>cards look like shit, like, probably worse than MTGO cards, too much effort to make arena-only frames probably >instead of making the board look like a stylized tabletop in which human beings actually played the game it looks like cheap fantasy world bullshit >slightly tilted tapped cards instead of full 90º or just blacking them out
It's gonna fail bad, there's an immense amount of input lag in the game.
They are also aiming for a HS-like business model, unlike magic duels you can get 5+ copies of each card which you'll eventually be able to "shard" for gems and the boosters aren't 15 card boosters like in irl mtg.
Logan Murphy
I forgot to add, the effects on mythics (graphical animations and sound) are atrocious.
Joseph Morris
It's just a prettier Duels. If they expect the game to do any better than Duels, they're just hiding their heads in the sand.
Robert Phillips
>It's just a prettier Duels.
The cards, the battlefield,the avatars are much uglier than duels.
The only good thing is that we get 4 copies and all cards in the standard set as well as full control over priority and phases.
Christian Cook
>boosters aren't 15 cards
How hard is it going to be to even get mythics and rares like this. HS can get away with 5-card packs because decks are small and card limits are 2 and 1, but Magic has 60 card decks and you often need 4 of a given mythic or two. Booster smaller than 15 should give almost no dust.
Ryder Cox
Evan Brooks
I wasn't clear, if you remember in duels you cannot get more than the max copies allowed of each card, so you "last" boosters will only contain the cards you don't have, here the boosters are of 7-8 cards (I'm in the beta but didn't really count them) + 1 rare OR mythic you can also get excess copies (more than 4 of each card).
Anthony White
They should just focus on the tabletop market. Their attempts at entering the online space are doomed for failure, and they would have to compete with other big players.
Jack Cook
Tabletop is dead.
Jonathan Gomez
I personally would like to see card properly tapped and not faded dark. Visually completely tapped card signs how it's already utilized, but not fading it dark signifies it's still a permanent on table, as in a proper target for anything you might play to target them. Having some symbol to show active static abilities would be nice.
I quite like how the cards look better than what hearthstone does. I can't stand those small oval pictures in it. Anyway so far visually it doesn't look so bad at first glance.
Josiah Martinez
The future is today, you old grongnards are doomed to disappear
Matthew Baker
They need to have integration like Pokemon. The Token or advertisement card in a real pack of cards should have a scratch off code that lets you redeem the same pack in game. Then people are willing to play both, because they don’t feel like their investment in the game is split between digital and physical product like with MtGO
Adam Powell
.....boosters are not 15 cards? Are they not including booster drafting to the game (and yes, I know how it could be problematic current generation of card game players)?
I rather like the idea you can draft your shit. It's honestly better system than trading garbo. I can't fucking stand shitty bot system in mtgo and making a good working auction shop type thing would again cater to rich kid syndrome.
Parker Davis
Jokes on grognards I sold my shit to them last year. Funny to find how the shit I bought 4 years ago for pennies are worth anything between 1-5dollars nowadays. Won't complain though.
Kevin Johnson
Luke Cruz
Draft isn't currently implemented in the beta but they said they will eventually implement it in the game.
Maybe they will reward more cards for drafting (costing gold to participate)? We'll see
Andrew Kelly
Liam Miller
Yes, you're so very smart. We're all impressed with your judgement. Bravo.
Austin Rogers
Don't tell me you are mtg addict peasant?
Isaac Evans
They could do four packs, but even then four rares would make it very different from paper drafts. How many uncommons does a pack have?
John Myers
I haven't paid attention to that desu, I'll check later tonight.
Samuel Barnes
Reporting in with the latest contents
Ayden Ortiz
You're breaking the NDA. I'm reporting you to the wizards.
Brody Cooper
Brayden Fisher
>>slightly tilted tapped cards instead of full 90º or just blacking them out i mean they are blacked out and have a huge tapped symbol on them.
but the other ones i'm with you. i'd rather them just look like the actual cards. the duels games looked fine, why change it drastically?
Chase Brown
To get the hearthstone crowd.
Blake Martin
This feels like some incredibly foolish decision by middle management types who don't really play or understand their own product. Like in some shady boardroom somewhere a group of nitwits decided it would increase profit margins to push people online to cut costs, but then started cutting those costs super early to intentionally drive people away from tabletop. Problem is they're not being driven to play cards online they're just being driven away. Because why wouldn't they be? Short-sighted as fuck.
Alexander Walker
Logan Powell
the only big issue i have with any online mtg game is that the card text is so goddamn verbose. whatever they do, they'll need to make it so new players have ample time to read the card effects.
