What kind of Stealth skills can a race of giants have?
Twice bigger than humans, high intellect but no magic.
What kind of Stealth skills can a race of giants have?
Twice bigger than humans, high intellect but no magic.
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Just drop them in a forest and their larger size becomes irrelevant.
They would get like a -4 penalty depending on the system, and they would tend to have a lower dex meaning a probably lower stealth.
Then you add the logical penalties.
They could try, but it won't work very well at all.
Like physical or stat skill?
They could (if in the wild) carry a massive sheet if grass and rocks, then lay down and pretend to be a small hill. Or something similar. That's the most creative way I could think of.
Many in a city they could carry a bit of wall that they could cover themselves with.
Tree suit.
Have you seen the movie Troll Hunters / Trolljegerna?
Put em in the woods in the dead of night where you only know were they are through the noises they make.
Camouflage in densely forested areas, rocky mountainous regions and such; anywhere a big creature can mimic their surroundings by standing still and pretend to be some element typical to the area. Something like +4 to Stealth rolls in those areas (+8/10 if there is mist, or something else you come up with).
I could imagine them being very skilled at merging with the environment, so that it is easy to mistake them for a tree, a rock, or a piece of a wall. The awful last part of the Inkheart trilogy had a house-sized giant that was very sneaky and almost invisible, all grown over with moss and stuff. In the book, this was explained as the only reason that giants weren't seen more often and consequently hunted to extinction.
Most sentients have all their attention at eye level and below, so as long as the giant isn't moving or making noise, it could easily get away with just being part of the environment.
at twice the size or twice the height? twice the height would imply more than twice the overall size. The former, while larger than the average human, isn't ridiculously huge and could still sneak up on something if they were careful. The latter would have to hide among trees and unless it was on very soft and quiet ground would be heard moving from a fair distance.
Underground travel.
This gives me a great idea actually...
Hill Giants that grow moss and lichen on their back so they can hunker down and disguise themselves as hills
implying twice the height, pretty obviously. talking about mass makes no sense at all.
a 180kg man needn't even be taller than a 90kg man, just more built.
Big feet, hollow skeletons, musculature that can retain position without trembling or tiring easily, skill at camouflage
Sneakiest motherfucker I have ever met was a 6'8" 370 pound fat guy.
Ranger training is terrifying shit.
>180 kg
That's what fatties believe
Being twice as tall as a human isn't that bad, they could probably still be pretty stealthy. Obviously they'd struggle in a human environment but staying outdoors, even in urban areas, I imagine they could hide pretty well.
Ever read the BFG?
It's not impossible, but you have to be seriously built.
Big tigers can be up to 300kg and 3m long not including the tail and are sneaky as fuck. Assuming you're not in a flat field with freshly cut grass, there's no reason a larger animal with the appropriate skills can't be stealthy.
>What kind of Stealth skills can a race of giants have?
IIRC some trolls master hexes and illusions to trick human senses
This has me thinking more of Discworld trolls. The ancient fatass ones who go to sleep for centuries until they become part of the landscape.
>last part of the Inkheart trilogy
Snowy Owls?
Elephant's are really fucking quiet. In forest areas you usually don't even know they've walked right through your camp until you see the footprints. Just give the giants squishy foot pads like an elephant.
a fully grown tiger is about twice the size of a human, give or take.
And yeah, they sneak up on people plenty easy.
Do they stop breathing ? Hell, their I bet I could even dance to their heartbeat.
>What kind of Stealth skills can a race of giants have?
pretending to be a tree?
Invisibility and levitation?
Hide behind something or use camouflage and learn to remain still, don't breathe, lower heart rate. Most of all, remain stationary. Massive creatures can be felt while moving. They disrupt more, lots of secondary damage to indicate something amiss.
It is much more difficult to be subtle when huge without massive amounts of hand waving or absurdity.
...but with mountains/dunes.
>Be a giant.
>Put on ghellie suit.
>Stand still, pretend to be a tree.