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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Is there a claim on Geukji High?
How often do you actually use all those perks for spontaneous crowd songs from the musical jumps?
What’s it about?
Well, Cole eventually learned how to time travel, so it wouldn't be unreasonable at all to make up some fitting ultimate ability for your element, like stopping time with Ice, creating black holes with Neon, or permanently bringing things into reality with Video. Other than that, conduit powers generally seem to grow with time and use, so you should expect your abilities to become quite powerful over the course of your chain. It all depends on how you fanwank it of course.
It's a martial arts manga about the use of vibrations and stuff. It's very funny, though a bit crude in it's humor, and still manages to make for a decent read.
>the use of vibrations
>a bit crude in humour
Yeah, I can already see where this is going.
Besides Psionic power of Schism which allows you to create a second brain that can do purely mental stuff. Is there any other perks that allow one to basically create multiple minds, maybe allowing one to focus on a spell while freely moving about?
Are there any plans by the jumpmaker to update Underworld?
I think we have an unfinished wip of that, if you want to check it out
One of the Lunars capstones iirc gives you 6.
Funnily enough I don't think it ever goes there. I could be wrong though I just started reading recently and the crude part is a dude in a locker room complaining about other guys having elephants.
Neat is it in the WIP folder?
One of the capstones in Lunars does basically that and one of the Gundams can give you a second brain made of quantumstuff.
Gurps Dungeon Fantasy has that, it also acts as a defensive layer against mental attack
That's a thing that Nasu Alchemists do IIRC.
Your pic reminds me, do we have a Xenoblade Chronicles X jump?
Forgot my pic
Having a strong soul in Desolate Era lets you split up your mind to focus on multiple things.
Do the fragments in DYN Freaks represent their full capabilities once mastered or what you get initially?
Thanks Red
First you have Mirio's quirk (permeability iirc) from My Hero Academia. You can get something like that with the thief reincarnation in Petals of Reincarnation, or use the King's reincarnation to do the same. Oh, and there is whatever Tobi was using in Naruto, but I'm not a Naruto fan so I don't really know what he was doing besides seeing a few videos.
I think many other characters have displayed selective intangibility even if they didn't used to stop their enemies hearts with their hands, like Raven from Teen Titans, Alucard from Hellsing or the Shinigamis from Death Note.
I'm sure I have recently seen an anime that also had someone who could do that.
Both? Although the 600 CP clearly don't tell everything, since full power of both of those include a great deal more of abilities on a much bigger scope.
No, what they do is kind of stupid. They double, quadruple and so on their minds, but they don't perform separate functions exactly. It's not working on multiple problems at a time, it's breaking down a single problem and splitting it up amongst the partitions. Basically it just boosts processing power, while it's paired with a technique to boost processing speed.
MapleStory jump is nearing completion. WIP version 0.9
Intro & Origins: 100%
Class Descriptions: 41/45
Perks: 19/20
Items 11/15
Drawbacks: 6/7
Outro: 100%
Notes: Barely getting started.
Major changes since last update (with notes on some specific complaints that were given originally):
-12 more class descriptions, including 3 newer classes I forgot to add in originally (Cadena was released on the American server last month, and Illium is releasing next week.
-Finished a couple more perks.
-Completely reworked Echo of Time into Echo of Hero, removing any reference to time travel effects or potentially extending time in jump.
-Removed section in HP washing about modifying Body Mod. While I didn't feel it was particularly unbalanced in itself, opening the door to more jumps doing it and loading up someone with lots of Body Mod increases would be unbalanced so I removed it.
-Haven't done much on items; specifically not doing anything to Heart Key.
-Added most of the drawbacks for the jump
-Added Outro and started in on the Jump Notes.
Why does the Mantle of the Force Crystal only slightly enhance the qualities of other lightsaber crystals?
It is supposedly a powerful crystal with that as it's main effect, the using it to negate the alignment requirements is just a side thing taken from the Surik crystal right?
Yeah, but Cole was special. He and Delsin have some weird connection to Ray Field energy itself, instead of just being powered by it (that's why they can upgrade their powers with Blast Cores/Shards instead of just training, it's canon that other Conduits can not absorb Ray Field energy). I think making assumptions about what a Conduit's powers can grow into based off of him is a mistake, he's too much of an outlier.
Who is the jumpmaker?
>implying Jumpers aren't super special as well
I have a connection to Jump-chan, I don't need no shitty Ray Fields.
Megacorp is.
Gundam Anno Domini has a boosted capstone perk that gives you a dematerialized quantum brain based on your current brain and changes to reflect your brain. GUNNM has a brain chip item that lets you basically run a human brain on a thumb sized chip. Make a backup array of brains with that slaved to your main brain, take previous perk and boom. Multiple brains.
Okay, and if Jump-chan has given you a perk that modifies how your powers grow then that's valid. But I'm talking about just based on the basic abilities of a Conduit.