Nicholas Gutierrez
Why doesn't Wizards print online booster codes on their booster wrappers? The booster codes could contain identical cards in the booster packs themselves. I think this is far more effective for player retention. There's already an air of fatigue around online CCGs. By tying MTG arena to their paper game, they could build their paper playerbase, which is certainly more likely to last longer than MTG arena.
At least for me, if I had a mountain of MTG cards because of MTG arena, I'd like to look into playing physical MTG sometime in the future even if I've long grown tired of MTGA.
Nathan Cox
Probably they will, there's currently a "redeem code" feature in the game, non-functional right now ofc.
Jayden Baker
>anything between 1-5dollars
Easton Young
The tilt is super retarded considering the cards are fucking squares and don't occupy more space if tapped, in fact they occupy more space by being tilted.
Adam Cox
B-but what if somebody can't read the name sideways! Think of the idiots who can't tell what it is when it's sideways! also why is jace being struck by an orbital laser
Dominic Thomas
Oh, by the way, if you haven't figured this out by now, there's no and there will be no chat, they don't want their precious snowflakes to be hurt.
Christian Bennett
Do I have to post the screenshot or are you faggots going to stop raiding us and trying to subvert our game?
Brandon Rogers
Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, and it is scary.
Jonathan Scott
>ctrl-F "/pol/" >1 result >Your post Can't tell if falseflagger or retard. Probably both.
Caleb Hill
seriously just fuck off, you guys add nothing to this board.
Brayden Mitchell
Ethan Cooper
>you guys add nothing to this board. >says the board police I genuinely hate people like you more than I hate /pol/acks and /v/irgins, if only because you're not only being disruptive, but you're also trying to forcibly mold the board into what you think the board should be, rather than what it actually is.
Congrats friend, you drove everyone out, and you're surprised that morons flood in to take their place?
Benjamin Robinson
Not wanting /pol/ to shit up the board, spread false information to suit their agenda, and lower the level of discussion is wanting to mold the board into what I want? Fuck off you retard, this isn't a political board it's a fucking traditional games board and always has been and I fucking hate how /pol/ sees little bits of drama like this and uses them as an excuse to shit up the board. I'm not trying to drive everyone out, I just want /pol/tards who are using the recent mtg drama and current state of wotc to shitpost gone, and that is not a bad thing.
Elijah Sanchez
It isn't obsession when you're actually doing it, and there are more screenshots as proof of you faggots capitalizing on chaos to raid.
James Nguyen
>Not wanting /pol/ to shit up the board, spread false information to suit their agenda, and lower the level of discussion is wanting to mold the board into what I want? Yes, because you're the fucktard who decided to make this a /pol/ issue in the first place. None of the posts you linked to had anything to do with /pol/, it was low effort shitposting that you sperged out over rather than letting shit go. >Fuck off you retard, this isn't a political board it's a fucking traditional games board And yet, you're the first one to mention /pol/, I'd laugh if it wasn't so damn sad and stupid. >It isn't obsession when you're actually doing it, and there are more screenshots as proof of you faggots capitalizing on chaos to raid. Wow, you really are obsessed if any shitposting you see is automatically attributed to /pol/.
Liam Sanders
>this isn't a political board it's a fucking traditional games board Then stop telling Nazis to leave if they want to talk about traditional games. No seriously.
Isaiah Nelson
What false information?
Andrew Smith
>Why doesn't Wizards print online booster codes on their booster wrappers? Printing it ON the booster would be awful. Especially if it gave you the exact same cards in Arena as are in the actual booster. Unscrupulous game stores could buy a box, redeem all the codes, open the packs with value in them, and sell the garbage rare packs.
They already have ad cards in the boosters, just print the code on one of those.
Landon Jones
The truth of the matter is that all digital MtG products will be B quality because Wizards wants the money to remain in the cardstock market. There are hundreds if not thousands of game stores in the country which depend on MtG alone.
If it was up to me, however, I would make the cardboard a supplementary nostalgia product and go full Hearthstone/Pokemon Online with MtG. I'd turn the game entirely into an online game and give it the best treatment possible.
Luke Robinson
unrelated to mtg arena but i've been thinking about attending the upcoming prerelease. i have no experience in magic and mostly only play online card games. i don't have to register for anything, do i?
Jaxon Ramirez
>nazis, negros, neckbeards and progressives have nestled here for eons in 'relative' harmony >thought police have infiltrated and are trying to enact their exact vision for what Veeky Forums should be Please stop.
