Joke magic items that your players didn't get

The Banehammer
>large black Iron warhammer covered in intricate script detailing a comprehensive, yet idiosyncratic of law and conduct
>normally functions as a +1 warhammer
>however, if the target has violated the code inscribed on the hammer in some way, they must succeed in a wisdom saving throw or be trapped in a demiplane for a time period as described in the inscription.
>duration of imprisonment can vary from a few hours (cursing and foul language, violent assault in areas where such acts are expressly prohibited) to months (theft, fraud, facilitating access to sexual services or objects (such as obscene sculture, paintings or written documents)).
>crimes the hammer deems especially heinous can be punished with permanent exile (attempting to alter the fabric of reality, players who make OOC threats to other players)

I grinned, that's good enough amusement for a day. Good job user

What's the joke?

>succeed in a wisdom saving throw or be trapped in a demiplane for a time period as described in the inscription
that would be extremely painful

I tried to pull a Truly Immovable Rod once, because memes. After it shot through the opposite wall my players just assumed it was cursed to do the opposite of the description, i.e. an Unstoppable Rod.


joke about banhammers, which is a term used to refer to when moderators ban folks on forums

shit nigga that's actually pretty funny

Planar banishment is a neat weapon property, and it's innovative to decouple it from an attack/damage effect. There's a handful of weapon abilities, either innate enchantments or bestowed with outside magic, that confer a planar banishing effect (usually only for ousiders) on a successful attack; but the question remains: why is this necessary?
Why would you hammer someone before throwing him out of a plane?

I’ve never understood that one, actually. The universe lacks an absolute reference frame, so the regular Immovable Rod is arguably just as sensible as the Truly Immovable variety.

Alternatively, you could say that an Immovable Rod has a fixed velocity and an infinite inertial mass. In that case, an Immovable rod would in fact head off into the sky, because it’s no longer affected by gravity.