Infinity General: War Crime Delivery Service Edition

Infinity is a 28mm scale futuristic skirmish game by Corvus Belli where violence isn't the answer. Violence is the question, and the answer is yes.

>All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff:

>Catalog of fluff, dossiers, and unit models

>Rules wiki:

>Rules Wiki Offline Backup:!Dxs3VbKQ!_tRgLeIszkdMBvnpCFE4xHELtngLRL26cexppwmAIws

>Official Army Builder:

>Token Generator:

>N3 Hacker Helper:



>Faction Rundown:

>All Consolidated Rules:

>Operation Icestorm Scan (beginner missions)!AkkG0ZZA!CE-YzCWIWVROcSnnlkZI8SMWxWoNb1LkFbWI-LamYR8

>The RPG Kickstarter

>WIP Tactica

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>released RPG books (+ a couple scans)!8pRURayK!Kj16fd7nQhEcaId8hKD4oA

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Anybody going to the LVO?

>mercenary sectorial

Might make me brave the competitive cancer that is my local infinity scene to play again.

Makes me want to build Space Outer Heaven.

Must be rough living in Poland.

Fund it.

Excited for my first large tournament

Imagine seeing trucks with that logo on roll up to your shitty Human Edge village.

Is operation icestorm the best way to get into the game?
I was thinking of playing Panoceania or Ariadna, perhaps both.

It's a really good way to get in. It allows you to play matches with a friend immediately, and the way the Icestorm/Red Veil missions are structured, they basically teach you the very basics in the course of a couple rounds of play. Red Veil is as good an entry as Icestorm, but if PanOceania intrigues you than that's the one to go with.

its really good, both the starter boxs

if you can get someone to split that with you its £99 (find somewhere doing a 20% discount) for 2 full 300 point armies so you can effectively buy into infinity for £50 along with terrain and intro book.

That sounds exactly like what I need.
Does this game function well with more than two players?
And what would be the cheapest way to get 150pts worth of Ariadna miniatures so I can use them as a third army along with the Nomads and Panoceania forces from Operation Icestorm?

if you can find the USariadna Box somewhere, its about 150 pts but not as heavily discounted, but you get some themed terrain and stuff.

As said, the USAriadna Army Box is a good place to start. The terrain with the ice storm terrain gives you a full board, even if it's the same stuff. Caledonia also got a new 6 figure start and it looks really good if you're into Anglos. The generic Ariadna starter and Merovingian starters are a little old but also solid starts if you're into their units and themes.

Infinity is generally played with 2 people but it can be jury rigged to support more. Obviously even numbers are best, but me and my friends have played team games before where the two sides are 150 points per player, each player is a separate command group, LT is the highest WIP LT between the two players, and some other stuff like that. It's not exactly supported but it is pretty easy to house rule up.

it can be done but it will lead to some very wonky stuff, games last only like 45 mins so is probably better to just do 2-3 games a night than trying the 3 way fight.

The other option is do 2v1 1 side is 300 pts other is 2 150 points, though 300 pts guy would have some slight advantages.

Word. I'm coming from Santa Cruz; which playgroup are you part of?

So, be totally honest. This is my attempt at a Tohaa all comers list. it's got as much as I can bring. Rambo Lieutenant, stealth triad with Sukeul and Nullifer to stop hackers + Makauls to take out heavy armour. Backup late game objective team with Engineer and Paramedic. Minelayer specialist with Viral weapon. Chaksa for zone control bonus, reloads and intuative attack for Camo\Speculo. and a Defensive Triad with MSV2

Didnt you guys burn down?

Looks fine. Infinity isn't really about list building.

any suggestions on ways to get campaign paradiso? i want to play some more "fun" games over tourny like scenario play.

Nah, Southern California was on fire, and the north bay was on fire, but we're fine. Some dude tried to set a fire in the hills to cover up a robbery a while back but shit didn't work out for him.

Oh shit I think we have our league game next week

Looks good. Not as much range support as I like but that's personal preference

¿El Clásico del Ejercito Combinado?

user, can you get some fatter guns into the list?

>Rifle+LSG is generally more useful than combi.

Yes, but I meant it in a way that they're using old nasty AKNovy Strela or Askari AS Sayad Rifles instead of shiny new CineticS Dayaks. Kind of like in movies you recognize villains by their AK-47s and derivatives. Also SMGs and HRLs seem more popular with low-tech armies than hi-tech ones, ALEPH being the exception.

Also Rifles are significantly discounted in comparison to Combi Rifles, which allows Brawlers to be pretty cheap nonetheless.

If I'm reading this right, Brawlers cannot Core by themselves? Kind of pity, you'd have the cheap option by linking them + Valerya.

