What are some interesting methods to obtaining immortality?
What are some interesting methods to obtaining immortality?
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Marrying into it.
Depends on the setting.
A clever combination of two (or more) different abilities.
For example, the ability to regenerate instead of burn when exposed to fire, gained from eating sacred pheonix meat
The ability to turn liquid into fire on contact. I don't know where you'd get this from, find something setting appropriate.
Now turning your sweat and/or blood into fire is a bad idea, but now that fire regenerates you instead of burning you it gives you a potentially constant healing aura. Any cut will bleed, and the blood becomes fire, which heals the wound and replenishes the blood.
That sounds like a one-way trip to omega-cancer
immortality in general is mega cancer. That's why it's more often the end goal (either gaining it or destroying someone with it), and not something a player character should have.
>Not running a game where the player characters are tormented immortals trying to find a way to die before they lose all sense of humanity
That would fall under "destroying someone with it", in this case themselves.
I mean you're right, this is a case where PCs could have immortality, but even then it still functions more as a plot device than an actual power.
The more normally-fatal pain they endure, the less grip they have on their humanity. They can do things that would normally be suicidal, but at a price to an HP-equivalent that's harder to recover, sometimes afflicting themselves with lasting injuries/illnesses that slowly drain at their humanity.
Even assuming all this dumb shit worked how would it stop you from aging?
Becoming a Lich and making another lich your phylactery.
and then another lich makes you their phylactery...[\spoiler]
You are aware that phylacteries cant be recreated right?
Failing so hard at killing yourself that you become immortal.
Our DM once came up with an Idea for uur Characters to be immortal, when ever we died we would be reborn at the entrance of the dungeon, if we tried to run from the dungeon we would be faced with an endless desert and die of thirst, then be reborn.
The idea is a never ending dungeon crawl. (It'll end but not for a while). Fun idea.
You have to eat an immortal. There's only one that exists.
players control cyborg bodies, but the actual player characters are elsewhere. Where exactly isn't known to the players.
Could I cut him into four pieces and feed the other three parts to three other people?
Or would that only make me a fourth immortal?
Lifeline contract with an existing immortal.
You pledge not to die for the next X years. If you pass then you become immortal, if you fail your soul is bound to serve the immortal until they die (which is forever, bar some kind of weakness in their immortality). There is nothing in the contract to stop the immortal from killing you in this time, so very few people are brave or foolhardy enough to take the risk.
The immortal can set the years of the contract. They keep it low enough to bait people in, but high enough to have a proper amount of killing time.
Infecting all other people with your DNA so that you live on through all of humanity even after your death.
Body swapping/possession.
How do you marry into immortality?
Doing good deeds so that your name lives on forever
Transfer soul into custom-built golem/construct.
Transmute body into that of a sapient being which does not age/die, like an elemental.
Set up a persistent or recurring process which refreshes the body and/or mind.
>Immortal deity falls in love with you
>Makes you immortal so that you can be together forever
delete the concept of death from your script
Be a dragon. Don't get stabbed. Live forever.
Flee into Inner Space
In Stephanie Swainston's The Year of Our War, there's a cast of immortals who are the best at X. Any spouse they choose and marry becomes immortal with them and their immortality is dependent on their partners skill in that particular area.
Everybody is able to be killed by one thing only if you split the immortals flesh
>one guy can only be burnt
>the other guy can only suffocate
>third guy can only be killed from cancer
>fourth guy can only die from a stroke
Each one of them is aware how the can die and they have taken cautions against it. PCs dont know about it.
I unironically like the way Homestuck does immortality, though moreso how the immortality works rather than how it is obtained.
