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>How to Jumpchain
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You know what? Fuck it.
I hate FR's gods so much.
Replace Corellon Larethian(The chief god of all Elves) with Feanor. Still an improvement.
>Oh shit technology will make people need us less! Guys, what do we do about Divine Magic!?
>We could be better and more active gods who help our worshipers and hand our more goodies to our Clerics?
>No fuck that! That's work! What about Arcane Magic!?
>We could work harder to spread and advance Arcane Magic so more people have access to it, or even work with the technology god to make magitech so Arcane will always be useful?
>No fuck that! That's work! What can we possibly do!?
>We could bully him until he stops making technology so we never have to do any work ever again!
>Fuck yes, that's perfect! That's what we'll do!
An actual conversation amongst the gods, probably.
What if you replace the gods with Celestial Gods from Exalted? Still an improvement?
Replace them with a squirrel.
I have a screencap of the story Im posting but be warned it saved massive so.. yeah.
Among the things I did in the FR such as killing gods that annoyed me, dragging Lolth into the mortal realm and curb stomping her in front of her worshipers, I granted Asmodeus godhood. He actually does his job and now he owes me a favor. Hahaha.
Did somebody say snow?
I cannot logically wrap my head around beings that think this way. There's just something alien about the idea that they would rather hurt as many people as possible and do absolutely nothing with their time, than do literally the only thing they have to do and not fuck up everything. I have more ability to empathize or understand the evil gods than these supposedly good ones.
Most are still lazy fucks. With some exception
Which Celestial Gods? There are tons of them. Their bureaucracy is a mess, and usually useless. But most of them at least attempt to do their fucking jobs.
It's not wrong.
I said it in the last thread. Even Evil gods are preferable to the sheer laziness of the FR gods. Asmodeus does deserve that promotion.
Imagine making Lytek "God of Heros" or some shit though. It would be fucking amazing.
The Incarna would do their jobs with no X-box to play, probably.
Since the last thread turned into why gods suck. Jumpers,what is your reason for hating the gods and raging against the heavens?
>We could be better and more active gods who help our worshipers and hand our more goodies to our Clerics?
Ao dictated they can't really interfere in lives of mortals like they did before. Instead they're now merely shepherds of the loyal deceased. Their schemes and what not have to be carried out by mortals or at most an avatar of them.
>We could work harder to spread and advance Arcane Magic so more people have access to it, or even work with the technology god to make magitech so Arcane will always be useful?
Magic rules are also set by one the gods. It's not like Eberron where they have Artificers/Mage-Wrights on every corner looking for work. Magic is dictated by Mythra who's hands are tied in their implantation of magic.
>We could bully him until he stops making technology so we never have to do any work ever again!
They fear that if he's god of technology, then what's to stop him from overshadowing them. Every god is afraid of their own place in the hierarchy of deities. It's why they scheme against one another. So if a God of Tech is allowed rampant, they would lose and they hate losing. So they bully him while he's still weak and limit his influence to just a small group of people.
>The second half of my first reply got sent to the bottom of the post
I hate when this shit happens.
Because the FR gods are lazy cunts who refuse to just DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS.
Has OAA come back?
I dont hate gods. Iike gods, when they do their jobs.
>B-but muh gods!
-- Red, probably
Because slaughtering them gives me power and 9 times out of 10 the world is better off without any gods at all.
I needed worthy opponents. And my sword was hungry.
They amassed power and aim to keep themselves in power for as long as possible. Anything to supposedly upset that power they get together and try to discourage where they can and outright bully when they can't discourage. Good gods aren't gods of progress, they have their own morality and that's not something really tied to mortality beyond needing them to worship them so they can continue to exist.
They're much like the Greek Gods in that they're lazy, bored, and spiteful even the good ones.
I don't necessarily hate gods, I hate anyone who willfully inflicts suffering upon the innocent. Unfortunately, this often includes gods.
Avatar doesn't really hate the Gods...most of the time. However, as the chain has gone on, they've been less 'the powers that be' and more 'my peers', especially after Marvel Magic. He, uh...might also be developing a growing hatred of them by association with the death of his not!little sister and the emotional heart of his party, Kaori.
It's there. It's not enough to be hatred or a persistent blood vendetta, but it sits there. And it waits.
Thor from the last jump was a bro, though.
Jesus stole my sweet roll once.
I dont hate gods, I hate individuals who fuck up with no desire to self improve.