Jump #269 Sly Cooper
Species – Fox
Starting location: Kaine Island
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Background: The Thief (50)
*Light footed (0)
*Master Thief (300, Discount)
*Plan A (100)
*Ninja Spire jump (50)
*Pick Pocket (100, Discount)
*Binochcom (0)
*Calling Cards (0)
*Thief net (100)
*Jumper gang (300)
So in this jump I learn sometimes it takes more than just good fences to make good neighbors. We found ourselves on a tropical island with a fortress on it. There was a Mad Scientist holed up in there behind an army of mutants and a bunch of death traps… so it was like a typical jumper Thursday.
Well We tried to just set our stuff up and let the crazy scientist be but he wasn’t having it. He sent a small army of mutants to harass us.
Well that went about as well as expected. Having been attacked we made a short trip to the Mad Scientists lab. With doom-chan defeating all of his traps it was really just an easy walk.
Dr. M Seemed to be quite impressed with us but was upset because he believed we were after some treasure vault on the island. We were able to convince him otherwise.
After that he left us alone for the most part.
We started scheming and planning. Personally I think thieves are about the lowest form of human being possible. Taking other peoples stuff makes you an ass. However I decided to use my newfound occupation for something special.
(to be continued)
I decided to steal things that were so outrageous, so impossible they left people in awe. So for my opening act I stole the statue of liberty. We hit other monuments too but we left the world in awe of us carving our names in to history. Also yes I realize I am completely ripping of Carmen Sandiego.
Well We started to get attention and Dr. M really didn’t like that he was trying to urge us to leave his island (he didn’t like grandstanding thieves). He wasn’t really subtle about it either. He knew he stood no chance against us directly so he started trying to mess with natural resources we were using for our headquarters.
I had a lot of buildings on the island I didn’t want to leave but in the end I decided to find another home base.
I'm just not sure when the right time is.
Why hasn't somebody made a jump for the original InFamous instead of the one we have that starts AFTER the last game is over with? Why the fuck did QS made that decision anyway? The story's over with. That's kinda one of the main draws of doing this shit anyway. What's the point?
Setting already has a jump, fuck off
So why was Valeria able to replace Medaka Box?
Is there no Infamous fanfiction?
There can be multiple jumps for a single setting as long as they don't take place at the same time. But you already knew that fuckface.
You know, we have millions(exaggeration) of jumps, but we don't have Get Smart. One of you jumpmakers should fix that(and no, I don't care that it isn't overpowered).
I dunno, maybe the games are just not that relevant anymore. Can't see why somebody couldn't but there'd be a lot of pressure due to people being on the lookout for something too powergrabby in comparison to the jump we have now.
Assuming you're not shitposting it was because someone impersonating the jumpmaker gave her permission. When the real jumpmaker appeared they agreed to just let both jumps stay on the drive.
You're just shitposting aren't you.
>someone impersonating the jumpmaker
it was Val, wasn't it?
Yeah, I don't really get it, either. There's room to do it, the jump starts you after Second Son so even going with the standard ten-year jump length you could start a couple years before the first game and not overlap. And there's plenty of conceptual range for perks that the existing jump doesn't cover, Quicksilver was focused more on the mechanics of character skills than the sort of character and plot trope perks we have today. As for why Quicksilver did it that way, because it was the second jump ever made and he had different ideas for what Jumpchain would be than what it eventually transformed into. His initial conceptualization had much more focus on personal adventures than getting involved in plots.
Not much, actually. Only 506 on fanfiction.net, two of which top 100K words.
Why don't you make it, user?
If you wouldn't mind removing Crypt of the Necrodancer from your list under my name and adding a note next to Cryptark about it being on hold until the sequel game comes out, I'd appreciate it.
Imagine if everything had gone as he planned. What would that even look like?
Since this monster is almost done, I'm looking at my next potential claim (don't see them on ClaimAnon's list nor anything on the drive). Any interest in any of the following 5?
Tales of the Abyss
Shadow Hearts
Ragnarok (manhwa)
Star Ocean (Second Story or Till the End of Time)
>any interest
All of them nigga
Because Valeria gets away with anything she does and never gets called out.
Because I want it to not suck.
I could go for Star Ocean Second Story. I quite liked that game. Shadow Hearts is also nice.
I like the mechanics with the character classes, even if them suddenly losing all my OCP powers means I'm probably gonna feel obligated to immediately switch identities so people don't take advantage of them powering down later on. They gave me all these powers, it'd be rather rude if I left them with enemies waaaaay above their weight class a decade later.
>specifically not doing anything to Heart Key.
Is that because you don't intend on changing it, or because you're waiting for more people to opine?
>Shadow Hearts
Is that the one where the final boss is God, who's also some kinda alien? Also Rasputin showed up at some point?
Or am I thinking of a different jRPG from that era? 'Cause I'd like it if it's the one I'm thinking of.
Is there a limit to how much you can cultivate? Also in World of Cultivation would being a planet buster be enough of a buffer to go without Cultivation?
And with it boosted you can eat people to add more though they're not necessarily loyal
Less waifus, or at least more OC waifus. Lower power overall. Fewer gigantic armies and fleets, more focus on stories about personal characters and their tight knit friend group. Maybe more slice of life stuff, more adventuring, less punching characters in the dick and gaining powers.
