Should dragons be considered Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Or just animals?
Should dragons be considered Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Or just animals?
Weapons of mass seduction
depends on the dragon
They're both.
The fact that this wasn't the first post disturbs me
What he said, except not furry
Get the fuck out. Full on dragon (anthro is also serious garbage) is the only way.
If a non-dragon has control over a dragon, they're WMD's.
On it's own a dragon is ambition and power in physical form. They are by birthright what every king, warlord or mage aspires to be. Competely above the needs or wishes of their subjects and nearly unparalleled martial and magical fighters. Rulers need the support of their key subjects to maintain power, dragons don't.
>better to like lolis than furries
>choosing the fetish compared to pedophilia over the fetish compared to beastiality
It's called standards, user.
Do you consider volcanoes weapons of mass destruction? Just animals unless someone is taming them
You've posted this same shitty "dragon" three times alone in the month.
Wut, that’s the first time I posted that dragon
Should humans be considered weapons of mass destruction or just animals?
There is nothing Dragons should be besides entertaining for you and your group. So choose what you like best.
Neither, they are a species of immortal beings, forces of nature with more power but less individuality than mortals
Depends on the setting.
What I want to know is: what is the King doing about assault dragons?
Armageddon on wings
>unnecessary quotation marks
What did they mean by this?
Living disasters
Large to Huge sized beasts mainly.
But my dragons are comfy as fuck and are seen as rare, exotic and a blessing if one decides to live in a village.
They protect, they help till fields and chop trees, they enjoy laying around doing nothing from time to time and they enjoy socialization, including drinking smoking and talking.
Most popular dragon in the setting right now as far as my players like is a jovial fat black dragon that works as a blacksmith. The party brings him exotic foods from all over the world and he gives them priority on any work they need.
the barbarian keeps hitting on him and he sheepishly has to steer the conversation away from her subtle advances like all the fucking time. Emily no, dragons are not for lewd ;-;
let her fuck the dragon dammit
Can we split the difference and call them natural disasters?
But that would be weird. Shes my best friend irl and it would be awkward, right?
*best friend with benefits
Just ERP her getting the dragon dick. She might want yours in real life.
Just let her take him out to dinner or something, come up with some sort of prolonged dragon courtship rites if you like, and if she pursues all the way through you fade to black instead of ERP.
You're right, that does sound pretty comfy.
Could always just give her a comfy date with Mr. Dragon, then if things go well just give her a fade-to-black. Don't have to be awkward unless you make it awkward.
Like, I played a game where one of our team was a sorcerer who loved fire. Literally. He proposed to a powerful fire elemental and everything.
That's just a human with antlers and a tail. Why are japs always so bad at making nonhumans more appealing/relatable?
Dragons aren't allowed to be characters unless they have a human form that they stay in for 99% of the time, and that is also more relevant.
Because they can't even stand humans from the next prefecture over, let alone from outside their nation or species.
Make him more, uh... tactical. Make him look, uh... Let's go with black.
>"You don't bump into them all that often. Very few people in this world have actually slain a dragon. You will find a dozen vaunters in any great hall who claim to have done so, and the minstrels sing of many such triumphs, but what has actually been slain, in almost every case, is a lizard."
>"Typically the Eyed or Jewelled Lizard, found in Spain, Italy, the south of France, and our own country, and which may attain a length of two feet. a largish lizard, but not a dragon."
>"I see."
>"One understands that a man does not wish to come home to his castle of an evening and say to his lady, 'God wot I had the fight of me life today- no sooner had I fewtered my spear than the monster was upon me.' and have the lady say, 'But good Sir Giles' or 'But good Sir Hebes,' and then have the awful question come, 'What manner of monster was it?' and be forced to reply, 'lizard'."
>“True dragons are Danish and speak Danish, a tongue that the Danes themselves describe as less a language than a throat disease. To attract a dragon, one chains a naked maiden to a rock. The maiden must be chained to the rock in such a way that every part of her is visible to the dragon. Many famous paintings demonstrate the technique; Ingres’s Angelica Saved by Ruggiero is an example. After the dragon has inspected your maiden to its heart’s content, you issue one of the conventional formal challenges, in Danish— ’Jeg udfordre dig til ridderlig camp’ is the way one usually puts it—and then the fight begins.”
>"If a mixture of flame and Danish comes from the creature and your armor is singed black, you know that you have not been fighting a lizard."
Those were also necessary. Monstergirls are just normal women with cosplay appendages.
Anthropomorphizing animals, even how little you do it, is furry as fuck.
You're both furfags
Wanting to fuck that should ban you from a zoo you fucking creep.
