I know this is more of a /v/ question but fuck /v/. Are there any good star wars total conversion mods out there?
Benjamin Anderson
The KOTOR sourcebook for Saga/d20
Nathaniel Long
Total conversion for the Total Annihilation for RTS players, and there's the Arma III mod for FULL TACTICAL Star Wars
Owen Williams
Sins of a Solar Empire Star Wars mod
Ryan Bailey
Christmas is a shitty commercial pagan holiday. If you celebrate it than you should probably kill yourself.
Levi Perez
Anything for xcom players yet? Plenty of mods but no word on TC I know of
Luke Sanchez
But it gave us the best Star Wars movie.
Levi Taylor
>Rose >Finn >Phasma >Snoke >Evil BB-8 Did I miss any of the other one dimensional characters with zero depth or importance? These four are completely wasted and useless
Gavin Nguyen
Star Wars: Warlords for Homeworld II
Evan Davis
Admiral Holdo and the slicer whose name I can't even remember anymore
Anthony King
Not remembering based DJ
Jace Sanchez
sank you
Tyler Ramirez
Thank god I read spoilers, I will not support this shit movie
Grayson Long
Only Luke fanboys and theory shitters disliked this film. It was damn good and mystified the force again after the prequels tried to ruin it.
Joseph Barnes
This is a new sensation, my vision has turned red....
Levi Bell
Sup /swg/, I need help with learning to fly against ships with Bomblet Generator and ships that arc-dodge and are turrets.
I was doing some practice games to try to understand matchups with a friend (eg, correcting each other's mistakes so that we both learn) and after 3 games of 2 Gunboats and Quickdraw fucking his double Scurrg+Filler list on the initial engage by dropping a Scurrg and then cleaning up, we managed to get into an end game of 2 undamaged HLC gunbaots vs Bomblet Nym. This took a fuckload of time, and I realized I couldn't kill him- my wincondition should have been to SLAM away and wait for time.
I realize now that I should have taken my non-TL (but still Linked batteries) shots on Nym on the early engage so that I could leverage SLAM to kill the other Scurrg he had (PS 3 Lok) but if he was running something like Miranda Nym, I'm not sure what I can do besides "Kill as much stuff as I can in the first 3 turns and then slam the fuck away"
So /swg/, can you give me advice for how to deal with ships that like to kite and never properly engage? Using a Gunboat and Quickdraw in particular.
Nym, Dash, Miranda, Corran, Asajj, RAC, how do you deal with them when your PS is lower and arc locked (but have secondaries)?
I'm going to a tournament in 2 hours, and I need some help.
William King
Stop that shit. As someone who enjoyed the film, dont you dare pretend that it's flawless apart from people being upset about Luke.
Jacob Baker
I've only played three x-wing games so I apologize for not having better advice but if you have lower PS ships, what if you try spreading them out to create a much larger killbox for your opponent to end up in. You may have a few ships not get shots in a round but as long as some do, you'll be able to chip away at their health.
Also, if Dash has Rey crew then he is going to skirt back and forth along his side of the board collecting focus tokens to use later on. If you let that happen, you're pretty much boned so you have to rush Dash with your ships as fast as you can
Michael Russell
Watching it tonight with my father. Luke's treatment might just break him. Wish me luck.
Ryder Taylor
>only people that like the main character and wanted something deeper or more meaningful to JJ's mystery box than THE TWIST IS THAT THERE ARE NO TWISTS HUEHEUHEUHUHUHEUAEHUAEHUAHEUHAUE disliked this film So most reasonable people?
Leo Torres
>mystified the force again How? By showing us a bunch of shitty new powers that don't amount to anything and shouldn't reasonably be possible? Good luck user
Mason Rodriguez
Do the porgs count as a character? The emotional manipulation with them was so overbearing.
Josiah Taylor
Why are you trying to break him?
Andrew Bennett
I'd say they count. Also, what the fuck was up with those maids on Luke's island?
Samuel Moore
Looked like a last-minute inclusion to me, just to put Rey in two awkward moments
Tyler Watson
>mystified the force again This is what I liked about the film. The scenes with Rey and Kylo Ren had something, I cared about them. Lukes bits training Rey were good but ultimately went nowhere.
