2017 Veeky Forumsnessman of the year


Vitalik Buterin

Da Hongfei

Charlie Lee

Roger Ver

Sergey Nazarov

Jared Tate

Chris Larsen

Other urls found in this thread:


Idk but I've increased my networth by 29,900% this year. Not bad. (started with $150 networth in January now Im liquid $45k.

>lumping Jared in with these losers


Vitalik Buterin- faggot that lives in his dream world

Da Hongfei-who the fuck is this

Charlie Lee-should get executed ASAP

Roger Ver-should get his ass handed over to the USA to rot in guantanamo

Sergey Nazarov-biggest scammer of 2017

Jared Tate-lol digibyte

Chris Larsen-who

In your heart you know he's right

Vitalik Buterin hands down

Jesus christ If I had done that I'd be worth 15Milllion+.

Money Skelly

Roger Ver is unironically doing more for crypto going mainstream than anybody else.

what a disgusting fucking halfling, be gone little bard.

God that dude has such a punchable face. Also who the fuck is voting for Roger ver what the fuck?

Vitalik Buterin - a class act and a genius. A bit immature, but not considering his age. Has his faults but handles pressure better than what 99% of people would do in his position.

Da Hongfei - Got me aboard my biggest moon mission of the year. I'll always be thankful.

Charlie Lee - braindead pump-and-dumper, corecuck and overall awful proof of stake

Roger Ver - The biggest hero in the history of Bitcoin. An idealist, who doesn't let hoards of paid trolls stop him from spreading the truth.

Sergey Nazarov - Not a scammer, but he's being disrespectful towards people who gave him 32M which is unacceptable.

Jared Tate - meme

Chris Larsen - who?

money skell ez pz

McAfee and Novograz not included. Wont even vote then.

>No Patrick Dai


>Sergey Nazarov - Not a scammer, but he's being disrespectful towards people who gave him 32M which is unacceptable.

Oh fuck off, you'd rather he just hype people to pump his coin for no reason

Deluded stinky linkies have infiltrated the poll

Stay poor cuckboy

Call me stinky linky one more fucking time and see what happens.

my nigga Roger Ver


goddamit linkies

Vitalik for 2017

Sergey on track to win 2018

>not Jun

bad poll, not voting



Vitalik Buterin and Sergey Nazarov, obviously. If it was some third Russian guy on the list I'd call it HOLY RUSSIAN TRINITY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Always vitalik. He was on the forefront of crypto memes for the first 6 months of this year

Sergey's diet and shitcoin fits in with the absolute state of Veeky Forums the closest so I voted for him

Alpha I'm not gay and I want him in my ass.

From the picture the answer is obvious. Sergey has the largest head, therefore is the smartest of the bunch.

You are at a bar with your gf. VItalik Buterin comes in and smacks her on the ass. What do?


ask him how much eth he is willing to pay to sniff coke off my gfs ass.

Oh look, the link bots are spamming a poll too! i thought they were configured just for boards but I guess I was wrong

Throw some neo at his face

call 911 since he broke his stick arms

Vitalik and Roger.

Faggots are too retarded to realize how Roger is saving Bitcoin.


In your gut you know he's nuts

Money Skelly hands down.


I dunno. Like a lot of you I’ve been making loosing trades. But after joining this P&D group I finally started to make more BTC. discord.gg/3BAnZy

>no John McCafee

shit poll

Seriously Veeky Forums you’re going to let a prolific exit scammer with no working product win this poll over vitalik? Fuck you all.