Now, where Star Wars is burning and STD failing, is it time for a new great Scifi Universe to step in?
Now, where Star Wars is burning and STD failing, is it time for a new great Scifi Universe to step in?
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Do you really want to see a 40k marketed for the capeshit audience?
You have a point.
Nah, they'll just go a way for a decade or two, then make a comeback.
I'm just tired of franchises. Standalone trilogy of movies that tells a good story from start to finish or a show with 2-3 seasons of episodes tops, is where I'm at the moment. I'm not getting into anything more than that. I have no interest in TLJ, maybe see it on DVD at some point. I haven't even watched the last season of Galactica.
>tfw you got all the episodes for Legend of Galactic Heroes waiting for you to watch them
With Avatar getting a ton of movies, that seems to be the case.
Once. Just to see if it reaches Uwe Boll/live action anime levels of bad.
Star Trek: Discovery.
Needless to say, destractors love this.
maybe this. Even /co/'s pointed out that we've all gotten so hopped up on 'deepest lores' and all that that maybe we need a break from the 'grandiose and epic' and just focus on good characters and story.
Hell, that's probably why Zootopia was so well-received.
honestly, the butthurt from some of the hardercore 40k fans would be wonderful.
>"Nuuuuuuh! A guardsman shouldn't amount to shit in 40k! he's cannon fodder!"
>Star Wars is burning
It ain't burning unless it ain't making money, and under the thumb of the mouse, it'll always make money.
>go a way for a decade or two
That's not going to happen. Corporations have to do something with the IP every few years or they will lose the license.
>Corporations have to do something with the IP every few years or they will lose the license.
[citation needed]
Horus Rising series when?
It's why Fox keeps shitting out Fantastic Four movies every few years even though they always flop. That may just be the terms of that particular license, though.
Yes, because they got the license from Marvel and their contract says so. Disney can sit on Star Wars for decades and not lose it, because they own it, it's their IP now.
>Star wars is burning
Nah. Star wars might be getting objectively even shittier than it always was, but it was normie's first sci-fi movie they ever saw. The eternal boomer and his farts that echoe through time will keep the outdated shit-encrusted filth that is star wars alive for years to come.
If you look at star wars' success, there really is no reason for why it's doing so well besides bandwagon fallacy, normalfags gladly eating shit like they always do, and nostalgia from normalfags that don't know any other sci-fi universes. Star Wars itself is shit.
>honestly, the butthurt from some of the hardercore 40k fans would be wonderful.
Which is why Ciaphus Cain books are so wildly panned, right?
CC books aren't for "normies" it's for parodying the rest of 40k that people are already fan of.
I'm sure one sill appear to fill the void if a void appears. However it isn't anyone's job to fill that void. Anything made to be the Next Great X is generally shit.
The best sort of media is media made to satisfy its artist and like minded individuals. If it reasonates with the massess and becomes a thing thats fine.
Did you know Blazing Saddles had a tv series? Neither did Mel Brooks till they showed him the first episode of an entire season they made but never released just to keep the IP
> there's really no reason for why it's doing so well when I hate it and I think everyone else shares my opinion.
Fixed that for you.
Anything nu-Disney touches will be crammed down our throats until we die.
Frozen, Star Wars, Marvel
Tell me one thing Star Wars does better than other sci-fi stories besides
>MUH laser swords!!!1
Which was according to the contract he had signed, as far as I can tell.
I can picture Captain Titus as Horus.
The original trilogy captured a very archetypal story that resonates across cultures.
Luke Skywalker acts out the hero's journey in a way that everyone understands. Therefore, the popularity it achieved is integral to understanding the merit of the series.
Yes, it is the children's bedtime story of the knight saving the girl from the evil king or prison in her tower.
It's nothing more.
ITT: We are all very cool because we hate things other people like.
Rar! I hate stuff too! That makes me cool.
You know, you could respond to me and argue based on my points and your series' merits instead of being a woman.
It's 20 posts into the thread, you fucking faggot.
It is far more. That you can only see that shows your lack of reading. Stop requiring your media by spoon and search for more education, windowlicker.
>actually wanting Daniel Craig to play anyone ever
I mean idgaf about Lion but clearly someone thought that was a good idea
But you have no point. You are ranting like an emo teenager and putting out nothing but prattle.