More importantly, if you have VAST UNIVERSAL POWER and the most you do make a rock float or a sick backflip, then fuck, you dumb. Last Jedi understood this perfectly.
unfortunately what I disliked about the film was >everything else.
>Stupid Admiral didn't know how to manage her people, which is her fucking job >then she died before she could learn, which would have been an arc, at least >are we supposed to care about Finn trying to save Rey again? Because we know from experience that she always ends up fine without his help >why the fuck is Rose a character. >is animal cruelty the only way this movie knows how to demonstrate evil >obnoxious hope speeches. 3 of them? at least 2.
Ethan Hill
It's not that she didn't know how to handle her people, it's because Poe's a hothead who thought he knew more about Leia's plans than he actually did. If Poe hadn't had a mutiny, the transports possibly would have had more time.
He wants to see it and I can't exactly go right out and say "dad one of your favorite movie characters shits the bed harder than whatever Jar Jar stepped in can we not watch this".
Mason Rodriguez
>It's not that she didn't know how to handle her people, it's because Poe's a hothead who thought he knew more about Leia's plans than he actually did. If Poe hadn't had a mutiny, the transports possibly would have had more time.
Poe wasn't the problem, Holdo was. She didn't fucking tell them about the plan. Unlike the totalitarian First Order, the Resistance/Rebels rely upon independet and critical thinking, and the actions of individual heroes. If she had fucking told one of her higher ranking officers what the fucking plan was, there wouldn't have been any need for a mutiny. Holdo should have understood this because she was a decorated admiral.
But then again, she shouldn't even have been in the movie at all. It should have either been Ackbar or Leia sacrificing themselves for the cause.
Nicholas Russell
Noah Walker
isn't hothead common for pilot-types? handling hotheads is a basic job skill. that's rather my point about the transports. poe screwed up, but bad leadership put him in a position where he felt he had no choice. good leadership would have prevented the whole mess.
this is not to say i dislike the admiral, i would have liked to see her develope more. she and poe could have learned things from each other, be a nice little arc.
Justin Peterson
Hollywood doesn't deserve you Mark. The stage and voice-acting appreciate your talents.
Keep the beard though, looks good.
Samuel Phillips
Jose Reyes
someone get this hothead out of here
Evan Kelly
I'm not crying, you're crying
John Hall
I didn't ask for these feels...
Henry Cook
>Admiral dies before learning from her mistakes
I fully expected Leia to take the suicide run and leave Holdo in charge of the Resistance, and for her and Poe to be learning to work together as the last part of the film and start of next / in-between books. Kinda a shame that they wasted that possible arc. That said Im still buttmad that she wasnt wearing anything vaguely approaching a uniform. Leia gets a pass on that, even though she wore one in TFA that she couldve kept just fine, but Holdo shouldve been wearing a fucking resistance officer uniform goddamnit.
Jackson Russell
Fuck you. How dare you make me feel that with my own feels. I hate that song so much, and that makes it worse
Angel Watson
But that would mean that Disney cares about telling a good story
Henry Garcia
It wasn't bad leadership at all, really. Since we're only seeing it from Poe's view. We didn't get to see the conversations between Holdo and Leia. I can understand it from a storytelling perspective because it would have made The Plan look even more risky than it already was.
Also you can't say Holdo didn't go out like a badass.
Juan Mitchell
>Gets to shoot the shit with Yoda again >Saves all his friends with an epic ruse that shows he's insanely powerful with the force but in a mystic willpower way instead of a FLIPS way >Dat Soresu
I'm not sure what people would want
Cameron Hall
LAST JEDI QUESTION Does it explain anything about what the fuck the setting is now? I found TFA deeply confusing in a way the OT wasn't in that nothing was explained on even a cursory level. The OT didn't have much exposition but everything was adequately explained by cues I picked up on, such as the wonderful prop design. When TFA ended I still had the following questions: >what is the division between the First Order and Empire? Is the First Order just the Empire or what is going on here? I assume they are because they had the resources for a massive superweapon. Did they shrink a lot? >What is the source of the division between the Resistance and the New Republic? Is the latter funding the former? If the Empire/First Order lost what are they resisting? Are they at odds with the New Republic too hence the name? I am not asking questions about minor characters and shit, because those are irrelevant. The OT was wonderful precisely because it refused to stop and talk about that shit. I am not even asking questions about major characters or things I expected to see drawn out in the explicitly stated trilogy--Star Wars did not have that luxury at the beginning. I just have these extremely basic questions as to what the fuck I even watched. Are these answered in nuEU material or in the Last Jedi?
