ECLIPSE PHASE GENERAL TIME! Today's main topic; you're favorite morph.
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>>Transhumanity's FATE (FATE Conversion)
>>X-Risks and After The Fall
>>Chuck's Eclipse Phase Wiki
>>the10 things you should know about Eclipse Phase
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>>Eclipse Phase hacking cheet sheet
>>Online character creator
>>Eclipse Phase xls Character sheet
>>Downloadable Character Creator
>>Singularity: The Official Character Creator
>>the 3 new adventures for your use in convenient PDF form
>>Ander's Sandberg's Eclipse Phase fanmade content, including several modules
>>Farcast: An Eclipse Phase yearblog full of items, locations, NPCs, and plot hooks
>>The Ultimate's Guide to Combat
>>Seedware: Another Yearblog
>>H-Rep: A Homebrew Blog
Slitheroid fluffed as 2 meter long robot centipede.
Get in all those tight spaces, have hands, synthetic, creept the fuck out of anybody not prepared.
also because they are cute
Thank you my dude, for the thread and aid.
Neotenics a best
Are you trying to rustle our jimmies?
No argument here. They're pretty decent combat morphs.
Not trying to floor anyone, just stating the obvious
It's not wrong if they're adults.
Slitheroids are a fun concept but there's just not all that much which mechanically distinguishes them from other morphs. Most bodies in Eclipse Phase suffer from this problem - the fluff makes them all seem unique, but mechanically they just provide small variations to stats and a handful of abilities that can be duplicated with gear.
You could halve the number of morphs in the game and not really lose anything. Stuff like Hazers and Rusters are pointless since the devs took away their ability to survive on the surface of their respective planetary bodies, just make them different looking splicers. Same with having Exalts, Olympians, Sylphs, etc. Just have one morph which you can assign a floating stat bonus to your area of choice.
Furies, man. Those furies.
I want a tall, violent redhead in my life.
well, slitheroid have movement: snake, which fits whell when you have two dozen legs+ instead of six or so.
>Slitheroids are a fun concept but there's just not all that much which mechanically distinguishes them from other morphs.
Why would you need to hide yourself when you have poverty as a disguise.
I like Bruisers. That body type has just always been my jam.
You can also move relatively fast while prone and behind cover.
Ah yes, the chad morph.
That's why you bling it out with a smart material outer case.
Patrician morph slitheroid.
What better morph to take when visiting Extropia...
Maybe an actual combat morph like fenrir ?
Because christ, what's wrong with that place ?
IDK, seems ok to me
>Because christ, what's wrong with that place ?
If you don't like it, you are.
Extropia seems pretty decent to me, it's just anarchism with a different flavor. If you can make yourself successful there then it's fine, and if you can't, why not leave?
>corporations took the chance to set up shop in a place where taxes didn’t exist and pesky government regulations wouldn’t hinder their research
so that's how that place is functional.
It's also a place where contracts are sacred and a reputation for fair dealing is essential. If you try to cheat people - including your indentures - and get exposed, you're gonna find yourself in a lot more trouble in Extropia than you would in the PC.
Subscribe to good infoservice, legal service and security company or be prepared to deal with this stuff yourself and youll be ok. Then enjoy all the stuff the unrestricted market can provide.
And dont be poor
To be fair, as much as many factions like to tout the safety net or whatever, "don't be poor" applies everywhere.
You will probably find life just as fun being a poorfag scrounging in the warrens of Extropia or the ghettos of Mars as being a norep stuck in government block housing on Titan or kicking around in an Anarch cluster.
Yeah. It could be argued that private charity would provide safety net, but I believe that limiting it makes the place feel more real and cutthroat.
How much Moxie is enough Moxie?
It seems to be the sort of thing where you can't have too much of, but usually there is a gentlemans agreement about how much should one have.
I'd guess somewhere 3-5.
5 is good
discord (dot) gg (slash) u4JWrpN
A Pretty good server for Eclipse Phase discussion.
No communists or faggots allowed.
>not getting the joke
Jokes are supposed to be funny.
Congratulations, you played yourself.
You people would fit just perfectly in this new discord for the discussion of Eclipse Phase!
No commies or niggers allowed!
sounds reasonable.
Also i like that you get it per session.
Helps to regulate the timespan of thing happening and gives the players more agency.
Played some other games with "luck points" where you get them back by sleeping or similar stuff and if your GM needs three hours for 30 minutes of ingame time... it gets a littel tedious.
Depends on your group.
If you're hard into combat 5-7 will keep you comfortable.
