What is the best Avatar (ATLA, LOK) system?
Who is best girl? And why is it Mai_?
What is the best Avatar (ATLA, LOK) system?
TLA best girl: Toph, for vigorous impregnation
LOK best girl: Jinora, for vigorous impregnation
There is the The Second Age, an Edge of the Empire conversion.
Another one.
Maifags get the fuck out, true best girl coming through
I'd use Legends of the Wulin, but I'm one of the idiots who went through the effort of learning it. It's a fucking fantastic game once you get it going, the best martial arts RPG I've ever played, but it is way more trouble than it has any right to be to get to that point.
Wow, everyone except Toph aged like milk.
Legend of Korra is absolute garbage.
Toph is best girl you pleb, or Katara, or Azula; actually I’d waifu almost all the girls from Atla, damn, I’m gonna marathon the series again
It's just fanart.
The little flashback scenes in LoK where we see Aang and Sokka, they're both foxy as fuck.
The best girl is Rule 63 Sokka.
Ugh. Korra was so terrible.
which ones mai? is she the bald one?
LoK depresses the shit out of me. It had all the blueprints for being fantastic but was just so damn clumsy. I don't know how you can take a world and premise as interesting as the Avatarverse, then ignore everything cool about it in favor of giant fucking robots and boring characters exhausting every ounce of good faith the viewer can give them.
Savage Worlds
Mutants & Masterminds.
I found the only good bits to be the flashbacks to other avatars.
When I saw the first episode I was hyped as fuck, but... It was just so bad.
First two seasons maybe. I thought the third was pretty great and the fourth was decent (would have been better if they hadn't be shafted by the network into making a clips episode)
thats exactly why they had to make the lesbian ending. nobody would've given two fucks if it werent for MUH LGBT REPRESENTATION
Fourth was pretty lame. Not as bad as Season 2 but everything in it was contrived and boring. Taking the Spirit Swamp from the first series--one of the strangest and most mysterious places and the setting for one of the most interesting episodes--and literally turning it into fuel for a giant Pacific Rim robot was an apt metaphor for what LoK did to the meta-universe.
Third season was pretty solid.
That's rough, buddy.
>constantly beaten up, bitten, tripped, drugged, harassed, bullied, and insulted
>mom is brutally murdered
>father leaves him behind to go fight an unwinnable war
>first ever girlfriend is a literal princess who's head over heels for him, dies
>second girlfriend gets thrown into a war prison
>confirmed to have died single and childless
>nevertheless throws down with everything from fire-ball throwing kung fu masters to ancient knowledge spirits without an ounce of fear
>never, ever abandons his friends and family
Sokka is the man we should all aspire to be.
Don't forget the cheapening of the spirits themselves. From strange, unknowable beings that demanded respect to pastel-puke aerobunnies that only just lost to the fart humour as worst part of the show.
>confirmed to have died single and childless
the fuck? he was the harem king
I was super pissed he never got to do anything cool with that meteorite sword. Still my favourite character, though.
I liked how in AtLA, Aang had to navigate his interactions with the spirits through guile and wisdom. Made the whole thing feel much more like a fantasy story. Generally if he had to throw down with a spirit then shit had gone pretty far south.
Korra just punched her way through them, like she did with all her problems.
>serial monogamist
>"harem king"
Besides, maybe he was sterile. Who knows what lasting affects that cactus juice had.
ty lee wanted her boomerang too user.
Didn't he cut through steel and rock with it?
Honestly, when you get down to it that sword was probably the least important part of the episode. It was really just a really nice weapon; the lessons he got from learning to use it were far more important for his character and for the show's themes in general.
The thing with Ty Lee was cute but I'm glad they left it at just some one sided flirting. Suki was a little bland but she was a lot more important to Sokka's character than just a random side villain curious about what "Sokka Style" really entails.
that's rough, buddy
>Start of the series, Zuko trashes Sokka's home and terrorizes his grandmother
>End of the series they're shooting the shit about their love lives
I thought there was going to be some sort of conflict where Sokka was torn between Suki and Ty Lee, but that never happened. Oh well.
I felt like that would've muddied the plot too much. By the time that could've been a thing, there was way more going on.
I like to believe that ONE of Toph's kids was fathered by Sokka. She may have gotten him drunk enough that he doesn't remember it, and may have blamed someone else for it, but in her heart of hearts
she knew.
Did they have no certainty in their run time or something? LoA clearly knew it had three seasons to build up to a massive fate of the world battle, and did just that with space to spare for silly inconsequential episodes. LoK didn't seem to be building to anything, despite ultimately having four seasons to LoA's three. (52 episodes to 61, though.)
