>the empress entrusts your party with a chained coffer and strict instructions not to open it under any circumstance
>your only task is to ferry it to the wizard on the far border of her land
The empress entrusts your party with a chained coffer and strict instructions not to open it under any circumstance
>sense when?
>post loli empress
>doesn't use the superior one
I ask if the contents are likely to cause physical danger to the people transporting it. If it's radioactive or something I want to know beforehand.
Wu is obviously superior
Is she ordering us or asking nicely?
It's important for how we feel about the assignment.
>Imperial Privilege B
>when even a failure like cleopatra can get A
dumb saberposter
It could be...
A bomb meant to kill the wizard
A dead (or undead) body of someone that she wants information out of
A magical reagent for some secret project
Empty except for an alarm that'll alert her if it's opened, the mission is a test
What about petite and overwhelmingly smug undead envoy delegated to negotiate with the wizard?
I open it.
If I’m getting paid to do it then yeah, I’ll do it, but I can’t guarantee the wizard and rogue won’t open the box
Ask a few basic questions:
>Are the contents dangerous to the people carrying them?
>What type of attacks should we expect attempting to steal this box?
>Will this lead to the harm of innocents down the road?
If the answers are satisfactory agree to this undertaking and carry it out no matter what may come.
Just scry inside.
If she didn't want me to know what was in the box at all, that's her fault for not clarifying.
Was there any king worse than Saber? The answer is a blunt no.
I lick her feet
True. If she was asking nicely it would be clear that she's not fit to rule an empire.
Or maybe her nude pics.
Sense motive to see if this is a pandora situation or a rosencrantz and guildenstern situation.
[Barter 30/50] We'll only do it if you... if you, uh... "coffer" up more coin.
We do the thing, we don't ask questions; whoever even suggests opening it will get left behind. Let's be professionals here, people.
Your filename even says she's damaged goods.
You're executed on the spot for the terrible pun.
>rosencrantz and guildenstern situation
You mean "being stuck in a theatrical limbo of being background characters who exist solely to say their lines and are completely confused about their own existence outside of those scripted situations"?
No, I'm referring to the original work. The situation where you end up delivering something with the sole purpose of your own undoing.
Is this a spoiler for you? Is Hamlet still something subject to spoilers?
I was memeing, ya dip.
You're shit at it, then. You've only succeeded in making yourself look dumb.
"I would like some kind of information on the contents of the coffer, at least in order to better assess the possible risks of this job"
Are you telling me you don’t want to lick those sexy armpits? Have her tiny feet step on you? Have her spit on your face? You disgust me user
Man, femdom is the worst fetish
"Sounds like a milk run to me boys."
>8 dragons, 5 necromancers, and a few dark lords later
"Let's be honest guys, this isn't the worst we've gotten lost."
I leave the group without telling anyone, hoping the game disintegrates in case they wait in vain for me to show up.
The worst fetish is Ntr, or snuff/gore, or scat; whatever, point is femdom is pretty tame when it comes to deviancy
Wow what a faggot. If you don't like something at least have the balls to tell your group you're leaving.
I just told you I'd do it specifically to ruin the game, what does balls have to do with it?
By trying to leave the group without telling anyone, you're being a coward. Even if you claim you're doing it for other reasons.
New Vegas has taught me that delivering packages that cause disasters often cause you to be the one blamed.
>anyone being afraid of leaving a group to the point of just disappearing
Am I on the verge of learning about new depths of autism? Then again, if any topic would serve for that, it'd be Fate/Pedo.
No this guy is right, if you feel uncomfortable or don’t feel like playing a game, you should politely leave or ask to change the setting; you’ll ruin the game if you play a setting you can’t get into
>you’ll ruin the game
I have already stated several times that it would be my desire to ruin such game through leaving without telling. Is this some new form of trolling?
All those are bad, but femdom is the least appealing to me.
Love is the true top tier fetish
user waht's so hard to understand here. If you're gonna dodge a group, you could at least let the GM know.
If love is a fetish to you I feel sorry for you, that’s the shit people are supposed to give daily
Let's just say that there's a reason cuddle buddies cost more in Japan than a rub and tug.
Yes, but you leaving the group would most likely safe the game, that’s what I’m saying; sorry I had to spell that out to you
Tell me something, do you like the Fate multiverse?
What does that have to do with anything I've said so far?
>you leave the group
>they do not give a shit
>and play the game without you
>you find a new group you can get along with
>happy ending
You're so fucking stupid it makes me want to die. Excuse me while I go cry in helpless rage in a corner. You have won this day, due to my inability to tolerate any more of this.
wow what an autist
Nigga, the world does not revolve around you, if you leave a group they find a new player and carry on. How is this so hard to understand?
dumb pedoposter
>tfw their badwrongfun will continue on in your absence
>tfw you have no real control over people's whims
>tfw not even Veeky Forums understands you
Missing oneBut it was obvious this thread was going to attract pedos
>games have never fallen apart before kicking off after members disappear unannounced
>dumb anons dont know the difference between domination and humilliation
Maybe if enough people disappear that you've got less than 3 people left. If one autist doesn't show up they'll just shrug and play without them.
That's not what damaged books look like.
The spine goes before the cover.
No. No bully.
I mentioned "hope" in the first fucking post on the subject, didn't I? I'm sure I did.
>hoping the game disintegrates
Look at that, I fucking did.
I like this chick, but I can’t find the source for the life of me
>But it was obvious this thread was going to attract pedos
Implying that there is actually more than one pedo on Veeky Forums. Sometimes it seems like it's just one dude shitposting to himself. Maybe he'll leave if we tell him he needs serious psychiatric help.
Source is Please don't bully me, Nagatoro
I love you, I’ll name my firstborn user because of you
So he'll be user jr.?
What a happy couple
First I’ll ask about this sassy child in front of me and why she’s unattended. Then I’ll ask what’s the real quest.
Femdom being comparatively tame doesn't make it any less of a shit fetish.
>Detect Evil
>none detected
>do job as told
Now what's my reward?
Femdom is only like one step above NTR as a fetish.
>he can't stand gore
What a faggot.
Then that just makes it even more sad, not going to lie to you user.
You know, you're right. I'll make sure to remember that next time I feature a really old magical book or something. Thanks, user.
That’s true, it’s a stepping stone to becoming a cuck
>likes gore
You’re the faggot
Gore isn't all that bad, user. I've seen some pretty cute yuri gore.
>stepping stone to becoming a cuck
You say that like it's a bad thing. Letting your wife fuck other men is the fastest way to add to your harem. It's like a honeypot.
Only good thing to come out of your post
I suppose it's not really NTR if you were actually gay all along.
Still my favorite counter-ntr
Right? Her reaction to it is priceless, too.
Is routinely getting your dick destroyed by a tender, gentle, loving, mature, slightly dominant ara ara~ older woman who honestly loves and cares for you worth routinely getting your ass destroyed by a cuckolded, rough, cold and uncaring older man who hates your guts with the intensity of a thousand suns?
How can he hate his guts if he wants to make love to them? Checkmate, atheist.
>routinely getting your ass destroyed by a cuckolded, rough, cold and uncaring older man who hates your guts with the intensity of a thousand suns?
This is how you become a trap concubine