Ark Girl was back and you guys missed it
Ark Girl was back and you guys missed it
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That's from reddit you cuckold.
roast worshiper
she doesent look *that* bad desu
bunch of fucking betas, who gives a shit about some larper's whore
QuantumGrad is her username iirc. Just use reverse search
if a hot girl shills a coin, that should be a major red flag to get out
Go through some older posts.
wow an ugly ass roastie posted a webm on reddit
stop the presses
i love how she was immediately recognized as biz girl lol
yeah I mean I'd uhh let her suck my dick
but this
shes pretty active on Ark reddit. And she is doing the same complains people do here about Ark lmao
>Buying and holding Ark since Sept was my biggest mistake ever.
I can't trust myself financially anymore.
She's a normie, built to buy high and sell low. Doesn't mean that Ark isn't a great coin.
Etherdelta is already buying BZC for 5x ICO price faggots.
Arkie girl you are reading this.
Don't worry. Ark will make you rich.
fucking kek
>Doesn't mean that Ark isn't a great coin.
There are much better low cap coins out there, why would you hold ark?
Stupid whore begs for crypto. This and other exciting news at 11.
kek she's asking who's mike in one post. She's pretty great at doing research on what she puts her money in
deluded arkies
i love ark girl. i want to make babies with her. so sexy
why are women so self-centered and vain holy shit
there's a reason she hides her fivehead
>The Collatz conjecture is intuition but could be calculated. In my mind, it's very similar to the Goldbach Conjecture in which the probability of finding a counter examples decreases as you go higher. If you keep adding a lower order of magnitude value to 0.1, infinity times (0.1 + 0.01 + 0.001 + ....), it'll never be greater than 0.2. So with infinite natural numbers, if the probability is decreasing significantly... yea.
where can I find a hot math gf?
Ark girl was a lie, someone reverse image searched and clear its a photoshop. Ark roastie was just a good fake lads
>Buying and holding Ark since Sept was my biggest mistake ever.
>I can't trust myself financially anymore. I was dumb and I'm scared to sell for another coin because whatever I get will tank in price.
Tries to pump the coin by posting on Veeky Forums to all the virgins.
Utterly fails
God I would never marry an attention whore like this, what are they thinking???
nah. i think she created the account there after.
maybe try the math department you fucking piece of cabbage
>tfw all math majors are autistic and ugly/fat
to live is suffering
how much ark for her to sit on my face?
>Veeky Forums hates girls
>Veeky Forums hates Reddit.
>Veeky Forums loves a girl from Reddit.
What's happening?
minus and minus = plus
nice, just sold 100k
I've had a small position on ARK for a few months but I swear to God, it's really too complex for me to understand whether or not the goals they have are attainable or not. I understand the bulletpoint basics, but does anyone else question its viability long term? Does anyone else also think it's just a poor hold for short term gains?
The recent discussion about ArkVR has me worried that holding these coins right now doesn't fucking matter.
Shes a chick and a decent looking one at that, She doesnt have to know shit about money. She can get thousands just posting her pictures with a crypto address on multiple boards.