Ark is stable

Ark hasen't moved in so long I'm starting to think it could be an actual currency because of how stable it is.

who else /trade sideways for weeks/?

I want to fark the ark

It's slow as molasses.

Real projects move slowly.

Don't worry, the fomo from your average biz retard will begin once we reach $20.

This man speaks truth

But man, when is that $20 coming?

Is 5k enough to make it? serious question.

Make it as in?

Huge pump in 3 months will take us way past 20

Yup. 5k will get you around 30k/year in passive income in about 6 months time

Escape wagecucking, living a modest life from passive income.

You have literally no idea how bad I want that.

Are you assuming $90-100 per ARK?

Reason for pump?

Fucking shitcoin. If you want gains look elsewhere, this coin is stagnant on account of the team's dumb policy of not hyping themselves up or their releases

yeah that needs to change, rapidly

Maybe its cause they're not done yet?

where were you when the ark team decided to put the VM on a sidechain thus making the coin worthless
the fact it didnt dump already to zero is impressive

You're not wrong, the recent conversation between the devs, Moon and Chang were somewhat worrying. I Hope the team they take on board the problems and flaws pointed out by Chang.

I'm still a deluded arkie though.

I think its a killer coin, the concept is fucking amazing. It's just that its never hyped and very unrealized.

Very few projects in crypto are done - nothing stopping those projects from marketing themselves. See Ethereum in 2015

ICX is pretty much doing the same thing + are building partnerships and forging alliances. They will make Ark obsolete and irrelevant if the Ark team doesn't get off their assses


You just contradicted yourself. Most shitcoins use hype and speculation to gain value. Coins like Ark, and unironically Chainlink rather gain value naturally, by getting shit done and releasing it once it's ready.

i think they got the message from a bunch of delegates and other Ark holders.

Lets wait and say for a few weeks.

Dont get me wrong, my portfolio is made up of over 50% ark, I'm deluded as fuck. However, I do think there are some flaws, and that conversation with the devs was the first bit of FUD I've felt for this project.

That's the same of the game in crypto. Hype yourself up so when you do have shit ready you've already positioned yourself well

The youtube video they put out today was a good start

I actually agree with this.

Just watched it. That is a great start. I also think they have an amazing website and beautiful wallet. I feel like they happen to do UI / UX very well.