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>I dread knowing that I'll be here on Christmas day.
>You guys are the only family I'll ever have
That's really sad user, you should get some friends or at least visit your family.
I will be celebrating Christmas together with Zynthia! We will watch Die Hard together, it ain't Christmas until Hans Gruber falls off Nakatomi Tower. Hell I might even let Zynthia use my computer and answer random CYOA related questions.
>Zynthia cannot be added because she's not a historical Godess or part of an established fictional mythos that has impacted literature and formed an actual cults (Lovecraft):
I guess I will have to start a Zynthia cult then.
A natural and understandable response.
Why did I lose my motivation to finish my cyoa
I want it to be done but it just feels like a massive undertaking
So lately I've found that Lone Observer's CYOAs seem to hold my attention in a way remeniscent of when I first came to /cyoag/, does anybody happen to have a collection of his shit?
Do it bit by bit. You can do it!
Tok. I'm concerned. Are you a schizo?
>Wizard cottage
Where the hell is the waifus?
>Where the hell is the waifus?
Nowhere and it's a good thing
Don't worry I got you covered! These are the finest waifus Veeky Forums has to offer!
Kinda in the same boat, not really got the motivation to work out what I totally want to do with it and that makes it hard to work on it.
Start off with 'Pick one of Three' cyoas.
Don't bite off more than you can chew.
I'm not dead yet, and I got one last thing to do before I'm free for the holidays, so I'm aiming for a holiday release of this fucking cyoa mates. i've been working on this shit far too long, and I think it's about time i fucking finish it. plus fucking ultra and all that bullshit. here's a preview of shit i added, awhile back.
I honestly don't know what to say to help you, but I am working on a CYOA as well. Finishing it could give you a sense of accomplishment and feeling that you are contributing to the world.
I am currently on the stage of drafting my CYOA on MS word. And finding pictures.
I will be celebrating Christmas together with Zynthia! We will watch Die Hard together, it ain't Christmas until Hans Gruber falls off Nakatomi Tower. Hell I might even let Zynthia use my computer and answer random CYOA related questions.
This is the most pathetic thing I've read in a while.
>I have problem with my lack of creativity.
I wish I had the same problem. But I don't, I'm literately bursting with creativity and it's a problem. I'm really making progress on my next CYOA, but tomorrow I'm gonna see the new Star Wars movie and I fucking hate Rey and I am scared that when I see Star Wars I will be so full of rage and hatred that I will start to write the "Enslave and train a SJW to become a dumb fuck slut CYOA". Like that CYOA is all about hate fucking and I would pour all of my hated and malice into it. God dammit, I fucking hate Rey so much, fuck that fucking whore. I really want to finish the lewd horror CYOA, but if that movie fucking sucks and there is too much Rey I swear to fucking god, I will dropp everything I do and write the "hate fucking SJW CYOA". Fucking hell my hands are fucking shaking right now, that dirty fucking SJW wet dream Rey is making me angry just thinking about her.
>Are you a schizo?
Holy shit. It's worse than Force Awakens.
Don't do it. Spare yourself, Tok. Seriously.
i wouldnt even wish that movie upon the likes of you
Isn't Yandere Zynthia just Zynthia?
The Last Jedi was fucking awful.
Someone post the milk.
You know the one.
The SJW propaganda ruined a good portion of the movie for me.
I would. But I triggered a mod the last time I did.
>Tfw you just want sith and jedi beating the shit out of each other on the battlefield
Someone needs to just make a SWTOR movie, animated or not.
I actually heard someone refer to the way the Force was handled as "distinctly Taoist" and I wanted to pull my teeth out.
Go to /tv/ if you want to see how terrible it is. At least twenty hate threads raging their asses off.
What is this 56% meme
America is 56%percent white. Europeans on /pol/ memed this into meaning that all americans are 56% white, with 44% other races. Rather than it being more than half the population is 'pure' white.
You're not the only ones who hated it
Tok's going to cry
Christmas is coming and Guardian Spirit is on track to arrive right along with it!
Now off to bed!
I almost teared up myself when I saw first saw that video especially after someone pointed out the revelation at the end was probably added in post without Mark's knowledge. Can't think of a more dick move than that.
I'm not gone yet...
I'm still working until my sleep meds kick in.
Why, d'ya need somethin?
I'm thinking about making OC again. Someone talk me down before I really do it.