Jayden Powell
it was really weird that Leia didn't volunteer for that. Especially since her major theme in the film was "I don't want others to die for me." Plus it puts the movies in a weird position with the real world stuff
Mason Gutierrez
I'm honestly surprised he can get away with speaking out without being jumped by a swarm of lawyers. Usually even the biggest stars are forced to bullshit to the media that they love whatever turd they just acted in, at least until it's out of the theatres.
Brody Anderson
Everything is just much more confusing now. It didn't clear anything up, subverted expectations just to subvert them, and used the name rebellion and resistance interchangeably. To answer your questions, however: >the Empire is the Nazis; the First Order are Neonazis. We don't know much about their size or funding yet, but they're definitely much smaller and hidden than the Empire. >The New Republic has been demilitarized after the Empire was defeated and fled to the Unknown Regions. People in the resistance think that demilitarization was way too soon, and they took up arms against the FO. Some people from the New Republic fund and support the Resistance, most notably people from the Populist political faction, but by far not all of them.
Zachary Cooper
I think Leia's going to succumb to her injuries in the next movie before Kylo kills her. It was implied that she's in poor shape from her time in the void of space. The denial of killing off his past completely might send Kylo completely off the deep end. I also think Snoke isn't as dead as he seems. Sure his physical body is gone, but it's implied he's been burrowing into Kylo's mind for years.
Also shout out to the people who forgot Leia's Force sensitive.
Wyatt Morgan
That's because it's a meme clip that disregards everything else he said before and after.
Mason Smith
New republic died in TFA so the resistance and the New republic are essentially the same thing.
First Order is old holdouts of the Empire who fucked off to the Unknown Regions. Thanks to a combo of good investments in the military sector, no morality/qualms about dirty deals and the new Republic going way too far on drawing down forces/getting blowed up real bad by Starkiller Base they are essentially unopposed militarily now.
NuEU might go more in depth but I wouldn't expect it to be good in the slightest
>The OT was wonderful precisely because it refused to stop and talk about that shit I agree with you that the sequel trilogy should do a better job of differentiating itself but praising the OT for barely worldbuilding then damning the ST for the exact same thing seems a bit hypocritical
Andrew Myers
>I agree with you that the sequel trilogy should do a better job of differentiating itself but praising the OT for barely worldbuilding then damning the ST for the exact same thing seems a bit hypocritical
It's different because nostalgia and I don't like new things!!!!
Jack Edwards
How about letting the man finally have some peace in his life before he dies? Let him have a few good years of comfortable happiness before he becomes one with the force. Him getting over his failure with Ben should have been his first step in becoming a mentor character again. It feels like we just got started with Luke by the time the movie was wrapping up, and he just up and leaves reality.
I know that to a Jedi master dying really isn't that big of a deal, but no matter what context, death always has the same narrative connotations: That character's story is finished and complete. Luke will never go on another adventure again.
The abruptness of it makes it seem like Mark Hamill was the one that died, not Carrie Fisher. It feels like a last-minute fix so they have an excuse for Luke not to be in the next movie.
Jaxson Moore
I 100% agree with this. They could have worked it.
Josiah Edwards
Next movie I hope we get a Poe/Kylo dogfight
Jackson Barnes
>Also shout out to the people who forgot Leia's Force sensitive. Her Force-sensitivity has never been seen in one of the movies (except her feeling that Luke escaped the Death Star in the end of ROTJ). Since the movie shat all over the rest of the established continuity, why do they introduce this fact with a power that was never seen before, and which makes for an awfully cheesy moment?
Jayden Gomez
I think he's mostly just saying that the world-building in the OT was more fluid and felt more natural. You know the Empire is the big evil space government and the Rebels are the freedom fighters. Now we're in a universe when the First Order are the neonazi hold-outs while the Rump Empire is a thing in the core worlds and the New Republic is a demilitarized state with rotating capitals and the Resistance is a splint of the government that is engaged with the neonazis resisting the end of the GCW.
It's just sloppy when you have the Resistance as the ones in the position of power. The terminology could have made everything much simpler.