Luke Baker
At most they will sign you up with a Wizards card store number that tracks the MtG events you go to, but that only takes like 2 minutes
Evan Cruz
Show me the lie.
Isaiah Brown
So how many digital platforms has Wizards created at this point?
Adrian Clark
as long as you can turn off the annoying animations, i dont really mind it. they should give you the option to have it look more like classic magic, though. and if there are cards that are reprinted, you should be able to choose which art to use
>bitch and moan about boogieman sjw >ABANDON SHIP ABANDON SHIP
This is /pol/ tier because others like you also post this subject on pol when they don't get enough replies here. It often gets a cross thread link to the Veeky Forums threads.
You're not here to talk about a game, you're here to bitch because roasties are invading your safe space which makes you no longer the only demographic around with purchasing power.
Bitch less and have more white kids and this won't be problem for you.
Ryan Price
You'll get a DCI number. It doesn't cost anything, and if you want to be ahead of the curve you can sign up for yours beforehand online.
Blake Miller
I've never understood why they couldn't make a card game as awesome as the one in FF8 and FF9, only with projected monsters.
Lucas Sanchez
It drives me fucking insane that they "tap" cards by tilting them like 5 degrees. I tap diagonally too, but I tilt them a good 35-40 degrees, that shit is literally like five. If they didn't darken them at the same time you'd have no hope of reading the boardstate like that.
Jordan Richardson
>blatantly true things stop being true if they're posted on /pol/
William Baker
>and lower the level of discussion is wanting to mold the board into what I want? This is exactly what you're doing. Posting a pointless picture and scream "IT'S /POL/" to everyone is hardly improving the board
John Garcia
>This is /pol/ tier because others like you also post this subject on pol when they don't get enough replies here. Seens that the /pol/tard shitposter here is you.
Evan Walker
>This is /pol/ tier because others like you also post this subject on pol when they don't get enough replies here. It often gets a cross thread link to the Veeky Forums threads. Since you've already admitted to going on /pol/ enough times to see this happen on the regular basis and you're adding nothing to this conversation beyond going "FUCK /pol/ FUCKING FUCKS!" then maybe you should go back there and stay there.
Juan Mitchell
>Posting a pointless picture and scream "IT'S /POL/" to everyone is hardly improving the board The board police don't care about improving the board, they only care about warping the board into something that it isn't just for the sake of making "the board pure."
I can't wait until these fags pitch a fit about generals or MtG just so people can drive them out for good.
Ryder Watson
God, these cards look terrible. They couldn't come up with a custom frame for Arena? Trying to just reproduce the paper ones always looks awful.
Christopher Wilson
I like it
Juan King
>t. Contrarian
Leo Rivera
Not all of those things are true, and regardless, hearing about them in EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THREAD ABOUT MAGIC is annoying as all fuck and makes you want to ignore it entirely because fuck whoever is spamming this shit, regardless of their goals. The fact that I've had zero problems with cardstock/curling for regular cards, even with leaving stuff out to test, makes me think even that one isn't as big a problem as people are trying to make it. The ONLY exception so far has been foils, and foils warping is an issue that's been known for forerver
Christian Nelson
Nigga, you're the one who brought it up in the first place.
For someone who hates /pol/itical shit, you sure do love bringing it up all the time.
Jonathan Miller
That was my first post in this thread. I did not mention that, just that I'm tired of seeing this shit being thrown in every damn magic thread that exists, regardless of context or actual veracity of the claims made. Please do not put words in my mouth.
Jack Peterson
>we want the hearthstone audience >we want the SJW audience
Fuck Wizards.
Christopher Richardson
Nobody was even talking about /pol/ until you busted in to scream FUCKING /pol/ FAGGOTS GET OFF MY BOARD REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! like an absolute fucking idiot.
Samuel King
>tired of seeing this shit being thrown in every damn magic thread that exists, Don't talk about bending cards in a card game threads you poltards, card quality has nothing to with card game > regardless of context or actual veracity of the claims made. mine doesn't bend, it must be a false flag, since i am the source of all data. Damn those poltards!
Seriously, neck yourself. Card quality is not a /pol/ issue. It fits perfectly in here
Jackson Jenkins
It's pure garbage. Laggy, stutters, and expensive. Plus they've killed so many previous games you'll eventually lose your collection.
Dylan Kelly
At least they spent 5 seconds in paint to fuck up how the cards look. Not even a good filter or downsizing.
Jeremiah Smith
why not use the classic mtg font? On that note why can't cards look identical there to printed ones?
