I want to come up with a shadowrun plot involving Disney as a megacorp.
I want to come up with a shadowrun plot involving Disney as a megacorp
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We're already living it.
>Disney bought out Fox
I give it 5 years maximum before we hit exactly 2 media giants. Because as long as there's more than one, it's not a monopoly, so it's perfectly fine and not illegal.
Yay oligopoly!
You gotta murder Walt Disney's brain and his mainframe hidden below the Disneyland sewers and his army of mutated wageslave rat people.
Sony is your client.
In the Dark Cyberpunk future, everyone believes that the Walt Disney Corporation came up with virtually every popular fictional character of the 20th Century including Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, Superman and Bugs Bunny. Nerds in the know have long pointed to holes in the official stories, such as the listed Disney creative officials who allegedly invented Bugs et. all having no biographical data. There are inklings of lives and stories that have been buried.
The run: break into the Disney Vault. Retrieve historical hardcopies including Action Comics #1, Amazing Fantasy #15, Johnston McCulley's original Zorro story etc. all the data tampering in the world can't beat dateable ink and paper. To the right group of history nerds these odd treasures could be worth a fortune. To Disney's IP police, they're absolutely worth killing for.
Honestly it was mostly just a bunch of ISPs and with so many branches some are bound to rot and be cut off eventually. I mean starwars is doing shit for such a loved franchise. Also anti trust laws are supposedly going to be heightened but we both know folk will be bought off to fight that tooth and nail.
Thing is, we're full on cyperpunk about it, too.
>People make an infographic claiming lootboxes in video games influence children to gamble
>spread it to normies on facebook
>Disney attacks EA over it
We're putting corporations against each other with shitposts. Not exactly glamorous, but hey.
Are you pitching a Shadowrun plot, or is this a legitimate offer?
Because I've got more buckshot than sense and I'm free all weekend.
what came of that legislation anyway? Any nations actually pass laws against it?
too real
The mouse hungers
The head of Disney is missing. Rumor has it that he's in a long ritual to be possessed by the spirit of Mickey and transform into his worldly avatar. Some disappearances have also been happening near Disney World. The mission is to confirm the rumor, and destroy Mickey if it's true. Infiltrate Disney World, into the compound where he's alleged to be held. Face off against other powerful cartoon characters who have already been brought into the world, while fending off HTR-level bodyguards. The runners also find one of the prominent disappeared persons, who is being sacrificed to become a vessel for Minnie; the runners can make her a decent-rating contact if they rescue her before the ritual is complete.
Imagine, some point in the future, Disney finally buys out EA and guts the company like a fish, just like it did to every other game studio it devoured.
If they're worth killing for, they why didn't Disney just burn them. No evidence, no sweat.
The theme here is dudes like Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons with disposable income hiring assassins to fight over century-old comic books so I'd say somebody at Disney is just as much of a goonlord and wants to preserve the Lost History but only for themselves
Check out The Sprawl GM prep 1 for roll20's youtube. they make a combo of disney and amazon, have "the magic kingdom" which is filled with streaming stars and there's a specific "alice" based area they focus on where they make her their drug pusher for all followers. its really cool.
Look who owns your movie studios
[Spoiler]Where ya at chummer?[/spoiler]
The shadowrunners are hired to infiltrate the cloning factory where they are making mark hammils for cameo's, fan meetups, sexdolls, etc. They need to locate his original dna strain and finally end his suffering.
While infiltrating the compound, the group finds a cell block locked in every possible measure. Their more mystical team members could feel something odd coming from behind the door: a metallic tang, and some deeply hidden smell of low-level autism. Behind the door is Don Rosa, that was considered the perfect vessel for Scrooge McDuck until the entity attempted to slaughter the other entities' last physical forms (hence the mission) while discussing Disney's shares. Scrooge offers a very low-pay job if they free him and let him finish the job himself. He later gets nostalgic and tries to get his nephew Donald on his side but the ensuing altercation literally levels the fucking building before claiming most characters and forcing the runners to make a side-run to kill any remaining cartoon survivors who might go rogue.
>I want to come up with a shadowrun plot involving Disney as a megacorp.
Ever read this book
They're kept as design documents and are still referred to when writing new stories. Disney found that whenever they tried to make up an entirely new Superman/Sherlock/etc story, they they severely underperformed compared to stories that mimic the originals as closely as possible.
