So you guys know the game warhammer 40k eternal crusade? Well I made a post on the forums here about adding IG as a faction to the game. I have since learnt that it is not a good idea because the game is dead and the player base cannot even support the currently implemented factions, let alone a new faction. Ok fair enough, I get that.
Yet if you were to take a look at the posts in reply to mine, you'd see a ton of people making the argument that basically boils down to this The guards are all a bunch of cannon fodders that needs to be killed to stop them from shitting their pants and running away.
Why is this the view of so many fans of 40K? Like I fuck you not, there were so many people arguing that lore wise, all guardsmen are a bunch of coward cannon fodder and cannot fight even orks, ignoring how the death krops of krieg, and the cadians are know lorewise for being brave and unflinching when it comes to combat. Ignoring how the catachan jungle fighters deal with monsters on a daily basis and are badass in lore. Ignoring the armageddon ork hunters fighting orks on a daily basis. Why do IG get such a bad rep? like sure I get that lore wise not all IG are created equal, yet how can a fan of 40k argue from lore and then proceed to ignore the lore of the guards being badass?
Maybe I am just too much of a IG fanboy, and maybe even without the dead player base, I am asking for too much to think IG can stand up to orks, but I just don't get all the IG hate.
Also while on the subject, I find it hilarious that these idiots are using lore to argue against IG being in eternal crusade, when the game already fucks over the lore of 40k.
TLDR: why do people think the IGs are just a bunch of useless coward cannon fodder? Especially when the lore of 40k downright says otherwise?
Because Guardsmen are fragile and have low leadership
Jonathan Gutierrez
People buy too heavily into shitty memes. Muh flashlights, muh cardboard. Nevermind that fact that anyone who's played 40KRPG knows that IG Flak armor is not bad at all, and a lasrifle isn't any less powerful than any modern standard issue firearm.
Jackson Hill
People meme but the fact remains. IG isn't bad by our standards, but compared to all the crazy stuff that goes around in 40k, it's not very impressive.
Andrew Johnson
> compared to all the crazy stuff that goes around in 40k, it's not very impressive.
Thats the part of its appeal to me - they are mostly normal guys that face all kinds of over the top bullshit monsters, demons and aliens that outclass them in every way - and their response is to affix bayonets and hold the line.
Its fucking awesome if you ask me.
Aaron Mitchell
Blame GW. Year by year the fluff for 40k gets more retarded, shifting it from a highly dystopian yet fun setting where 90% of things will go bad, so you have to struggle so that 4km tall golden basilica gets built, to a river of shit where it's all bad all the time with no respite. And it's the glimmers of hope and positive aspects that give the hurrdurrgrimdark some flavor, they give a semblance of reason to actually go through that shit.
Also, from edition to edition the portrayal of IG gets more retarded. Two editions tops, and only one out of 15 guardsmen will be armed with an actual flashlight, they'll get negative 3 hours of training and will be dropped from low orbit without a transport craft onto some random place that isn't even a battlefield, just so they can die cause IG is shit, incompetent and please mister muhreen save us.
Adam Stewart
in my headcanon the effectiveness of IG versus space marines is about on part with their relative points costs. 3 guardsmen is considered "on par" with a single space marine scout. In such a match up, the guardsmen actually have a pretty good chance of winning unless the scout is geared for assault and goes first in which case the guardsmen are in serious trouble
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Because Guard fanboys usually can't keep their 'Humanity Fuck Yeah' memery in their pants, and as such tend to be the most obnoxious players and fans. Other armies, particularly Nids, Space Wolves, Tau, and Chaos have this problem too, but it's particularly prevalent among Guard.
Jayden Sanders
There's no way not to go full 'Humanity Fuck Yeah' for you faggots. You could start flagellating yourself and begging for forgiveness for daring to play as the fucking white human male faction and it would change nothing at all.
Christian Smith
IMO this wasn't translated well into 40k, i like the common humans who fight against the odds far more in fantasy. I feel in 40k they pushed too much on the grimdark and they came out half way between badass underdog and the memes people say. Guard is still nice, just think it could have been done better.