What's her alignment Veeky Forums?
What's her alignment Veeky Forums?
lawful evil
Lawful Evil. Like, explicitly.
How can she be evil? She has a green lightsaber™
What the fuck do kyber crystals have to do with alignments / the Light and the Darkside?
Chaotic Good. She only wanted what was best for everyone and wanted to overthrow the order of the univarse to get there.
Evil dudes and dudettes use red lightsabers. It's canon.
her worldview is so many steps detached from reality that you could pick any alignment you wanted
True Transcendent Neutral
Doesn't she eventually use a red lightsaber though?
What I don't get about kreia is I always read the force as something generated by all living beings (later changed with the Vong and those salamander things from the thrawn trilogy) so wouldn't cutting everyone off from the force like she wanted have major side effects like most things dying?
Legit True Neutral
Neutral Shitpost.
3 of them, as I recall.
Yeah, the logic behind it was that since the force creates an ever replicating series of events to restore "balance" to the universe and mass death to achieve it, destroying the force and everyone influenced by it would set everyone else free(?) and be ultimately good
>later changed
>Playing with alignment
Kys faggot
yes, but the exile was living proof that life can exist without the force or something so it helped her plans
The exile that was absorbing the force of anything she killed?
yeah, honestly they rushed the shit out of the sequel and it shows
The Exile was never truly without the Force; she was simply cut off from using it directly for about a decade.
neutral evil
Yeah, but we are talking about Kreia, not Darth Traya(sp?). And as said, 3 of them, her own, and those of her disciples, corpseguy and blackhole
i think kreia also was blinded enough by the opportunities the exile presented that she chose to just see it her way and not see it for what it may actually have been
It's possible she never truly wanted to kill the Force and only reshape the ideals of the Jedi, feigning her motive and throwing her lot in with her apprentices again to get the Exile to kill her.
so where did all the sith apprentices that you chop your way through in the temple on malachor come from anyway? when did she have time to gather all them dudes together if she was scooting all around the galaxy with you the whole time?
Lawful stop making these fucking threads.
Jesus Christ, I'm so fucking sick of Kreia threads, her arguments are shit, her actions are shit, and the person that made her is shit for acting like she's justified.
I'd tell you to go shitpost on the /swg/ if I didn't know you don't do that because you're upset that you won't get precious "you"s from it and if I didn't know you knew that fans of the franchise would blow you the fuck the fuck out.
But by all means, shit up a board even more by appealing to people who like to think that they're super smart by a very simplistic character force-feeding them ideas.
I think that's just standard bioware/obsidian padding
if a quest involves travelling to the local apiary, you know damn well you're going to be hacking through a dozen groups of angry, mutant bee-monsters before you talk to the beekeeper and advance the plot
hmm, good point. the whole last section is a bit of a mess anyway, even with the restored content stuff. would have been cooler if malachor was just like, dead and desolate aside from kreia
Change (You)r diaper and take (You)r meds.
Maybe Sion or Nihilus trained them? I don't fucking know, the more i think about this game the more flaws seem to pop up, if the whole light/dark dichotomy wasn't there to hold it up shit would be terribad
>can't even make an argument
>just tries to deflect
I'd tell you to suck a dick but your mouth is so full of Avellone's cum that I bet you don't even know what water tastes like.
Wasn't Kreia's whole thing that alignments are fucking dumb?
>"Apathy is death."
>*does nothing*
What did she mean by this?
A non-argument merits a non-argument. I can shitpost all night. I don't think you have the stamina, fairyboy.
Why can't you act like normal people?
sion doesn't seem like the training type. although i suppose that she's out of the party for a long time after she kills all the masters and stuff, so maybe she gets em during that timeframe
but yeah, it's a shame that even the restored content mods couldn't make the endgame section good
to change the subject completely: atton is my war criminal husbando
>"Apathy is death."
>*does nothing*
contrarian obnoxious
Ehhh, if the world was without the force though, then you wouldn't have that issue.
Honestly, Kreia's plan was pretty sound.
*falls in love with you but wants to kill you*
What was his alignment?
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
Leftovers from revans academy
Autistic rage-filled.
>neutral evil
Only a single right answer yet.
But you're not even that, you're just a butthurt faggot over being told your game is shit.
Yeah You butt out of it, I think this game is shit and some slack-jawed faggot disagrees with me.
Luke cut himself off from the force in TLJ as well
and then went right back to it a few hours later.
Don't ever mention disney star wars again
How dare you bring those films up
Chaotic Real Canon
Its awesome that theres a movement to not consider Disney stuff Canon. KotOR2, an unfinished game, blows anything being created for SW today out of the water.
And not because of Kreia's themes. Let's be honest, Galactic Nietzsche is pretty pseudointellectual. But the look and feel of those games was perfect. They were so comfy and easy to lose yourself in.
>They were so comfy and easy to lose yourself in.
That's a good way of saying 'they looked exactly like the prequels'.
She is honestly and by far my favourite character in the entire franchise.