Also, we weren't left wondering at the end of ANH if the entire Rebellion was dead because they blewed up a planet.
Angel Green
So you're suggesting Luke should have gotten off scot-free for running from his mistakes and essentially dooming the New Republic, Han, his own sister, and possibly half the galaxy's population? Part of his arc was realizing that he couldn't hide from his mistakes, and that it was time to face them.
Anyway, his send off was nice, getting to watch the setting of two suns... just like back home.
Blake Lee
>comfortable happiness Pretty sure that this is the definition of becoming one with the Force. Achieving Nirvana, moeksha what have you. Becoming one with the force IS the point.
Yeah I'd love Luke to be in the next movie as a main too but he got to redeem himself for his moment of failing Ben and go out knowing that he had passed on his knowledge and legacy to a new generation, just like Obi-Wan and Yoda before him.
Also he's totally gonna be a force ghost at some point
Adam Ortiz
She also had a mind link with luke in ESB, though who knows if Force Text Message can be 1-way or not.
Brayden Stewart
You also missed the part where she felt Han die. And that years have passed between ROTJ and TLJ.
Andrew Martinez
>I agree with you that the sequel trilogy should do a better job of differentiating itself but praising the OT for barely worldbuilding then damning the ST for the exact same thing seems a bit hypocritical user didn't phrase it brilliantly, but there'sa difference between OT's worldbuilding with established the essentials necessary for the plot and used references to stuff like "the big Corellian ships" or the Clone Wars and the Old Republic to make the world feel lived in with the impression of depth. It didn't need to have info dumps of exposition and background lore.
ST has done a pretty bad job about the basic premise, who these people are and why we should care. It's a bit harder since they need to explain how we got here from the OT rather than just introducing a universe for the first time but a lot of what we got is poorly explained ,makes no sense or both.
Noah Peterson
>what is the scene in Empire where she uses the force to find luke >what is the scene where she "always knew" on the inside that she committed incest with Luke
Dylan Torres
ITT: People who think 40k has excellent well thought out and put together lore talk about how Star Wars sucks at lore and plot.
Aaron Turner
Jokes on you, I think 40k is terrible at lore and plot too
Mason Perry
Luke DID get off scot-free. All he did was phone up Kylo and say he was sorry. He didn't actually fix the problem he started, he's letting the new characters and his sister pick up his mess while he gets to force ghost it up with Yoda and Obi-Wan. That seems so incredibly out of character for Luke - while I can believe his internal conflict regarding his failure, to be true to the Luke we know and love from the OT he would've gotten off of that island and tried his damnedest to set things right. That doesn't mean he has to be a frontline character, but he should've at least had a similar role as Leia going forward.
The scene itself was touching, I agree, I just wish they saved that for the end of Episode 9 instead of this one. It's just been such a short amount of time, you know?
Benjamin Gonzalez
If poe was told the plan earlier he would have just chimped out sooner.
Jack Watson
Getting off scot-free means he would have remained there and continued living unbothered or dying peacefully in his sleep blissfully unaware and not done anything. Instead he dies exerting everything he had left so that he could buy time for the survivors to escape. I don't know how that's getting off scot-free.
Nathaniel Cruz
Hey! I'll have you know that page 11109 of Horus Heresy Revisited: The Horus Saga #86 of 350 volumes has a several paragraph monologue by Roboute Guilleman concerning the growing threat of the World Eaters in the Gorgotha Sectorum Segmundaganatis and how it threatens to destroy all six of the Gene Seed Storage Worlds of Thund threatening 5/18 of the Ultramarine successor chapters to no longer be able to recruit Valourous and Sacrificial Marines to carry out the ongoing Crusade in the Brugada Syndrome Sector against the Dark Eldar of Kabal of the Bloody Thorn Rose led by Irielethielel the lithe and sexy LungBloodener is a great example of world building!!
Mason Scott
You fool! Page 12322 of Horus Heresy Reconquest: The Horus Tales #231 of 400 volumes directly contradicts that with the World Eaters in fact being a growing problem in the Sniffin Sectorum, and it wasn't the Kabal of the Bloody Thorn Rose, it was the Kabal of the Poison of the Bloody Lily!
Andrew Jones
I guess I can understand that. I just didn't feel like it was established before that you can overexert your use of the Force so hard that you die.
