>It's a 'the GM has to win' episode
It's a 'the GM has to win' episode
>it's an "OP gets fucked in the mouth" episode
>It's a post-quest blow-off session
>it's a post-game blow-off session
>that trigger discipline
>Trigger discipline faggots
Is there any worse kind?
Anime reaction image faggots are pretty much the worst, so, you know, there's that.
Its within his character
>he hasn't seen The Big Lebowski
Have you seriously not seen Big Lebowski?
>It's a "The party is back in town, because the wizard is all out of spells" episode
No, should I?
You should, it's pretty good
Of course the GM has to win.
And since the GM wins everytime the session is fun and memorable for all those involved, you should always want him and help him to win too.
God I need to fuck toga in the mouth
"He peed on your fucking rug dude."
God has received your petition and will process it in due time. Please sit tight and await His results.
Animae trigger discipline fags?
BEHOLD your worst nightmare
it's fucking garbage
dude let me suck your huge dick