>Monstergirls are just normal women with cosplay appendages.
HMMMM..... gross
You forgot about
we always just do both. There are "Dragons" that are basically impossible to kill by a mortal and then there are things like wyverns, drakes, etc. That are possible to kill but still formidable
>t. Finn
Centaurs and nagas are better than the really shitty ones like that "dragon" ITT but still have an almost completely human upper body.
Didn't we have a thread about this?
Where we decided that Dragons were looters and not natural disasters with accompanying looting?
Does any of this ring a bell?
If that’s still not monstrous enough for you, ya might just be a furry. Slow down user.
Furshit is for casuls
I prefer to think of dragons as all-in-one self contained civil entities equivalent to humanoid settlements or, in the case of the larger older wyrms, civilizations. Their knowledge, wealth, and power, both physical and magical, rival those of gatherings of hundreds or thousands of the best humanity or near equivalents can muster. However, these living micro-nations suffer the problem of all autocratic states in that they are entirely controlled by the whims and eccentricities of a single individual.
Weapons of mass destruction. A dragon should be the end result of years of planning and plotting. In my homebrew dragons are the direct avatars of the gods on the world and there are mabye like 4 dragons in the whole world
I really liked Grigori from Dragon's Dogma. Almost omnipotent being, an instrument of divine will but slave because he was defeated rather than through willful servitude. That and the fact that he was actually sorta honorable, leaving you the choice when testing you and speaking Latin as his dragon tongue.
Wound up having a one-off session in disco with her, she took Brutus out on a dinner date.
>the two of them wind up going out to a fine dining sit-down kind of place
>she winds up ordering for the both of them, getting him "the biggest, most marbled steak you got"
>they talk for a bit, she seems really interested in his blacksmithing
>Brutus goes to pick up a fork and a knife
>she interrupts, "What are you doing? A big meaty steak like that, don't you want to just swallow it whole?"
>question her a bit on it, she presses it further and brutus winds up consuming the steak in several large gulps
>she gets really into it, asks to order a second one, he tells her he's full
>"Bullshit, I've heard rumors of you eating entire baskets of bread. You're going to let me treat you right, and you're gonna like it."
>oh god what have I done
>spend some more time with her feeding this dragon until she gets satisfied with herself
>bill comes around, she dumps ten platinum on the table
>brutus says he's not feeling well, he needs to go lie down
>she offers to take him home, seeming concerned
>maybe she's realized that this is weird?
>HAHA, no.
>walking back to where he lives, she asks if she can make a strength check
>"I want to hoist him up and carry him."
>thats... that's a big DC for you
>I get corrected on the way carry weight works in D&D
>that's the first time she's ever called me out on anything
>brutus gets carried home, describe it as an extension of his blacksmithing area, he's got a lot of pelts and pillows laid out in a sleeping area
>she lays him down there and begins to leave
>"I wink at him and close the doors."
>"So, are you going back to the inn?"
>"No. I'm on the inside."
>she goes back to him, he's looking a little worried
>"Quit being such a baby. I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to make you feel better since you over ate."
>she begins to rub his belly, massaging him
>she works her way to his tail and begins stroking it softly
>fuck it. i guess it's going to be this way
>try to fade to black
>"Lets keep going, I want to see how this goes for real."
>she rolls him onto his back and sprawls him out, then climbs on top of him, sitting on his belly with her hands pressed on his chest, grinning at him
>try to struggle to get her off of him, he is not comfortable with this
>"I roll to grapple."
>"What? You didn't think that was a free meal did you, big boy?"
>she beats his grapple, then pins him
>he pleads with her to reconsider, continues struggling
>"I break one of his arms in a show of dominance. Then I'm going to roll for intimidate."
it proceeded to go into some lewd shit after that that I'm not proud of. but the player is very happy with the result.
I'm wondering if I can spin the broken arm and tail and bruised/beaten blacksmith into a side-plot point or if I should just leave it alone altogether. I know my other players are going to want to investigate and find the mysterious culprit who attacked him.
I feel so unclean for having done it.
Fuck you Veeky Forums.
Grigori is still the best (non-loli) dragon
I prefer mine to be like the brood. Essentially living deities that are minor elemental spirits. Elves,dragons,kami,gods, all a bunch of words to describe something that lives both as a man and a beast.
Hell yes, user.
Sentient creatures who happen to have Mass-Destruction capabilities.
pic so very much related. you're the DM, you could have just told her "no" anytime.
Leave it alone, and if she wants you to include it tell her that the dragon won't want to work with them anymore.
Are hydras dragons?