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Have the elements ever played a major role in one of your campaigns?
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Paizo Games General /pgg/
Have the elements ever played a major role in one of your campaigns?
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Endure elements kind of makes this completely moot, famlam.
Generally, losing caster levels is a horrible deal, but I do see the value in being able to leave the randoms in your group to rot should shit hit the fan, after all, if you escape death and fail the scenario but everybody else dies, their deaths fall pretty firmly under "not my problem". You'll have the skill ranks, I guess it's just a matter of picking up the feats.
I'm still thinking that it's not worth it, considering that, in a way, you're planning for failure by anticipating death at all, especially as a full caster, but I see the appeal in an insurance policy of sorts. Better option would just be to not play PFS.
There's still plenty of ways to have weather as an active participant in the storytelling experience. Rogue waves setting ships off course, massive dust storms forcing PCs into shelter and so on.
Since this is a quad thread.
Any good races with multiple useable arms?
Can I get some advice, anons?
I'm getting ready to GM a Starfinder campaign and I'm looking for some tips to get started or things to avoid. I haven't GMd a tabletop game in about 3-4 years but I've played sporadically since then. I've got 4-5 players and only 2 of them have much experience with RPGs. We're going to have a session 0 this Sunday to talk about the general compaign premise and get them set up with characters. It goes without saying but we're all new to Starfinder and the only thing I know for certain is that I'm going to avoid ship combat like the plague if at all possible
Kasatha are okay. Sahuagin not so much.
The sad thing, though, is that those are usually just narrative devices to keep PCs on the rails when they do come up. When they're just random events, they're almost always just a boring slog that your players will either ignore if nothing bad comes of it, or resent you for if anything bad does come of it.
>It goes without saying but we're all new to Starfinder and the only thing I know for certain is that I'm going to avoid ship combat like the plague if at all possible
The Errata actually does a lot to fix it. That said with 2-3 players who've never played RPGs keeping to only a single sort of combat is likely a good idea.
Is there anything that your characters (PCs or NPCs) do for sublte magical realm, or that you do, but isn't relevant to the game and you keep it to yourself?
The multiple breasts take this from "cool art" to "a bit too fetishy"
Uh...apart from being a subject of dick jokes and Dark Knight Rises references? No, I can't say there is. I get my jollies in private rather than in game.
If I remember right, D&D is like, "You want multiple arms? ok, that's cool. Can't use the extra arms for combat though." which i thought was bunk. Sure you might lose range of motion, so you can't dual weild bows or poleaxes, but you could totally fill the extra hands with daggers and pincushion away.
Are you doing the Dark Suns campaign or your own?
I'm a vorefag so the new Tyrant Totem is a dream come true for me. And no one is the wiser. Maybe.
I hope RotJR has and will have fun this weekend!
>Tekko-Kagi isn't a monk weapon.
considering who drew it, it's pretty damn tame
What problems would there be in letting a Tiefling take Fiendish Serpent?
According to the FAQs, that's literally not what happens. It's pay 4 Prestige anytime you'd be affected by a raise dead, breath of life etc. or the spell fails. I'm reading that as paying 4 prestige to overcome a damnation effect like diabolist, instead of just getting rez'd and coming back whenever convenient. Which leaves the real short end of the stick with Feysworn: You lose a caster level to get your Fey Obedience boons early. Unfortunately, most of them are not, considering they're based on your class level in Feysworn, which means you'll get the first at character level 9, the second at 12th (which'll be the start of seeker content, in PFS) and the last won't come until 15th.
You're probably best off looking at a different prestige class. But at least you can still worship your Fey gods.
ok anons, i need a some interesting things that can happen on a huge space ship. maybe some interesting NPCs as well
What psionic discipline would be the best candidate for black/evil magic?
Only during one adventure.
I rolled for rain in a temperate environment while my players were level 3 while they were hunting down deserters.
>Rain: Rain reduces visibility ranges by half, resulting in a –4 penalty on Perception checks. Rain automatically extinguishes unprotected flames (candles, torches, and the like) and imposes a –4 penalty on ranged attacks.
Because of how long combat was dragged out, I'm never using rain again.
Why are most empyreal lords so inept at anything other than directly fighting singular monsters? For all their lofty power, most empyreal lords can hardly do much outside of combat, let alone apply major impact on a regional/national/global scale.
