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CYOAs were a mistake
New page.
- added gender tweak to Foundational Reset in effort to provide clarity for the stupids.
- failure is expected
- deliberately avoided adding anything reproduction related. Answering any of the questions definitively would shut out potential stories.
-tweaked ribbon points and ending requirements to be more purebred-friendly
authors and namefags go to hell
can we make our own "no anime no be the girl shit" /cyoag/?
Make your own fucking thread.
fuck you anime homo
>Thighs of Soomle
>Killa's Ears
>Beila's Belly
>Soffe's Breasts
>Shrinne's Butt
>he doesn't want to penetrate a 2d woman
Hey fuck you too buddy.
If you had both Endra's Back and Breasts of Bounli, and managed to somehow get a surgical breast reduction, would the perfect healing from the former cause either of the following:
>grow the breasts back to their previous (pre-reduction) size?
>ensure that the breasts remain capable of lactation without surgery-related complications?
I'm trying to kill you all with my mind powers. If you hear your ancestors calling for you and see a bright light, please walk into it?
They'd grow back to the pre-reduction size without any changes to lactation.
Seriously tho, more is good but Cuddle build had a theme and there was nothing on the new page worth swapping out for. You still did a good job with the layouts tho. I don't suppose you ever thought of putting out something that didn't involve pictures of animu grills?
You seem to have forgotten something from the corner there...
I'm redoing my Dimensional Traveller CYOA. I've got the text finished, barring errors, and have the images I need. Changes can be summed up as: more powers, more consistent point costs and (hopefully)better balance between powers.
Pic related is a sample. Are there any obvious problems (format, font, writing style, etc) so far?
>live an hour from one of the entrances
gg, ez
>ever thought of putting out something that didn't involve pictures of animu grills?
Something that isn't cute? Like, robots or something?
I don't remember if I put the 'b' on every page or just the first one. Do I normally put it on every one?
>implying robot grills aren't cute
Shit taste confirmed
Yeah, like a sci-fi or fantasy CYOA
>Do I normally put it on every one?
Yes, you usually have it in every file, from what I can tell.
What's the best CYOA of all time?
Anyone posting waifu cyoas will be shot
I like the desciples cyoa personally.
I assumed user meant things along the lines of non-anime-girl-robots.
I mean, I've made CYOAs of those natures before, but they still had anime girls.
Huh. If I update the page, I'll unhide that layer then.
Lets go with lewd privates, endure back, life hand, curse hand, and prehensile hair.
My bad, meant Guardians
Its fine if they've got anime girls in them (that's what the companion section is for anyway, isn't it?) but something where the goal is not waifus but building a suit of armour or choosing your equipment/backstory or designing a superhero or something
How can something be the best CYOA of all time if it doesn't have waifus? I think you should just shoot yourself.
>building a suit of armor or choosing your equipment
You mean like this?
>Finish build for this
>New page to read.
>Endra's Back
Finally a cure for being clumsy; not giving a damn.
>Hands of Darkna
Cool magic stuff and it lets me bypass some of the harming limitations of
>Soffe's Breasts
Infinite Bludgeoning resistance. Sky-diving without a parachute sounds like a fun time.
>Aquari's Legs
Between the tits and these is the main course I can basically do the anime bit of jumping from leaves and treetops without any trouble. Plus if I'm reading this right
-kick stream into the air
-dance up the stream as it's rising.
-perpetual water-shuffling hoverboard.
Of course that presumes I need to be out and about rather than lazing around on
>Leyla's Rump
And while I like the idea of prehensile hair, the shadow-magic should manage well enough along with the utility teleportation so I think I'll cap it all off with
>Killa's Ears
for a lazy but agile cat motif and awesome hearing. Matching tail for good measure.
>Only Pick up to 5.
I am going to need drawbacks aren't I?
>DLC bonus at the end
Killa's ears seem to be a safe one to put the fluctuation risk on. Not a surefire bet, but I'm less likely to kill myself than I might if Soffe's bits aren't working when I need them to.
>Asks for the best CYOA of all time
>Shoots the people who give it to him.
Wow what an asshole.
Pokemon Personified Plus+ CYOA.
I'd forgotten about this one.
>Demo Arma
>Drones 2
>Holo Suit 2
>Audio Override 2
>Aim Assist 2
>Shock Power 2
>Big Melee
Blast and smash everything in dead silence
Ok, so still going with
>Hands of Darkna
>Lewine's Privates
>Beila's Belly
>Teeth of Chome
>Prenna's Hair
And I'm not taking any of the bonus options, I don't really want any of them to fail on me, and I'm not interesting in any conflicting options. I might have gone with Layfe's left hand as a sixth, but I'm not giving up anything for it, and it conflicts so I can't take it with spare parts and still have my second favorite option. So I'll just have to ask her to put in any more work she's willing to do to make me prettier I guess. I was pretty happy with my build in the first place, it all feels like it'd be pretty good.
