What's a good system to run Magical Girls with more grounded Magic like Card Captor Sakura.
What's a good system to run Magical Girls with more grounded Magic like Card Captor Sakura
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I don't know but, bumping a Sakura-chan thread anyway.
Mutants & Masterminds?
I'd probably guess OVA since it's specifically designed for anime-style games and you can build each character's powers/skills individually.
OVA also specifically uses a magical girl as one of their example builds, so it should be pretty easy to work your way through the whole cast's skills.
Will note that I've read the book through and it seemed pretty decent, but have never played or watched a LP.
>Mutants & Masterminds?
I've done that.
It's great for building magical girls with varying powers.
However you've bot to be careful and det limits nad bans since there's no real roof on power.
This means that you have to install bans or caps appropriate to fit the tone of game you want to run.
Furthermore the system does lethatlity very poorly and doesn't have any mechanics for injuries beyond forced complications, which is basically a limited form GM fiat.
Also Weapons in their stock form are a bit shit.
Sailor Moon
Magical Burst may be worth looking into because it's free. However I recommend using the 4.0 version since 5.0 is some weird test alpha that's not complete yet (and a step back in many respects IMO).
Fuck off with this awful shitpost. I GM GURPS, and I like it, but I bet OP doesn't want to deal with it for a magical girls game. GURPS isn't the answer to everything.
>More grounded magic
>MC is 12 and she has a deck of cards that can do pretty much anything she could ever want
>All sorts of time fuckery
>Erase things from existence
>Control the weather
>Create anything you can imagine that the other cards don't cover
If were on the topic of Magical Girl, has anyone ever tried Princess: The Hopeful? It's one of those games that I know exists but I never hear of anyone actually playing.
if you are thinking of Magical Burst then Try
Project Rebirth Beta 3.
It's more solid. You just have to swap the fluff.
Also the Project Rebirth developer's IRC mentioned in the forward still has the developers hanging around in it.
MORE grounded
as in compared to the acid trips that other Magical Girls settings rapidly evolve into
I think /a/ had a thing for this. Pic should be it.
Meh... not really a magical girl game. Yeah, you can refluff, but meh... might as well just do gay GURPS shit if you wana refluff.
System doesn't look that great even not taking the refluffing into account :/
This chart's awful, there are too many nonsensical placements to list.
>Shaman King, Digimon, Jojo, and Gurren Lagann being compared to each other
How is Madoka an enemy of all who live?
Or does it just mean she achieved power sufficient to be a threat to all who live?
she's extinction level event in every timeline where she witches out (and that's most of them)
If God-Madoka ever falls into Despair (which WILL happen if she's not absolutely 100% purity sue) a good chunk of the universe is fucked because they'll have a literal cosmic-level eldritch GOD to deal with.
Enemy Of All Who Live is next to Lina, not Madoka.
And Lina is... well. When she uses the Giga Slave (that spell mentioned in her box), she channels the Lord of Nightmares. As in, that thing only two steps below EGD on the chart.
OVA's transformation rules work wonderfully for a magical girl game. And is probably a better execution of the concept than most. Of course it is dangerously close to the rules lite meme.
Magical Burst is shit for many reasons that Rebirth still doesn't fix, don't bother.
Just modify Accidental Magical Girl. They've got a thread up once every week or so in here.
>Sakura is in the same tier as Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lanann, the Anti-Spiral and Getter Emperor
>three literally universe destroying cosmic horrors
>and one magic girl
How powerful is this bitch!?
>How powerful is this bitch!?
It's been a long ass time since I watched CCS but I don't really remember her doing any big ass display of magic. At most I remember she flying (first with her rod, then with wings or her back afer the Sakura cards thing), turning her rod into a sword, and some elemental magic.
She inherited the magical powers of Clow Lee, a dude whose retirement plan was, "I'll create a new universe and declare myself the king of it."
She then added some power he never had access to on top of that.
I remember the anime touching on this guy existence, but I don't remember it ever going in detail about him. I guess it's one of those "the manga expands on it" kind of thing right?
She already destroyed her future self that falls to despair. That's what your image is from. The show makes a point of bringing up that since her wish applies to ALL witches, past, present, and future, at the instant that they become witches, it applies to her just as much as any other witch.
The manga and the spin off series. (The Clow Reed who influenced events in XXXholic and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle is the same guy, even though the Shaoran and Sakura aren't the same people.
Wait, wait, I knew there was a link between CLAMP works, but how exactly does this work? Is it a multiverse kind of thing?
the incubators never seemed to grasp that their own creations could destroy the universe.
OVA is a good answer.
Most superheroic systems could work quite well. My favorite that I've played is Marvel Heroic Roleplaying. Open ended, has a narrative bent, but isn't quite so freeform or directionless as something like Fate.
And then of course, Maid RPG.
She's just a 12 year old girl that has the power to make reality her bitch and thats without having mastered the power she has inherited.