Well, you'd know you're the collateral in an action flick.
I think these guys will make the perfect villains for a few RPG campaigns.

>tfw you'll never put on fire a favela with your bros and a sierra dronbot companion

>take ABH Duo
>Spitfire and Red Fury
>roll Bikes for both

They're pretty much the perfect baddies. Obviously evil low tier mercs who like to beat up civilians for money and fun, but also have connections to the larger and more threatening Druze..

How's this looking for a new person trying out USAriadna?
Also is there a better way to link lists in this thing?

If you're not on mobile you can produce a Forum list (just switch it to plain text) and either paste it here entirely or just the link at the bottom.
Or take a screenshot like this guy

Nah I live in oregon and the scene here is shitty.

Okay let's try this then

Why so many Grunts? You can only field one core link, and you have their special weapons scattered in different groups. Also two marauders and not three wit haris instead?

It's worth having extra Grunts to use as infiltrators (Grunts with HFTs near your DZ are pure evil), but this looks like a double link play to me, i.e. switching links with Command Tokens.

I was trying to get some orders for my Blackjack in the second group
>but this looks like a double link play to me,
A what now?

I think he means essentially running two links by switching the team composition with comman toke s, which is imo a bit of waste usually. Ofc if your original link is broken, it's not that bad a backup plan.

>tfw you hired some Kaplan services to protect yourself and your current boss didn't


I did what I could, might be difficult for a new player but I'm sure you'll have fun. Keep you Lt. safe as he's semi-obvious.



>Traktor muls
What do these guys do?

They shoot at things from afar

...But the ones in that list don't have any guns

Cheap orders that can also deal with mines.

Spotted the Snake.

The only thing to do is to sign up immediately, there's catgirls in it when you start making it big in the merc life.

This is the life.

Man, I should get some slut models to greenstuff catgirl ears on and have Druze HVTs that way.
Do you think Hasslefree concubines would do?

New player here
Catgirl whores are actually a thing?

Wait where is this from?
Infinity Hentai when?

Yes they are

They give you cheap Regular Orders to power your Blackjack/Forward Observers and the Controller is an Engineer.


I could replace the FO sukuel with the HMG but that leaves only the clipsos as the FO.
new morlocks

Im so fed up with comic book/movie references in Bakunin

joker, katana, killer croc and harley... not bad. to be honest, I like the theme of the morlocks. especially since they are named after the marvel comics team.

croc, katana and harley quin (with a headswap) are ok joker looks like absolute ass

>(with a headswap)
the fuck are you talking about?

>Im so fed up with comic book/movie references in Bakunin
Same. They look like random comic book minis proxying for Infinity stuff. They didn't even make an effort to make them weird or Meta-Chemical. The lizardman looks too natural instead of mutated/metahuman, the chicks are typical generic "sexy bad girls", the purple dude is salvageable and could actually look good when made into "shades and spikes" guy like the old blister one, but then again, why the fuck should I pay full price for that shit and do the work myself? I'd rather buy a pack of Jaguars and convert.

ill use the head elsewhere as its a good head, just dont want to have harley quin running around

>what is The Time Machine

that's not where they are sourcing the morlocks from and the design of the models clearly shows that.

Infinity: Outrage, an official comic.

>not X-men
Oh fuck off. They gave us Beast and Collosus and now they switch to DC? And it's not like Suicide Squad was even a good movie.

What is it about comic books that fosters such rampant tribalism?

it's the focus of the two company, marvel and dc, that cause the rift.

Marvel focuses on spamming heroes with only a couple of them having deep stories and shallow villians.

DC focuses on fewer heroes deep stories and a ton of villians with deep stories.

also, autism

I mean Bakunin is a more fitting place than anywhere else. Though why they chose Suicide Squad of all things I have no idea, that movie was just fucking terrible.

It's just what happens when you've got a duopoly.

Maybe because of Morlocks role both in lore and in game.

Which specialists recommended to get for Yu Jing?
granted that I am not too fond of the support pack models.

>And it's not like Suicide Squad was even a good movie.
>that movie was just fucking terrible.

please leave

Looking at Infinity as an interested outsider: How much conversion is possible and can you get around having to buy additional boxes containing several units if you only want a specific one of them?

do you guys just handwave it at the table like "that's a HMG too"? Are there secondary suppliers for parts?

New Morlocks are Suicide Squad ripoffs.

Could you post the Army Code and I'll give it a look? Can't multitask as have no cache.

Wow, that's not obvious at all. Of all things to copy (and at this point it's not really even a reference. It looks like theyre making minis for that Batman game), why choose such an awful movie? Glad I stayed out of getting BJC

Guilang is always a great one, and both Kanren and Ninjas are also good.
Daofei/Hac Tao hackers are high quality combat specialists, though you pay through the nose for them.
Yaokong remotes have a specialist option, and those are great in general.
And if you've got the starter then you already have Tiger Soldier and Zuyong, which both have very nice specialist options.