Not to mention no sith lord has ever been more successful than her.
Besides the Jedi robes, what in them was like the prequels?
>implying Disney Star Wars it's not leagues above the prequels
>being butt hurt that a successful corporation makes successful movies
The tears of fans crying as normalfags rape their series are beautiful hope they never stop.
>Implying it is
Darksiders can't use non red lightsabers, the moment they touch one it shuts off, they have to crawl in their skin and corrupt kyber sabers to turn them red, then they can use them without turning the off. Is now canon.
>implying Disney Star Wars it's not leagues above the prequels
Everything you just said is wrong.
SW was always meh for me. I've seen only the first 3 and the 1st episode. The only SW product I've enjoyed was the first kotor
>work really hard all year, with no time for video games
>finally have some time to myself for the holidays
>plan out comfy weekend of replaying my favorite Star Wars game
>computer can't run it
REEEE indeed.
Fuck off and stay fucked off.
Her alignment is contrarian.
If you give the peasant money she shits on you. If you don't she shits on you.
All the technology in the universe and they can’t color lightsabers what they want?
Just because these are the only 2 options the player has doesn't mean those are the only options in-universe.
I don't know and don't want to know about disney shit, but lightsabers require special crystals, and it just so happens that those crystals are colored.
If you used another lens to change the color, it'd just be destroyed.
>Leagues above the prequels
Everyone is entitled to their opinions man. I don't personally think they are. Prequels were at least original ideas (for star wars) just terribly executed.I like original ideas better than "A New Hope 2: Electric Boogaloo." It's literally the same movie. I don't even give a shit about any of the expanded Universe or lore or anything, ep7 was just a bad remake of a classic film imo.
Rogue one was enjoyable and fun, if predictable, and slightly cliche and I'm probably not going to see ep8 in theatres.
a good/lawful person would call her lawfull evil
an evil/chaotic person would consider her chaotic good
a neutral person understands she is just neutral selfishness.
>kyber crystals
True neutral most of the game, reveals herself to be lawful evil at the end.
Daily reminder that Star Wars is a pretty shitty brainlet setting and Kreia is a good character because she's a bad Star Wars character
Chaotic Evil. She's trying to destroy all doctrine and all power structures purely to prove a point.
Do not speak of Disney canon in this house ever again.
she must be triple evil then
>mentioning disney wars
Get out, now.
>t. Thinks Droids and Starships Decide Fate of Galaxy
>critics at 95%
>audience at fucking 56%
When is hollywood going to learn we're sick of their shit bros?
She’s aligned to my dick.
hollywood has always been about money, not artistic quality.
Not for nothing nearly everything done there is shit.
>audience at fucking 56%
I mean, sweetie? That's just Veeky Forums trolls triggered about the diverse cast, soooooo...?
She knew you can't kill tbe force, but terrible events like malachor can rip holes in it or deafen survivors fron it's influence. Her overall goal was to create an event terrible enough that it would deafen the galaxy forever, so the force couln't control people.
That was before she got wrecked by sion and nihilus though, then exile showed her there was another way to escape the overbearing will of the force.
Yes, because there are tens of thousands of trolls who are dedicated to bombing this movie, right?
But they didn't do it to TFA or to any capeshit movie or any other major film that /pol/ and /tv/ hate because reasons?
Then just get Battlefront 2 on PS4
Well, you're not about to stop being one of them anytime soon, so there's that. Maybe people will forget that you're constantly complaining about it and pretend you're only making valid complaints, but that's not looking too likely either.
Lawful cunt
>Suddenly, a fleet of bombers was there!
I don't give a fuck what color bomber pilots are, I care about their relationship with existing.
Chaotic Neutral. She doesn't give a fuck and just follows her whims.
When the money dries up and sequels and unoriginal franchise movies stop being more profitable than actually taking risks.
They didn't want to risk a box office bomb by trying something original, and 90% of the reason Disney bought Star Wars was to cash in on nostalgia. That's why they went with a remake of a New Hope, and basically reset the setting to ape the original movies. It's just a cash cow now, and they're going to milk it dry.
Chaotic Neutral
Neither good nor evil, but wants to take drastic measures to accomplish her goals, which while positive, she admits she's not entirely an altruist.
So people do still get really mad over Kreia.
>"There might be moral ambiguity in the Force"
>moral ambiguity
Since fucking when son
Those lightsabers are purple.
misled Lawful Good
Scion was too pure for this world. And a truly amazing character if you played a female exile.
The original trilogy. KotOR2 and Kreia are for people that like the original trilogy to a reasonable degree but aren't big fans of Star Wars in general.
What ?
That's exactly the opposite.
Georges Lucas' stupid view of the Force removed any moral ambiguity to it, to the point that 'reestablish balance in the Force' means killing all the bad guys in his eyes. Because the natural state of the Force is being 'good'.
Also, I know it was a shitty bait, but I loved Star Wars, and less so the original trilogy.
annoying neutral