Defend this.
Defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
My cards, I will do what the fuck I want with them. Including flicking, bending, or setting the fuckers on fire if it pleases me.
Mark, is that you?
Why buy official cards anyway?
>b-but muh tournaments!
You didn't really fall for the "sanctioned" meme, right?
"So that's what was in my butt pocket!"
I can't, there's no excuse for playing MtG.
i have never had any cards bend. i have tons of cards from all eras of magic.
Tournament legal marked cards.
Holy shit I can't.
How could I'va been so wrong, so blind, so desperate.
I lived in a lie and spreaded it's word.
I will end this massacre, I, a normal boy in a normal town, will become the hero of bend cards. I will restore them to their natural order and set them free from the hands of humidity
It's more rational than playing Warhammer? I dunno man I'm grasping at straws here.
At least the warhammer figures don't melt and deform the moment you open their package.
No you don't get it my neckbearded friend. It's YOU who was made poorly, not the cards. It's your BRAIN that's been made poorly because you believe in buying figures to represent your armies when it's all make believe, and could be represented just as well with different sizes of stones. Much like how MTG players buy plastic with writing on it for money, which you can print out on paper for MUCH LESS money or practically zero.
I bet you buy full-priced videogames. Not that buying them at all isn't weird, but at least you could act half-normal.
Magic bends when exposed to air, 40k bends when exposed to sun. Both are shit.
no u
Here that pol boogeyman poster is again. Don't you ever take days off?
I don't know, Breitbaby, do you?
>implying we don't paint our minis
>implying you could even paint a card
This is impressive autism. But then again, this is MtG.
How is direct proof of /pol/ trying to fake stuff exactly like the OP a 'boogeyman'?
Where have they ever said anything about falling stuff?
>defend card bending
C'mon, son, stop.
I don't even care about MtG, I just noticed this in passing and I'm kinda mystified. There's actual direct evidence of this, a quick search can still find the thread discussing it in the archive. So why are you so motivated to claim that people pointing that out are just whining or crying? Isn't it worth acknowledging something so blatantly obvious?
Fuck you /pol/ nazi.
>anonymous post says harmless crappy criticism is /pol/ conspiracy
False flag.
>implying OP didn't bend the card himself
Show me a video of an unopend box and start opening packs until we see a reasonable sample of bend card. Of course check first if the box and packs haven't been altered in anyway.
I'll wait.
You really believe that?
Then again we’re dealing with autism levels that- that post.
Even if it was false flag, normal people literally don’t act like this.
If it was actually a problem, why would they make posts like that discussing how to spread it? All they do is harm their own credibility.
More to the point, if it was widespread and affecting a lot of people, then wouldn't it be big news in the community already?
I can go post any shit I want to /pol/ right now.
Doesn't mean it will be true.
I've no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Is the bent card a political shitposting topic or not?
>quality of game begins downturn
>vocal minority of fanbase violently opposes idea
>even discussion of issue brands you a Nazi and nets you at least a years ban
Did /pol do this? Did we do it to ourselves? Why?
You Americans are just eager to tie everything into politics.
That's what you get for using memes for political agenda - you've polluted the entire memetic natural habitat with your antics.
Crazy idea but anyone think they should just stop using cardstock for new card games entirely, and switch over to rugged hard plastic?
The production might be a little bit more expensive initially and possibly less eco-friendly but they're tougher waterproof and probably harder to counterfeit, and doesn't everybody use protection plastic sleeves anyway?
Just something I was thinking about when playing Gloom. Which uses clear plastic overlays to great effect.
Magic is dying. And thank god. There hasn't been a decent set since [X Set], and even that was rather lame. [Y Set] had decent mechanics. I would say [Z Set] is where Magic completely jumped the shark. Now with all this political controversy, and the fact that they are cutting blocks down to a single set to jew the community as much as possible, I can see Magic the Gathering as a sponge full of water that has been almost entirely squeezed out by the greedy hands of Hasbro. As long as good goys like you all keep buying the cards, the game will survive. But that's changing. Their playerbase (the real playerbase, not the normoniggers who buy 1 to 2 packs for their spawn for [X season]) is dying out. Magic will survive on casual play for a while. But honestly? The sets are shit mechanically, constantly coming out with new keywords and then abandoning them forever. They are rapidly filling their design space. It's been years since they put out a [X Format]-viable card.... at least, one that they didn't ban 8 seconds later because it would ruin [Color Combination] players' deck combos or whatever shit, and they autistically screeched on social media until they got their way. And like any good company, Wizards of the Coast (with Hasbro leering overhead pulling their strings and desperately trying to keep the tip of its nose from leaking onto the stage) has been supporting whatever the fuck the community wants, no matter how retarded it is. Ban some YouTube guy because he said something mean toward a precious pussy? Sure! Put traps on the cards to show how progressive they are? Sure. Make absolute trash sets over and over, and make them so fast that non-competitive players hardly have a break or chance to get into them? Sure. Magic is a cash cow that is fast burning itself out. The game is trying to compete with autistic shit like [TCG]. It will die soon, and hopefully it will die with some shred of its dignity remaining.