Also, LoA had a much smaller cast. Basically everyone who can fit on Appa's back. Zuko as a secondary protagonist, and he doesn't even turn up in every episode. Focus is a good thing, which also applies to "beat the empire before the end of summer or everyone loses forever" plot.
>Did they have no certainty in their run time or something?
Yeah, they didn't know they'd get asecond season.
this is the correct answer, I've run it twice and it works really well
>best girl
Season 1 was actually decently good for most of it. It just had a problem with romance drama and the ending. I'd say book 4 was far worse because it was so strange in what it thought it was doing. Did anyone really buy the Korra/Kuvira Parallel?
They didn't know they had 4 seasons total, but they did know how many episodes they had per season before getting started to work on them.
Season one and two of LOK were kind of meh, but season 3 and 4 were amazing and easily stand up to TLA. I do agree that the focus on machines and technical advancement was a little bit much.
to OP's question:
Best girl is obviously Kai.
Heard Legends of the Wulin should be able to do Avatar pretty well, but that it has some editing issues.
Then theres which is a hack from the ground up it feels so i have some high hopes for this. It might be going towards a conversion from genesys depending on how it is.
Atla Best girl: Toph, Katara They just seem like nice people desu
Best LoK girl: Feels like the only character with a personality, and i happen to like it for the most part.
Who still thinks it's odd that they gleefully showed Azul'a spiral into insanity and a breakdown that is, to this day kind of disturbing to watch. But Aang killing a man was so unacceptable that they had to ex machina an alternative?
Might have been a nick thing, can't show actual violence?
I still hate that ending, and it almost ruined the show for me. Not only did they just get rid of Aangs consequences for fucking up his avatar state training(with a ROCK, no less), but they also spent so much time building up "aang might have to kill him", and all the ddeliberation and worry over that, only to toss it out the window.
still, its odd. Her whole end was unsettling to say the very least. But a fade to black, a cutaway and all the other "ooh we totally killed a man but we didn't show it so it's all implied" tricks are outta the question
I like to think Varrick is his unknown (or maybe secret) son. The similarities in appearance are there, personality is there... they are both inventive, a little bit excitable, but ultimately dependable. And he's from the correct water tribe, and probably around the right age as well. He makes no mention of his parents which would make sense, and Sokka was a council member for republic city, so for him to get some slut pregnant and then have to cover it up pretty much sums up 50% of politicians anyway. The way they did the spirits/spirit world as cutesy but weird shit really shit me off, definitely the worst feature of TLOK
I'd really love for them to do a spin-off series focussing on different avatar stories - more about Roku, more about Kyoshi, more about what Zuko did after he beat Azula and how he found his mother, and what happened to her. Maybe more about the adventures of some of the earlier avatars. The world they've created is ripe for spinoffs but Nick really fucked them over desu.
They did not know how many seasons they would get nor if they would get randomly cancelled since Nick really didn't give them a great budget or a lot of certainty. It was kind of disappointing the way they handled it considering it could have been done really well with a similar long-term overarching storyline with several sub-themes / minor 'bosses' so to speak.
Yeah i agree, they managed to get away with some things that were worse than killing, and they actually also killed Jet anyway.
Though i do like Aang not killing the firelord, i just wish it was done better.
Azula is one of my favorite characters, and i find her descent into insanity very unnerving. The part where she yells at Mai and Ty Lee is the beginning and she spirals from there, to the agni kai with Zuko at the end... what a great scene.
They should have killed him, but it was a kids show (or meant to be anyway) so they couldnt' show that kind of violence. I was surprised they got away with it in LOK desu.
I would love more avatar, but LoK made me lose all respect and faith i had in Bryke, so it would have to be without them for me.
They had a chance to teach a lesson. That you can't always have it all, the importance of sacrifice and the ideal of duty to a higher cause. Kyoshi really did explain it best. Aang needed to give up his spiritual wellbeing for the world
>Who is best girl?
Azula, the true heir of the throne, unlike z*ko
Yeah i guess, but i also think it's important to stand by your principles even if it's hard and there easier ways out of it. Also you're thinking of Yangchen the air avatar, Kyoshi said "justice will bring peace"
Is LoK actually good?
I’ve been considering re-watching it but I remember having mixed feelings about it when it came out
It's ok at best. A lot of people seem to like it but i can't for the life of me see why they like it so much. You can rewatch it but i would probably skip book 2 and 4 since i consider them pretty bad. And just for reference i have rewatched the whole show twice, but season 1 atleast 6 times, i just can't get myself to start season 4 and some times 2.
An animated adaptation of The Search would be fucking amazing
I enjoyed the bending in LoK a lot. The story wasn't always great but the action was pretty sweet.
Why you gotta try and make yourself mad about a yuri ending, user?