I don't think it would be worse, or better, just totally different from what we have now. We'd probably have a totally different crowd of anons and an entirely different brand of raging autism.
/jc/ was originally an offshoot of CYOA, so, we'd probably have a lot more in common with them if everything had gone as planned originally.
>tfw /jc/ will never have it's own Tok
X-Men Evolution is like 90% completed.
Finished up the remaining of the perks and expanded on a bit more of the mutant powers. Might add/take away one in the final product.
Drawbacks are done unless I think of some more and Items are completely done based on my knowledge.
Because there were a couple of people bitching about it when I posted the last WIP, and don't have any intent to change it. I dislike pods, and so I am for items that get around them.
Re:Shadow Hearts, you could be thinking of that or maybe (SMT) Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army. In the game you're thinking of, was Rasputin an evil wizard, or a time traveling robot secret agent?
No clue. It would definitely be possible and allowed though, you'd just need to make the jump start at the right time, so that it ends before Quicksilver's jump starts. Which isn't a problem at all. So yeah, if someone wants to make a jump that actually covers the game: go for it! I'd definitely be excited for it.
Good, fuck that attention whore.
I did a thing.
I like you. It's not like this vision is incompatible with Jumpchain, it's just not the default, not compatible with most others' idea of what Jumpchain is. But you and I, we see what it could be - what it should be.
Together, we can be the thread we want to see.
If I could make a suggestion?
Put a title on the front page.
>three times health/endurance multiplier.
Is this before or after perks? And what are the "base attributes" in this game, and what do they actually cover?
How about instead of extra brains, why don't you just get super-multitasking?
There's perks for multitasking in Lovecraft and the Matrix. The caps are 12 and 10 separate focuses respectively, IIRC.
There's also perks for multitasking in Overlord and Legacy of the Aldenata, and there's no explicit cap on how much you can multitask with these.
You can probably make a power for super multitasking in PS238.
What did you feed into the predictive text analyzer this time?
Is that you Aionon?
That first sewer of civilization is hard to get through, I hear.
Bunch of intros from a jumpmaker.
Are there any materials that are completely unbreakable through non-supernatural means?
On & Off perk:
>This perk allows you to selectively turn powers or perks off and on with a metal flick
I don't care how metal a flick might be, I'm pretty sure you meant to say mental.
What species did you went as for the Star Wars Jumps?
For that matter, when given the choice in any given Jump, do you usually pick human or non-human origins?
Actually gave permission to someone else to redo it, but they haven't said anything since.
I will if it never gets done.
Student item, Costume:
>and has allows the wearer to not freeze to death in cold weather. It contemplates any
The word "has" is unnecessary here. Also you likely mean "complements" rather than "contemplates".
Though the idea of my costume thinking deeply about my powers is a humorous one.
>and don't have any intent to change it. I dislike pods, and so I am for items that get around them.
I am now going to ogle you disconcertingly.
Didn't have any particular interpretation of Rasputin in mind, but yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm thinking of Shadow Hearts now that you mentioned it was either the time traveler or the wizard. I know Raidou Kuzunoha's not what I was remembering.
>4 lines of legendary potentials, 4 level 7 additional option slots, S Rank Nebulite, optimum spell traces and star force enhancement, with the increase in growth potential from Master of Ardentmill if you have taken it.
This is pretty much Greek to me, nigga. What the fuck does this mean?
You are at the center of your hive mind and if the original body dies you cannot live on in one of your duplicates from this power.
This is a given, you don't need to state this. It is good that you got rid of that particular buff but you don't need to go out of your way to say it doesn't have that capability.
You got a lot of "which he can use" Mutant Powers section
That I did.
Should probably put this thing into a text to speech to catch mistakes like this.
Huh. For some reason I always thought it was contemplates. Well that's getting changed.
Ssi-ruu, used the color changing perk to seize power as their messiah
Wanted to go Zabrak, but I didn't have the CP for it.
Usually human unless one of the non-human races are particularly interesting.
Thoughts on perks that function through fiat?
Twilek, Gen'Dai, Human.
Human unless there's a non-human race that's really unique. Otherwise I have no problem going in as races that look like humans but aren't, like Asari and non-undead vampires.
Do you mean the material is not supernatural and can't be broken? Or the material can't be broken except by supernatural effects?
Short answer is No. Long answer is that non-supernatural materials can be ridiculously tough in science fiction settings, but if you can't split the material, you can split the atoms, if you can't split the atoms, you could split the quarks. If you can't split the quarks...
Even heartstone(Wheel of Time) and Darksteel (Magic the gathering) have ways of being destroyed.
All perks function through fiat. It's just that some rely more heavily. For example, perks that brainwash the entire world into giving you second chances, or manipulating fate or chance to make you important to the story, or give you plot armor. I don't like those perks.
Considering it was early jumpchain he might not have wanted to scare people because of the possibility of Good Cole killing them.
So KOTOR is going to put the avatar option back in?
Out of all those the only one I know extensively about is Tales of the Abyss, I sorta know Star Ocean but not much.
I'm dropping Generic Jump Jump so that I can focus more on my other claim. Sorry, bancho! I'm passing it back to you if you still want it.