>You went on a quest to rid a town of a monster that's been raiding their supplies and trade routes
>You tracked it down to its lair
>The monster did not put up much of a fight
>You look about for whatever the beast might have stockpiled
>As you open one door and its hinges creak, you hear a quiet sound
You went on a quest to rid a town of a monster that's been raiding their supplies and trade routes
Lamia child paladin is go.
>You feel the unnerving presense of a shitposter
>You hide the thread
>inb4 /qst/
Daily reminder that "what do you do" threads are cringy af.
Why do you hate fun so much
This is not fun.
Well we've already established that I have no problem killing intelligent creatures who are unable to fight back, so I'm afraid she's out of luck.
>You hide the thread
Why is the GM controlling your character?
If it was too young to know better, or was of animal intelligence maybe we could raise it as our own but this monster clearly understands English and has already bonded with its father. It's better to just end it quickly.
I do believe this is called a Quest Thread which does not belong here.
>Kills The Beast
Hope my party members don't realise it's calling me that because I really did father it
Strike the evil creature down in its infancy, so that it does not get the chance to grow stronger and become a threat like its parent was.
thats, like, your opinion maaaan.
I actually like them cause every so often I use them for creative writing.
this one isn't hitting the right buttons, but several have.
She becomes the party mascot.
Kill it by stabbing it in the abdomen and chest.
The Bards already "rehabilitating" and evangelizing a group of bandits forcefully. A child would only be easier.
Even if you attempt to take it as a mascot it will figure out that you killed its father and eventually attempt to exact revenge
Yes. Thats right. Papa is here.
Damn fine loli
This hatchling is hideously deformed, it would be a mercy to kill and eat it here and now but we should let the villagers decide on its fate, as they have suffered the most.
Explain to her what happened, why you did what you did, and offer to be her replacement family if she accepts. If she doesn't
>When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, I'll be waiting.
We did what had to be done. Best case scenario, she understands our explanation and doesn't follow in her father's footsteps. Worst case scenario, we have to put her down in some twenty years or so.
I have the crippling inability to give a shit, so if the rest of the party doesn't find her, she'll probably be left alone. If they do, one will want to kill her, another will want to raise her, another will want to fuck her, and the last will want to do all of the above.
>The monster did not put up much of a fight
>Mother protecting it's young
Choose one
A newborn won't understand any of this
Had a situation like this in a game once.
>Play pragmatic lawful neutral paladin
>Custom God that is all about killing monsters
>Party needs to go kill a den of something (don't remember, it was a few years back.)
>Party kills three
>They stay behind to loot stuff
>Paladin goes onwards to search for more
>Finds side room with infant monster
>Party is really good about meta gaming so no one drops everything to come to paladins side
>I give the DM a look
>Tell friends I'm sorry about this
>Paladin draws dagger
>Friends tell me to not
>Paladin stabs baby, quick death
>Party shows up
>Friends get bitchy and so do the PCs
>One tried to attack me
>Gets BTFOed because paladin was a solid level higher than him and he's a rogue
>Don't kill the character because I'm nice
>Party can't really do anything because my church is basically the Inquisition
>Players forget this after 2 sessions
Raise her as my own.
>Don't kill the character because I'm nice
According to to your actions you are not.
Maybe the monster is parasitic and offloads its young onto adventures at the end of it's life cycle?
This user gets it. Raise her into an exemplary defender of light. Help her with her first purge. Watch with pride as she takes her vows.
Certainly the omnissiah would not mind a xeno concubine or two, would he?
Fuuuuuck that. What Bonedad will do to this girl is worse than any 'You gotta slay ALL the evil' Goblin Slayer style killing.
If it was just a low level monster it could have easily been one shotted into viscera by a moderate level PC. No matter how hard it fought.
Because untermensches like you can't even bother to put a question mark at the end of your sentence.
>hating best dad
Do you even science
Well, the missus did want a child, suppose shes gonna get one tonight.
I hand her my spare blade, then tell her "one day, if you still desire it, I'll be waiting. Until then, there is work to be done"
I just hope that I can live long enough to fulfill my end, and that they will grow up strong enough to love on past their end
If I'm being paid to kill it I kill it. If I'm just being paid to get rid of it I tell it to fuck off and push its shit in if it refuses.
Bitch I have had almost zero time to fuck, and the one time I tried I got kidney shanked by a goddamned assassin. Unless I got semen jacked or something I have no child.
The implication is that you killed it's papa you moron
No, it’s supposed to be you killed the mother and it thinks you’re the father
>kill the creature for experience and loot
I assume it was weak from just giving birth.