Part of the reason that nobody knows about Bram Stoker, et al is that Disney has discretely obtained all physical items owned by or relating to the original authors for study so as to better imitate the thought processes, knowledge base, and daily habits of the original authors. In fact, that's the reason that Disneyland exists at all. The London-themed part of the map was designed not as an attraction for tourists, but to recreate the surroundings in which Sir Arthur Conan Doyle lived. There is a man who lives in that part of Disneyland and was raised from birth to believe himself to actually be Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He appears to just be another actor in period dress, but unlike the rest of the park staff, he doesn't go home at closing time. He lives there, surrounded by the artifacts of the original Arthur Conan Doyle that Disney has accumulated. It is he who writes all new Sherlock Holmes stories. The other "original authors" are of course confined to their respective theme areas of the park (Alexandre Dumas to France, Joe Shuster to Americatown, Johnston McCulley to the Wild West area, etc.)
Several U.S state senators have proposed legislation, China already has laws including them as gambling and requiring rates be public, think a few EU countries are strict about it as well
Yep. Ever heard of the "Mickey Mouse Protection Act"?
The CTEA was passed basically for the express purpose of preventing Mickey Mouse from falling into the public domain. Disney is a large part of the reason why copyrights outlive their creators for 70 years, which is pretty nuts when you think about it. The whole purpose of copyright is to encourage creativity by ensuring that creators will be able to profit from their work by having the exclusive right to merchandise it, make derivative works, etc. So by all accounts, once the creator is dead he can no longer profit from the work, and thus preserving the copyright after his death will not have incentive effect.
So common sense says that the copyright should last just long enough to incentivize creation, which in no instances would be past the death of the author. But common sense of course takes the backseat when Mickey Fucking Mouse is in danger of becoming public domain. So Disney lobbied like hell to pass new laws extending copyright beyond all reasonable limits, giving us our present system.
B-b-b-b-because DisneyCorp is a person user! Corporations are people and Disney is alive and well, so that copyright can never expire!
>starwars is doing shit for such a loved franchise
Sure i-
That's a good enough theory, but it's not quite on track. It's pretty well settled that a corporation can't actually be a creator of copyrights. It doesn't have a mind of its own from which a creative impulse can originate. Instead, it has employees who are the actual creators, and the work-for-hire doctrine immediately makes the corporation the holder of the copyright. In that case, the copyright isn't tied to the life of the employee who created it, but instead lasts for 120 years - long after anyone who was alive at the time that it came into being has passed away. But that's just fine, because as you pointed out, corporations are potentially immortal.
>You gotta murder Walt Disney's brain and his mainframe hidden below the Disneyland sewers and his army of mutated wageslave rat people.
>Sony is your client.
>I mean starwars is doing shit for such a loved franchise
Dude, "I did not like the movie" =/= "The movie bombed". Stop posting on /tv/ so much.
It'll be up for renewal soon too.
Are you ready to watch the Mouse buy their way to ownership of copyrights for even longer?
>2009: Disney buys Marvel
>2012: Disney buys Lucasfilms
>2017: Disney buys 21st Century Fox
>2019: Disney buys Paramount Pictures
>2022: Disney buys Universal Studios
>2027: Disney attempts to buy Warner Bros, Warner Bros tells them to fuck off
>2028: Disney, being highly pissed off, acquires their own private military
>2029: Disney storms headquarters of Warner Bros, killing many, and taking the company by force
>2032: Disney buys nukes from black market terrorists
>2034: Disney buys Microsoft
>2036: Disney declares war against the entertainment industry
>2037: Skirmishes between private militaries occur in Hollywood and other places around the country
>2038: Disney nukes Hollywood
>2044: Disney buys the United States of America
>2045: Disney reorganizes the American government into a totalitarian dictatorship, deemed "The People's Republic of Disney"
>2047: People's Republic of Disney moves to annex Mexico and Canada with the military might of Mickey Mouse
>2051: PRD buys celestial bodies such as the moon and Mars
>2056: PRD colonizes Mars
>2059: PRD colonizes rest of the solar system
>2064: PRD starts construction of Dyson Sphere in the Sol System
>2075: PRD scientists discover a form of FTL space travel
>2078: First PRD voyage to Alpha Centauri system is successfully completed
>2079: PRD successfully establishes a one world government
>2080: PRD sends millions of military warships out throughout the galaxy, conquering extraterrestrial life on every planet and solar system
>2092: Dyson Sphere in Sol System is complete
>2100: PRD reaches type 3 civilization status, creating a Galactic Dictatorship under the people of Disney
>2104: Marvel and Star Wars fans are still excited about new movies
As someone worried about the rise of megacorps (Disney, alphabet). I'm pretty sure if let this one pass
Dumb stupid user, everyone on the internet is redpilled so we all know that SW is tanking because it has girls and blacks. Think about it: why would ((((they)))) claim that it's making tons of money unless Disney is almost bankrupt?