Depends. Are you a known author?
I actually don't know what I wanted. Goodnight.
what are you, a pussy?
Either do it or don't do it.
all the cool kids are making OC...
Are you a cool kid, user? Where's the OC.
OC is for chumps. Get a life instead, you won't regret it.
Make OC so i can feel more guilty about not making progress with mine because i am a master procastinator
>not the misadventures of Zayne and Gryph
It sets up the Old Republic era perfectly.
Also the movie isn't bad. It's better than TFA by miles, specially visually. People are just bitching because of Luke, but that's what you get when you allow JJ to fuck your franchise. Where else were they supposed to go?
>People are just bitching because of Luke
Ummm. no.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
I never actually saw Episode VII, but everything I heard said that it was basically just a repeat of Episode IV. Is this shit supposed to be sort of a repeat of Episode V where Han cuts open that animal and shoves Luke inside it to keep him warm? Like they were thinking "Empire Strikes Back had a gross-out survival moment, so we need one too."
>any of the new SW movies
>not bad
People will whine at you even if it's good. Spare yourself and use your time to masturbate instead.
Well, if you get technical about it I'm pretty sure they went past bad and straight into atrocious at this point.
>at this point
Drider-centaurs or crab-centaurs?
That's exactly what the new movies are. A fucking hack of the original trilogy.
Here. Have a laugh.
The only parts of the new movies that had any value at all were the meme starfighter "action" scenes. Those didn't have a lot of value past a shoutout.
Everything else basically just pissed on the entire mythology of star wars. In the end the only reason whatsoever the movies were called star wars was a shameless cash grab.
driders are hot doms, crabs are just fucking weird
Don't forget millennial SJW bullshit
I don't give a fuck about that. Go be triggered somewhere else.
but the Nagas (among others) are already hot doms and I have too many hot doms already...
I have considered splitting up the weird dimorphism by sex and making it go half and half.
They're just called 'driders'.
anyway, the correct answer is clam-girls
so the left half is a crab and the right one is a spider?
This CYOA has Susan?
Lamias are better playing up their clingyness than as a bondage thing.
>forget the jedi
>forget the sith
Oh shit we gonna get some grey jedi kotor type
>they sell empire weapons
>they sell rebel weapons
Oh sweet finally touch on the greyness of it all
Nope still jedi good sith bad. Empire bad only white men. No wiping out the hutts or criminals.
Want a soldier based movie like 501st or maybe bounty hunter
Just make dridercrabs, centaurs are shit.
Do you honestly think what JJ set up would have been better?
There was no way you could explain Luke fucking off like that without completely destroying him as a person.
As for everything else, it was perfectly fine. Snoke was a non entity to begin with. If you still want his motivations, you've got Kylo and the Knights of Ren for that. The Resistance only existed to maintain the OT dynamic.
The whole thing was about destroying what JJ created in order to get back to what Star Wars is all about. Unfortunately Luke couldn't be saved along with it.
I guess I could do that but then I have nothing for the horsefuckers.
It's not quite what you were thinking.
No, see. The big body is a horse. Instead of the horse's head you have most of a giant spider's body. And on top of that spider body there is a human upper body half.
Good. Horsefuckers deserve nothing. Nothing but death.
Snoke was a wasted character. If they didn't want fans to get pissed off they shouldn't have hyped him up so much. He wasn't a "non entity" in JJs vision. Johnson just threw it in the trash.
No, America is 64% white. It's just that whites make up only 56% of all those under 18 in the US. Going right down the toilet, lads.
For all this talk of Star Wars, I see no Star Wars CYOAs.
Who? I swear, pretty much every character in that movie was completely forgettable.
there aren't any really good ones
I swear I'll get mine out first!
I'm already including the ability to indulge furshit because I am a nice, reasonable content creator and not some yuri-idealizing human elitist lesbo-Hitler....
>I never actually saw Episode VII, but everything I heard said that it was basically just a repeat of Episode IV.
See, I actually didn't mind that about VII, sure it was a copy of IV but it felt almost like a respectful homage. It wasn't great but there were enough enjoyable moments that I didn't think I'd wasted my money. This new one though, fuck I was close to walking out.
>I'm already including the ability to indulge furshit
Good thing I never got on the new trilogy bandwagon
Hey, don't get any strange ideas. There's just a bunch of races consisting of mostly cute girls with animal ears and tails and there's a modification option called "enhance bestial traits" so you can homebrew your own furshit experience without me having to write any of it.