Top quality stuff man. Keep it up!
>Endra's Back
Less hurting and damage, perfect healing, plus the whole build-up-better-resistance-to-injury deal.
>Breasts of Bounli
Tig ol' bitties that're easy to carry around, plus can be grown temporarily for funtimes. While the lactation and the magical milk are both nice, it's too bad you can't circumvent the effect, so something like just using your own milk instead of buying it in stores is a no-go.
>Traipe's Privates
Conveniently small when I'm not using it, but can grow as large as I'd like? Very handy.
>Prenna's Hair
So very handy and useful. Not only for the listed uses, but there's also the Bayonetta angle to consider vis-à-vis clothing. Plus cleaning long hair should be that much simpler when you don't have to just use your hands for it.
>Leyla's Rump
Be comfy and flexible, keep health without exercise, and don't get the negatives from general inactivity/lazing around? Yes, please! The whole summon/banish thing is excellent as well (especially for cleaning).
>No bonus
Don't like the random choice in the Spare Parts, so that's out. Splicing doesn't grant any extra choices (plus any additionals would probably have been non-conflicting, anyway), so no need for that. New Life would actually _reduce_ the amount of choices I'd have, so that's a no-go. If there was a bonus that'd let me toggle aspects of a part's magic, I might've taken that.
Question time!
>How does the magic in Bounli's milk determine whether the drinker is a girl or not?
>Does Traipe's growth effect affect the whole package, or just the rod?
>Does the aforementioned growth affect one's output at all?
>How specific can you be for summoning/banishing, in terms of what you want to affect and where you want it to end up? Could you, for example, transport all the dirt in your home into your specific garbage-collection place (in a trashbag)?
>What about summoning/banishing yourself to where you need to be (for whatever reason)?
>Nameless Hero
>Inspirational Speaker
>Standard Issue
I'm really a small fish in a big pond. I don't need magical weapons and crap, if standard gear is good enough for my fellows its good enough for me. I'll work out some inspiring battle hymns or chants, stuff my troops can memorise. My voice is strong, but our voices thundering together can shake mountains. It'll also ensure that even in the heat of battle my allies gain the benefits of all three of my skills at once.
The spare part is chosen at random, but is guaranteed not to be fatal if alternatives exist. Your spare part would either be Hands of Darkna, Leyla's Rump, Killa's Ears, or Aquari's Legs (this one would normally be fatal, but you're immune to fall damage anyhow).
You're good to go.
On one hand, people might still detect your smoke trail and explosion shockwaves, but on the other, you can stealth in to get the jump on your target & with that much offense, all you need is one hit anyhow.
Your build is rounded enough that you can easily take care of yourself as-is, so I can see not wanting to risk having something turn off (though honestly, with Lewine's Privates, it might be nice to get an occasional break, if that's the one that fluctuates).
A lot of people are forgoing the bonuses. I might have made them a bit too demanding. You've got quite a few questions. Let's see:
>How does the magic in Bounli's milk determine whether the drinker is a girl or not?
I assume you're asking this because you chose Traipe's Privates. Imagine it takes a DNA sample from the drinker's chest. If there's XX, they'll grow to XXL.
>Does Traipe's growth effect affect the whole package, or just the rod?
Whole. Otherwise it might not conceal as well as you need it to. This applies to the growth as well.
>Does the aforementioned growth affect one's output at all?
Like... how much lewd stuff is released? It's proportional to the size.
>How specific can you be for summoning/banishing, in terms of what you want to affect and where you want it to end up? Could you, for example, transport all the dirt in your home into your specific garbage-collection place (in a trashbag)?
You need to know what you want to remove. You need to know where the dirt is in your house, not just that it exists.
>What about summoning/banishing yourself to where you need to be (for whatever reason)?
It doesn't work on yourself.
Endra's Back
Teeth of Chrome
Kurlise's Hand
Legs of Athle
Prenna's Hair
>If there's XX, they'll grow to XXL.
Here we go, version 1.0
Make your husbands heteros. I may make changes and additions over time but for a basic bitch CYOA this will do. At least now we finally have a male one.
>I assume you're asking this because you chose Traipe's Privates. Imagine it takes a DNA sample from the drinker's chest. If there's XX, they'll grow to XXL.
I'd have thought it would've just checked if there has been a sufficient amount of development (not necessarily in terms of size) in the potentially-affected region.
>You need to know what you want to remove. You need to know where the dirt is in your house, not just that it exists.
