How much longer before we can play with A.I. GMs?
How much longer before we can play with A.I. GMs?
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Why would you want to play with an AI GM? What if the guy who perefcts the AI GM is a "that guy" GM who has the roobot use falling rock traps, changes your alignment for slightly going out of character, and auto bans you from the group for saying something misogynistic while in the presence of a female player?
Very likely still beyond our lifetime. Even with machine learning and AI getting better, general AI that could be used for recreational purposes is still a pipe dream at best.
Monika would be the best GM.
>cares about making a good time for your
10/10 would play with.
they're called videogames
How long before I can GM for AI players?
Not soon enough.
Pic related is my ideal life.
Newer version. Plus large size.
Thanks user
Not before they start cooking for us
Shit, now i want my ship waifu.
MGS2 was ahead of its time.
Automated GMs are a thing already. Advanced Heroquest have some very well done fanwork in that regard. It's not very hard to imagine a system to include more roleplay perspective than just dungeon crawling, exploring and fighting
Does anyone use those solo dm engines?
Speak for yourself gramps.
The technoorganic singularity is only 30 years away.
An AI GM would probably be implemented using deep learning where the person who made it doesn't have as much bearing on its content as the dataset it learned with. It'd only fail like that if the person who trained it was a cunt, and even then, there's good odds that there'd be some kind of open source project that lets you train it using transcripts of games you like, or download pre-trained GMbots in a particular style. Shit, I wouldn't put it past people to make a tool with a bunch of tunable options and checkboxes that you can pick and choose from which determines what parts of the dataset to use, then click a button to train it for a while and see how the resultant GMbot turns out.
I've tried them.
None are particularly good.
I'd rather just play with legos.
Do you think they could program a system that would let you game with a basic program.
It generates a map full using terms like “3 grunt enemies” or “a boss monster”.
It would be interesting to see.
20 years ago it was only 20 years away. Just like fusion power.
An AI intelligent enough to be a good GM will probably be intelligent enough to be a conscious, aware individual. Do you really think a superintelligent AI is going to want to GM a game for you? They'd probably make their own gaming groups and have more fun than we can possibly imagine.
Why not?
Could be fun