This is Vildeis. She is CR 28. She has Intelligence 18, Wisdom 22, Charisma 21. She has hardly any noncombat utility.
This is a planetar. They are CR 16 (exactly 1/64th the overall power of a CR 28). They have Intelligence 22, Wisdom 25, Charisma 24. They have plenty of noncombat utility from their spellcasting.
Let us not even get into CR 20 empyreans or CR 23 angels.
Do most empyreal lords earn their positions by being mentally inferior beatsticks and leaving all of the thinking, talking, and utility casting to their underlings?
They don't need utility. Everything that has a statblock is made to fight one life or death battle against a group of four PCs.
Here's some interesting NPCs.
Does anyone else get annoyed when Sphere abilities get called "Arcane" anything when it's supposed to be fluff neutral.
So as a quick fix to the Prodigy, at levels 7 and 15, would y'all allow them to start combat with an additional link sequence?
No, the prodigy as a mechanical concept does not fit within Pathfinder.
I actually enjoy it but I do agree with you. Sage and Troubadour both fit but I'm looking at Prodigy from the perspective that EVERYONE is gonna be using spheres of might talents, and with Guardian, Berserker, and Shield existing, survivability goes up a fair bit faster than does offensive power. So I don't think it would be THAT bad.
I was planning on doing my own. Even when I used to run games I never did premise stuff. I've already got enough material worked out for at least 3-4 sessions. I did pick up the first two though just to have on hand for some of the aliens and monsters they include
Well you can't call everything 'mystic' :D
I can't tell if you're being serious or posting about some dumbass response the dev's actually made to that.
Especially now that there's an archetype called that!
What's wrong with the prodigy?
Is it that it can't keep up with rocket tag?
It has a lot of combat power, it just has to wait a round or two to pull it out.
The quick fix is to lengthen combat. The quicker fix is to do what the Striker does and give the Prodigy more links when they start combat.
Sage and Troubadour are more interesting anyhow
It's not the gish anyone wanted, but it's the one Meyers pushed
So a guy died and with his dying breath his cursed his ally for failing to save him. What would be an appropriate effect for the curse? I'm looking for something fairly low-level, probably not as powerful as what an actual Bestow Curse spell could do but hopefully more interesting.
Sage can get Ki Leech.
It uses its ki pool as its spell pool and it counts as a High Caster. Despite being half-BaB it always targets touch.
Ironically the better gish is Troubadour with Spell Attack and a combined Hero/Mentor persona at 7th. Full BaB and full CL and the ability to deliver Destruction or Cryptic Strike stuff. It can do Magus shenanigans ezpz.
The hedgewitch pretty much covers the gish thing anyways.
How does a Martial Hedgewitch w/ the Combat Tradition compare to a Prodigy?
so uh
this character is naked fapbait, right?
would you let this character in your game?
wholeheartedly yes
Yeah, but it's attacks fucking tickle the enemy because no stat to damage and it wont have enough talents to make use of that Full CL level anyhow. Hitting touch won't matter when the enemies DR or resistances reduce all your attacks to one damage.
the absolute state of /pfg/
>Any good races with multiple useable arms
It isn't /supposed/ to be doing loads of damage admittedly, but it isn't 100% helpless. You could ignore magic talents entirely and use your Style Talents to get more combat stuff. and the sheer range of ki powers and esoteries you get are pretty fuckin' great.
It's not perfect but I like it
Speaking of Sage damage
would a 2-level dip into Magus for Advanced Spellstrike be worthwhile if you take the Ki Blaster package?
You end up being able to deliver Destructive Blasts, and it's piss-easy to get full Caster Level on a Destructive Blast. It also nets you your CAM to damage and generic Destruction taletns, effectively.
Because Paizo are a bunch of faggots
Also, why would you ever you a tekko-kagi? They're absolute shit
Because Ascetic Style and I like to hurt myself a lot.
Use a Tonfa instead
But I want to claw people.
Claw yourself in meatspace, then.
Then take Wyvern style, and use a dagger.
Become Thorfinn Thorson.
Consequently, I remember a feat build for treating weapons as another group. I'll see if I can dig it up
Did I not say I like to hurt myself?