Ethan Hall
Brandon Bell
I apologize for my careless mistake brother.
I hereby rescind by membership as an editing admin of lexincanacoripanistanitorum.munitortum.astartes.wiki, effective immediately
Eli Parker
It made an already bad setting full of retcons and vagueness even worse and somehow explained even less.
I've watched the full thing. Mark fucking hates Nu Star Wars, and I'm right there with him.
Jack Clark
No he doesn't, a simple out of context statement and you guys basically do everything to stretch it out into him hating it. But you can keep thinking he does. And spending money on it and talking about midichlorians.
Camden Rogers
Are Star Wars fans really going to throw shade about large extended universes? Does the wook need to be linked to ground your feet a little?
Michael Butler
Flagellate yourself for this Heresy and say five Hail Wards to be forgiven.
Juan Walker
>these movies are made for children >it's just a movie >the prequels were better >looks furious at rian >hates hype-farming interviewers
Go away, shill.
Hudson Clark
>Getting mad about jokes >Instead of jumping right in with a mockery of Star Wars lore
Jaxson Cooper
I'm not mad, I just don't understand it. It's like Spain insulting Italy for liking football.
Logan Foster
but user, they're not celebrating christmas, they're celebrating life day
Landon Hill
He actually hates the beard and shaved it for a bit between 7 and 8
Ethan Evans
>to be true to the Luke we know and love from the OT he would've gotten off of that island and tried his damnedest to set things right.
I was so desperate for him to suddenly come screaming into the fight in his t-65
Kayden Gray
But all those abilities are far from being as spectacular as her coming back from the dead and flying back to safety at a thousand miles per hour. If she can pull off shit like that, why is she still a mundane general? Why isn't she a jedi master like Luke? >what is the scene where she "always knew" Literally nothing but a hunch.
Joshua Morales
No, he wouldn't. Do you remember how he reacted to the plan later on? He realized it was their best chance and immediately stopped all his mutiny businesses. Damnit, I was rooting for this as well. He could have pulled move like Han did in the end of ANH and bailed out the heroes in the falcon or the saltspeeders in just the right moment
Colton Diaz
IS there a download link for OggDude GM tools that isn't broken?
Thomas Martinez
I was expecting Finn to be about to suicide into the mini super laser and then bam, proton torpedoes out of fucking nowhere >"Like shooting wamp rats"
Joseph Diaz
Eli Baker
Eh - TLJ had a clunky second act, and some out of place humour that didn't hit the mark, but on the whole it was pretty dece. Best of the Disney films I'd say, so far (TLJ>RO>>TFA). It takes some risks, and not all of them pay off, but I'd rather watch something imaginative and flawed than staid and average. If you're on the fence, I'd advise checking it out. Critic reaction has been very positive, audience reaction kinda eh. I think probably somewhere in between is fair.
Angel Stewart
Well I think its absolute bullshit that makes me never want to watch Star Wars again. Like Mark, I fundamentally disagree with almost every decision Disney has made. OT is pointless now. They couldn't be more blatant that they wanted to wipe out the old stuff to make a new blank slate on which to shell out new merchandise. We will be stuck in an endless loop of empire vs rebels every 3 episodes.
Fuck that. Fuck Disney. I rue the day Lucas sold the franchise.
Alexander Flores
Guys, anybody got a working link?
Jordan Edwards
>We will be stuck in an endless loop of empire vs rebels every 3 episodes
Light and Dark, rise and fall, The Force caught in an unending struggle for cold uncaring balance and mortals suffer by the billions
Kriea was right
Ian Baker
I don't really know if disney being in charge actually makes a difference in all this. If Lucas had stayed in charge of the franchise, or just sold it to someone else entirely, the new material could have been just as flawed as it is right now.
But you know what? Fuck Disney anyway
Jordan Rivera
F&D Gms, do you let your players who have lightsaber specializations have lightsabers at the start?
Charles Cook
>In the grim darkness of the distant past, there is only war.
Robert Parker
Disney explicitly told Lucas to fuck off with his ideas for Ep 7-9.
Robert Rodriguez
What were his ideas?
Brayden Russell
Such a shame.
Joseph Robinson
Much like 1313, much like the last season of the Clone Wars cartoon, much like the canceled Visceral game that's being cannibalized by EA as we speak, we'll never know what could have been.