Probably not, though.
/pol/ couldn't care less about children's card games
You're a fool if you don't. That thread was literally created for and by the people who made that screenshot so it could be used to forge a narrative™. The kids over on /pol/ play Magic too (not that it matters), but calling people names always did make for an effective deflection from criticism.
The counterfeit market would explode overnight if they did this.
How is creating plastic cards easier than paper ones?
That's a screencap from a /pol/ thread which was originally one on Veeky Forums and was moved.
After that happened, we had days and days of spammed threads just like the OP. All connected to offsite MtG community drama.
It's not just MtG threads honestly, there's been an uptick in general political shitposting and /pol/ memes.
I didn't believe in /pol/ board takeovers until the last couple of weeks on Veeky Forums.
Regardless the paranoia of such a thing is more a problem. The issue can't be broached at all, can't be addressed and will just be the further death spiral.
Well you could, it'd just be shit.
I know this is b8, but anyways. Building/painting/converting is the most fun part of 40k to me. Plus, seeing a well painted army on a nice board really fires the imagination.
>Post a bent card
>Defend this!
>OMFG, a nazi! Go back to /pol/!
Getting real sick of this shit
Don't fucking do it then Like fuck me, sure - this thread, a few months down the line? Fine. But we've had them for days upon days in a blatantly obvious spam effort.
Who let you out of your safe space?
What's more likely, that the Nazi wizards of the Thule Group have awoken the egregore of the game to save it through meme magic from a torturous death at the hands of an international Saturn worshipping death cult or that Hasbro's shit tier damage control team is manufacturing a shallow political divide among its customers to deflect from a serious product quality issue?
Like, I know you're just an internet troll, but the idea that right wingers have so little to stand on that they resort to name calling is very amusing and satisfying to me.
Conservatives are the real triggered snowflakes.
The Multiverse is dying. And thank heliod. There hasn't been a decent plane since Ravnica, and even that was rather lame. Innistrad had decent landscapes. I would say Zendikar is where the Multiverse completely jumped the shark. Now with all this eldritch horror invasion, and the fact that they are destroying cities down to a single wasteland to consume the inhabitants as much as possible, I can see the Multiverse as a sponge full of water that has been almost entirely squeezed out by the hungry hands of Ulamog. As long as good mages like you all keep countering spells, the Multiverse will survive. But that's changing. Their planeswalkers (the real planeswalkers, not the sparkerless who built 1 or 2 portals for their spawn to invade) is dying out. The Multiverse will survive on casual spellslinging for a while. But honestly? The planes are shit visually, constantly coming out with new tribes and then exterminate them forever. They are rapidly taping their lands. It's been years since they put out a viable creature to summon, at least, one that they didn't doomblade it 8 seconds later because it would ruin the ecosystem mages protect or whatever shit. And like any good company, the Infinite Consortium (with Bolas leering overhead pulling their strings and desperately trying to keep the tip of its nose from leaking onto the stage) has been supporting whatever the fuck the Phyrexia wants, no matter how retarded it is. Exile some Guildleader guy because he said something mean toward a precious guildmage? Sure! Put gorgons as pirate captains to show how progressive they are? Sure. Make absolute trash plans over and over, and make them so fast that the Gatewatch planeswalkers hardly have a break or chance to get into them? Sure. The Multiverse is a cash saproling that is fast burning itself out. The Gatewatch is trying to compete with autistic shit like Bolas. They will die soon, and hopefully they will die with some shred of its dignity remaining.
Probably not, though.
Duplicating an exact type of cardstock is extremely hard and often expensive, and the tactile difference if you fuck it up is remarkable. It also fucks with the ink if you use the wrong stock. Recall the first run of pokemon cards and the abysmal fakes - those were a big push.
Whereas printing on plastic is colour-consistent, and it's very easy to produce a tactile-similar property. The reason money is on plastic is because they can spend a lot to introduce sophisticated security features since you're printing billions of the fuckers.
holy shit wow a conspiracy! i'm sure the pol bogeyman literally bends all the cards himself! all the bent cards, from all the recent expansions, all terrible quality because pol nazis got into the storehouse! noooooooooo!
I got 3!
its true it was me i did it
Heh. Magic cards warp the opposite way yugioh cards do.
Calling people snowflake is what the left started to use because they can't meme.
Magic is dying! There, I helped.
I'll give you "The reserved list is a necessary evil," plus "The jewish mafia is a legitimate and serious international problem" and "Standard IS shit."
Fuck you if you want bingo using "Actual discussion of the game."
Oh okay that's interesting to know. (America still uses the "paper" money by the way, which is actually linen cloth go figure).
Okay I'll take your word that it's actually easier to counterfeit. Although I think they probably just because I imagine it would be cheaper.
I have a few discoloured cards in my collection are counterfeit then? No respect the wishes of the coast I never disrespect to wizards but I never considered them to have particularly high quality control standards.
