What do you think of this map?
Post maps in this thread, by the way. We can never have too many maps.
Maps Thread
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Bumping with content.
Bumping yet again.
This one is pretty good
But user, you just posted a map of the real world.
I like this map.
>What do you think of this map?
It looks more like someone's dream about what a map should look like rather than an actual map.
currently working on a map. I don't mind doing the outline part of it and the locations but once I start having to add in more complex geography it gets a bit too difficult for me to do it to a quality I'm happy with.
I'll critique your map for you.
1. Your colors conflict, and the desert blends in too much with the parchemtn.
2. The 'ripped parchment' effect is wasted here, focus on creating a good map before adding in effects.
3. A map is two things, art, and information - with information being the most important. The only thing your map tells me is that you have some mountains, and an inland sea (Is that sea draining into the other ocean.. or sea? If so that's a big problematic, unless the gods did it of course.)
4. This is less of a critique and more of a suggestion. I like the shapes you have going with the mountains you have right now, but I would look for something to make them pop. Have you tried Pasis' tutorial from the Cartographers Guild? I think you might like it.
If you want any more critiques or if you need tips/help reply to the post, I've been professionally mapping now for a good two years.
I'm guessing you got the coastlines from one of the tutorials? The cloud method, right?
>sedona cultists
>scotsdale slavers
>phoenix ruins
as someone who lives in mesa, I find this humerous
why not just go to the World Building thread
I'm working on a random map generator right now. I need to get mountains working now.
Slooowly getting somewhere
>1. Your colors conflict, and the desert blends in too much with the parchment.
>2. The 'ripped parchment' effect is wasted here, focus on creating a good map before adding in effects.
The world is square and the black is a bottomless void.
>3. A map is two things, art, and information - with information being the most important. The only thing your map tells me is that you have some mountains, and an inland sea (Is that sea draining into the other ocean.. or sea? If so that's a big problematic, unless the gods did it of course.)
I'll make sure to put some info in the complete version.
>4. This is less of a critique and more of a suggestion. I like the shapes you have going with the mountains you have right now, but I would look for something to make them pop. Have you tried Pasis' tutorial from the Cartographers Guild? I think you might like it.
Too unrealistic
I made an easy map for my 5e campaign
Because your coast lines and rivers are sharply defined, but other parts of your map like the mountainous regions are little more than areas of color with a smudge or blur filter applied. It doesn't make for a cohesive 'whole' visually when looking at the map.
How do you deal with gravity?
Water placement is wrong.
How do you plan on dealing with the climate?
Posting this again
I ran a Pendragon campaign a few years ago, used this custom map.
Now this is a great fucking map, and I havn't even seen the setting outside of Veeky Forums
It's not that great desu. What are you even trying to do?
Okay. I'll be sure to take that in mind when making other maps.
There are large dams that prevent the deep blue ocean from spilling into oblivion.
Asking for criticism.
No I mean what is your map supposed to show? Right now it looks like a thumbnail of a map, not an actual map.
Do I mash two different settings together?
Nothing at the moment.
gonna attempt a 9x9 not finished yet
helps if I put the image in
>combining inkscape maps that almost seamlessly go together
you are my hero
>image pasted over white background
but also a fucking idiot
its not finished..its gonna be very large once im done. Also a pain in the ass to line them up
Typical. DM spends so long working on one specific area. Looks like its called europe or something, while the rest of the map was painted on with the broad brush.
>greenland isnt actually green
What are you retarded? maybe you think your funny meme DM?
Noticed you had a huge desert area. Guessing thats where your "oh so exotic mysterious desert culture lives? pfft.
Why is it so big but far away from the rest of the landmass? is it filled with like dangerous killer animals that nobody in their right mind would want to go near?
fucking chad
user, you live in that world!
some more work done today
I have a very simple mode thought out, with humidity "emanating" in one direction from shore with some gradual falloff, based on the height of the terrain.
The biggest problem right now is that it's a rather primitive code, with a lot of quadratic stuff, so it's very badly optimised. I'm not sure how far I can get before it gets too unwieldy - and I'm not a good programmer.
In a flat planet you would have water only in the middle of it, forming a dome in it.
Eh, there's only so much optimization that can be done if you want to deal with individual zones, sooner or later you need to calculate for each one anyways.
Unless you are only interested in the looks, then I guess you could divide the whole thing into areas of different size depending on the level of detail within the area, and afjust the calculations accordingly.
Like, you don't need to take into account 35 plain areas, if they are going to behave the same. Just have one big plain area, and use gradients or something.
Looks like a crab pincer reaching for a flaccid...
Maybe, maybe. I'm not sure how to do that, but I have some very vague idea.
Anyway, if anybody's interested in the code:
The map that I made isn't depicting a Tryslmaistanian worldplate.
some more work done today in between cleaning