>2105: Newest version of Skyrim released
>2106 Half life 3 is released... as a world of Kingdom Hearts 4
>52 billion to buy FOX studios
Somehow I don't think bankruptcy is an issue for them.
Disney went to shit once the Disney family lost control of that corporation, and (((they))) wormed in.
Escorting sould of Disney to HQ so he can talk some sence into (them). (They) transform into tentacle multifaced monsters and you fight them while Disdney summons goetic demons that look like his characters to aid you.
>and they wormed in
Literally who?
The eternal jew
What the fuck am I looking at here.
Are you honestly insane?
I'm not honestly sure what he's going on about. Considering a lot of those 'after' ones are some of the most popular and critically acclaimed Disney characters. I mean, who doesn't like Aladdin?
Muh white chillun I dun have!
Jewish takeover of Disney and how Disney movies were changed from wholesome germanic folk tales and other European mythos to increasingly jewified bs pushing anti-European agenda.
That was a joke, user. If anyone here is pretending to be retarded, it ain't me.
Seems like we need another Roosevelt to bust a monopoly.
>What the fuck am I looking at here.
We didn't start featuring more non-white characters in Hollywood in the nineteen eighties because it became more socially acceptable to feature them and marketing began considering their demographics worth targeting due to increasing financial ability on the part of the non-whites. We started featuring non-white characters in Hollywood in the nineteen eighties because Jewish Jew jews are trying to destroy white people genetics by promoting race-mixing so whites can't challenge the jewey-jews.
Man, Disney would be the least of Roosevelt's worries right now.
They're on the list, and that mouse's days would be numbered, but they'll have to wait.
What would Roosevelt do?
Sure. I couldn't have anything to do with Walt Disney being a notorious racist and the world becoming less racist over time.
No. It's much more reasonable that it's a jew conspiracy.
Occam's Razor means nothing to /pol/tards.
World isn't becoming less racist at all. Racism is natural. There simply is institutional force that is set out to punish openly racist behavior or anything that is deemed to be racist by the ideological inquisition that has set itself out to purge the world of racism.
It will fail in time, just like all other attempts to curb natural human behavior have failed. We are tribal animals and members of an obviously different out-group will always be more suspicious to us than members of our own in-group.
World isn't becoming some sort of la la land multicultural utopia where members of all races sing kumbaya together. That's a fantasy that will never come to fruition. The only way to eradicate racism permanently is to exterminate every other human race but 1.
Coincidentally, the best race is the one that you identify with.
Well, obviously. Why would I desire the destruction of my own people?
If I had to choose between saving my own people, or rest of humanity from destruction, I'd always save my own people. There is no sense in self sacrifice if all of my kinsmen, my culture, and everything that we are dies out.
I'd rather see rest of mankind perish, than my people fade away.
>implying shadowrunners don't exist already
You better not be implying there's something wrong with the Emporer's New Groove.
Also how the fuck do you interpret the Hunchback of Notredame as being anti-white or Tarzan or Beauty and the Beast?
>implying the Hapa uprising isn't imminent
Elliot was just the beginning.
Emperor's new groove is pretty good desu.
Not all disney movies are shit even after the jewish takeover. However, the tv shows etc they have made are overwhelmingly utter trash.
>why would I desire the destruction of my own people?
If you can't properly identify with the majority culture associated with your ethnogroup, you'll likely side with a group closer to you in personality, regardless of their relation to you.
If you can't properly absorb the culture of ANY ethnogroup, well? The outcast will have his revenge. Let it all burn.
Hapa's aren't really a thing here in Europe.
However, ethnic civil war is only a matter of time here. Anything that makes it happen sooner is good in my book. I am full on accelerationist at this point. I want the whole modern world to collapse into glorious strife and chaos so something better can be built from the ashes, and so that my people avoid the looming extinction we are heading towards.
I can identify fine with my ethnic group and our culture. What I cannot identify with is this disgusting imported progressivism that has flooded our media and academia. Shit like blaming us for the enslavement of Africans because the tar our ancestors made and sold to the swedes were used in slave ships etc. This demoralizing bullshit that seeks to destroy our national pride and identity. It is disgusting and anyone who peddles it is an enemy of my people.
>Casually ignoring all the cartoons featuring white protagonists but isn't considered Disney classic
>Ignoring Frozen
>Greek legendery heroe,a nation that made the nation that made the Europe even though cartoons itself is shit is somehow not white
>So is Beauty and the beast and Tarzan
>Cartoon about talking is dog is though
Savaoth won't be happy about your little enlightenment here, goy
My body is ready.
fucking kek
just wait til Disney buys Shadowrun
>pride and identity
Doesn't matter in a globalised world.If you're strugling against globalised world ,then you must be strong.Finland isn't and therefore will be devoured by the strong.
