Death Wagered: >What is Kingdom Death: Monster? Monster is a board game about surviving in the darkness. You play a bunch of cavemen stuck inside the world of the Kingdom Death, a setting full of freaky (and sometimes psycho-sexual) monsters.
This game has 3 phases. 1. You hunt down monsters for resources 2. Fight them 3. Return to your settlement with the goods Your goal is to arm your survivors and grow your settlement over 25-30 'lantern years', overcoming the odds that are against you.
A maximum of 25-30 sessions are expected for a successful campaign. Shorter campaigns will be available in 2019-2020.
The intros to these threads r getting good. Thx user
Wyatt Barnes
I thought the Watcher with a subpar team for the first time yesterday. Best equipment we had were Adventure Sword, Counterweighted Axe and Denticle Axe, we could only get 7 life points off of it altogether. Prior to this we wiped versus Butcher level 3 (had lots of level 2 Sunstalker resources before this) and Gorm level 3.
I feel a bit bad because Watcher is normally seen as an easy, disappointing boss within the community - but kinda glad that it kicked our shit in because of our snowballing losses.
Jose Cooper
I personally always saw him as really hard to beat if you don´t have a Twilight Sword because of the Watchers high toughness.
Andrew Collins
>I thought the Watcher
fought*. The Watcher is stealing my brain to this day. Me attached.
Aaron Reed
Speaking of skin tones... Tanned Young Survivor Y/N?
Brody Martinez
Think there will be some news on the At as nemesis next update? Since it's Christmas and all...
Levi Hill
Gabriel Flores
Das sum kinky shit you got there. Got any more?
Carson Bennett
Personally I'd go with nah. 'tis your loli, though.
Jonathan Fisher
please don't encourage him. that faggot screaming about poots and pregnancy was hard enough to get away the first time.
Connor Ortiz
Besides the kickstarter how often do kits get reprints? Grabbed the ones I really wanted from the black Friday thing but I'm kinda want to get the rest to. Also on that Imgur link what do they mean buy bits on sprue? Like extra custom parts?
Alexander Bailey
I've only seen stock come back around holidays. Allison the Twilight Knight and the Twilight Detective got reprinted around Halloween and Black Friday. One could conclude something might get reprinted around Christmas.
Levi Rivera
Adam should be getting a pretty decent stock of all expansions with the Wave 2 delivery from China, and I assume he'll be putting money aside to fund another big reprint run at a later date to keep things in stock long term.
Landon Gray
1.5 box and 1.0 expansion model contents.
Bentley Nelson
Already in op.
Gabriel Collins
People don't read the OPs, much less FAQs when they're linked to externally.
Matthew Miller
Got my Black Friday package in.
The Art Card pack really did mean 25 random cards, as in random cards per person.
Nathan Parker
I don't recognize what mini came with this Twilight Knight art.
Elijah Gomez
The 54mm version of the twilight knight allison.
Nathan Lewis
Don't know, but I did get too. Did anyone else here who got one also get the Lion Knight and the First Lion Knight?
Dylan Watson
This one is also a mystery to me.
Nathan Rivera
Worshipper of the storm female.
James Williams
Worshipper of the Storm, female version.
Julian Gray
KDM should just get on releasing a new art and design book already.
Robert Hill
My Young Survivor is getting light peachy skin and dirty blonde hair to contrast my deathly pale survivors, swarthy grizzled dudes, and anime hair ladies.
Josiah Cooper
Good sir , you should scan those so we might all enjoy them if that is not too much to ask
Cameron Johnson
Scanbeggers should get their dicks chopped off.
Jason Martinez
I spent my money on plastic and paper crack, not hardware. Sorry
Bentley Howard
Well boys I suppose this will be remembered , I will not share my art anymore , and I already do have a lot and will have even more after my satans pledge is done shipping. You sir should lube your dick up and stick it in a light socket. Scanners are cheap but obviously we prefer being elitist around here
Jeremiah Sanders
I have a scan of the Worshipper of the Storm (F) volafile dot org /r/f4rpy87w
Dominic Rivera
Good, no one asked you to do so, so fuck off.
Daniel Gray
Oh yes , I am going to have to fuck off because a whiny little bitch wants me to , kys
Joshua Taylor
Sebastian Nelson
We don't owe you anything if you want art cards buy them.
