I think respirators look pretty great, especially the ones that come with Aggressors. But why would a space marine willingly go into a battle with a respirator rather than his full helmet? The helmet obviously offers more protection and is hermetically sealed. Isn't the helmet a better choice in every situation?
Cooper Miller
When has something being a better choice ever been a factor in the world of 40k?
Owen Gomez
Peripheral vision/and or recognizability (sometimes you want the heretical scum to know exactly who is smashing their heads in so they can tell their foul gods when they get to hell)
Chase Jenkins
Maybe he just woke up and he knows he's gonna feel that crap in his eyes later, but he can't pick it out unless he got his helmet off. Emperor knows that you don't feel that crap until about half an hour later. But he also needs to breathe so he takes the tradeoff.
Xavier Ward
It's to show off who's and important character
Andrew Evans
Maybe it can be thought of as he doesnt always goes to war like that but at that moment he lost his helmet, removed it because of damage, etc. You're right that a helmet is superior unless you are a space yiff sniffing about, so the reasoning for no helmets should be other, situational reasons.
Juan Price
The Rule of Cool states that the more face a character shows, the more important he is to the plot and won't get killed as easily.
Alexander White
When did "because it looks cool" become a bad thing?
Brayden Perez
Peripheral vision is canonically better with the helmet on since it has a ton of sensors.
Jace Reed
Rule of fucking cool, besides that respirator is most likely also his face rather than an accessory.
Asher Reyes
Times have changed for ol' Russ.
Also, >unti
Christopher Roberts
Because LET THE ENEMY SEE MY FACE BEFORE THEY DIE Or something like that
Connor Green
There's a field generator similar to an iron halo or rosarius built into his MASSIVE PAULDRONS OF DOOM. It allows him to use optical sensors for one eye while keeping the other unobstructed and minimizing his reaction time
Christian Murphy
If your question is "should I model them with respirators or helmets", then the answer is "whatever looks coolest to you"
Andrew Russell
What if
He doesn't like wearing a helmet
Alexander Perry
His helmet was damaged and they haven't had a chance to repair it or modify a new one to his specifications yet. Maybe he just doesn't like wearing it, no matter how great is is and so he requested/opted to not wear it.
Jordan Phillips
I really love Aggressors but I only play Sisters of Battle and cant add them to my army without Imperium Soup faggotry
Jack Ward
The same reason irl soldiers don't wear ear protection.
Jeremiah Hughes
I first thought that you wrote "I'm blind" and wondered how can you judge how the respirators look.
Ethan Howard
Helmet unavailable due to damage, went with a respirator.
Thomas Peterson
Poor peripheral vision with lenses
Jonathan Miller
The armour's machine spirit quirk - the suit dislikes being helmeted, so functions and responds worse with the helmet than without it. And on the contrary, when going helmetless the suit moves smoother with less obtrusion and resistance and more positive feedback, augmenting the wearer's movements instead of constaining them.
Ian Sanchez
>but I only play Sisters of Battle you're not GW's target customer then
Austin Phillips
>But why would a space marine willingly go into a battle with a respirator rather than his full helmet? maybe because they are a badass sergeant/commander and think they don't need a helmet?
Julian Evans
> You just knew that some light shone on them, and they wouldn't get as much as a scratch.
Joshua Gomez
I like this. Praise the Omnissiah.
William Reed
Don't know, don't care, I never build unhelmed marines period.
Would do the same for guard, but that's too expensive moneywise.
Juan Lewis
Space Marines lack a Sergeant Major position in their Orbat. So, we end up with soldiers using nonissued kit and taking liberties with issued kit.
Come on, what Sergeant Major is going to allow some brand new Sergeant to go into battle using a fancy new Gucci Plasma Pistol that he got at a Bazaar over the tested and issurd bolt pistol.
Space Marines are super unprofessional. It is all about the Tacticool. Makes me sick.
Carson Hall
Look at a Space Marine. If you see this "heroic" proportioned beast and think "this is fine". Then get over yourself because no helmets is hardly a big leap
Justin Gonzalez
>some marine realises this >sheds all armour, becomes effectively invincible >soon, the whole chapter embraces it >end up with squads of bare-ass naked space marines running around suplexing tyranids to death
Josiah Edwards
so... Custodes?
Dylan Russell
Why not just make a detachment with a lieutenant? Then you can keep your sisters stuff.
I don't get the imperial soup issue, a small detachment of space marines working with sisters is legit on every possible level, and is way more fluffy than cheese.
Hell they are even releasing easy build aggressors now.
Why are you denying yourself happiness?
Carter Russell
>Space Marines lack a Sergeant Major position in their Orbat The company's chaplain arguably encompasses that role.
William Price
You can spend 1 CP to get an auxiliary detachment with just 1 unit.
Jace Flores
The chapter does not have any helmet STC
Connor Morris
The whole chapter has latent low psychic powers that the commanders, chaplain and librarian use to relay better orders, information and keep the marines in check
helmets get in the way
Gabriel Sanchez
I wish they hadn't. 40k was better when the lore amounted to nothing more than "Megadeth in space lol"
Kayden Hill
>Pict recording of chapter master Joshua of the Astra Nudis chapter of space marines, leading his troops against the Liberis III revolt
Aaron Morris
>play 40K >worries about realism retard
Ethan Thompson
There was an insetting conversation from one of the books long ago where a marine wasn't wearing his helmet, and when asked why he wasn't, responded that the weapons of their foes would cut right thru it and anything the helmet offered, outside zero g protection that their implants can handle anyway, could be found with other gear or implants. So why take the extra weight?
Landon Morales
Why are you even trying to apply logic to 40k? It's 40k.
Carter Adams
The helmets are probably hundreds of years old and stink of the grody sweat of the hundred men who've worn it over the years.
Juan Young
It doesn't matter. Warhammer's appeal is being ridiculous. It's a setting built on over-the-top heroism in an excessively brutal universe. Any discussion about it's many impracticalities only serves to make autists feel smart for pointing out trench warfare doesn't make sense in the super future.
Gavin Reyes
Seeing as all their leadership ranks literally started as a scout and worked up the ranks, there is literally zero reason for senior NCOs. It's a group of brain washed, hyper intelligent, super fanatical, hyper men. With literal armies of serfs to do any maintanence required on anything they have. Don't really need an old men screaming about uniform standards or 'good order and discipline'. Plus Chaplains fill that role
Brayden Thompson
This. 40k pretty much runs on the rule of cool or the rule of edgy.
Connor Martinez
>doesn't want helmet hair
Christopher Kelly
it's a world with automatic rocket launchers, plasma and fusion guns, and matter-deconstructing swords and shit
armor is just a fashionable way to hold your body parts together for more convenient burial. if you want a cool respirator instead of a helmet, go for it dude. a helmet's not going to change anything