You choose between being a bitch and being a slave.
If there is a will there is a way.
Globalization is not a destiny that has been written in stone. It is an agenda that is being pushed by the powerful international elite. A national awakening can free us from this bondage to this disgusting future these elites wish to create.
>If there is a will there is a way.
Greatest lie. Willpower and determination alone can't move mountains especially if mountains are punching back.
>Globalization is not a destiny that has been written in stone. It is an agenda that is being pushed by the powerful international elite.
There's only like three possible ways of humanity progression, so...
>A national awakening can free us from this bondage to this disgusting future these elites wish to create.
It won't, at best it'll create a worldwide nationalism wave.And in this world weak WILL devour the strong.
You just dont have enouph willpower
weak WILL be devoured by strong.*
>Greatest lie.
Wrong. It is a fundamental truth. If enough people desire change, change happens. The elites cannot control the wrath of the awakened masses.
>Willpower and determination alone can't move mountains especially if mountains are punching back.
Not alone, no, but they will be essential in forming a beacon around which all those who feel the crushing weight of those mountains will rally, and thus turn against them. The control this modern financial system has on our world can be broken.
>There's only like three possible ways of humanity progression, so...
I do not care about the progress of humanity. I care about ensuring the survival of my people. If this "progress" you desire would entail the death of my people, I will consider you my enemy and I will fight against you.
>It won't, at best it'll create a worldwide nationalism wave.And in this world weak WILL devour the strong.
That just means that my people must be made strong enough to defend ourselves. This is not an impossible task to accomplish. None of the modern facets of our societies are fixed. They can be changed if there is a vision and the will for such changes.
Do you really think legislators would have got anything done by now ?
They rarely move quickly when it comes to passing laws.
I'm really starting to like this. A Megacorp essentially kidnapping people and doing terrible psychological experiments. Not in the name of world domination just in the name of higher quality entertainment and a fatter bottom line.
A newfags guide to internet antisemitism:
(((This))) means the jews.
I don't know what to tell you man, if only one race is surviving I don't think it's going to be the whites. My money is on Asians.
>Shit like blaming us for the enslavement of Africans because the tar our ancestors made and sold to the swedes were used in slave ships etc
Good lord, that's more of a stretch than you get out of a whole tub of silly putty.
My point was not that only 1 race should survive you fool.
My point was that trying to end racism is an insane fucking task because ultimately it would demand the destruction of all races bar 1, because racism is natural to humans. Fighting racism is like fighting against people preferring their own children over other people's children.
>Wrong. It is a fundamental truth. If enough people desire change, change happens.
Oh no,the change will happened.The question is what will follow said change.I can asure you that it won't be the thing you strived for.And this is the outcome you need to preapare yourself for.
>The elites cannot control the wrath of the awakened masses.
They had 6000 years of practice,they can.
>Last 3 parts
The problem is your desire(or desire of your people) goes against desire of majority of other wprld population.You wrestling a leviathan.I can admire you bravery and wish you luck.But thats all I really can give you.
The only other alternative to fighting this "leviathan" is to accept the death of my people. Why on earth would I accept this?
somone's keeping it as leverage. a nuclear opption that would destroy the beloved family enterteinment companys credability.
So how many kids are you planning on having, once you meet a girl who can tolerate you long enough to reproduce?
I don't feel bad about shitposting in this thread anymore because the /pol/tards are already here.
At least 3. Preferably 4-5. I like kids. The sheer innocent wonder and happiness children radiate around themselves is enthralling.
I like the kidnapping idea, but I thought of another twist to it:
The authors are vat-grown clones of the originals made from the residual DNA Disney picked up from their artifacts. Unfortunately, because so much time has passed, the integrity of the DNA has gradually become compromised, and more recent clones have begun to display erratic behavior. Each successive clone is more mutated than the last, and it's beginning to be reflected in their creations. To remedy this, Disney has teams scouring the globe to locate the great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren of the original authors so that their DNA can be harvested to patch up Disney's existing stock. Your task is to protect Mynah Burton, a low-level runner operating out of St. Louis, from a group of Disney black ops that has been attempting to kidnap her. Unbeknownst to Mynah, she is the sole surviving descendant of Edgar Rice Burroughs, and Disney will do anything to get its hands on her DNA.
There are plenty of other potential runs you could do based on that, too. For example, you could have a Johnson that's like a PETA except for people. They found out about the evil corporation that's doing experiments on the vat-grown authors, and want you to bust them out. Can your team infiltrate Disneyland and successfully extract "Stan Lee" from Americatown?
