I wonder, can there be female Chaos worshipper with power armor but not marine?
Jayden Russell
Nth for choose your buffs
Carter Gray
Inquisitor turned bad
Aaron Wright
Hudson Thomas
The only thing gayer than your survey, is you.
Aaron Powell
How should I best arm my world eater helbrute, is 2 fists or melee weapons too many eggs in the basket so to speak?
Grayson Turner
Preorders for haulers are open today.
No fucking clue where though could someone help?
Dominic Hernandez
Is Chaos Undivided: > Worshipping all 4 gods equally or > Worshipping Chaos and/or the Immaterium itself, but none of the gods themselves
Brody Thomas
Evan Perez
GW's own website, online retailers
Ryan Evans
>is 2 fists or melee weapons too many eggs in the basket so to speak?
Who cares. Just have fun with it. Buy two, and have a sensible one, and a fun one.
Levi Martin
Anyone got the DA codex in PDF ?
Ryan Morris
What country are you in user? Can't help without knowing that.
Zachary Peterson
Why there can't be Chaos undivided and Be'Lakor?
Mason Allen
I just started getting into 40k and I like the lore of Imperial fists so I want them to be my first army. Problem is everyone at my FLGS keeps telling me to start with Grey Knights because yellow is beyond my skill level as a noobie. Can anyone who has played Imperial Fists tell how difficult they were to paint? I just want to praise Dorn.
Parker Myers
A bit of both, it's a Holy Trinity sort of deal.
Brody Brown
You wouldn't turn traitor for a cute chaos gf?
Justin Edwards
DA mega when?
Luis Jackson
Two fists w/Heavy Flamers is pretty good and cheap.
Ethan Murphy
America. Can't find the preorder thing.
Jeremiah Gray
Should I get a LR crusader or a stormraven to carry my Deathwing knights?
James Perry
Gotta wait until 1pm.
Austin Russell
First we need epub.
Jose Garcia
Stormraven. Land Raiders are ugly
Hudson White
Ah thank you
Jonathan Johnson
Bela'kors lore claims that the Chaos Gods stopped doing Chaos undivided and Undivided princes because he was too powerful, so they stripped him of most of his power and is it me of does this sound really chuuni? Anyway point is according the Bella's lore Lorgar and Perturabo should follow a specific god.
Noah Sullivan
Homebrew successor?
Landon Green
Storm Raven are available, can fly and bring a Chaplain with the Squad.
Levi Martinez
But why can't the gods made an exeption for champions such as Lorgar and Perturabo? 3 undivided princes with Be'lakor as firstborn
Julian Stewart
If you want to check what's going to be up for pre-order, Australia always gets them first.
David Butler
I don't like bacon smelling STD carriers either.
Oliver Morgan
>Warsmith Kroeger (Deceased) - Kroeger was an Iron Warriors Warsmith of the 23rd Grand Battalion and a member of Perturabo's inner circle of advisors known as the Trident during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. Originally, he served as a simple line warrior; a plain-speaking, bloody-handed brawler who excelled at assault actions. During the campaign against the Cadmean Citadel upon the Imperial Fists-controlled world of Hydra Cordatus, by the direct command of his Warsmith, he spearheaded an ill-advised assault against the formidable fortress. He was the lone survivor of the disastrous assault and was grievously wounded by the superior numbers of Imperial Fists Legionaries, and was only saved by the timely intervention of Perturabo and his Iron Circle of robotic praetorians. Recognising the warrior's raw talent and lack of ambition for glory's sake, Perturabo made Kroeger the new Warsmith of the 23rd Grand Battalion and a member of his inner circle of advisors known as the Trident. Ten millennia later, Kroeger would meet his ultimate fate, once again, upon the world of Hydra Crodatus during the 13th Black Crusade. By this time, Kroeger had given into his violent tendencies and had become a borderline berserker, though he was unlike the blood-crazed fiends of the World Eaters, as he seemed able to control his fury. He was killed during this campaign; his own Power Armour (possessed by a Lesser Daemon) decided to "bond" with a new owner, a former Imperial Guard Captain named Larana Utorian, who was Kroeger's personal slave. She donned her former master's armour and became fully possessed by the daemonic entity and subsequently killed Kroeger.