True but the potential power in the cards is bonkers, it only needs to be mastered by someone with vision and you'd have a reality bending super-wizard, only reason Sakura isnt doing anything too flashy is because she is a middle-schooler thats only getting into magic, she wont stay a 12 year naiveté forever.
Interesting bait to say the least.
How is it bait?
is Rayearth connected to anything else?
>has the power to make reality her bitch
>uses the same 4 brute force abilities over and over
XXXHolic relates everything to everything at one point or another.
Indulge me user. Who's the Master in Cardcaptor Maid? Who are the maids? How is Favour collected? How do costumes work?
She's a little girl who isn't going to think of doing things like ruling the universe as an almighty tyrant or deleting an enemy from existence outright, or banishing attackers to a nightmare realm.
She's too innocent to try using even a full 1% of what she's got on tap with that book.
Not that user, but maybe...
Master = Kero
Maids = Sakura, Syaoran, Meiling, etc
Favor is gained for being a good friend, saving the day, etc.
Tomoyo handles costumes, clearly.
>not just being there for Sakura
You disgust me user.
If anything the master should be the town or something. Do nice things, get favour, have kewlz costumes/events.
But oddly enough I think the master/maid dynamic is REALLY at heart of Maid. Might as well use a normal supers games with more aesthetical changes, honestly.
is she being suspended from the ceiling by ropes made of her own hair?
They are an emotionless alien race so advanced their only issue in life is entropy which is an issue that would only happen in billions of years.
They directly state wish magic, witches and magical girls are all new stuff for them but they are so advanced they probably think they should be able to handle any issues that could arise.
Madoka became a world-ending threat in several timelines and they didn't give any fuck.
assuming magical girl anime is all like madoka magica, don't rest your head works well
She has to summon the cards individually though right?
That's a pretty big limitation.
Oh please. She's only powerful by the standards of other magical girls. She pales in comparison to magical WOMEN. Inza Nelson would stomp her and stomp Madoka as a victory lap.
When are you weebs going to trade up your fixation on magical girls for magical women?
Yes. There's a multiverse. Makona of Cephiro created the vast majority of the universes in it. Clow Reed also made a couple. Clow Reed made two life forms called the Makona Madoki after meeting Makona of Cephiro. The main Sakura from Tsubasa isn't the Sakura from CCS, but CCS Sakura does set up a trade which influences the plot heavily.
I know that I'll get bashed for recommending a White Wolf game, but Aberrant was from before the SJW era, and anyway you're not going to be playing it for the fluff.
I actually ran a magical girl game in Aberrant, and it was surprising how well it fit - I've played professional games with more of a gap between system and fluff.
I really can't say much else than "it just works" - every time I had to include something from the magical girl genre, I found myself just using a game mechanic with zero difference.
The system is dice-pool-based, which ensures a generally lower but more consistent power level with a lot of granularity, and the powers are leveled and sorted in a way that allows the GM to control the power balance completely just by changing a single number.
I've GM'd for seven years, and in all of those years, Aberrant has been my favorite to GM - because it does Marvel superhero politicking, DC beam exchanges/planet liquefaction, Constantine-esque splatter-heroes and indeed anything from four-color superheroes to magical girls not only with ease, but leaves plenty of room for refluffing as you see fit.
The system is still a modern-day super game, but it runs everything under that umbrella fluidly - nothing is hard-baked into the system, and if you choose a different setting than Aberrant, you just tweak Taint, Mega-Attributes, nova point allocations, the nova/bonus point balance, power costs or God knows what.
It's a system I'd recommend as hard as I can for anyone seeking to do magical girls - because I feel Magical Burst and similar games get too constrained by what their kind of magical girls "should" be like.
The magic can get narrow, the mood can get stale and the systems occasionally feel like they're reining you in and telling you what experience is the right way to enjoy magical girls.
And then there's Aberrant, which in my experience would run CCS, Shamanic Princess, Madoka, Utena, MahoIku, PreCure and Sailor Moon like greased clockwork.
Damn! Magical girls in America look like THAT?
>Got taken out by one half of Hawk and Dove gone bad
That's not exactly a glorious history.
>Just an evil Hawk
He wielded both chaos and order magic, something only Nabu and his Dr Fates can normally do. Even Mordru couldn’t multiclass outside that one time he bodyjacked Hector Hall.
Extant would destroy any magical girl.
Magical girls are like giant monsters. The West did them first and did them best but the current generation who don't know about anything older than they are have the funny idea its a Japanese thing.
I never got DCU's division between Order and Chaos magic. Just seems like an odd background idea that one writer had once but most writers don't care about.
It's because magic was started by the Lords of Order and Lords of Chaos who were the first race in the DC universe predating even the Maltusians.
Magic is incredibly powerful in DC, but when you use a high level spell you're either giving influence to Chaos or Order. If you play high level spellcasting in DC you have to pick a side-which means the other side will hate you. That's why Constantine prefers not to go loud with the magic. It's much safer that way.