One doesn't dignify children with adult responses. They can't understand them.
You can look further into it and divine a deeper meaning than what was actually intended by the authors to portray, yes, but you can do that with any story. Star wars is a coming of age story. It is a story where a knight rescues a princess. It is a story about a war in the stars between a small, secretive order of space monks who control the galaxy losing it to a guy who was a member of the evil space monks changed the domestic policy and then taking it back and restoring the status quo. It is a story about an abusive father and childhood abandonment. It is an insightful look into guerilla warfare in the desert and why the middle east's only export is men who want to kill for one reason or another. It is a story of the thief shacking up with the king's daughter. It's a tragedy wherein the supposed freedom fighters actually fight for a monarchy and only bring more violence and opression in the name of freedom and peace while getting none of that. It's the story of a celibate ronin avenging his father, and the question of whether artificial intelligences deserve human rights.
But in actuality, it's only about a very few of these, and fleshes none of them out. It's a story that's stolen straight from a japanese film that did everything about it but better because it was an original story. I can't remember what the title of it was, seems like it was scrubbed off the face of the internet by the house of mouse, but it was cookie cutter taken from that movie. Star wars is like a chinese bootlegging gameboy, except it was spielberg that was doing the bootlegging.
actually, it's not. opening box office was below 7, and judging by the populace raction, it's not looking promising for the box office.
hollywood isn't just about making money. if you don't make the money they expect you too, even if you make a vast fortune, you're no good to them.
Why doesn't Veeky Forums make their own scifi universe with expansive lore and story? You guys aren't chicken are you?
>Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawwwwwwkkkkkk
i'd watch it
>Krieger using a kentral instead of a lucius pattern lasgun
>2 sentences
>if you don't like my setting you're a child
eh, bait but I'll take it anyway:
I'm feeling just a bit of burnout on Disney's Star Wars stuff. The Force Awakens felt like too big of a retread, the characterization of about everyone except Finn and maybe Kylo was terrible (and Kylo was mostly fun in a bit of a meta sense) and the character bondings felt really forced (funny enough, unless Finn was involved).
I haven't seen The Last Jedi yet, but I as Force Awakens settled in, I felt less and and less inclined to, Star Wars felt like it was in a decline since the prequel trilogies, and asking some people, I'm willing to even accept Return of the Jedi (admittedly my favorite) wasn't all the great either.
So it's less that other people are hating it, and with consideration of what others have pointed out, I realize the flaws that had been nagging me in the back of my mind while watching and finally kind of became shit in my face.
I don't think it's wrong for other people to enjoy it, I just... Feel a little heartbroken I can't bring myself to anymore. It's become more and more clear it's just another Disney cash cow, and while I should have seen it since it's what Disney tends to do, I grew up on Disney and they produced some of my favorites as a child.
I'm gonna stop since I don't know if I'm making any sense.
Question: do we bother with the actors actually playing them or make it an all CGI thing and just have them do voice over and some motion capture?
>seems like it was scrubbed off the face of the internet by the house of mouse
>not Voss
>Jeremy Irons as Malcador
>Malc suddenly becomes witty Alfred like in DCEU
Sweet jesus yes. Malc gently shittalking the Emperor would be hilarious.
That list has plenty of other good stuff as well. A few are debatable but I guess it has more to do with personal preferencrs and how each person pictures the characters.
Why bother if it's all CGI? Just get good VA, which would be a lot cheaper. That list is first and foremost based on appearance.
Fox bought rights from Marvel under those terms. Disney owns Lucasfilm outright, Star Wars will never ever enter public domain now.
>two massive SF franchises are experiencing renaissances
>the new iterations are critically and publicly acclaimed
>they're very commercially successful as well
>OP claims they're burning and failing
Veeky Forums. Veeky Forums never changes.
Silly user, nothing will ever enter the public domain again.
Character. Story structure. Action sequences. Showcasing a world that is at once both alien and familiar. Having a timeless aesthetic which looks just as good today as it did 40 years ago.
I'm not the hugest Star Wars fan, but I can appreciate what it does right.
