>Evil humans live in evil kingdoms with blackened skies and are led by armorclad dark warlords
>Evil elves live underground and are blue-skinned, white-haired, and like BDSM and spiders
>Evil dwarves live underground and have gray skin, arcane magic, and still like mining and smithing
What are the kingdoms of evil gnomes and evil halflings like?
Evil humans live in evil kingdoms with blackened skies and are led by armorclad dark warlords
Other urls found in this thread:
Evil Gnomes are basically technically less evil as a whole and more just week-willed slaves who allowed themselves to be ruled by one genius who created an army of constructs to server/control the population.
Think the setting of The Protomen.
Evil Halflings are just cockney football hooligans crossed with leader punks.
There actually are evil halflings in the game you are referencing: Jerren. They are nomadic prairie-dwellers who like to hunt and eat sapient beings.
A better question is good orcs.
>What are the kingdoms of evil gnomes and evil halflings like?
Worse, they are republics.
>good orcs
2nd edition had them. They were like Amish orcs.
elder scrolls
Lately people have suspected actual bots have been made that can shitpost. I'm inclined to agree, sometimes.
>Evil humans live in evil kingdoms with blackened skies and are led by armorclad dark warlords
No, this is a generalization
>Evil elves live underground and are blue-skinned
Wrong, its black
The Ondonti.
noble savages / amish / brutal capitalism
Svirfneblin, or deep gnomes as they are also known, are a subterranean offshoot of the gnome race who inhabit the magical underground of a setting. Pic related
Deep Halfling?
Halflings are the only ones who are rather hard to find, and this is as much as I could and only from name.
There's actually 2 underdark dwarf races, Duergar and Derro.
Scro from Planescape, and Ondonti Orcs from FR.
Looks like a /pol/ bot got confused.
Svirfneblin aren't evil
But then neither are drow or duergar as OP defined them
Drow are quite literally the evil elves
Red skinned, deeply into mind games and torture porn. Often confused for devils.
Pale skinned cannibals, dressed in the bones and skins of their victims.
Think Iroquois Confederacy with Norse Viking-era weapons and armor.
Svirfneblin aren’t evil, and that pic is a derro
das racis
>brutal capitalism
What has orcs like this? I'm interested
What about the Iroquois strikes you as good, exactly? Their culture revolved around blood feuds for the sole purpose of obtaining captives for ritualized torture and execution.
That sounds more like the Aztecs or maybe some other place. Iroquois were the longhouse builders in upstate NY, relatively civilized folk.
It's true
>The Iroquois surely performed torture upon war captives; many European settlers viewed first-hand the mutilated body-parts of war captives. However, there has been some doubt in the current century that cannibalism was really practiced by the Iroquois. Anthropologist W. Arens proposed in 1979 that there were no first-hand accounts of flesh eating among the Native Americans, and thus no solid proof for cannibalism. This controversial view has been refuted since, for there is indeed ample evidence in The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents alone to prove Arens’s thesis wrong.
>The death of family members had a profound psychological effect upon the Iroquois, thus they required strong measures to relieve themselves of sadness. Essentially, they felt that they needed restitution in some form or another for the dead relative. Grieving matriarchs petitioned the tribe’s warriors to retrieve captives from an offending tribe. The Iroquois warriors then established a raid solely to gather captives; scholars call this practice "mourning-wars." According to Anthony Wallace, the grieving Iroquois could find restitution in one of three ways. The first was for a warrior to bring back the scalp of an Indian from the killer’s tribe and to present it to the grieving person. Though the scalp represented a captive, live prisoners were preferred. The other two options involved a live captive: the Iroquois either vengefully tortured the prisoner to death or adopted him or her into the tribe. Since the Iroquois were a matriarchal society, the mourning woman would ultimately decide the fate of those captives that were brought to the village, mostly based upon the amount of grief that she felt for her dead relation.
Tits or gtfo. By tits i mean Amish orc tits
ultrafeudal/tribalistic mercenary supplier, and good at making meme things
basically Switzerland through most of it's history
I thought shadowrun orcs were working class trash and gypsies.
Don't they have low intelligence or something?
Scro were Spelljammer
And they were most certainly not good.
Capital L lower case e, but still Lawful Evil.
That they were a reaction to (the Chaotic Good) Elven empire's habit of destroying entire planets because there were orcs on them is moot.
In so much that the alignments of the time followed the children of a lesser God and moral relativity (what you do doesn't matter so much as who you do it to flavor) standard that Gygax so loved.
Remember Genocide is a good act if carried out against a race that tends to evil, or is in some way complicit with such a race. Collateral damage (read: mass murder of unaffiliated non combatants) is completely acceptable. Lastly, torture and mutilation are the perfect tools for a lawful good Paladin to use when punishing a wrong doer. And punish they must.
It's so amusing that Gygax was basically a proto-jihadi.
Lower maximum, same average.
>live underground
>dark skinned
I mean I get the aesthetic of darkness, but wouldn't it make more sense evolutionary-wise for them to have pale skin from lack of sunlight?
>Evil Halflings are just cockney football hooligans crossed with leader punks.
Holy fuck I want to run an encounter like this immediately
>evolutionary sense
>fantasy world
user, don't be autistic
Evil halflings my preciousss? We have not ssseen any evil halflingsss here my preciousss!
It's more like evolution of a defensive trait. Dark skin helps them blend in better in the dark so they don't attracts as much attention from all the crazy nasty shit that wants to eat you underground.
Sexual selection.
Dark skins get to breed as they don't look like those blonde paleskinned surface dwellers.
Whitebois BTFO.
Your pic is of a derro, who are insane human-dwarf hybrids. Specifically it's of a derro named Droki, who was a parody of the hare from Alice in Wonderland.
And svirfneblin aren't evil. The fact that they're not evil but still live in the Underdark is in fact one of their defining traits.
I can't speak as to most races, but with regards to drow, their black skin has nothing to do with evolution. It's specifically the result of a divine curse on the entire subrace by Corellon Larethian.
>Use WoW as an example
>Forget about leper gnomes
OP you dumbass
Evil Gnomes? So Gnomes?
Evil Halflings are definitely just Kender
In fantasy, darkness is its own thing, and not just an absence of light. So the dark-skinned races in D&D aren't dark-skinned to block light, but are dark-skinned to get a similar reaction as humans have to light, except to darkness instead. Thus they fill their vital needs underground, and can actually get ill if they spend too much time in the light
They arent evil,they are just retarded and half blind.
The only leper gnome i can really see being evil is Thermaplug,but he was retarded before the gas thing as well.
Maybe the leper gnomes that are with the undead,but they arent really talkative,and dont have their own society
Did someone say evil halflings?
"mourning-wars" sound like the bloodfeuds that the icelanders nearly wiped themselfes out with.
Forsaken-aligned leper gnomes are kinda pets/assistants/test subjects
A lot like Imperial Germany. Proud, stubborn, industrious, and strife with constant competition in order to keep themselves sharp, regardless of how sophisticated their civilization actually is.
Evil gnomes? You remember that half-ogre breeding program from that one game?
Evil halflings? Kinder.
Evil gnomes are kobolds. Evil halflings are goblins.
Kender are based, people just don't know how to play them.
That is good for orcs.
>Ritualized torture and execution
That's real self-control there.
>Blood feuds
They actually care who they're killing and why they're killing them.