Gaining immortality requires you to die on something called a quest bed, a magical stone slab which is unique to the individual (another person's quest bed won't work for you). Finding your quest bed usually requires an extended mythical quest to accomplish some great deed, such as banishing an endless storm that covers a whole planet. If you die while on the quest bed, you rezz in a new body nearby within a minute or two. In addition to your immortality, you gain extra powers (and a fancy set of clothes) that are unique to the individual. As for the immortality itself, it's not true immortality because you can still be killed, but whenever you die you respawn with another new body a short period of time later. The only way to die for good at this point is if you die in a way that reality judges as either "Heroic" or "Just". IE, you can't be put (permanently) down by small fry goblins or bandits or some poison in a tavern, but a heroic sacrifice or an epic confrontation with your archnemesis can still kill you for good.
As a mechanic for PCs or villains, I like the idea a lot. There's a short time delay on the resurrection, so dying can have some meaning but is much less threatening the majority of the time. Only when someone's death would be especially dramatic or meaningful is it truly death, meaning the most important fights maintain the high stakes while the risk of just dying like a dumbass to a random encounter because an enemy got lucky rolls is mostly negated.
I always liked Baccano's version of it. As much as it's really just "The devil did it, for the lulz" the use of it turned out great, and adding specific interactions between immortals only they can do is fun.
A healthy diet and exercise.
But, like, he'll get better later on, right. Because he's immortal. So then there'll be two of us.
In Japanese lore, you can obtain immortality if you eat mermaid flesh or drink mermaid blood. But it's a very risky method. Out of a hundred people only one lucky guy will become immortal. The rest will either instantly die in a pool of their own blood or become an agonizing corpse demon contantly afflicted with an insatiable hunger for dead flesh and human feces. Forever and always.
make a demi-plane and kidnap/create a few humanoids to live in it. Give them everything they could ever need, food, power, houses, etc. You dont even have to force it for these people to start worshiping you as a god. Gain divine spark after enough are devout. Just try not to be too indoctrinating/slavedriving unless you want LG assholes banging at your portal door location.
>one of them doesn't know what their secret weakness is
Once you pluck off, by hand, every hair of your body you will become a baby with all of your prior knowledge.
Hypnotize people into thinking they are you and having all of your memories, including how to hypnotize people like that. Repeat every time you grow old. Bonus points for making an army of yourself.
Disregard mortality, acquire legend
Convincing Death that you’re your own twin brother, then have a look-alike ready for him to find.
Alternatively, just tell him you’re a ghost and that you gave him your soul last week. With a high enough bluff, make him think that out of the thousands of deaths per day he must have misplaced your soul during delivery. The bureaucracy of him actually going to his superiors and looking for a lost soul might not be worth it, and just let you walk around until your body starts to rot.
On a scale of 1-10 how trite is it for me to make the revered previous-and-now-dead king have been gay and fucking his closest advisor who is still alive, and his 'son' is actually secretly adopted from somewhere (I'll figure that out later) and thus not actually the legitimate heir to the throne, but all this is a highly suppressed secret?
I had an unused epic story line about "The Council of Nine", nine immortals the players had to defeats. Before the game, they were already down to 6, so immortality is overrated in this game.
1) A psychic of some sorts, that transferred his mind to another body, thereby avoiding death by age.
2) A warrior who returned to life in the form of his weapon. He overwhelmed the weilder and took control.
3) Vampire, cleric I think
4) Lich, but I forget what was special about him.
5) A druid that turned into a tree and lived like that. Not sure how he was evil, maybe some mind control plants.
6) forget the last, but I actually think I had more than 6 ideas for immortals, the 9 and 6 numbers just stick in my mind.
Im really sad I lost these notes, I think it could have a cool campaign. High power, info gathering, scouring old tomes and folk tales. Then epic boss battles.
Sacrifice land.
I think he meant literal cancer
become a blue whale.
Becoming immoral and then sneaking in a 't'
Wish to die when you blow out the candles on your birthday cake. Immediately tell someone what you wished for. Now it won't come true.
Everything that Tim does is okay?
why, sell the rest of your parties souls of course!
But are the corpse demons immortal?