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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
What's the current story in your current game?
>New Geist preview
>New Deviant preview
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
First for Obrimos
>What's the current story in your current game?
A viral outbreak in the city causing an increase in violence at a local Pentex/Megadon facility. The player fomori murdered 41 armed protesters in the first game.
If supernaturals were ever openly revealed to the public, do you think people who have different reactions and opinions about the different clans/tribes/paths/etc?
For instance, would people like Obrimos because their powers invoke "Heaven" and dislike Mastigos because they're "demonic"?
Mages would be seen as privileged human assholes no matter the Path.
The fact that normie Sleepers can't recall their magic would just piss them off even further. Can't prove anything.
Vampires would definitely earn some social stigma on behalf of the Daeva and Nosferatu.
For purposes of the discussion, I would assume the Quiescence didn't exist or was significantly weakened or altered. Similarly, I would expect something comparable for Lunacy, changeling's Mask, etc.
Strix invasion up the ass
Sure. Take you average Moros/Mastigos and sit him in tv studio next to Obrimos or Acanthus. Who do you think people would trust more? Same thing with say daeva/ventrue vs nosferatu/gangrel.
Mastigos might have a shot at digging himself out since they are often charismatic people that know how to spin the story. However paths/clans/tribes that do not normaly interact with people in larger capacity would be fucked
Would changelings be perceived differently by Seeming, Kith or both?
A world of 'outed' supernaturals would literally tear the planet apart. The God-Machine and the Exarchs would screech and promptly put a stop to it like the autists they are.
war breaks out between humanity and the forsaken. the first born troll the pro-humanity side by popping off the wolfblooded that end up on humanity's side unwittingly buffing the Pure.
humanity gets a huge shock when the gauntlet fails
I think people would be terrified of Obrimos. Besides an inherently flashy and destructive power set, someone spouting about order and religion who could back up their words with action would upset power structures and challenge faith. Many Obrimos would be seen as dangerous cult leader and walking nuclear accidents, not cuddly prophets.
I think what people would really care about is that some wizards are good at setting you on fire and others are really good at mind raping you, and that vampires exist and are actually monsters who want to drink your blood.
xth for OWoD was better
Would things like this be good or bad for Hollywood?
we've got 3 people so far interested in running that game of WtF, nothing's set in stone yet, we have 3 people, one likely ST, and could use a couple more players or a backup ST. New to nWoD / WtF is A-okay because that's what everybody else in there so far is
>I think people would be terrified of Obrimos.
No more or less so than the wizards who control ghosts and spirits, are proficient in mind control or casually engage in time travel.
depends on if they cast actual werewolves with the father's form gift or just model prosthetics and cg off of them, but I'm thinking that lunacy would still be a thing, though muted. It would be great at first EXPERIENCE THE TERROR OF THE WOLF LIKE NEVER BEFORE!, but the mass lunacy of using a REAL woof in a film, the resulting woofbluded and the inevitalbe wave of first changes would make that not be a thing for long.
I kinda had a thought of a rogue pack of iron masters as antagonists that would try to make a video of themselves shifting forms go viral to do just that, make more woofs with complete disregard for the litany
>Version 1.40
Now with the Bearers of the Eternal Voice
I took a break from the list, to make one for someone from my game.
>Thread Question
A fairly 'up himself' Obrimos arrives in Boston and joins a more lax cabal of fellow Mystagogues, somewhat out of a lack of alternatives.
Running head-first into a situation, they've got themselves in trouble as they tried to fix whatever was fucking up their Hallow, and made an enemy of a dangerous unWise Nameless Mastigos who goes by the name of Vision.
>ogue pack of iron masters as antagonists that would try to make a video of themselves shifting forms go viral
>Network Zero approves
Despite them being the most overtly dangerous and powerful, I really do think people would fear Mages the least.
For all the wrong reasons of course.
True, mages might be seen as the "good guys" because they're still "human" in this new dangerous world.
Big mistake...
>"These guys are human, the rest are monsters, surely they're on our side!"
You might be right. In turn least malevolent splats like sin eaters and prometheans would probably get people geared up in torches and pitchforks(and not even because of disquaiet)
Correction: Anyone can go through the First Change, Wolf-Blooded are just more likely and anyone can become one if Lunacy hits them hard enough.