Jackson Evans
>Complain about SJW politics invading your game >"Fuck off /pol/!" >Complain about the shitty printing >"Fuck off /pol/!"
The hypocrisy is unreal. You "fuck off /pol/" crowd are part of the problem, part of the /pol/ we want to be rid of. You're just blind to it because you think /pol/ can only be some cartoonish brand of conservatism, but all of your posts stink of the same mob think. If there was no SJW mob and their apologists we wouldn't have them to complain about. We get to complain because we've put in the time and money and fucks to give for a hobby we want left alone.
Card stock is frequently reported to have glaring problems, even the Tolarian Community College guy had to bring attention to it. Maybe you're sitting there thinking there's nothing wrong with the card stock but maybe you're also a filthy casual who doesn't buy enough cards to notice the trend or is someone who is simply very fortunate. But it's a real problem and pisses the lot of us off who want to enjoy the game we've supported for years and don't enjoy cancelling purchases on already struggling local game stores, because we can't accept the terrible condition the cards are coming in, right out of the pack.
It's completely related to MTG Arena because although it's an alternative nobody asked for it's even worse that it's shaping up to be a shitty alternative at that. All the time and money put into MTG Arena should instead be going into improving MTGO, card stock quality and ridding the community of SJW mobs.
Nicholas Davis
What a surprise, people bring up the shitty things in Magic because guess what - theyre still not fixed.
Don't like it - play a game that doesn't have so many problems with it.
Lincoln Johnson
Nor did I claim it had anything to do with said board. Yet it was thrust into my mouth that I was for no apparent reason. I came into this thread to see how hilariously shitty Arena turned out to be. There have been threads upon threads upon threads about card curling and all the other shit going on. So why does this need to be brought up here? As well, I did not say 'I am the source of all data' or even that this is a false flag. I said 'isn't as big of a problem' - which is not the same as 'isn't a problem'. Also, I was wrong because I am forgetful, I DID make one prior post earlier in the thread, but it was
Ryan Parker
So what online card games do you guys think have generous card distribution to players?
Tried out a few of them but only Gwent, Shadowverse and Eternal don't seem to expect you to open your wallet for good cards.
Nicholas Richardson
Just print it inside, duh.
Nathaniel Cox
None, all F2P games are a scam.
Kevin Garcia
It's too early to say that for Gwent. They don't have a single expansion out yet.
Alexander Evans
itt retarded /pol/ shits trying to raid Veeky Forums.
Logan Brooks
Faeria's pretty good, and it has PvE shit you can do to earn resource instead of forcing you to bash your head against all the netdecked experts.
Logan Murphy
Wrath the spikes, Jace war now!
Jack Peterson
I enjoy the interpretation that it is actually a falseflag by rosewater.
Adrian Hill
>also why is jace being struck by an orbital laser My question exactly. That treatment is for badasses like Kane.
Hunter Nelson
input lag is a dealbreaker for me
Christian Bennett
>have to buy real magic cards to get pretend magic cards. I don't know how well that would go over PR wise but it'd get a bunch of people back into playing.
>title screen/menu would have a bar you can type an address into and it shows you all the LGS near you +when they play. >you get goodies in game for showing up and playing IRL.
Dominic Lee
>you get goodies in game for showing up and playing IRL.
That's already someone of a thing, if you signed up with your DCI number and you attended the last pre-release you get access priority, it's not hard to imagine that attending events like FNM or others will grant you some stuff in game.
Justin Price
pokemon has codes in every pack/product for the same thing online. it's great because it gets paper players into online and if you don't want to play online you can always sell the codes to make back some of your money. imagine buying a booster box for $36 off every time.
Caleb Harris
Nigga that screencap is literally one guy, there's no concerted effort to raid MtG threads.
You're also assuming that Veeky Forums can't have crossboarders that are concerned with the direction and quality of the game.
You're also assuming that any and all posts regarding card quality comes from /pol/ instead of actual players that are concerned with the shitty card stock quality of the cards.
That being said M:tG Arena isn't in a good state right now and I hope they don't try to push it out early because this shit needs a good launch to do well against HS.
Brayden White
But the cardstock hasnt gotten worse, its literally just people bending their own cards and posting pictures as "proof" that the game is dying.
Jayden Bell
This is true. It was me Hitler. I did it. I ordered my Nazi army to bend the cards.
Easton Gutierrez
Tapping not being 90 degrees isn't remotely a problem. You tap in real life because signifying in any other way that you used it would be incredibly cumbersome. Just putting the tapped icon on top of a card makes more sense in a digital setting.