The eternal question.
We've played some games, used the new rules, had time to each build up a sizeable pool of games to draw upon. What's the verdict?
The eternal question.
We've played some games, used the new rules, had time to each build up a sizeable pool of games to draw upon. What's the verdict?
the math, last time i checked, says choppas
if you put shootas in a vehicle, they gain an edge, but why the fuck would you ever take a vehicle in 8th ed
its always been choppas. always.
Is there any math to go with these claims?
>this lack of dakka
Not those guys but it's pretty obvious why Choppas are better.
1) Ork boyz are supposed to be used as chafe that runs in and dies while dealing a bunch of wounds to other chaff
2)LOL 5+ BS
FACT: Choppas chop.
FACT: Dakka does not chop
Dats basik maf.
Take choppa. Put it on shoota. So you can shoota while you choppa and/or choppa while you shoota.
I've often heard the Overwatch argument though. When your shoota boys get charged, they'll only lose -1BS on overwatch, so you can advance towards an enemy, stand there and shoot them, try to assault, and even if you fail and get assaulted instead, get ~10 hits on overwatch.
Combo is best. Shootas still mulch most opponents in melee, but they get to do some damage first if they can't make it to melee. Also there is no hesitation to charge an elite assault unit into a choppa squad if you're confident you can kill most of the choppas in a single round, whereas with shootas they get a round of shooting off before anything gets into melee. That said, the best seems to be shootas in front of choppas. Shootas soak the charge from the enemy if any is forthcoming, choppas countercharge and slaughter em.
Shootas in groups of 20 maybe in a battlewagon. Sluggas and choppas in groups of 30. Footslog or teleport with da jump.
How do you justify the cost of a battlewagon in 8th ed though?
>qik mafs
I take 2 battlewagons with deffrollas. Keep wagons within KFF and they can at least survive until turn 3. After boyz are dropped off, use the wagons to charge and soak overwatch for the Boyz or tie up other vehicles. Yes it's expensive now considering battlewagons were 90 pts base in 7th, but they are much more tough in 8th if you play smart.
I'm not a filthy greenskin so I'll take a lasgun and about 50 other friends with lasguns against your choice.
though if I'm going with greenskins Kylon Ren kills Snoke.
>choosing shootas ever
Wot ar ya a git? Yuz strate up unorky
This boy knows. The real eternal question is 'brutal or kunnin'?
Nigger I dare you to do that to me just a few hours before I enter the cinema.
It's not actually true it'sRey that does it.Or really he's not actually dead becauseit turns out you can go from force ghost back into a corporeal form which iswhat snoke had done anyway.
Shootas git utta dakka. Choppas dun't.
You're like little grots. Watch this.
Git on my level
but choppas don't got no dakka
no dakka iz wurse n' not enuff dakka
Bootiful! Dakkachoppy!!!!
30 shootas kill 9 guardsmen. I think they're underrated since they still have 90 melee attacks and a nob with a claw. Cross shooting them charging is more practically effective than over killing in melee.
Did you like the milkies?
>Choozin' choopy ovah shooty
Yooz wunna dem bakwerdz snakebites or somfin'?
What about dakka that dakkas choppers?
Watch this.
Oh zog, we'z got arty boyz in 'ere
A query. If you have shoota+choppa kombined, do you use shoota first and choppa as reserve or charge with choppa and only shoota if you cant reach them?
that looks like a physical prop.
I want a giant undulating milking mass.
No, they actually do live on skellig michael. That one's called Pat.
Your fault for having any investment in D*sney's dogshit fanfic.
Iz ded simple, ya git. Can youse haff enuff dakka? Ov cause not! Can youse be choppy enuff? Ov cause! Dat means youse can haff more choppa dan dakka!
I prefer shoota armies. If you throw enough dakka down range, eventually it will die.
Why doesn't the Orks have bayonetted artillery pieces?
What is this plebbit-tier bullshit meme? I've seen it around all over the place lately.
all ya gits are small time
Why not have two 6 piped Shootas with choppas attached to the pipe and but of the gun while you attach it to suit of mega armor and then duel wield them. Or better yet get two extra arms and Quadwield them.
Needs more dakka and choppas.
Shoot choppa boyz.
shoota boyz have, at least since I started playing in 4th, always sacrificed some melee power for flexibility. since they have shootas they are less picky about their deployment, they can footslog or be transported and generally maintain about the same level of effectiveness. shoota boys are also not as psychologically threatening as choppa boyz since they are less impressive on paper (but only really slightly less deadly in melee)
choppa boyz however get much better when transported. footslogging for them often means they are abraded to a nonlethal size by the time they get into CC, but when protected by a transport they can often get into combat unmolested.
tl;dr choppaz for offensive power, shootas for flexibility
Mekboy here.
I choose stompa.
Dakka is a hobby
Choppy is a lifestyle
Iz it a choppy or shooty stompa?
Iz a stompy sorta stompa!
looks dead shooty ta me
Datz kunningly brutal dat iz
So the basic math is: 26 Shoota boyz with 3 big shoota boyz and a nob (with kustom shoota and a PK) are really killy in close combat and will fuck up anything which isn't dedicated CC anyways (boyz are always 2 attacks S4) and if you get the blob stuck into close combat you're still 3 attacks at S4 which is good as heck.
And while you walk up the board or sit on objectives you have shootas to chuck dice at things. These are super efficient at killing marines (because they're cheap) and they add a lot of attacks which makes them great against horde armies.
Orks are always pretty great in close combat, shootas give them something to do as they run around
I generally use a smaller squad of shootas than slugga/choppas (about 3:1) . Shootas get up ahead by vehicle and cover the advance of the choppa wave, while mek toys and goblins distract and harass.
You can never have enough dakka, but you can have enough choppy. Therefore, choppa is best, because it can satisfy your needs.
I could see it. It's not like TFA did much to explain why Kylo Ren is so loyal to Snoke in the first place.
>not putting shootaz on ya choppaz and choppaz on ya shootaz
>not being able to shoot while ya chop and chop while ya shoot
Get a load' a this git
Dis git gets wot I wuz sayin' 'ere
A shoota wot shoots choppas