Jesus Christ when was this made?
Just now
>im not from /pol/ but...
>cards bending is because of /pol/
i don't understand, it's fucking cardstock. is cardstock impervious to bending in recent years?
>Ridicules people about safe spaces
>While posting anonymously on Veeky Forums
Okay I will defend it as someone who has worked in print production.
>Magic cards are made of two sides of cardstock glued together.
>Cardstock is a paper product.
>Paper and wood products ranging from 2x4 plants to cheap copy paper warp due to changes in atmospheric conditions, especially humidity.
>Originally MtG didn't have foils, but they did make a specific card-back that would have to remain in perpetual use, otherwise cards would be "marked."
>People like shiny things, so they made shiny foil cards and people really liked them.
>Shiny foil cardstock is different than non-shiny cardstock.
>Therefore, they bend differently in different atmospheric conditions and can become permanently so depending on the severity and method of storage.
>Wizards cannot fix this without somehow altering the cards in some way that their thickness or appearance would make them immediately and easily discernible from the backs.
I have foils from the early 2000s that have sat unsleeved in storage boxes, on tables, or deckboxes, which have not warped in the least. Defend the decline in quality that has obviously happened
Pretty sure the Reserved List deal says the signatories all get full spoilers way in advance.
The signatories, incidentally, seem to want out of the deal (with the reparations they'd be due).
Apparently it's bad for their business.
my local store is closing down. Sad how bad the game has gotten, time to sell my standard collection and not buy any new product.
>implying MtG needs help dying
>implying it's dying
its just a liliana card. If it were a planeswalker that was worth my time or respect, i'd give a shit.
Discolored cards happen by themselves every now and then. Start/ends of print runs, ink refills, etc.
I understand that you're sensitive from the last couple weeks but it's entirely possible this is either a legit or bait thread unrelated to /pol/.
Co-relation does not equal causation.
You literally can't unless you're a shill.
I'm actually starting to lean towards the "literal wizards and the CIA are fighting over loosh from a card game" theory.
You're getting into memetic reality territory son. That being said;
What is written will come to pass.
>This fucking thread.
Dear /pol/,
You're shit at this. Here's how you make a thread like this effectively
start a completely irrelevant thread where people post cards they've cracked
post one of the bendy cards
samefag your post, commenting on it in a subtle way
samefag your samefag as someone sperging out
start a reasonable discussion about the topic
Boom, there you go. Now fuck off to your containment board, or at least stop being pseudo-intellectual low effort dips about it.
So, all you need to do to kill a game is... tell the truth? I'm not seeing the conspiracy here.
Don't stick your foils in the bathroom prior to taking a hot shower?
Everything is POL. Reeeee! Reeee! Wubba lubba dub dub!
>ridicules people about retreating into an area where their views aren't ever challenged or opposed
>while posting on a website filled with a shitload of inflammatory blowhards who never ever agree on anything
Your argument has always been garbage. Veeky Forums has never been a safe space. You fags are still trying to turn it into one, though, so good on you for trying, A for effort and all that.
No one on Veeky Forums posts like that. You'd realize this if you actually posted here.
If you read my post, you'd also realize that getting people to dislike a group of people arguing against what you're arguing is generally a better way to convince someone of something on a contrarian image board.
But I can't expect someone whose been here less than a year to know that. I can't expect you to make full sentences. Not only that, I bet I know more about politics than any of you shitposters. I just keep it to myself and sperg out quietly in relevant threads about political theory.
>didn't even bother removing the grammar and spelling mistakes markings
How retarded can you be?
Shit, I haven't played since 2011 and riffle shuffled my deck every game without bending. Wtf happened?
no one mentioning that OP pics is a Innistrad's Liliana?
how is this related with the latest bending cards?
Way to completely miss the point.
He called you a consumerist whore, not a slob..
Not an MtG fan in the least, but going overtly out of your way to destroy someone else's inconsequential fun is top-tier degeneracy..
>Letting someone else's activities rustle your jimmies this much
The fun of painting the minis is the majority motivation for GW's customer base, with actual TT players making up a small minority. Thus, rocks would not be good substitutes.
Veeky Forums still thinks anons can be strictly divided into specific boards
>Doesn't realize this is the same elitist behaviour that /pol/ exhibits
Oh, hey Mark!
That's not true. The fun of warhams is carefully painting your own dudes or dudesses over weeks or months and then making them fake kill each other on a beautiful tiny city wasteland with well designed strategy focused homebrew rules and lots of beer.
That's fair.
HOWEVER, when drafting, where the winner will pick rares and uncommons are randomized in the end, they are NOT your cards.
>if it was widespread and affecting a lot of people, then wouldn't it be big news in the community already?
But it is? It's fucking HUGE news. Every Magic youtuber has made videos on it.
How the fuck is a MANUFACTURING FLAW /pol/ in any way you god damned retard?
What happened is that they lowered the cardboard quality to cut costs. New cardboard is thinner than old, and curls more easily. It was first noticed in Amonkhet block.
They are sensitive user.