Ayden Harris
> Yellow is hard but that doesn't mean go with a shit codex. Come up with your own IF successor in whatever colors you want.
Jace Murphy
There are ways to paint yellow easily nowadays.
You can just start from a white base, agrax the recesses and then cassandra yellow the shit out of it. Or you can spray with Averland Sunset spray, then agrax the recesses and then layer with yriel yellow.
It's yellow over a black base that is a real pain the in ass.
Oliver Rodriguez
Cultist chan is pure
Nicholas Reed
Because apparently Bel'akor has to be ~special, It's retarded I know.
Honestly though the more I think about it the more Be'lakor's backstory sound like something like: youtube.com/watch?v=sOZQtyAhyYU
Julian Fisher
also a dread, but the crusader can carry 8 termie models. Eh, might end up with stormraven cuz it can do both provide against infantry and vehicles. Also the fly and dread dropping are great.
Nicholas Gray
Interesting. Thank you for sharing fluff.
Michael Butler
Is there any reference in the fluff of Chapter Masters kept active as dreadnoughts? Thinking of playing my venerable as the schizoid and half demented CM of my chapter.
Ian Garcia
No probs, she was referenced to in the third ultramarines novel
Jacob Hall
Carab Culln from Red Scropions, he is Leviathan now.
Camden Williams
How rare would be a Chapter stationed in one system and not going outside? (to crusade, to fight alongside others, etc)
Elijah Hernandez
Culln, dude is a fucking Leviathan now.
Liam Butler
Is there no pdf of chapter approved yet? Cant find it in the mega directory
Ryder Gray
Though he is no longer the active chapter master.
Levi Ross
Wolfs and Salamanders successors can now do whatever the fuck they want since the Ultima Founding made them Primaris successors chapters out of the blue. You can make whatever, fluff wise Dark Angels, Blood Angels and furry wolfes don't like Primaris. Salamanders couldn't care less.
Luis Hill
> Pretty rare for an active CM since Dreads spend a lot of time in stasis when they aren't fighting.
A mental ex-CM in a dread - definitely go for that.
Nolan Carter
Bjorn, former CM.
Angel Clark
He's not though. New guy is regent/CM. Soul Drinkers CM IIRC, though those guys were renegades. You COULD argue Bjorn is one I guess?
Isaiah Baker
Land Raider, cause they're friggin awesome.
>Stormraven. Land Raiders are ugly >prefering a flying toaster over the most iconic tonk in the game (You) take that back
Isaac Murphy
>venerable as the schizoid and half demented Does that mean he can't remember who he is half the time and the other half he just wants to stay in and play computer games?
Nicholas Brown
Xavier Rivera
Because he is not, and Scorpions don't have CM now(because guy who is commanding the chapter don't want to be a CM and is called Regent). Dreadnoughts can't be Chapter Master.
The "most iconic tonk in the game" is a brick with tiny weapons. I like the look of the Predator much more
Ayden Lee
The Blood Swords had a Dreadnought Chapter Master
Thomas James
David Hughes
Great, shame there are no non-chaplain non-libby cg dreads. Fluff is what it counts tho.
Camden Morris
Justin Jenkins
>Dreadnoughts can't be Chapter Master.
Connor Rogers
Sounds like an alright dread to me.
Ethan Rogers
> RW bike squad gone.
What the fuck are you doing GW ?
Grayson Diaz
So what?
Henry Thompson
>they now have to dedicate Logar to a single god
John Gutierrez
>not liking bricks How dare you. Stop disliking what I like.
Chase Stewart
Index mate
Nathan Gray
I like LRs but i already have two rhinos, a predator, a whirlwind and a vindicator. Some flyer would be nice, even more if it can carry units.
Ethan Jones
rampart autism
Thomas Thompson
Still the redeemer is god at AA !
Eli Stewart
If only Brits came up with better design during WW1....