Okay, here is how you do it
>Be Human
>Take Weapon Focus (Tonfa)
>Take Ascetic Style with the Tonfa.
>Take Martial Versatility with the Tonfa
MArtial versatility allows you to apply a feat's effects to all weapons in the same group. The Tonfa belongs to two groups: Close and Monk. Now you can apply Ascetic Style to all Monk and Close weapons, including Tekko-Kagi.
Granted, you still need proficiency in the weapon, but you could probably spend a starting feat on that.
That is how you can use different weapons as Monk weapons. Just find a monk weapon that shares the same group, and insert into this feat chain.
Did 2hu's bitching get the Batal nerfed?
Am I retarded for wanting game that's a fantasy version of K?
Heirloom Weapon is prof. for a trait, so easy enough. Thanks.
none of them
Thanatism, Telepathy
Batal was strong, even without bitching. The nerfs were needed.
That being said, with it came Venomous updates, which allow you to boost poison save DCs.
I need suggestions for good poisons.
New potions and poisons book had some crazy-good poisons in it. Coupla threads back.
Drow Poison is the best, hands down. Ability score damage and drain is meh, most of the weird effects are more useful out of combat, but having a 5% chance of a creature just leaving the fight for 10 rounds is too good.
Unfortunately, the author had made a significant design mistake when rewriting the sword of the sky sovereign:
>Sword of the Sky Sovereign: When a batal readies her maneuvers, the batal may choose one of her essence containers, increasing the essence capacity of that container by 1. She may only have one of her essence containers increased this way at a time. At second level, whenever the batal initiates a boost, she gains one temporary essence, plus an additional essence at 6th level and every 6 levels thereafter for 1 round that she may immediately invest into any of her containers (To include the boost she just used). This temporary essence can be invested beyond the normal essence limit.
This pushes Armory of the Conqueror + butchering axe + powerful build + genuine size increase optimization to degenerate new heights.
Perhaps the author should have restricted this to maneuvers and rajah veils.
Hedgewitch vs Troubador in a SoM/SoP gestalt game. The latter's limited number of magic talents hurts, but at the same time it gets so much more bullshit to play with.
Maybe you should quit screaming this shit at the top of your lungs? He said he'd get to it.
Why do people keep saying Wyrwoods are overpowered, they don't have hardly any racial features to speak of?
>first time he's said it here because it's a new update
You dumb.
Technically it's proficiency with that single weapon, no others of it's kind, and as-written it only works on simple and martial weapons, not on exotic ones like the tekko kagi.
Did you miss the part where they're Constructs?
They're Constructs, get a ton of immunities that way.
>Type: Construct
construct traits vastly outweigh racial features let alone the abusively powerful trick you can pull off as a construct
>the abusively powerful trick you can pull off as a construct
What is this trick? I'm asking for a friend.
go read the construct rules regarding upgrades.
I don't know if this is what he was talking about, but 5000 gp for untyped +2 to an ability score is kind of insane.
it also stacks indefinitely and has no exponential price increase.
So what's the verdict on Specialist?
what is this?
It sounds like a npc class.
Tell me something interesting that happened in your game!
We once killed a Deathknight with basic thermodynamics, and 100 degree knife memes
100 degree knife memes?
The "1000 degree knife" videos were a shortlived normie meme that died really quickly
We've made acclimatization checks, and the heat has been an issue before.
We (we being only my character because the rest of the party has the charisma of a brown rock) talked an evil and insane AI into contemplating the meaning of it's existence.
Well we did have a campaign that started out in a desert, but the campaign also didn't last long and the heat wasn't a problem when we were able to cast Endure Elements.
Got in a fight with two magic knights, jumping along the floating wreckage of an ancient lighthouse; one was immune to melee damage and the other was immune to ranged damage
Also harpies
Did DSP make their own setting or did I dream that or something?
If they haven't, they might as well.
Seeing as how people near-universally demand their content, now, and once allowed it runs roughshod over any campaign that it's introduced into.
Better question: How do you make the elements a factor once PCs get access to endure elements?
>once allowed it runs roughshod over any campaign that it's introduced into
Yeah, only casters should have that power!
They have.
Casters have more hard counters in the form of antimagic and spell resistance. Psions do too to a lesser extent. Initiators have no counter apart from other full initiators.
What is it called, and why don't I ever hear anything about it?