It's disgusting.
Personally I'm glad Aang didn't kill him. Regardless of how "necessary" it was, seeing him play executioner would've been tantamount to character assassination. That's just not the person he is. Could they have handled it a little more intelligently? Yeah, but overall the ending was still plenty satisfying. I'm glad he was able to keep his soul intact. Worth a shaky resolution to the big fight.
Yep, weird airing schedule of 13 episodes in the first season with no guarantee of renewal, then suddenly a guarantee of season 2, and then it gets stranger from there.
This particular yuri ending was poorly thoughout and handled. It also seems to serve more as a smoke screen than anything else, and had the unfortunate side effect of hijacking the series into a focus on homosexual politics instead of being a good old action cartoon.
Always thought it lacked the feeling of wonder you got when Bumi kicked the fire soldiers out of omashu, or when Azula bent lighting. It was something mundane that could also be special when it was necessary.
Though I agree it makes sense from a story perspective that it would be more common in Korra. Benders get their asses kicked all the time by giant robots or martial artists and that felt... Cheap.
I doubt having 52 episodes up front would have saved it considering what happened when bryke got pretty much what they wanted. Looking at you Korrasami
Meant for
Ok, Ill give you that.
But second best is TOPH, or you are cocksucking faggots....are you Veeky Forums?
BEHOLD, words of wisdom.
Yeah a lot of people got murdered on screen.
She is not insane, she just had a breakdown.
Funny way to spell Ty Lee
You mean a girl with no personality.
MC sheet.
Not sure if on topic, but what would you be looking for in an rpg for it to be good for an avatar rpg?
>combat system emphasises movement
>each bending style 'feeling' distinct
>mechanical effects from the characters' cultures/backgrounds
i use a lightly converted: QIN:THE WARRING STATE with the SHAOLIN AND WUDANG supplement.
toph and tylee are best girls.
Player cheatsheets!
Sub-playbooks for snowflakes!
Have a starter adventure!
Have two!
This one imo. Going to run it with my group when my DM wants a break because she loves the series. A narrative centric system seems perfect for the Avatar setting.
Also Toph best girl.
Zuko's gf.
Those feels when:
>Zuko never got with Katara
>Mai never finds out about it
>she never overcomes her apathy through anger
>she never out-crazies Azula
It was all set up so well so often.
>Zuko never got with Katara
Opinions discarded
>Did they have no certainty in their run time or something?
Yes. Nick was CONSTANTLY changing their constraints, run length, etc.
Originally Korra was a full season. Then a mini series. Then a full season again. Then the second season was going to get canceled. Then it wasn't
This went on ALL THROUGHOUT THE SHOW in every season more or less, and can be attributed to Nick having no faith in it - because the movie bombed.
The Movie was going to be how they made megabucks, shows don't make huge money.
>Zuko never got with Katara
that's official promo art from the creators back in Book 1
>confirmed to have died single and childless
Never confirmed. We just know that he died.
I think Azula is a pretty overrated character. She's great when you first watch it, but then you realize how much of her victories is just plot armor and dumb luck.
The Search was terrible. Literally mommy issues: the comic.
GTFO Scrapper
The thing about that "kill him or don't kill him" thing is that they could have made either option work well.
They could have gone with 'kill him' and teach that sometimes hard decisions have to be made, and that sometimes even the 'right' answer isn't always obvious.
They could have had Aang refuse to kill - but in turn be put in a situation where he has to guard against Ozai returning to power for the rest of his life - and teach that doing the right thing is not always easy, and only keeping to your morals when its easy to is a kind of hypocrisy.
I would have been fine with either. Either could have worked. Personally I'd have killed the bastard, but for Aang specifically i'd favour the latter option really. If Aang wanted to spare Ozai and really refuse to kill, he should have been able to make that choice but be forced to live with the consequences of that.
The Lion Turtle makes both options hollow and robbed Aang of his choice. It really is the worst part of the series for me (though its such a good series, it's a pretty small potato in the grand scheme).
>I think Azula is a pretty overrated character. She's great when you first watch it, but then you realize how much of her victories is just plot armor and dumb luck.
I'm not Scrapper but Azula won through hard work and determination
I will never get over how so many people thought one scene where Katara and her notoriously bleeding heart showed some empathy for Zuko was proof the characters should plow.
I know right.
Zuko X Toph forever.
Zuko's vignette on Tales of Ba Sing Se is still one of the sweetest moments of romance in the entire show. They could have left his love love with just that and I'd have been a okay.
Jin was best girl
I feel like every Zutara shipper should be strapped down and forced to read this.
Tbh in fandoms anything can be proof if you want two characters to plow.
Lewis Black really sells this for me