>whole thing was about destroying what JJ created in order to get back to what Star Wars is all about.
The whole thing was about destroying what Lucas created in order to make Rey and the rest of the boring new characters seem a little more special.
You forget that he was working with Lucasfilm Story Group. I'm pretty sure they're the one who wanted to be rid of the whole thing.
As long as I can exterminate them all It's fine.
Well, even better, there's an option that does the opposite, and humanizes them even more than normal.
Both sides of the coin -- gotta have both yin and yang, my friend.
Crab centaurs, she's underrated and cute in the MGE.
Reys a marysue yeah?
I cant remember her ever failing at anything in the two movies.
I was hoping for something even as lame as memory wiped
I'll exterminate them all for even daring to be furries.
I think you need to see it again. Not to mention the whole thing was trying to steer it back to his vision.
>you've got Kylo and the Knights of Ren for that
Nobody wants to see that except tumblr fangirls who like Kylo's misshapen head.
Reys a marysue and Kylo's an edgy trash villain
I want the option to exterminate the modification itself from existance
Traders Apprenticeship: Trade expertise, Free local/modern attire, 4 things 20% off.
Engineering Degree: Mechanical Engineering, +1 free Mech/Vehicle, +2 free Turrets, free environmental suit.
Torn Farkus: Free Dreadnought.
Grunder Seel: 50% off any one thing. (Solar Predator)
Danny James: 2 free anythings. Danny brings TWO free Solar Predators, which bring 4 Sparrows.
The Great Yao: Free Carrier, 30 free crew (of his), +2000 Credits, cannot select law-abiding planets.
Lunefree: Free Broad Frigate.
Professor Dulbejen: Ships use half the fuel, go twice as fast.
Captain Abraham: +20 Crew, good captain.
Osiris KU-30: 50% off a Ship.
Professor Vyan Ru: Gives all ships Blink capabilities.
Mindy and Mandy: Pilots.
Planet of Citizenship: Trafalgron.
Inner-Circle: Do some shit for some people, +2000 credits.
Slaves: 10 slaves, freed as crew.
Other planet perks:
Chief: 30 raiders, for use as crew.
Made in Kriegenfist: Turrets are 2x Strength.
Final Credit Total: 17,000.
Purchase 5 more companions: Professor Dulbejen, Professor Vyan Ru, Osiris KU-30, Captain Abraham, Mindy and Mandy Jackman. (7500 credits)
Purchase Solar Predator for half price with Grunder: 2750 credits.
Purchase Solar Predator for half price with Osiris KU-30: 2750 credits.
Purchase Crew, because why not, we have a lot of ships: 4000 credits.
4 most expensive things purchased are 2x Solar Predators, Crew, and any one companion. Total Cost: 5500+4000+1500 = 11,000, reduce this by 20% for the 4 things from Trader Apprenticeship which saves 2200 credits to spend on shit, Purchase Claw-Chan for 1500 more.
Remaining Credits: 700.
TOTAL SHIPS: 4x Solar Predators, 1 Carrier, 1 Retired Dreadnought, 1 Broad Frigate, 8x Sparrow Fighters.
7 Capital Ships. Pilots/Commanders: Torn Farkus, Lunefree, Danny James, Osiris KU-30, Captain Abraham, Mindy and Mandy Jackman. Total Crew: 110, 30 of whom are disloyal.
The only thing he filmed was a boring copy of the OT, you fanboy.
Indeed. I was talking about Lucas you dumb shit.
The build is just: Let's Make A Fleet. And as it turns out, you can build a decent little squadron.
Which is hard, given that the CYOA is very vague on whether or not purchased ships also come with the necessary crew, or how many crew are necessary. So I chucked in the Crew Upgrade just to at least make some acknowledgement of this possibility.
Claw-Chan is there because she can eventually mind-break The Great Yao's crew to my will via unrelenting pleasure as we build our power and fill these capitol ships with fighters and bombers.
And eventually maybe grab hold of Yao himself...
Added bonus, the ship's guns are twice as powerful, and they fly twice as fast for extended periods of time, and they can make combat blinks.
Theoretically, this fleet should be able to punch *well* above its weight with good tactics, and perhaps even take Yao on in open combat if need be.