My group tries to talk or buy their way out of most tings and we roll infrequently so 3 is a lot for us.
>Implying I'm not a full blooded anarchist.
How do you guys deal with loot? Are players allowed to loot bodies? Does looting make sense in a post-scarcity society?
In our last session, I tried to get our group to take the body of an Olympian we had killed so that we could sell it, but got the vibe people thought I was being an edgelord so dropped it. But realistically, good morphs are by far the most valuable thing in the EP universe. Wondering if anyone else here has run into this in their group?
Only so long as you are an AnCap, Mutualist, Anarcho-primitivist, or Anarcho-fascist.
Ancoms stay out or you're getting helicopter rides!
The Eye - Best place for alt-right discussion of Eclipse Phase
I'm pretty sure if you push something to DR, it's destroyed beyond use. Repairing it would basically be like making a new one.
And if you don't hit DR, the guy riding inside is technically still in it, so yeah, that's a whole new kettle of fish.
There's no problem with players pocketing guns, grenades or small devices if they find them handy but "looting" really should not be your primary means of acquiring items and has no benefit other than "well this guy has a thing I don't have but need right now". The ease with which most objects can be obtained means that your only real barrier to most equipment is time. Morphs are more specialized, but dealing in "used bodies" is way too much of a headache than most groups or GMs want to deal with.
If nothing else, think of the forensic trail on that shit.
Smuggling a body out without preperation seems like alot of work and additionally planning.
Looting anything that isn't directly usefull or easy money (200 pound of genetic coded biomass don't count as that in my book).
So what left mostly is rare resources, which depends on where you are since most larg hubs have relatively good access to them, so you need alot of those to make notable money and rare things like cutting edge high tech and handcrafted thing, problem here is to bring the proof that they are handcrafted.
I imagen that a wellmade handmade rolling block rifle would be actually quite valuable compared to most low to mid rating rifels.
When did the whole jazz with the lost happen? How old is one of them supposed to be when games take place? Would it just come down to the GM?
>anarcho primitivist
I'd guess by the fact that the fall happened ten years ago that the lost are around 8-5 years old.
way to go if you want to play a child at heart.
Aren't they a bit older due to simulspace acceleration?
Project started AF 3, ran until AF 6 at 6x time acceleration. After that aging probably happens normally so they'd be 22 years old.
Or maybe it was until AF 9 and the Lost are 19 years old.
Didn't they also restore from backup a few times?
You seem like just the sort of person that would enjoy The Eye™- The #1 place for Alt-Right Discussion of Eclipse Phase™.
Autonomous all the way
They where force grown. question is if the time as infomorph was as good as real experience or if some corp cut out thing they thought where hindrances.
Didn't the lost turn out to be unsalvageable psychopaths due to the way their perceived time worked, with punishments from their handlers being delivered hours after whatever they were being punished for occurred?
There's nothing to indicate it wasn't a fully fledged, if time-accelerated upbringing. I mean, aside from being a traumatic and abusive upbringing largely in the hands of emotionally stunted AI that got infected by Exsurgents at some point.
> question is if the time as infomorph was as good as real experience or if some corp cut out thing they thought where hindrances.
Wasn't that the whole point that it wasn't so they all turned out to be psychos and wackjobs?
Simulation got infected, not the AIs.
Nah, they're wackos because they were raised by AIs in an absuive and traumatic environment as part of a project by a man who didn't know anything about child rearing and then got infected with the Watts-MacLeod virus that guarantees mental disorders.
So we got a bunch of psychic, unstable, grown up children ?
>Terrified centipede noises.
With psi powers.
If a synthmorph wants an aftermarket synthetic mask, do they use a fabber or a healing vat?
Do I need anti-psi bullets /measures for them or does the usual stuff work just fine ?
Asking for a friend.
Depends, I guess, since synthetic doesn't mean "not organic"
Other question, could I use said mask to look like a skeleton?
wow, Eclipse Phase is still a thing?
But seriously what happened to /epg/ for a while? It just... disappeared.
Just don't let them touch you or get near you. Psi doesn't mean space wizards.
Psi-Jammer and psi-inhibiting drugs are a thing, they're just exotic and expensive as fuck.
Be a Synth, they are immune to mind bullets. Unless it's not mind bullets and literal Telekinesis but the Lost can't do that.
I guess people didn't want to deal with the 1st generation flaws and the up and downs between "let's keep this mechanic simple" and "you know what people like in their games ? Maths."
Was thinking on buying a shard pistol to keep them and other nasties on distance. Thing looks like general fun, just have to be careful in habs, there it could be a little too fun for the walls.