>Tonight on Oprah
>Network Zero approves
>their reaction when the lunacy drives people mad, pops their woof cherry or makes woofbluded who then go on to have their woof cherry popped
re-shop the BEEEEES! gif with one of those art pieces from 2e
>"These guys are human, the rest are monsters, surely they're on our side!"
>Human rights are only for humans!
now get this
>Human rights are only for humans!
>These guys are human, the rest are monsters, surely they're on our side!"
Until some assholes in Congress think that the "Mage Registration Act" is a good idea. Woofs and leeches will looks like pussycats compared to organized and pissed-off wizards.
>"Mage Registration Act"
>Obrimos Magneto does *not* approve
There is so much left even space masters confused.
>Mage Registration Act"
Does Task Force: Valkyrie have the budget and manpower?
>mages might be seen as the "good guys" because they're still "human" in this new dangerous world
>Mike Pence was secretly a Seer all along
What if the Mountain and Atlantis below were Infrastructure in the God Machine?
Leading to a hierarchical society of idiots who spend their time trying to enforce mundane and pointless rules on the population.
As in accordance with the God-Machine.
I don't think a society of god-tier wizards would take shit from the God-machine, user.
They don't have to know, they're still human after all, with predictable behavior. Especially if they live in a giant bureaucracy they espouses as the true way of the universe.
Even more if they have become incarnates of certain ideas and are bound by their identities.
Atlantis wasn't a literal actual society. That's back in 1e. Now it's just the catch-all title for the time before, when magic wasn't gimped.
The Archmages would know, that's kind of the point. They're sitting in their Golden Roads observing the machinations of other godlike entities, not just the God-machine.
Furthermore, there's the Pax, the God-machine isn't going to risk its own existence by antagonizing other individuals capable of challenging it.
Well, even in the 2e core there's mention of a civilization erecting a "Star Ladder" and wizards toppling the gods.
or was it?
Nobody knows. There could have been 60 different Atlantis's...
>I took a break from the list, to make one for someone from my game.
And it's good, thanks. Useful. Also, Vision a shit and he's going down.
>What's the current story in your current game?
What Legacyfag said for the Mage game, and in my Mortals game a santa-hating monster has shown up in the lives of the players, on the heels of a mysteriously and brutally murdered sheriff in a small, remote town.
Mage game:
Mortals game:
Will the Mage Cookbook finally allow the satisfaction of Brucatto's culinary demands?
Will it ever include yoikh mit knedlach for the Lions of Zion?
Yes, the Archmages would know.
Would they CARE? Things are going well, no one is getting uppity; you are making this leap that figures of power must be in opposition to each other when it's far easier to allow the usual row.
The above user had a fairly strong point: when you hold so strongly to a belief that you are indeed pursuing the Correct Path, who is to say that path wasn't laid out before you?
What correct path is that?
Whatever one the mage, or anyone else, believes in.
The idea that by getting you to follow a theme, a pattern, a particular manner in life, you are following the bread crumbs laid out by the God Machine, and being enthralled by it subtly.
I think it's the fools in this thread that insist any power play must be done flagrantly and obviously who are missing what is actually insidious about the idea.
I think demasqueration would be devastating to Lost. Even with Mask intact, True Fae would feel comfortable pulling massive public stunts. Desperate people would follow them into Arcadia never to be seen again.
Or True Fae would make loud declarations about Changelings being their sleeper agents there to undermine human society, burning all bridges Lost could hope to establish with their kin.
So the God-Machine created everything? Or does it just prompt belief?
Probably a dumb question with the quick answer being read the book but what’s your go to method of character creation
>read book of game i want to play
>think up an interesting concept for a guy that would be fun to play in that game
I'm saying that it exerts subtle control by putting things in your path that you will want to cling to.
By putting things before you that you want and strive to attain, you are eliminating variables and creating a pathway that ends up defining the circumference of your activities.
What better way to control elements who believe they are outside the law than to have them follow it of their own accord?
So the God-Machine leads people to Awaken?
Perhaps not the process, but the journey to it.
If causing people to awaken is outside it's direct control, why not control the path there?
No one can complain that it is interfering in the process much if it still happens.
So can Ghosts, strange combinations of numbers, and an unhealthy obsession with mushrooms.
So you're saying that the God-Machine deliberately gets people to Awaken, albeit indirectly?
>Choose Gnosis 3
Or delays it, or prevents it by "circumstance".