Carson Rogers
You are a fucking faggot , Not once did i say shit was owed , I asked politely and you , Probably a poor fag got all pissy. Go stick a cactus up your ass and fuck off. I already have around 100 pieces of KD art and will have more coming as i said. But no i should either buy a box of random art that I will most likely get art I have or am going to get or buy off of scalpers on ebay because these models aren't in stock. Get a life you fucking faggot
Kevin Rodriguez
I pledged satan and also have like 80% of everything ever released you plebeian, still I don't come here asking other people to pirate shit for my greedy self.
Aiden Roberts
Says "we" , don't try and act like you talk for anyone else on here
Benjamin Nelson
Both of you shitposting faggots can fuck off. This trash argument is in every thread and frankly yours is the stupidest yet. Quit embarrasing yourselves.
>Two more faggots filtered.
Jayden Stewart
>satanplebs and pathetic scanfags trying to out gay each other. nice
Samuel Cruz
Question not answered in the FAQ:
Do principles, like graves/cannibalism, count towards the 5 innovation milestone?
Aiden Jones
I'd rule no. I think innovations and principles are different things.
Xavier Mitchell
That's the way i've been playing, but then why then are they backed as "innovation" just like the actual innovations?
Evan Nguyen
They don't, I think, they're not innovations. But innovations acquired in non-usual ways (like Guidepost or Language) do count.
Grayson Miller
Speaking of Innovations, since Masteries are also Innovatins, how does it work if they get destroyed via some random effect?
Benjamin Diaz
>Want to sleeve my stuff >Get pointed at the Paladin KS >Looks good >Go to comments >Videos of their shitty chinese manufacturing spliting at a sneeze What am I to do?
Robert Perez
hope Poots gets his shit together to restock
Hunter Parker
Well, I'm not sure how it happened, but I lost one of the arms for the starting survivors that holds the Founding Stone. I'm pissed, it must have broken off the sprue on its own. It could be literally anywhere.
Ryder James
Time to deep clean your place. hint: nylon stocking over vacuum tube for picking up small bits off the carpet
Jacob Ortiz
Does anyone have a tally of just how many of each card sizes there are, not just in core but in all expansions? I'm probably going to buy from Paladin anyways, and just but like 10% more than I need since I'm also going to sleeve up a bunch of other stuff so the packs will be like $1.5 each
It has a LOT of cards, the core alone is well over a thousand.
Tyler Young
I don't know how many I want to plan for now is my issue, because I'm late to the party and didn't get in on the kickstarter, just buying stuff from the web store as it goes up. The KS was up while I was simultaneously in college and dealing with major depression issues, but now I'm graduated with a full time career and money to burn on things that make me happy.
Joseph Hall
I would recommend sleeving the cards that get handled a lot, the rest should be fine without them.
Josiah Jones
I still haven't played the damn game, I'm taking my time assembling and painting first but the Paladin KS has me under some pressure to pull the trigger
Nolan Lewis
Backs don't matter. Not all AI cards are drawn, and I think Indomitable has the general (M) card back.
Aiden Bailey
No luck, user. To be honest, I don't have any proof that it was actually on the sprue when I got it. Think Poots would be sympathetic and me another bit, or would it not be worth their time?
Logan Perez
Survival of the Fittest 1.5 is far superior to Protect the Young. If you pick PtY, you're a beta.
Oliver James
Or playing with beginners. They rolled minimum starting population and chose SotF, so it went badly. When we hit clinging mist, they decided to go with PtY this time. I agree that SotF is better, but PtY is friendlier to noobies.
Evan King
Daily remainder that there is atleast one crazy mofo in this thread that plays SotF whilst also rolling for genders.
Gabriel Diaz
Chase Scott
And me. It means you have to hog all females in camp since they die in childbirth 51% of the time
Evan Nelson
Izzat with or without face paint
Robert Johnson
Without. With it its 36%, but then you also have to factor in that you'll fail every second or so face paint, which to be fair only is a setback in endeavors.
Any more math/probability questions? Kinda fun.
Joshua Richardson
Starts without.
Asher Cruz
>f5ing for Christmas Sale >still haven't even touched my halloween minis >haven't even painted my starting survivors is this what addiction is like?
Robert Watson
>Any more math/probability questions? Kinda fun. Is bone dagger or bone sword better? If toughness matters, let's say against a level one lion.
