This one was for 'what do wizards wear'
Some random tables I made for Veeky Forums (post your own!)
This was for 'what are fey like'
This one, 'bandits inspired by monsters'
In retrospect the ooze is totally cheating.
'first level adventures'
'fantastical things to replace carriage horses'
'goblin lairs'
'things to collect or deliver'
You can probably see some themes here. The goblin marriage bits are based on an actual adventure I ran (with orcs, not goblins).
'types of maps'
I really like the Koschei thing.
'wizard's hats'
'wizard's implements'
Ooh, I made a really elaborate one a while ago for random features for extremely high-level magic users. Let me see if I can hunt it down...
Found it! Pardon my extremely janky method of "take a screenshot of the word document i used." It was fun to roll some weird-ass wizards when I had the party attend the annual high-level wizard gala where all the famous wizards of the world convene and discuss magic shit.
(I made this a long time ago, I'm aware the table isn't formatted well at all, but whatever)
'ways to fight yourself'
This is a weirdly specific one but IIRC it was for a thread about judicial champions.
(I really like rolling d100s)
Cool, thanks for posting. No matter how badly formatted it's still better than random-ass screencaps.
>'sacred cows'
'biblical, but really more Ars Goetia, but really more just weird, Tieflings'
There was a corresponding Aasimar one but I didn't save it.
'names for thieves'
Most of these refer to some specific kind of thievery, so if you look them up you'll probably find it - and my source.
Rolled 2, 3, 1, 3 = 9 (4d6)
And lastly 'where do liches summon undead from' because old-school liches could do that.
That's all I have saved, but I would be really interesting in seeing what others on Veeky Forums have to post and am appreciative of
...which I will now roll for.
Rolled 87, 15 = 102 (2d100)
these are fantastic
A human adult-sized baby swan in modern clothes with too many fingers, begging the question of where exactly those fingers are in the first place. That's pretty rad.
Uh I mean thanks user.
glad you liked em. i had to do a lot of rerolling because most of the combinations make very little sense. saved pretty much all the ones posted itt too
It needs a bit of work, but I'm still proud of what I've created here. I present for your enjoyment:
Deadly Dan's Blacked Out Drunk At A Party Table (Fantasy Edition)
This is great.
Rolled 30 (1d100)
What's this from?
Rolled 81 (1d100)
Rolled 51 (1d100)
Come One Fairy Fuck Fest!
>What's this from?
I made it.
I can't really get a good view of that table because there's a slutty elf in the way.
Dumb bitch. She should be washing the damn thing from the longer edge so that she doesn't have to rub her filthy tits on a perfectly good table. I do not need friggen elven boob sweat tainting the surface that I'm supposed to serve meals on.
Plus, dem boob splinters... ouch.
It's a Drow user. She's probably never had to clean before.