At worst I just send my friend who hates gods to kill them since he has got so many types of banes on his sword on top of the sword being a bane everything sword that he can basically kill anything
Because I am running a fedorafag jumper as a renegade jumper for my main priest chain.
I've got a particular hate for gods that are powered by belief, but live on modern day Earth and are fading away because no one believes in them. Why didn't you do anything to reaffirm belief? You've got magic powers. Just go downtown, throw some lightning around while shouting "I'M ZEUS, BITCHES!" and there you go. Some settings put at least some effort into explaining why the gods let the Enlightenment get the scoop on them, but in plenty it's just taken as given that of course humanity stopped believing in gods. Why?
Git over there
So what I'm hearing is that if you're a poor schmuck born into the Forgotten Realms, you should learn as much magic as you can until you can cast a spell capable of planar travel, grab the people you like, and fuck off to the farthest world from this place?
When I get the ability to eliminate gods, I will.
>Manyfist using 4e and 5e shitlore while defending the FR Gods
Who is surprised?
I’m already there, buddy
She tied herself to it, and then died. Also there is a planet in FR that doesn't have the Weave. Magic is more difficult there but still exists just fine without either her or the Weave.
Because, I love people. It's not a matter of me hating the gods so much as me doing what's best for the things I love.
Isnt there a respawn time or are you going without companion respawn?
That and grab immortality somehow. Most of the afterlives in other planes aren't much better.
It's just that in FR living is also pretty shit because the place is full of high level assholes. And asshole gods.
I don't like competition.
Companion respawns are incredibly conditional and the Jumper, nor the companions, are aware of it. Due to how Kaori died (nuking her own soul and Hades' with Big Will), it's beyond their scope or abilities, especially at the point in the chain it happened.
Because you should learn to do things on your own instead of praying for a magic sky man to help you.
Even then, I don't have a problem with gods who aren't complete assholes. Thor is chill. Cayden Cailean is chill. Why can't you just have a drink and chill the fuck out like Thor and Cayden, Zeus? You rape-happy little shit.
So if you could only pick one of the four elements of Fire, Water, Earth, or Air, what would it be and why?
>Companion respawns are incredibly conditional
Isnt it just a month at most if podded less so if not?
Houserules. The 'benefactor' of this chain is cosmic machine that's running on Windows ME and has a lot of broken hardware.
Most evil gods are more fun to hang with. Have you ever been to a house party thrown by the Succubus Queen? Horny demon women everywhere.
Make sure you can easily kill gods. Pick one and publicly kill it for the other gods. Deicide is one reason why most gods fear Asmodeus so much.
Earth. Solidity, endurance, and unexpected power. Lots of fun times.
Fire. I have a minor case of pyromania.
I don't hate gods, but if their followers are assholes I'll do what it takes to protect the innocent.
So could someone give me the lowdown on what the Lizardmen in Warhammer are like in preparation for the upcoming Jump? Are they like the Orks or what?
>Defending them
Look I'm just telling it how it's written. Ao basically told them to be babysitters of the dead after all the gods learned their lesson in Times of Trouble, where Ao got pissed off they weren't doing their jobs as he saw it. So he took nearly everyone's divinity away and made them mortal. Then when he figured they learned something he gave the surviving gods their jobs back and told them they can't be rulers. I want to say that was 2e to 3e.
Gods are dicks, they don't have any incentive to allow progression of anything. Even the god of technology isn't the god of mortal progression, he just finds machines to be cool.
Also it's because FR stays way it is because WOTC likes it like it is. That's why Eberron was created for Dungeon Punk, magitech out the wazoo more Final Fantasy like than say FR. Eberron has gotten major push back by some fans because how different it is from the generic medieval fantasy trope.
Irl, probably earth. Or water.
Earth would just be damn useful, water too.
Air so I can make high powered vacuums nigh invisible attacks and the ability to fly. Though I do admit Earth would be a problem
I went with Air this chain. It's subtle, and I like subtle. You get a lot of utility with the right perks. It also fits my flighty, silly personality.
>Reading about that Myth Drannor place Elminster loves
>Elven kingdom that lasted with elves only for over 4000 years
>Collapsed in 353 years after inviting in non-elves
Where are the best Jesters, Jokers, clowns and men of merriment?
What are some perks that can assist in becoming a clown with a clown nation?
>want to jump korra
>kotor says he might put avatar back in
>cant bring myself to jump it if that might be an option because I really want to be an avatar
Damnit jc why do I care so much about this imagination game.
