>Through a convoluted series of events, a dog ends up as king
What happens?
Through a convoluted series of events, a dog ends up as king
Times for the kingdom get ruff.
Advisors and attendants plot his downfall but only trip themselves up and foil their own plans. In contrast to more heinous rulers, he remembered as one of the best to hold the throne, over his unfortunately brief reign.
The Kingdom goes through a Bark Age.
the kennel master is initially able to use the king as a puppet to further his own agenda by controlling the supply of treats, but slowly loses power as more and more dignitaries from distant provinces bring exotic and tasty foodstuffs for the monarch
eventually the kingdom falls under the influence of a neighbouring state that was able to adjust their economy quickly to produce more peanut butter and fatty meats
>What happens?
Sir Bearington
>The Kingdom goes through a Bark Age.
Fucking lost it.
A demon gets freed from his prison and overthrows the King, becoming the ruler of the lands and throwing it into chaos.
The reign of King Barkley is known for one thing, the Bone Throne. And it wasn't even his idea, he said so on his deathbed. One important legacy has remained, and that is the tiny paper crowns still worn during more vestive times of year, little crowns the size of which poor old King Barkley bore atop his weary head, dumby, but proudly just the same.
Realistically? Dog is killed and replaced
For shits and giggles?>sir bearington
Fucking incredible.
As the final high counsel member hits the floor dead, lips still wet from the incorrectly prepared Deadly Shellfish Soup, the King to be Barkley nonchalantly strolls out of the kitchen, licking the last spots of delicious antidote off his lips. Sadly, the kitchen staff was executed.
Dragon Ball.
A power mad Druid works his way to being the head adviser to the kingdom. He claims to be the only one who can truly understand his majesty and deliver his word to the people. Proceeds to use the Dog King as a puppet to rule the kingdom.
An artist's rendition of the Late King, from memory. Note the Paper crown. This is generally the style his Liege personally chose, for formal events, or otherwise.
Despite the best efforts of all to manipulate the new king, even those who thought they succeeded, they were all bested by King Barkley.
As the last conspirator sneers at the king, he asks: "Why? Why couldn't we control you? You're just a dog and we all had our leashes on you!"
The king looks smug and informs this wouldbe puppeteer before he's hauled off to the chopping block: "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."
And so another great King had come to prominence, and left quicker still. This time by the treachery of his own- though distant- kin and kind. King Barkley was a headstrong Lord, and never allowed the Royal food taster time to carry out his sacred duty. And so, the Usurper stole the Kingdom in similar fashion to how the King acquired it. Poison.
Thinking anyone can get past the elite guard to harm the King.
Well my character is the queen, so I don't like ANY of the possible convoluted series of events that could've lead to this.
I'm gonna name him Rex
>You’re the Queen
Better get to making heirs.
Surprised this hasn't been posted yet.
That would give any assassin paws.
That was amazing. Well done.
The best assassins certainly do have paws.
Pet the king and offer him treats.
This is who Ceiling Cat calls after watching you fap one too many times, user.
137 is dog code for airborne feline assault in progress. This may in fact trace back to the hoary days of Barkley's reign.
The King is a good boy, yes he is.
We will aside yarn, nip, clumping litter, and mice vs birds for now.. The enemy of my enemy, is our ally!
you got me
Meowitzer division standing by, Sir.
Aliens keep taking over and/or killing people
Everyone assumes the Vizier is the one who actually holds power. The court goes into intrigue overdrive with everyone constantly plotting and scheming against each other. Every trick from assassination to seduction is used with no holds barred. As soon as one person becomes Vizier there are already two plots to overthrow them. The rest of the country hums along just fine. Better than fine, actually.
Eventually, only one noble family is left in court. They soon discover that the meritocratic bureaucracy set up by the last king has been running everything behind the scenes. They have almost all lands seized by the state and the court disbanded. The weakened aristocracy is unable to resist as a democratic constitution is adopted. Elections are held to determine the new leaders.
The dog who was the last king is given the honorary title of "Good Boy" and allowed to retire.
Plot twist: In addition to checking the box for the referendum to grant this title, an absolute majority of the citizens also (accidentally?) elect the former king to be PM / President / Chairman.
What happens?
>its a German Shepherd
>kingdom is industrialized with unparalleled efficiency
>no one ever did find out what that strange smelling smoke was from...
You're not welcome here Nazi scum
Abandon ship.