Luis Ward
Just got sour StT on the katar user. fml
Jacob Powell
in case anybody doesn't know see the truth makes you go blind
Joshua Powell
That’s fine, katars are fast enough that it might actually help
Camden Lee
Paired blood paint, there ya go.
Juan Morris
but the problem is now im hitting on 10's
Jason Rivera
Why aren’t you clan of death by now?
Tyler Bailey
So you were hitting on 9's before? You only go blind in one eye, and not if you already were.
Camden Reed
lol i thought he became fully blind with -4 accuracy thx for showing me the truth senpai
Evan Bennett
Not him, and I suck at math, but it seems to be like this. Bone dagger does 0,48 wounds by default without standing in the blind spot, and the bone sword does 0,5. In the blind spot, they both do 0,6. With +1 Strength, the dagger does 0,6 outside of the blind spot and 0,75 in it, while the sword does 0,6 out of it and 0,72 in it. The dagger scales better with stats, but not by too much. The only real difference between them is the survival on PH, Frail, number of potential hits locations drawn (they aren't that different on average, the dagger draws 0,3 HL more), number of potential wounds and weapons proficiency.
John Richardson
To actually answer your question, which one is better is mostly personal preference and depends on what you will use it for. But on average, I'd say the dagger is better because of the survival instead of frail. It's extremely useful to get extra survival for dodging (or dashing if you have paint) in the early game. I also personally despise frail.
Grayson Myers
It applies the Blind result on the head damage table, so it means that if you had no previous Blind injury, you just lose an eye.
Brody Ward
Disregard this post. The Truth is you suck, and you have seen it. You only hit on 10's now.
Congrats on your milestone. Acquire more Understanding and next time See the Rules.
Thomas Turner
Are you saying it applies double-blind instantly? Doesn't seem like that.
Hudson Fisher
Dude just read the Story Event again. Seriously.
Ryder Morris
Yeah and it states to suffer they severe head injury blind, which in turn states that the first time you suffer it you only loose an eye. Is this gonna be one of those "Hurr durr i only pretended to be stupid" scenarios?
Joshua Watson
Jacob King
I'm not sure why you wrote a bunch of text in caps saying a statement I didn't make was wrong. Anything with the text i posted you want to critique or?
Jose Hall
You are either trolling or failing to understand three separate people.
Jace Nelson
So can you point me to the post where I said something incorrect again? I asked for it in as well but you seem to have ignored it, so i'm asking again nicely.
Dominic Rivera
Not incorrect, but this question >Are you saying it applies double-blind instantly? is reeeeeally dumb if you just read the whole Story Event.
Jack Sullivan
Which I never said, which if you read my previous 2 posts you'd know.
Now please stop shitting down the thread with your sperging and at least read the posts you're replying to alright?
Christian Morgan
wrong poster, retard.
Justin Cooper
>I too, as in me a completely separate poster will randomly jump into the argument and call you a retard rather than answer a question that wasn't meant for me.
Really makes you think....
Samuel Lee
You want a diagram?
1. You fucked up the rules because you're illiterate. 2. Someone corrected you. 3. I made a joke at your expense. 4. You failed to grasp the joke, again, due to your illiteracy and/or autism. 5. Someone else pipes in to try and straighten you out. 6. A spiral of sperging erupts from you and ends up here.
Go to bed Grandma.
Benjamin Miller
>You screwed up the rules!
Except I didn't. Can you point me where i made an incorrect statement? You've been avoiding it. Last chance before I stop feeding you.
Jackson Ward
Nobody but you cares.
Colton Perez
Point proven. Now stop sperging cause you misread the rules.
Jason Murphy
I don't think I've seen anyone this salty for being wrong except the first time I accidentally triggered a lvl2 lion LY2.
Just stop posting dude. You where wrong, he never said anything incorrect, the only time he even hinted at something incorrect was when he criticized your """joke""" post where you clearly where wrong.
Remember this is an anonymous board, if you just stop sperging for 5 minutes nobody will remember you as "that retard", alright kiddo? How can you even play KDM being this salty?
David Campbell
I just found a portcullis key. Should i worry?
Grayson Hill
What the hell are you quoting me for?
No, the chances for the Key becoming relevant are reeeeeeeally low.
Joshua Ward
I guess the other guy was right, you cannot even read, guess that's why you got the rules so wrong.