troublesome permanent itself, you instead kill the player who owns the permanent, thus exiling it
Nolan Morris
This mentality/playstyle is why Gruul is best clan
Do you guys think my playgroup would let me run Burnt Offering as my commander?
Jonathan Gonzalez
Jason Carter
Thoughts on a deck based around nasuverse Unlimited Blade Works? Pic related seems like an appropriate general, mirrodin swords are an auto-include. Ideas?
Nolan Moore
CMCs needed to make net positive: Without a fork spell >1st cast: 2 CMC >2nd cast: 4 CMC >3rd cast: 6 CMC >4th cast: 8 CMC >5th cast: 10 CMC
Loved, but doesn’t fit the criteria posed by the OP.
Cooper Mitchell
>not meta enough
Carson Torres
>enforcing your own rules on other people's casual play >implying they won't be able to determine whether they like it or not for themselves >implying EDH is meant to be anything more than guidelines for houserule rulesets
James Ortiz
>enforcing his own rules Enforcing the game's rules /= enforcing his rules.
Jonathan Watson
i want to run an enchantment related commander in azorious/bant/esper but i don't want to run zur
Ryan Kelly
Bant is probably best for that because you get all the Selesnya enchantment support. There are no commanders that actually support that strategy though, so just pick whoever.
Alexander Peterson
Stop being such a weeaboo. Anime is bad.
Justin Thomas
Play nonred partners
Connor Ramirez
There's already enough confusion going on with there being 2 official sets of rules. Houserules just add to that.
Christian James
call me old fashion but partners is lame to me.
it's weird that there is no enchantress commander in bant. look at this bant legend. why does wizards print cards like this. whyyyyy. i just want to play enchanted evening and opalescence and mycosynth lattice and march of the machines and humility to make everything 1/1 creature enchantment artifact creatures.
Kevin Scott
What is a good card in naya that I can dump a ton of mana into and win as an alternative wincon?
I'd generate the mana from primarily from tokens (ashnod, gaea's cradle, gaeas cradle 2 from ixalan, cryptrolith rite)
Luke Brooks
helix pinnacle is the only acceptable answer.
Nathan Bell
Helix pinnacle for actual alt wincon.
Kamahl for killing anyone with just your lands, making it impossible to wrath, and for laughing at cyclonic rifts.
Kayden Foster
It's not technically an alternate win condition, but...
Jaxon James
I play Atraxa enchantress, mostly for the synergy with that angel enchantment, As Foretold, and Parallax Wave and Tide. If I was smarter, I'd cut all that shit to play Tymna and Thrasios instead.
I'm a big fan of Enchanted Evening and Cleansing Meditation,and black tutors help you make it all come together.
Carson Wood
EDH is casual. If people want to play with different rules than the official rules with their friends, and everyone there agrees to it, what's wrong with that? Does the idea of other people having fun in the "wrong way" trigger your autism?
Michael Mitchell
>flashes in Tainted Aether >Burning Sands + any creature wipe
Leo Allen
He's supposed to be cool, but clearly isn't. He just marks a target and expects someone else to kill them. The flavor is all wrong, that should be a mechanic for some aristocrat who wants dirty upstarts killed, it doesn't work as a vampire hunter. He should have had some ability that more directly involved him in killing some target creature. >Any other player may put a bounty counter on target creature you do not own or control >cost, tap Mathas: destroy target creature, draw a card.
Nolan Rivera
Hanna, Ship's Navigator, senpai. You can play all of those things and win with annoying combos.
I have a tana / tymna deck that tosses buffs onto Tana and goes wide with saprolings to use Tymna. Other than enchants/equip for Tana and stuff to buff my saprolings, any other tech I should look for?
Justin Reed
That earthquake with split second. It's more of a draw-condition tho.
Logan Gray
Brayden Mitchell
>alternative wincon
Cooper Walker
I often make it a point not to put Hoof in any decks.
Andrew Lee
if its a casual table, which edh commonly has, craterhoof can be strong enough to be one
Ian Mitchell
That's not what alternative wincon means. Combat damage is not what anyone would call an alternative winning condition.
Jason Harris
>Blue or bust >No proper wraths >Games take way longer than it has any right too >Four people built Spellheart Chimera and I'm sitting here with a janky ass Crag Puca It came and went in a single night.
Matthew Perry
If your main wincon isn't combat damage/craterhoof, it can very well be an alternative wincon.