We finally got a king we can legitimately call Rex.
lol no
I want to make a Dragonball joke but I cant think of any
The kingdom's closet skeletons are instead buried deep underground.
>stuffed 20 million people into a couple gas chambers while fighting a war on every front
>one nation nearly subjugated the entire world
>not efficient
sure fires up those ol' neurons, doesn't it?
>lost horribly
Gee that sure worked well, huh? Max efficiency!
>Couldn't even take an entire continent
Even Hitler Acknowledged that he needed to take out the brits AND the soviets before going after the US and that never happened
>invading a bunch of tiny poor european nations
>"""subjugating the entire world"""
germans actually believe this
What if the dog has the blessing of the papacy?
Dog business would florish
He would certainly have a bone to pick with the neighbour kingdom.
I love this board
I try to get a position as Chief Tummy-rubber.
"Barnabas! Who made you king?"
Ass-kissing takes on a whole different meaning within the court.
>Shit, we're fucked.
>not deus woof
user i am disapoint
The queen would be a bitch
Look at a world map of 1933. Look at a world map of late 1942. Look again at the map of 1933.
Finally, look at your stupid comment before you decide to do an hero.
>tiny poor nations
> the largest nation the world has ever seen, the most militarily powerful nation on earth after WW1, Stalin's USSR, and the poles
Look at a world map of late 1945, you monumental microbrain.
Seeing as the King is a now a Paladin by default, I can only imagine the language barrier posing any problem. The kingdom gets a prosperous and silly ten years or so.
Look at a map of germany in 1933. Look at a map of germany in 1950. There is no such thing as germany in 1950.
Yeah breaking treaties and building illegal military tends to give you military edge compared to law abiding, demiliteraizing nations. Who woulda thought?
>After you and your party manage to save the Royal Ball, the noble King Barkley offers you the princess's paw in holy matrimony
>There's no law forbidding a dog from being the king.
stop moving the goalposts faggot
Stop being a shit stain, cunt
How does that undermine the argument that Germany was efficient, dumbass? A middle-sized country conquered a whole continent in record-breaking amounts of time. Before being stopped by not 1 but 2 superpowers multiples bigger than its own original size. That is the definition of efficiency. You can kill yourself now and spare us more of your worthless """arguments""".
BRD founded in 1949, DDR founded in 1949. They might have not existed as souvereign entitities but there wasn't even just one Germany but two.
>germans actually believe this
Actually, Time magazine reporters in 1942 believed this.
it's a dogie dog world
user, efficiency is in your result. You can produce shit as quickly as you wish, if all you do it throw it down the shitter you aren't efficient. And Nazi Germany did nothing like what you claim with your uneducated hyperbolic bullshit. Conquered a whole continent my ass, how fucking stupid are you to even suggest such a thing? Fastest expansion in history? Have you heard of the Mongols? The guys who did it on horseback? Though I suppose Nazi Germany also counts as an expansion on horseback, considering how many domestic farm animals were used in their shitty supply lines due to their lack of gas. Germany blitzed its way into early victories, taking many by surprise, then stalled, and finally got stomped. "Stopped by two superpowers," yeah, like the U.S. couldn't have done it alone, or Soviet wouldn't have won even had the U.S. ignored the European theatre somehow (you know, if Hitler hadn't declared war on them like the retard, I mean, like the efficient leader he was). Do you know what an efficient war effort doesn't do? Leave the country in literal ruins in less than a decade. German tech wasn't even that good, for example the Soviet tanks shat all over German Panzers. Germany did one area of science and technology better than anyone else: rocketry, and the airplanes they produced through it never saw combat, because Germany had already run out of gas and couldn't get them into the air. Efficient my ass.
>Ridiculous claims are proof that Nazis were amazingly efficient
>The claims couldn't possibly just be plain wrong
>Even after the numbers claimed to have been gassed were revised down by millions
Good goy.
I think an overlooked aspect of this scenario is war. Does the new King lead his armies in person? Does he have his own suit of armour?
> Lost so hard that the official greeting for women in the country was "how many times have you been raped since we last met?"
What a silly question
"Sir, if you don't mind me asking...do the new Royal Guardsmen seem odd at all to you?"
Well, he might try, but his bark is meaner than his bite.
Our elders look back on the dog days of yore and wish their descendants could know such joys.
The Dragon ends up kidnapping a pupper
The Corgarian Dynasty.