>Not killing the creature for pelts and glory
Its almost as if you people fail to find the practicality in executing a beast in the name of goodness.
Either way my response still works.
>Vinland Saga
Purge. You already killed the thing's parent so it is likely to die from lack of care/protection anyways. It also ties up a loose end. Finally it is a monster and depending on the setting is unlike to be able to be reformed. It's not only your duty as part of taking this contract but also a mercy to slay this thing. Best to get it done quickly before anything convinces you otherwise or starts to add a sense of guilt.
shitty fap bait was shitty. Next time don't shit up a blue board and just go to /d/
Considering the extra string to go around the tail, it's tied in a weird place.
Ought to be tied along the sides of her tail.
If this is what the child looks like, then what the hell did the parent look like? From what the image tells me, it looks something that probably came about from the defilement of a human rather than as natural offspring of whatever passes for its parent.
Naturally, I destroy it for being a worse abomination than even the parent, a thing that never should have existed in the first place.
>shitty fap bait was shitty. Next time don't shit up a blue board and just go to /d/
>contributes anyways
Really makes you think huh
>Farmland saga
Destroy the creature.
One sapient less is one problem less in the long run.
>Clearing a den
They'd already committed to dealing with the nest of monsters, you don't just let vermin scurry off to breed afterward.
Im not doing overtime, I was paid for one (1) monster- and I killed that, killing another would be pointless, better to let it develop into another problem I get paid to fix down the line
>monsters that brood parasitize adventurers
So maybe they’re like salmon— they return to a particular location, spawn, launch a suicidal attack on a nearby settlement, and die, relying on the nigh-supernatural adorableness of their offspring to charm the pursuing adventurers into raising their young?
user, this is the silliest idea I have seen in some time.
If you expect this majestic creature to have a penis, you're wrong.
It has TWO penii.
Like I do with all the Orphans, send it off to user's school of Adventuring and heroism.
My fighter is raising the next generation of heroes X-men style.
Then we watch her absolutely murder that damned Citadel.
>My fighter is raising the next generation of heroes X-men style.
Of fuck I need to see this in TV show form.
"Remember kids, always check on traps and let the rogue go first: They're low lifer and they are made to step on explosive runes"
I butcher it like I'd kill any Chaotic Evil monster.
How do you know its chaotic evil?
>Few mates of mine are good role players
>Qt merchant gives the honor bound barbarian a custom bear cloak that adds stats after first kill of the day
>half the session in and the party are thrown into jail
> the guard was asleep
>Barbarian takes the cloak off the jailers lap and wakes him up
>Asks the jailer if he has a family
mfw he can't go through with it
>the monster escapes from your trap, though its injuries make it easy to track
>entering its lair, you find an intelligent deathclaw
>her leg is crippled, leaving her unable to fight
>Deathclaw with Borat's voice/personality
sauce pls?
ok, nevermind, I'm just blind
My party rarely attacks first, if ever. Honestly I feel like monster dad would probably have actually gotten mercy too, unless he attacked from absolutely nowhere. This is a party that solved an orc raider problem by sitting down the chieftains and the dukes and more or less rubbing everyone's faces until they stopped being stubborn. Orcs ended up with a small piece of land near the mountains, a trade deal for orcish armor (Orcs in this setting are good blacksmiths), and sworn to the king as another minor feud kind of place.
So yeah, with this party I have, the kid is probably getting group-adopted and taught to be another defender of good.
The X-Men comics themselves occasionally do this, before they are inevitably rebooted. There's one where they have a Teacher dealing with the mutants who have really terrible powers (as in, they are physical/mental handicaps more than awesome superpowers) and even Spider-Man got into teaching them.
Dude I didn't need to fap today c'mon man...
If monster in question is her father or mother she is getting the axe for same reason those goblin and orc children would get one.
If monster is unrelated to her and we just found some strange sentient and not malevolent human monster hybrid her fate is up to party group decision.
sweet, free monster child.
Now to think of what fucking trade I want to teach the thing.
Shit. That's always the hardest part. Picking a name, and picking a job.
>posting Murcielago like it's somehow touching or ok
It's not.
Fried lizard is delicious.
As is fried snake.
Spoken like a true slayer, being too efficient would force you to find a new profession eventually.
exactly, thats also why if you get paid to kill a man- and your job doesent require it, leave family members
true patricians hand their buisiness card to them before leaving
mine says "the reason your loved one is dead and the person who wanted them dead isnt- is me! but one small payment can change that"
You did nothing wrong.
Apart from being a paladin with a murderhobo patron
Two is a good number