So who would come out on top in a fight? Pic related or the Ruinous Powers?
So who would come out on top in a fight? Pic related or the Ruinous Powers?
Ultra Instinct Goku.
El Gohan Blanco.
Never played skyward sword - does this guy also come with 12 lives?
This guy
The dude lost a fight to a guy in a skirt wielding nothing more than a sword with a low battery enchantment on it. Sure, if Hyrule Historia or whatever is a thing, then he gets perpetually resurrected/reincarnated with each defeat. That just means the big Four can dick him over ad nauseam.
He's the very source of Evil across the entire Zelda Multiverse (Literally, Hyrule Encyclopedia describes him as being the "wellspring of magic"). Every big bad and cosmic horror to have ever plagued Hyrule is more or less just another manifestation of his.
Shit, I thought that was berserker for a second there. Demise looks a whole lot more intimidating drawn like that than he does in the game.
Fuck, i never realized who the hell it was that he looked like to me. For a long while i thought i was thinking Akuma. It's fucking Berserker. Thanks user.
He would lose, but Hercules would win.
The only way to defeat the Ruinous Powers is to cleanse the galaxy/universe/multiverse of all sentient life.
Squirrel Girl
All Demise would have to do then is just annihilate the Triforce, or have one of his incarnations do it for him. Sure, it might take a couple millennia, but the Multiverse is as good as dead at that point.
The ruinous powers most assuredly, while Demise is no doubt powerful in his own right, compared to the ruinous powers themselves he's a fucking pushover. Maybe on par with a greater daemon like a bloodthirster but not nearly as strong as the chaos gods as they are essentially manifestations of the suffering, ill wills, and fear of countless beings over millions of years in a galaxy constantly in turmoil.
Oh...I thought someone had just drawn Berserker from F:S/N with a different sword in the first picture.
Demise and Berserker look too similar I've found. Of course, Demise can actually gave a rather reasonable conversation with you instead of trying to straight-up eat your face from the moment he arrives, but still.
the ruinous powers havent been killed by a teen with a sword yet
so my bet is on them
>A magic sword tempered by the pure flames of three multiverse-scale creator goddesses, with the specific purpose of fucking Evil right up the ass
Honestly, anyone would probably be killed by such a thing. Hell, most Daemons would probably die just from being in the damn things presence.
>breaks after like half an hour because no durability
I literally thought that was pic related while browsing the catalog.
literally just hyrule
Actually no, the Multiverse thing *HAS* been confirmed actually. Specifically, the timeline branching following OOT caused it, and it just started expanding into its own thing. The alternate dimension fuckery that happened with Lorule and Termina is also connected to it as well. Also, Mother Maiamai and her children are Multiverse travelers, so that's a thing as well. And Then you add in the explanation behind the "Dark Link" encounters in some games, and things Just get more ridiculous.
yes, but its still a multiverse of just one planet over and over
Eh, a Multiverse of a single planet ad infinitum is still rather impressive. Especially considering that the Golden Goddesses seemingly didn't even *intend* for a multiverse to be formed in the first place. It was almost entirely accidental on their part. And from what's been shown thus far, Demise is a constant across all of those universes, transcending Time itself (which is the domain of both Nayru and Hylia). So the guy may very well be an equal to them at full power.