Adrian White
You could just run Carab Culln counts as
Strictly speaking they haven't yet, in fact Wrath of Magnus seems to imply the opposite.
Christian Moore
Make me
Adam Stewart
Cause at the moment Chaos manifests as the four gods. That may revert back in the future but for now and the last few editions that's how it is
Carson Edwards
>Strictly speaking they haven't yet, in fact Wrath of Magnus seems to imply the opposite.
>ADB: Undivided isn't a thing! >WoM: except when it is
Which one is it GW?
Easton Howard
ADB s fanfiction is shit tier. Ignore it.
Connor Watson
My personal 'canons' are GW/FW over BL.
Ian Jackson
The lore hierarchy has always been GW rules books > FW rules books > BL > FFG (in the past) > Other licensed content.
Austin Price
>Black library fanfic
Ian Gray
Those events (Kroeger dying and her taking his armor etc) happens during the Storm of Iron novel.
Mason Turner
GW and FW are always more canon than BL.
Luke Russell
Jesus christ what a beast. Still, repurposing named characters seems a bit iffy to me. A venerable dreddy already has Captain ws and bs and doesnt costs as much. Still, if I played red scorps I would take him without doubt.
Carson Butler
Old Lore>Nu-Lore
Simpel as that
Lucas Williams
Can you technically punch a Stormraven flying 20m above you when it's in Hover mode?
Jason Flores
Excepting Abaddon's Mark Ascendant, the gods don't share. You get the blessing of exactly one if you beg for it. Undivided was a 3rd ed catch-all for heretic Marines (and later, renegade chapters) who worshipped nobody, but got tired of the Administratum's bullshit. The four Undivided Legions were retconned so the four Cult Legions could have undiluted brands and miniatures ranges. How many units does Citadel make for Red Corsairs? Is it still one? That's the tell. Luna Wolves also have exactly one Citadel model, Abaddon. EC, DG, WE and TS Legions got many units represented by model ranges. NL, IW, WB and AL (barring bits) one or less: AKA Undivided. Not gribbly Warp mutants, just disgruntled former employees with a shit codex. But no one knows less about 40k than GW. Unless it's Black Library.
Gavin Cooper
>Red Scorpions >Leader is named Crab
Ethan Walker
The Shoryuken was invented for a reason.
Yes you can assault hover mode flyers. You can also assault things with a hover mode flyer.
Nolan Kelly
Your interpretation is no more correct than ours, if we believe that GW and FW lore takes precedence over BL lore then you'll just have to accept that.
Nolan Martin
What could I proxy the forge world custodes stuff as? Especially the terminators. I really want to buy them, paint them and play them, but I only play 40k. Wat do
Andrew Diaz
how does undivided dilute the cult brands? you couldn't take cult anything unless you were playing black legion with the 3.5 codex
Dominic Perez
Input on how to make this list better (keeping the theme though)? Maybe with organizing it into better detachments?
Nurgle Demons Bat:
1 x Great Unclean One (Fleshy Abundance, Virulent Blessing) 1 x Herald of Nurgle (Fleshy Abundance)
3 x Nurglings 3 x Nurglings 30 x Plaguebearers
5 x Plague Drones
Death Guard Supreme Command
3 x Demon Prince of Nurgle with Wings (2 Malefic Talons, Plague Wind) 1 x Mortarion (Curse of the Leper, Miasma, Plague Wind)
1850 pts
Asher Allen
> > Rogue Trader Lore > All
where's muh half eldar Librarian
Ryan Martin
>muh obi-wan sherlock inquisitor
Justin Parker
used to be it could mean a bunch of different things from acknowledgement of Chaos as a allied and possibly "divine" force to worships of chaos and/or the gods generally to aligning yourself through worship or other means to warp entities that were not aligned to the gods
Noah Campbell
Who is this canoness?
Ryder Richardson
No one here started 40k form the Rouge Trader era and liked it because of that , you can kys.
Elijah Thomas
Wait for them to have 8th rules. You can't do shit with a squad of 3.