Are spears a two handed weapon Veeky Forums?
Because if they can also be used with a shield, what do swords have to still have a niche as main weapon?
Spears are cheap
Spears have reach
Spear masterrace
Are spears a two handed weapon Veeky Forums?
Because if they can also be used with a shield, what do swords have to still have a niche as main weapon?
Spears are cheap
Spears have reach
Spear masterrace
A spear wielded in one hand is much more awkward than a sword is.
>Are spears a two handed weapon Veeky Forums?
Depends on the length. Was this really worth an entire thread?
As if the spear vs sword thread isn't a classic in this board
>Are spears a two handed weapon
Some are.
Some are not.
Saying "spear" is just like saying "sword."
There's so many different varieties it renders your question meaningless.
It's just a different fighting style. In a game it would probably make sense to require higher DEX or more training to use a spear two handed, since you'd probably be using it like a staff.
Everything past your first sentence is wrong and/or makes no sense.
what if you have to crawl down a narrow tunnel or climb a cliffside or something? a sword can be sheated but a spear must be carried around like some walking stick.
that is literally the opposite of making sense
in games that let I can think of that let you use weapons either one or two handed you just get a larger damage die when two-handing them. it's not exactly the most realistic approach since using a spear with two hands is more likely to make it faster than hit harder, but mechanically it's clean and works.
>spear with two hands is more likely to make it faster than hit harder, but mechanically it's clean and works.
Moving faster means it imparts more force. This is elementary school physics.
You didn't think the point of the question was to get actual information did you? As long as the thread gets replies it has meaning, as tg can't resist the old spear vs. sword trick. Consider that OP asks if spears are a two handed weapon while posting a picture of one being used with a shield in the other hand.
People forget that strength an reaction speed is all that matters. Dexterity is or fine motor functions but DnD pretends it isn't.
>what do swords have to still have a niche as main weapon?
Larger length of the part you can hit with, ease of parrying, precision? I mean, swords were very rarely used as main weapons anyway, and if they were, they were either huge two handed swords or short swords paired with huge shields. Or just self defense weapons, or civilian weapons, in which case their advantage is their ease of carrying.
Spears are awesome, especially for groups of people. However, I can get very close to you with a sword. Spears need some distance to work
spears are great at holding anyone without a shield at a distance.
Cleavers are no joke
>lol look at this dude with his oversized falchion
>receive a faceful of sword faggot
sure are
>starts using the Italian form
A spear can be wielded in one hand or in two hands.
Imagine playing pool with one hand instead of two.
Imagine being able to play two games of pool AT ONCE.
>laughing pikemen
Walking through a town with a spear out is much more of a show of aggression than just having a sword at your hip.
Slightly mitigated if you wrap the point of the spear but still kinda dickish.
Carrying a spear all day is a bollock, and I've done it.
Wearing a sword all day is somewhere between a minor annoyance and actually forgettable.
You don't get to /thread your own posts.
Imagine being able to play one game of pool TWICE
>Because if they can also be used with a shield, what do swords have to still have a niche as main weapon?