>>the new iterations are critically and publicly acclaimed
Doesn't have sufficient viewership to secure any season after the second, critical reception, except for two episodes, tops out at lukewarm, and public perception is impossible to gauge, we thought Clinton would win 2016 and that GOP would win Virginia.
i hate that std is the new face of trek,
i've jumped ship to orville even though i think tarantino will save the film timeline
>Showcasing a world that is at once both alien and familiar
>Having a timeless aesthetic which looks just as good today as it did 40 years ago.
You mean like every other time period or story? Every fictional universe must, by necessity and by definition, look both alien and familiar. Star wars guns look timeless because they're real, historical guns but sawn off and some shit thrown on it. Medieval plate armor looks "alien and familiar" to us. Modern battle rattle looks "alien and familiar" to us. Star wars doens't look alien to anybody, they've made damn sure of that. You've seen more clone soldiers than you have actual soldiers in your lifetime. Star wars isn't even an "okay" sci-fi. The science-fiction part is a backdrop, a canvas which the story is painted on(which is a mark of a good sci-fi). But the story is as generic as it's possible to get. It's not about any deeper message and it's not trying to say a damn thing(which is probably why normalfags love it so much). The characters are very two-dimensional(the jedi code is an excuse made-up on the fly for this), more of a role to play than they are people. Story structure is not a compliment, because the story itself is so simple it'd take a drunk man with downs syndrome to fuck it up. Storytellers used to recite the oddyssey, the illiad, or the vedas while drunk and high as it's possible to be, and those stories were way more complex both thematically and plot-wise than anything star wars has to talk about.
And, of course, star wars itself is just a carbon copy of Akira Kurosawa's work, but with the samurai overtones and culture taken out, and replaced by a half-baked daoism that's been debunked time and time again.
Star wars is wholly undeserving of it's fame and adoration, and it is not. It is adored by unthinking retards who grew up with it and can't view it with anything other than the nostalgia glasses.There's millions of action figures of it, they made trillions off of it, but it is not good.
>Star wars aka the masterpiece films are not good.
I was 16 in 1977 so I saw these in theaters. People ask "what was it like seeing them when they were new?" I'm usually at a loss. I just say "We had never seen anything like it. Because that's exactly what it was. Also, even though Darth Vader told Luke he was his father, Most people I know who saw empire didn't believe it. They thought the big reveal was Darth Vader using his dark side lies to manipulate Luke. The effects were fucking out of this world and the music is perfection.
You are a dumbass.
>The prequels are bad.
That's better.
That pic I posted is just a fantasy, I know it never could happen. If a 40k movie could be made it'd be a CGI thing, the fanbase isn't big enough otherwise
>Leia Poppins
Was this post worth a Park Hopper Pass?
It can't fuck things up any worse than GW.
Honestly we could. Think of all the 40k groups, settings, and lore we have made.
Just good luck herding the cats to make it happen.
40k will never see mainstream success.
Warcraft movie proved it.
Fortunately there is a great new scifi universe coming to screens near you.
The Xanth movie will be out any day now.
> It is adored by unthinking retards who grew up with it and can't view it with anything other than the nostalgia glasses
>I was 16 in 1977 so I saw these in theaters
Looks like you got blown the fuck out, user
I can respect the prequels for trying something different. And I think the art direction and musical score are 10/10. And it did raise the bar and develop to new technologies for CGI. I still think Lucas is a very technically skilled filmmaker, and he has great ideas for an over all story. It just sucks that he couldn't write a love story to save his ass.
Like man, it drives me bonkers, because I can see those glimmers of good characterization in Anakin (which you can see fully in Clone Wars). Like, I think him saying goodbye to his mother in Phantom Menace is a very poignant scene. And even his meme-tier dialogue like "From my point of view, the Jedi are evil" has it's heart in the right place, since it's supposed to be Anakin blaming everything that has gone with his life on the codes the Jedi Order put on it's members.
I don't think the prequels are bad films, just very flawed films for me. Because I think the things it does right for me appeals to me enough to ignore the admittedly heavy flaws. For example, Return of the Jedi is my favorite Star Wars, and even Ewoks can't drag it down for me.
The warcraft movie was trash though.
If lord of the rings could eventually get great movies and mainstream success so could have warcraft if done right. ie, avoid stuff after the frozen throne.