Are you talking about Avatar, or in general? I like Water, though my Jumper is usually more associated with Metal.
I don't hate them, I just think that as a rule, they're too risk-averse and manipulative to make reliable allies. Also, they hate being made accountable about anything.
My element for my current chain is Electricity/Lightning, so I would pretty much have to go with Fire out of those four.
Lizardmen are Aztec-themed and....complex. They are lead by the Slaan, big fat insanely magically powerful toadmen. The Slaan were made directly by the hands of the "old ones", ancient beings to crafted life on the WF world.
The Slaan are obsessed with carrying out the "Old One's will". Which means killing species the Old Ones didn't make(Skaven, for example), preserving species they did make(Elves, humans), and killing Chaos.
The Lizardmen themselves are a caste-based society, with different sub-races filling in different castes. They live in the jungles of Lustria, and don't really leave. They tend to brutally murder intruders though.
Water, because it's the best element. It's everywhere (including all around and inside of you right now), it's incredibly versatile, can assume liquid, solid, and gaseous states relatively easily, is the single most important necessity for the existence of living things, and it's usually depicted with symbolic associations with life, adaptability, change, tranquility, and healing.
Also I should make the addendum of instead being Water if being in Exalted. Mainly due to the able to fight as if on land, underwater
I took spirit for my main chain. It may not be the best, but I still enjoy it.
Because Gods interfere with my mere existence.
I haven't really met any yet. Unless these two idiot Source Hunters I'm travelling with count as reborn ones. But I rather doubt it.
Based on use? Fire ends up being my default tool far more often than I'd like to admit.
Based on thematics? Air due to my habit of using Music along with my Magic.
Waterbending so I can dip into Plantbending
>Which means killing species the Old Ones didn't make(Skaven, for example), preserving species they did make(Elves, humans), and killing Chaos.
Literally everything about that sounds positive.
For elemental manipulation powers, probably Earth, because it's helpful on the ground.
Air is a close second, but it doesn't interest me as much.
I won't choose Water because oceans aren't really my thing.
I won't choose Fire because I don't like smoke.
There isn't anything particularly wrong with the Lizardmen beyond the fact they don't really leave their jungle, and how they don't progress technologically. Preferring to rely on their incredible magical prowess. Seriously the Slaan are THE most powerful mages in the setting.
The biggest issue is that the Slaan aren't quite certain as to what the goals of the Old Ones were, and spend a lot of time doing fuck-all trying to figure out the goals of their creators.
The Lizardmen are pretty much the most righteous and least corrupt faction in WHFB. They're just not very nice about it.
I don't see how I'm a point of contention when I've stayed off my soapbox.
But Lolth does her job. She may be an evil bitch, but she's one of the ones that does what she's supposed to.
You're right. But a lot of people hate her anyway. She is also legitimately insane. That's not even part of her job, she's just actually crazy.
because fuck you
I don't hate gods. Gods are like any other person, just stronger. But just because they're stronger doesn't give them license to be fucking ignorant dickholes about it.
I mean, Goku is strong enough that he could probably blow up the universe at this point, and nobody has a problem talking about how much of a fucking idiot HE is.
Why should I treat someone different just because they have Divine Ranks or some shit?
I don't really care if they're stronger than me. That just means I won't bitch about them to their face.
I wanna be plants.
Since that's not an option, I guess water. Water's pretty neat. You don't see a lot of people do water.
>We could work harder to spread and advance Arcane Magic so more people have access to it, or even work with the technology god to make magitech so Arcane will always be useful?
Mystral (who became Mystra/Shar after the Netherese tried to usurp the Weave), Mystra and Shar all advance arcane knowledge. They were/are among the hardest working gods, as are their subordinates. Hell, Mystra made sure she had a successor in place before the Time of Troubles hit.
I don't. I intend to become one!
Thanks Justice, this makes me feel pretty good about being a Lizardman in the future now. I was afraid they were bloodthirsty or something. I wonder how the Eldar see them.
What is the top power level of battle through the heavens?
You could theoretically try to argue that snow is translucent save for in large quantities, just as a thin film of water is clear, but bodies of water reflecting the sky appear blue.
But a Clear Christmas just doesn't roll off the tongue as well.
Mystral was tied to the Weave. When she died, she disconnected the Weave from being directly linked to Mystra/Shar (Shadow Weave). That way people fucking with the Weave directly won't cause insanity, death and chaos with the goddess who governs magic.
Have you ever tried to portray your Jumper in an avatar creator of some kind?