I mean it was pretty shit. Is that something /tv/ memes about now? I stay away from that place.

Usually most people handwave it unless it's official tournament. Otherwise it's good to go. Which faction/models interest you?

I'm not an expert (never been a follower of cape stuff) but I like them as miniatures. I think changing colors and stuff will help a bit

>How much conversion is possible
If you actually mean "possible", the sky's teh limit, but the minis are metal and thus harder to convert than plastic ones.
If you mean "what is allowed at events etc." the answer is a lot, unless your mini is completely unrecognizable
>and can you get around having to buy additional boxes containing several units if you only want a specific one of them?
Option 1: get a random mini of that unit, convert the weapon.
Option 2: look up Shae-Konnit, dude's a trader who splits new Infinity boxes. I used his services a few times and he's legit. He probably won't have everything on the list so poke him by email of forum PM.
Option 3: proxy
Option 4: buy box, take wanted mini, sell the rest

>do you guys just handwave it at the table like "that's a HMG too"?
Sometimes yes, in theory there's WYSIWYG but most events I've seen allowed a few proxies or have rules like "unit must match, weapon doesn't have to". Unreleased units/loadouts are fair game for proxies.

>Are there secondary suppliers for parts?
Not really, but Spec-Ops models (except limited ones) come with extra weapons you can graft onto other minis.

since icestorm Bakunin have had 21 new minis 11 of them have been memes.


Is anybody here playing Aristeia?

Imperial service, I was just looking at the options for Hsien warriors in the army builder and compared them to what's available in corvus belli's shop which is nothing but a multi rifle. I'd like the minis I put on the table to reflect my list.
So you convert a mini's weapon by cannibalizing another unit, unless you're going for options 2-4?

thank you, anons.


>why, yes. I'm a newfriend. Why do you ask?

>So you convert a mini's weapon by cannibalizing another unit, unless you're going for options 2-4?
Yes. But there are quite a few old sculpts that can be bought very cheap if there's an Infinity meta in your area and that serve as conversion fodder.

Alternatively, some minis accept arm swaps with minimal conversions, like the old Daofei HMG/Wu Ming BS pair.

I would take away the Sniper foxtrot to have another FO foxtrot, then maybe switch your second combat group grunts to Inferior Infiltrating grunts since you got spare swc.

Your biggest problem is offensive firepower, Grunts are generally better as a defensive link. I think getting the DD with the heavy shotgun would help too as he packs way more punch then the chain rifle variant.

So it looks like you're looking to get a Hsien HMG, good taste. I say get a nice Hsien model and something with a cheap HMG from Yu Jing (look around though, some HMG's are more integrated with the sculpt than others.

Then cut and file to fit, pin and you're done. I've attached a photo of my alternate second Vet Kazak APHMG and the original sculpt Vet Kazak T-2 Rifle on the right. It can be a pain but it looks nice when you're done.

>but also have connections to the larger and more threatening Druze..

Im actually think of them more as Druze's recruits.

Btw, how do you proxy those Brawlers anons? I don't know how to proxy them, but i might use my old Muyibs. Fusiliers seems too pussy ass for me....

> Aleph is clearly referencing Blade runner not Ghost in the Shell

what a fucking moron. Thanks for the laugh

Search your heart user, you know it to be true.

Old Muyibs

here ya go



Thank god i drop the Bakunin for Druze
even if i'm not, i never use morlocks anyway

I have to add o this. this list is not designed for specific ITS tournament play. What my hsop does, is set up 4 table. of these one table is setup for direct action, one for Joint Operations, and one is Special Operations. each of those tables is setup based on a random roll for each type. the fourth table is setup but that table is for players to play a scenario they want.

they do that to get people to understand ITS missions and not have the game go stale

holy shit. I didnt know it was that bad. SO glad I held off on my purchases.

At least halve of those memes aren't really that bad.

congratulations on your conversion.

the work required obviously is beyond entry level, but the "your dudes" aspect is part of the appeal for me. thanks for the insight.

>not even on 4chins can i get away from you people

Holy shit, just noticed Scarface has a HRL instead of Panzerfaust and Duo with Cordelia in Druze army

We're everywhere...

I tried to keep the list intact as possible. I think you should find it diverse enough for what you want. I rounded one area out that may help against all armies except Ariadna by adding in a Nullifier. Enjoy your five Command Tokens and your four Triads.

I'll be happy to discuss my choices with you if you wish.

Thanks, I made him a long time ago. The "your dudes" aspect of Infinity is what drew me.