But can you specify where it should go?
Also, by "needing to know what you want to remove/where the dirt is", how specific are we talking here?
Would it be along the lines of "I know there's dirt in this particular place (e.g. under the bed, on the surface of a piece of furniture)", or more along the lines of "I can see/feel the dirt"?
What if you aren't sure if there's dirt in/on a thing or not? Could you perhaps transport the object itself some distance away, leaving any dirt or the like behind?
And something I forgot to ask: Could you just banish away some length of Prenna's hair, or would you need to properly cut it off first?
Shit, didn't see the third page
I probably won't live long enough to enjoy it, but I probably won't live to see any of the rewards anyway
>General's Drum
A set of drums would go well with my battle chants, hammering on it while belting out the words would definitely be an inspiring sound, buffing my fellows even more. It draws the enemy's attention and puts me in harms way, but we can make use of that. I'm good bait at least.
>Boot Camp
They went through it so I will too.
>Nameless Camp
Where else would I camp? Giants and Titans are no fun, Dark Ones are creepy fucks, Behemoths fight even when they're away from the front, Djinni never sleep, Galleons give me air-sickness, the Sphinx don't even have a camp and Generals are great big nerds. NEEERRRRRDDDSSSS.
>Theatre: Battlefield
A giant meatgrinder you say? Sounds like my kind of place, my buffs make me great at grinding down the enemy. I'm not fast enough for the rear or the flanks, and the Front Lines (or worse, the Heart) sound like the kind of place you want heroic twelve-foot tall champions not regular joes and janes.
Ideally I'll have one of those nerds to back me up. I've got the charisma covered, so someone with We Move As One and No Charisma would be best. I'll handle morale while they handle the strategy.
p.s. what's the difference between the Front Lines and the Battlefield? Is the FL just more intense?
Adult(early 40s range)
>Body Type
>Skin Tone
>Hair Colour
>Eye Colour
Active Dominant Chad with a Romantic streak.
Nope, rape builds are superior, pic related.
>Authors and namefags go to hell
But who is going to make content then? The thread would just die, the logic...
>What's the best CYOA of all time?
There is no clear best CYOA, the answer closes to the truth would be all the CYOAs I have made and has yet to make.
That's not how you waifu your daugtheru
>That's not how you waifu your daugtheru
It isn't.
Thank you for this.
I knew that was a thing, but I figured that genetic disorders might not work all that well with magic, so my statement stands.
I veered on the safe side of it affecting men. It's safer to just make sure it doesn't accidentally affect anyone that doesn't want it.
You can't specify where you want trash to go, other than the proper, disposed location. That is, you can't choose which trash bag it will go it, but you can choose that it will be thrown away in a trash bag.
As far as required spatial knowledge, somewhere between knowing where it is and seeing it. It really depends on your own spatial awareness. The better you can conceive the area, the easier it will be. If you can see the dirt, you can always remove it.
Teleporting an object (but not the dirt on it) is a no-go. It something with objects on it is teleported, the objects on it come, too.
You would need to properly cut Prenna's hair to teleport it away.
thats low even for you tok
Working on OC, needing ideas and/or pics for magic items. Suggestions?
>Body Type
>Skin Tone
>Hair Colour
>Eye Colour
Men who are aloof in public but sweet in private are my thing.
I'm seriously considering a build your own tok CYOA.
>Shadman Loli shit
And to think I thought you couldn't get any more disgusting.
Read the hindu vedas, they have all sorts of magical trinkets in their lore.
A build your own tok cyoa? How would this work?
>Fathe’s Privates
Different personalities personified by shit tok's said along with a relevant picture and quote. More of a shitpost than anything. Ex: Rapey Tok, Tender Tok, etc.
Hey that image is offensive you piece of shit.
That is not how you treat your daughteru
Would there be an option to make a Tok that doesn't have NPD?
Young Adult
>Body Type
>Skin Tone
>Hair Colour
Red(forcing it in there)
>Eye Colour
If you do make a tok cyoa, make sure to add in a joke about Tok and SDA.
It’d be a faggot no matter what, though
You’d put all this effort into creating something that you’ll inevitably have to kill for everyone’s sake
Will look into it later, thanks.
Can such a thing exist?
We can always hope.
That isn't funny user. The fact that fucking CYOA hasn't come out, delays the update to the goddess CYOA.
Italics promised 80 new goddesses and Angry Man Jewess. Fucking Italics.
what was the cyoa that let you join the opposing side?
>manly anime characters
What an oxymoron that is
You are subhuman scum.
It's super subjective but if I had to pick, probably Conduit.
I would have agreed with you, and then part 2 ruined it.
Add fantasy/isekai options in the future