> The run: break into the Disney Vault.
Yes. I need this.
Break up the various studio labels under Disney into actual companies
This unironically should happen.
Modern disney needs to be broken apart. It is dangerously close to becoming a monopoly.
"Good luck" is all I can give you ,like I said.
This thread was shit to begin with.And you're a retard for participating in it to begin with.
This actually sounds pretty fun.
Screw the /pol/ discussion, we need more of this.
Gotta title the adventure "The Most Magical Place on Earth" and have shit like fighting contracted mages dressed up like doctor strange and their bound spirits who are in mascot costumes.
Knights Errant style commandoes dressed Iike Buzz Lightyear and Woody.
Have a whole section of the run that involves going into Pixar HQ to get info on the layout of Disneyland and the Disney Vault, and make it a tense stealth-em-up sequence where the runners have to dodge through patrols of Buzz and Woody, giant Wall-E's who patrol the grounds, and one of the robots from the Incredibles on standby in the event the alarm gets tripped.
Also searchlights that are just the pixar lamp.
I love all of this and I'm going to use this in whatever modern/post-modern game I can con my group into playing next! If only they liked Shadowrun. The rules scare them, so maybe some sort of Savage Worlds or Starfinder-with-a-twist..
There's no way this doesn't turn into that Venture Bros. episode where they have to raid a cult's lair with Sigmund Freud, Caligula and Edgar Allen Poe. But fuck it that's awesome. Imagine if the clones are regularly mindwiped so they always think it's [specific period of time when they were their most productive]; they live in holographic bubbles repeating the same week over and over, surrounded by guards/psychologists disguised as family, publishers or interviewers.
Unfortunately for Disney it turns out a lot of these guys had obsessions/interests BESIDES cranking out sellable IP. Arthur Conan Doyle is obsessed with proving the existence of fairies. Brahm Stoker is pouring himself into a new play that expresses his angst as a closeted homosexual. And Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster keep producing original science fiction and wish people would shut up about the stupid Superman character they invented for money.
Other ideas:
A) Creatures based on The Caterpillar, the Walrus, the Griffin and Mock-Turtle etc. from a failed attempt at creating a living Wonderland guard the facility. Unfortunately the malformed, thick-skinned creatures only vaguely resemble their storybook counterparts and attack everything in sight. There's a Jabberwocky the size of a T-Rex kept in a lower paddock.
B) Buzz Lightyear's Star Command is an actual rocket-shuttle that shoots parkgoers into low orbit. That's your escape route; hacking onboard navigation should be a snap.
C) the Orc actors in the under-visited Welsh Village (modeled after beloved Disney classic The Black Cauldron) are underfed, bullied and barely payed. They're ready for revolt if someone could point them towards some real weapons...
Multiple races of strange humanoid animals including dogmen, few ratmen, and suprisingly many duckmen live within the foundations of Disneyland, and the sewer network running trough the park, remnants of the failed attempt of Disney corp to bring classic mascots like Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck to life, for real.
World is more racist than ever. Black people are openly racist against EVERYONE including native-americans, pacific islanders and arabs. Trump got elected whining about mexicans, and SJWs won't spare a chance to hate whitey on behalf of "poor opressed POCs" just to attack said POCs twice as hard if they dare speak their own minds.
We're living extremelly fucked up times.
That's just making me want to run a game based around Franken Fran chapters.
For real though, a run to break out a mascot from Disneyland could be super fun, especially if they work the same way Fran's do with the deterioration.
>We're living extremelly fucked up times.
More fucked up than any sane man would want to even imagine.
Disney itself, is fucking creepy with how it seems to desire to gobble up every media entertainment company that competes with it. They are actively pushing to become a monopoly, in a very aggressive fashion, and there is basically no control or even acknowledgement of the power they hold over minds of people via the media they produce. Media shapes the minds and opinions of people, and people are fed Disney's media basically from the moment they are born onward.
Disney holds massive power, without any accountability, and you can be sure that they do not have the well being of the public in their mind when they use that power. That is their motive at all.
We finished a Dresden Files campaign with Disney as the villain.
It was trippy.
It's probably not as nefarious as you are making out. Disney is a corporation. Publicly traded corporations are legally required to seek profit for their investors. Monopolies and near monopolies (if you aren't punished for them) are very profitable. Result: Any company that has the opportunity to increase it's monopoly with little fear of being slapped for it will do so.
It's like yelling at a traffic cop for giving you a ticket for speeding. It's literally their job, nothing nefarious about it.