So synths are the way to go ?
Unless you want social interaction with some neo-luddites, which seems to be almost everybody sunwards.
Does a weapon mount installed on an arm count as fixed/swiveling or articulated? The former right?
2E happened. It’s better to not think about it.
Please elaborate.
I refuse. I’d rather talk about cute neotenics doing murderous things.
That's okay, can't force you, but sure makes it harder to understand.
>"you know what people like in their games ? Maths."
GURPS and RIFTS are a thing, m'dude. And the guy who made F.A.T.A.L. was a math grad student. So there's some dudes out there with diamond hard stiffies for maths.
Just take the heads. According to RAW a healing vat can grow a new body from a severed head in a few days.
>Few days
It is 3 per wound. Something like an exalt would take up 21 days of vat time at minimum.
Swarmoid's my favourite.
I'd quite like to play an Emergent Uplift AGI in one.
Ever since I first read through the book I've wanted to play a remade.
>Something like an exalt would take up 21 days of vat time at minimum
What? All morphs have the same number of wounds they can sustain. Wound Threshold is calculated based on DUR/5.
Why biomorphs couldn't be wet-fabbed in few days and need to be vat-grown for three years?
Are you actually this stupid or did you just not read?
Mostly a lack of content while the devs work on 2nd edition.
The Ultimates were cut from 2e as a player-facing faction because, in the devs words, they didn't feel comfortable promoting make-believe fascism. It's a bit silly but nowhere near as silly as how a whole bunch of fascists completely flipped at hearing this and started whining like a triggered tumblerina.
I'm not a fascist and got triggered too.
Felt like a too political desition which only solution is jury rigging some rules for players starting as an ultimate.
Yeah but I'm talking about the inconsistency.
SInce Jovians are authors target for everything they hate, what are your ideas for sane and sensible Jovian faction?
I want to play these things. I don't know what they are, but I want to play them.
A properly shielded Colony for starters.
Or more like a stations that is aknowledged to be properly shielded.
That sounds like a lot of the usual Veeky Forums butthurt since there is no power in the universe except your GM that can make you not play them.
Just seems a bit sillyfrom the writers since some Anarchos show fashist tendencies in their writing.
They are already pretty sensible if you just don't go out of your way to make them cartoony moustache twirling villains.
They basically have military controlled polity that uses civilian government as cover to make it easier to work with population, drop on them most day to day activities and cloud their own movements in the background. Are guys on top hypocritical bastards ? To a certain extent it is probably true. But that doesn't mean that they have no reasons to govern the Republic like they do right now except being power hungry.
After the Fall there is a lot of shit in the Solar System and their precautionary stance allows to keep the population safe at the cost of some other things. Anarchist won't understand how could you be so restrained in day to day activities and must serve years doing what you don't want. And Republic citizen won't understand how could you be living without all the security features.
They're like dire machines but without the penises.
I like to portray them as a Western European nation-state with a precautionary attitude towards nanotechnology and AI, who reject the idea that uploading isn't death, and are struggling with street fighting between anarchists and fascists who seek power in government.
They're also a major superpower both economically and militarily; they control all shipping through the Jupiter gravity well, they're the second-largest producer of antimatter in the Solar System, and they export beamed power to the Outer System.
What's wrong with them are an overgrown military-industrial complex, high income inequality, and an authoritarian counter-intelligence apparatus (c.f. NSA).
If also figure it's more thematically interesting if the push for technological liberalization comes from the expansionistic branch of the Jovian Space Self-Defence Forces, who want more cool toys to take over Europa and the Jupiter Trojans with. Because, after all, why should liberal transhumanism only be a thing among the "good guys"?
While they eschew most transhuman technologies, they also recognize their value and can accept it as long as no uploading or resleeving is involved - paying a braincase full-body cyborg from JSSDF Special Operations Section 9 is *exactly* the kind of thing a Jovian Republic campaign should let you do.
Bait like this is why /epg/ disappeared for a while.
The real tragedy isn't the Ultimates, it's not bringing in Exhumans as a default faction.
Some managed better than others, but they all are fucked in the head in some way. Also don't forget that they were all exposed to the Watts-MacLeod strains which contributed to them being fucked up as well.
If I ever get the opportunity to be a player (I'm the only one willing to GM) I want to do a swarmanoid infiltrator.
Also why are all exhumans about either maximing their power, intelliegence or survivability? How come there are no hedonistic exhumans trying to maximize their capacity to feel pleasure at any cost?
There is, they're called Scum. Look up the Carnival of Goats some time.