And in the same fashion it makes all the other splats go through their own changes? Or not go through that change?
Other guy, but I think True Fae are too bizarre element to get ahead on. Though I think God-Machine can make certain mortals more vulnerable to kidnapping than others.
How high you ever got in your power stat?
Well DtD does make a point of vampire unnerving demons due to their patterns of behaviour and other things about them remind unchained of the god machine for whatever reasons. Also strix are drawn to infrastructure and cause it to detoriate.
I would think as other poster said that True Fae are too unpredictable and being in Arcadia they are probably outside of God Machine sight most of the time
You imply god machine has some kind of plan or something. I remind you that we talk about being who put isanely complicated years long term plan to create one photo.
Loud Demon so 10.
>I think people would be terrified of Obrimos.
How can anyone be terrified of cuddly Obrimos?
People terrified of truth user.
Fiery incantations in the sky above you scare people. Even if they tell simple truth like: "Traps are gay"
One of the PCs in our current chronicle is in the process of explaining everything werewolf-related to the Talbot Group. We just decided we didn't really want to kill them, and we didn't want to hand the werewolf kid they'd scooped up over to the pack that was probing our territory looking for him, so we just said a collective fuck it and decided it'd be best of these people simply knew the consequences of their actions.
Doing so has made me realize how hilarious the Talbot Group really are.
>Perhaps these wolf-people can help as somehow with spirit problems?
Isn't there another hunter group that thinks spirits are our friends and the pure are the good guys?
Considering running a series of oneshots for my group using a different splat for each one and going through them all.
What problems am I going to run into. Aside form Beast
Les Mystères, yeah. They don't necessarily think the Pure are good guys so much as better guys, because spirits don't slander then as often.
Actually vampire is more dangerous than beast. People outside cofd doesnt know about beast stigma, you play as manifestation of fear and mythical creatures etc etc, but vampires are running gag everybody knows about.
This has the potential to go either very, very right or very, very wrong.
Keep us posted, user.
Are Les Mysteres winners of Most-ass-backwards conspiracy reward?
How dull is this thread without mage posters.
In their ignorance they deny us. Let them suffer for now.
tremere are gay
double that
only if the balls touch
Wod or CofD ones
True, but atleast they have something to relate to with Vamp. God knows how I can explain Geists lore and mechanics in a simple enough way for oneshotters.
You're right though, Beast systemically isn't that bad so I can run it without the shitty lore.
> run it without the shitty lore
Things i do with any wod\cofd line.
Anyone willing to share the Changeling 2e preview?
Missed the KS
Knights of St. George and The Long Night are strong contenders. The Knights are inadvertently helping to end the world and the Night are super fundies that often wreck beneficial supernatural shit because muh Rapture.
Knights are the ones that serve Abyss right? What does Long Night do other than being composed of fuckwits?
Someone shared the collected pdf on these threads. Try archives? I would actually have use for it, since it's so much more convenient to browse than four separate pdfs.
Am a Tremerefag, can confirm
Being composed of fuckwits causes them to do incredibly dumb shit.
>This supernatural creature appears to solely hunt more ravenous monsters
>It's trying to trick us! Satan deceives! Kill it!
>This hunter has strange powers or magical equipment that assist them in fighting monsters
>It's a servant of the Devil trying to infiltrate us! Kill it!
>Those werewolves are defending some kind of standing stone and whenever we destroy them evil spirits start pouring into the world
>That means we're angering the Devil and thus winning! Destroy the stones!
>This strange human who can see ghosts is helping the dead move on before they fester and become harmful
>He must be sending them to Satan's embrace! Kill it!
I rest my case
Didn't Knights serve G-M?
Those were Knights of Saint Adrian
From what I recall the OG Atlantis was *run* by Archmages. So yes they would care.
Ignore that one. Sounded like a total Demon fanboy.
gay means happy
There are too many Knights of Saints!
Significantly less annoying than even 30% Mage fanboys.
>run by Archmages
So it was outside the boundaries of the God Machine, and so was not a factor.
Fortunately, I wasn't speaking of outlands, you may as well said the True Fae would take offense in Arcadia.
The Gentry are too infinite for the Machine to handle. You could kill thousands and still not take a fraction out of it.
Arcadia is also outside the God Machine's influence or concern, as an above user already brought up.
Theoretically I could make a second God Machine using the Practice of Dominions
But what would the original one think of it