I'm a goddess, so when I fight against other gods it's either A. Someone's harmed one of my kin or friends, B. I'm orchestrating a coup for control of Heaven, or C. Some idiot-god has a death wish.
But I've never gone all 'Kill all the gods' or anything.
>Because the FR gods are lazy cunts who refuse to just DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS.
What about Eilistraee?
>Avatar doesn't really hate the Gods.
Heavens, she choose death.
.....also, you picked up Skyfather, if you use Return I can almost guaruntee you can either bring her back or use time-travel to prevent her death.
Yes, that's something Skyfathers can do.
Honestly, most magic-using gods could probably pull off time-travel if sufficiently motivated under a permissive writer, but Skyfathers can explicitly do that sort of thing when authors don't forget that's a thing.
>/pol/ was right again!
>I don't really care if they're stronger than me. That just means I won't bitch about them to their face.
Is there even anyone stronger then you? Considering what you said about Ouroboros.
And in fairness, Mystra actually tried to fix shit during the Time of Troubles, but that required her to get back into her divine realm, which was being guarded by the last full-powered god around. She ended up just getting killed snd making things worse, but she did try.
>Heavens, she choose death.
Avatar is not a rational person. He tries to be, but...well, Ford's fears aren't COMPLETELY unfounded.
Also, wow. I actually didn't know that. I don't have a Return but I'm taking note of that.
Don't hurt the pretty mice people! They just want to hug you (with warpfire) and invite you to dinner (as the main course.)
They Lizardmen are pretty cool. Them and the High Elves(Eldar essentially) get along decently well, when the HE aren't trying to colonize Lustria.
The Lizardmen and the Dark Elves have been known to war though.
>What about Eilistraee?
There are exceptions. The vast majority of them don't do their fucking jobs.
Earth. I like wind more, but I'm an earth person. I'm slow, like permanent things, and none of the others can build me a cozy rammed earth hill home.
One of those "Draw Your Party" template things for paint. Don't have it anymore.
As I mentioned though - She also made sure that there was a successor before she kicked the bucket, so even in death she was trying to make sure shit got fixed.
Gotta take them case-by-case, like people. Also gotta pick my battles. There's a difference between "high-tier super," "sapient force of nature," and "I AM THE ALPHA AND OMEGA," and unless I tick off the last one by existing, I try to avoid getting in their way. If my existence DOES make them REEE, I'm out of luck.
Before you ask, I am nowhere near the point where DYN Freaks would be "next" in my Chain. Storywise I'd have to build up for at least another 300 before heading there.
Tried? I have created a few races and shaped worlds into being.
>What about Eilistraee?
Do you have any idea how hard it is to fuck her? First you have to kill her mother and then she just lays there like a cold fish. That isn't fun. I can't get into the mood if she isn't even going to do anything in the encounter.
If I could only pick one, ever, at all, no matter the Chain?
Probably Earth.
Yah, Skyfathers are BS.
And Marvel Time Travel works however the writer wants it to work. There's literally no consistency.
Also, on a completely different note, making whole star systems, inhabited with ensouled life, is apparently a 'simple use' of the Odinforce (Given Odin destroys galaxies in his battles and then restores them afterward, not exactly unexpected), which you'll eventually equal and surpass.
Other things of interest you should be able to pull: Inter-universal/dimension travel, resurrection when you have access to the soul, dimension creation, universe/multiverse creation (that's actually something Hera did, though it's only universe creating if you don't take some off-hand comments in Chaos War seriously), etc.
>There are exceptions. The vast majority of them don't do their fucking jobs.
Just wanted to make sure sparing her was the right call when I pass through.
Water even though Korra is shit.
Water. It is the element of life and death if taken to either extreme, and it can be calm and tranquil or violent and destructive. Its motion can carve earth, snuff fire, and drown those dependent upon air.
So was Korruk. I think Water Avatars are just shitty in general.
No. I have seen some people draw their Jumpers or Companions, though. Who was it who used to do that? Not commissioning, just drawing it themselves.
This is why, for example, the Lizardmen lead putative campaigns against elven colonies on Lustria for centuries, but after a time of nothing and humans getting advanced enough to try the same, the Lizardmen have left them alone. It's because they don't know if the Old Ones wanted Lustria to be the Lizard operation base with nobody else there, or if they were cool with their other creations spreading to and living there. They've just started leaning in the other direction on that issue as of late. They're now preeeeetty sure it's okay.
Not when it's covered in dead Nazis! Leningrad ho!