I'll tell you what it does, it does what Starfinder desperately wishes it could do, create a compelling space fantasy. Star Wars isn't sci-fi, and it doesn't even pretend to be, it's a fantasy story with aliens and laser guns and spaceships.
People do that all the time. But nobody who comes here has access to good publishing and marketing or the determination to force their way into the spotlight.
>LEL dude bro u got rek'd
Jesus shit, you'd think Disney would at least try to find better posters.
More like how the whole affair was unlike anything else around at the time.
Another scifi universe will step in
One made for adults, not for kids
>Disney shills
>Dissing their own IP
Star Wars was also a boring hero's journey except replace medieval aesthetic for a futuristic one,
>First article written about the movie is about "inclusivity."
>Disney getting out ahead of their own shit and preemptively accusing critics of being racists.
It's not like it's hard to spot a shill.
And the brainlet thinks the Hero's Journey is limited to one type of story.
>boring hero's journey.
You fail at English.
>the effects
>the music
This. It's studied in film classes for a reason, Star Wars used revolutionary techniques well and had decent storytelling. Nu-SW just has no soul
>And the brainlet thinks the Hero's Journey is limited to one type of story.
But are you trying to argue that SW isn't just a standard fantasy story except with a futurist aesthetic?
Who is the dude playing Khan?
Jason Momomomoa
Is there any reason not to just accept the existing material, EU, and the first six movies as canon and ignore everything made by Disney? There's enough material here already for a lifetime of gaming.
Momoa doesn't has the nobility to play Khan desu.
But that's what the new films are. They're actively destroying the old movies to prop up the new ones. Yoda tells to forget about the past, Luke isn't above killing someone in their sleep and is an emo bitch, Han and Leia didn't get a happy ending, etc.
No point in selling kids toys that have been on the market for decades. Time to cash in on all the new toys for the nu kids.
Want to know the difference between LotR and Warcraft?
I own a copy of the books that my father's father read to him when he was a kid and my father read to me when I was a kid, and that I'm reading to my son.
I actually own 7 different printings of the books, but that first edition set has pride of place in my library.
Agreed. Benedict Wong is the only sensible choice.
Needs to get thinner.
Khan is a nimble skillfull noble vigilant man. A warhawk one would say.
> It is adored by unthinking retards who grew up with it and can't view it with anything other than the nostalgia glasses.
Tadanobo Asano would be a good choice if he could speak english
This. People can own and enjoy the Lord of the Rings without being nerdy or even know what being nerdy means. Grandpa loved them and he doesn't even know what D&D, 40k or WoW are.
Yeah man. Retards. Nostalgia glasses.
Wait are we talking about you, user?
I honestly doubt that that could possibly make things worse.
Primarchs would need to basically be 100% CGI with mocap anyway.
Yes. I want to see the grog tears
>Do you really want to see a 40k
Is there anyone in this thread that's said that? Is there anyone alive who's said that?
Why are you charging windmills, Don?
Personally? No, of course not. OT and EU are my Star Wars canon. I don't really care about the prequels or DidneyWars. It's impossible for Disney to change what's happened, though. They spent a bil on Star Wars and they look like fucking morons. Hard to believe this isn't some master plan by Lucas.
The Yoda scene killed me. The character who taught Luke about the Force, about the universal oneness of life, was forced to speak some freshman comp-tier postmodernist drivel so the director could justify shitting all over the OT.
Everything about this post makes you look retarded. You could have just said "Star wars is bad", you wouldn't have been so wrong then.
>They spent a bil on Star Wars and they look like fucking morons.
Disney executives:
>Hard to believe this isn't some master plan by Lucas.
George Lucas:
>t. first year film student
>implying grogs gonna cry about it
>implying grogs haven't been lore raped by GW for decades
>implying grogs even take BL lore seriously enough
I actually liked it. Even though it wasn't perfect, I feel like it took a lot of the criticisms of the last movie into account.
I liked how Luke confronted Kylo as a projection so that Kylo wouldn't have the death of another family member on his hands. I think it showed how sorry he actually was for failing him. Luke then going all Force Buddha at the end was a much better end than Han's in the last film and I'm sure we can expect him to be Force ghosting it up in Episode 9.
Quick, come up with quips for 40k characters?