I live in a poor shithole of a country, so getting my hands on anything but a six sided dice is out of the question. Even then, it's tough to get my hands on an actual non shitty 6 sided die without making it myself. What are some systems that use 6 sided die, and what are some alternatives to dice?
D6 systems / Alternatives to dice
Use playing cards. One suit is 1-10, another is 11-20. Shuffle face down then draw the top card - this is your roll.
There is the deadlands system if you can’t get ahold of dice. The game determines many things with a deck of cards instead of dice. I imagine a deck of cards is a bit more common than a d20.
This is a good plan
Shadowrun and Battletech use six sided dice exclusively. It's possible that Heavy Gear does as well, but I can't remember.
Oh, and so does Warhammer.
In any case, you can use multi-dice systems. Shadowrun runs like whitewolf in that you have target numbers and successes, and if you roll a six you can roll an additional dice in order to meet target numbers above six.
A spinner
There is even one on google
How do I make one IRL
And before anyone says technology, that's not happening
3d6 is objectively the best dice system. GURPS uses 3d6.
>too poor to afford a 5-cent die
Yeah, okay. Just admit it: you're in prison, where dice aren't allowed.
Being dishonest is how you got there. But here's an article that'll help you:
Availability and price are two very different things my friend
This. GURPS Lite is free and works for a wide variety of games. Or the GM gets a couple sourcebooks (the two volume Basic Set) for reference and new ideas/content and everyone else plays with GURPS Lite.
I got that feeling, too. We've had gaming in prison threads before, OP. It's cool.
So most pencils are six-sided. Put numbers on each side and you have a d6. Using dots or indentations in the wood are a little more discreet, if that's something you're worried about.
Another option is to go to a website that gives you random numbers. I found a bunch online, or use Google Sheets or Excel. Ask for columns of random integers from one to six. Then keep those private from your players and instead of someone rolling, just pick the next random number on your list. Cross used numbers out, but don't obliterate them-- you want to be able to point to a number to avoid a fight in case they think you're faking.
A hex nut with each side numbered and a bolt through the middle to keep it from landing on its side will also do nicely.
Take a piece of paper. Cut out an arrow from the short end. Draw a big circle. Divide the circle into pie pieces (1-6 or 1-12). Number them 1-6 (for a 12-spot spinner, number them twice, making sure every pair of numbers is opposite one another on the spinner). Then put the middle of your arrow in the middle of the circle and put a pin/staple/paperclip through as a pivot. Congrats, you have a spinner! Cardboard works better if you can get it.
Also remember that even shitty d6's are usually random enough. A cube made of a piece of scrap wood will work just fine.
You're posting on the internet. If your country is non-shitty enough to handle that, then you can get 3d6.
They are in a free market. But in prison they're functionally equivalent and you're in prison.
It's called a internet cafe. I never said I can't get a d6, it's just harder than just walking into a convenience store, and I'd like some alternatives.
PbtA games use 2d6 and there's some that are pretty ok. Shadowrun uses d6, but I'd not wish anyone the pain of playing SR. RISUS is all d6. there's actauuly a d6 system called... the d6 system. IIRC Barbarians of lemuria is d6 only as well. FATE has alternate rules for 6 sided dice. Strike! uses 1-2 d6.
Which country? Your english is very good.
I wont specify specifically where, but India. I'm in business, so I need English, auto correct also helps me
So how do you intend to print out the rules?
Again plugging GURPS Lite: the PDF is very small, free to download, and if you print double-sided doesn't require many pages.
>So how do you intend to print out the rules?
He will use his work printers of course
GURPS Lite. 3d6, one of the better games around, don't fall for Basic Set meme, just stick to Lite.
>Don't fall for the Basic Set meme
What? Why can't he use it once he understands the rules?
How is 3d6 good at all? It's not fun at all, you never crit which takes away the appeal of tabletop gaming
Bell curve my man.
You do crit, it's just less common. A flat 1/20 chance to crit is shit, and a lot of GMs 'roll to confirm' anyway.
It's simple:
You don't need it.
Everything you need to know from Basic Set is in Lite. You need more specific things? You go search in specific book. Basic Set is entirely skippable. Literally the only thing Basic Set is useful is full list of skills and advantages, but that's it. So you "need" 50 pages out of 600 and if you have a char-gen soft, then you don't need it at all.
Are you taking the piss? You need a pen, some card, some scissors and a tack or other fixing method.
Some of the manouvers are nice and help the general flow and balance of combat, but you can literally get them from combat cards (which I'd also highly recommend you printing OP, it's 1 sheet of paper and makes combat buttery smooth).
A flat 1/20 chance to crit is amazing, it makes the game more exciting, no one rolls to confirm but 3.5fags, even then a lot of them don't use that rule because its shit. Yes you crit in GURPS, like 0.000368% of the time, when the fuck have you ever critted in GURPS in your life
If you're on Veeky Forums, you got access to technology. You can easily use a program that gives you a random integer in a given range.
.5% actually, to roll a 3. 1.4% to roll a 4.
GURPS doesn't use 3 and 18 as the only crit values, depending on the equipment and skill levels, 16+ can be a critical fail, and any number short of 17 can potentially be a critical success. The point is that it's not a flat chance, and increasing that then has a reliable value.
Prince Valiant and Ubiquity/ Hollow Earth Expedition can both be played with coins. There should be some other binary dice systems out there.
>cant get a hold of dice
>makes post on the internet
2d6 is objectively superior.
I love me that 2d6 curve. Unf.
I love 2d6 curves so much I fuck them
I love your curves
dice-rolling apps exist. I'm assuming that if you can get online, you can access one.
Yeah, especially for a poorfag. You can save on that 1 die.
Cheap, solid, dead simple and it has variants for fantasy, sci fi, Robin Hood and more.
And it only uses 1D6
Each book has a complete set of rules in it so if you only want a specific genre then just buy that specific book.
Also a fine choice IF you have a bunch of D6's
Barbarians of Lemuria uses a 2d6 system as its core method of resolution, and it never requires anything other than d6s.
Torch Bearer has 50/50 chance of success or scoundrel (failure) on each die. Roll multiple die and add up your successes.
You could play that or a similar system with coin flips.
Too bad the Brazilian system 3D&T doesn't have an english version.
>Barbarians of Lemuria
I can't recommend this game enough. It was a blast to run.
Shit, dude, you could make d6 out of folded paper with pencil markings. You've got s paper, right?
Or out of a pencil. Or just use and online roller, he clearly has a computer
But may not be playing with internet access. Easier to have physical means to roll
Do you have an address you can ship to? Polyhedrals from China ship worldwide for under $5USD.
Print the dice