Rolled 3, 14, 7, 10, 12, 13, 12, 17 = 88 (8d20)
Post 'em, Veeky Forums. Doesn't matter how crude or how rushed, I wanna see what's going on in your game.
Previous thread: Last thread was pretty amazing.
Rolled 3, 14, 7, 10, 12, 13, 12, 17 = 88 (8d20)
Post 'em, Veeky Forums. Doesn't matter how crude or how rushed, I wanna see what's going on in your game.
Previous thread: Last thread was pretty amazing.
Other urls found in this thread:
I like these threads, they are so interesting and give me good ideas for both my drawfaggotry and my sesions with my group
Didn't realize last thread had templates, oops. This was all trackpad freehanded.
(me) Half-Elf Warlock (hence the debil above her)
Dwarf cleric (big hammo)
Tiefling Rogue (dumb idiote)
Human Bard (and crossbao)
Gremlin/Goblin Bard (different college also she's a little shit so the low effort memeing was in character)
My party's probably lurking the thread in some capacity so I'll save their descriptions for them to say if they want.
but if anyone wants mine i will
I'm a faggot but I think it would be cool if there was a website for this.
>face is literally short-haired Koko
user, pls.
Glad you are enjoying them.
>Didn't realize last thread had templates, oops.
There are a bunch of other templates that were posted in the last thread that have yet to be incorporated into a compilation template like the OP pic.
You might want to go back and save them for future use or sharing.
>This was all trackpad freehanded.
Nothing wrong with that. We get forehand ink and pencil stuff from scribbles to detailed stuff, sprite art, and various other things that aren't based on use of the templates.
The templates are there to make it easier to draw your party, they aren't any sort of requirement.
How did this party come together?
The campaign is Storm King's Thunder, and I admittedly joined about third session as a late addition. So, as I recall from the logs back in the beginning, it's standard-fair of 'you're all in this region and decided to work together for now and get roped into a bigger adventure'.
Mellia, my girl, is an ex-noble who was disowned for basically being a shut-in NEET whose emotionally abusive mom decided to throw her out on her ass. She ended up in a depressive spiral, went on a drunken bender and accidentally signed a contract with a devil, most of the terms of which she forgot due to being blackout-drunk.
So, she was in one of the nearby caves at the start, nursing the worst stomachache over eating mildly poisonous mushrooms. Nothing deadly, but it hurt like hell. From there the party pitied her enough to take them along, and discovered her warlockiness was pretty good to keep around.
Why are they "fatasses.png"?
magical realm
What kind of game was/is it?
gonna repost my stuff from the last thread periodically if that's alright.
This is from our 'Templars in space' game where the characters played future knights in a Universe where the actual gods have been found dead, gigantic corpses the blood of which has turned out to be the birthing material of stars and things.
What followed was a collective mental break of humanity as it turns out that a healthy dose of belief in your own immortality and a reward after death is a necessary component of logical thinking which by definition has no final base itself, instead only infinite regress. It turns out there truly ARE no atheists in fox holes, and that life, having a 0% survival rate, is a fox hole in itself.
After a few centuries of turmoil, the human societies throughout the galaxy decided that it can't be corpses all the way down, and humanity is now looking for a capital G God that may be still around and well.
The players played Venates, military types that are looking for God inside the Universe proper, as if to find him somewhere out in space.
Other notable special things:
- 0g fighting was the norm
- AIs where pretty cool
- Giant space worms
>I t turns out that a healthy dose of belief in your own immortality and a reward after death is a necessary component of logical thinking which by definition has no final base itself, instead only infinite regress. It turns out there truly ARE no atheists in fox holes, and that life, having a 0% survival rate, is a fox hole in itself.
So in this setting everyone is very fragile mentally to things that provoke existential crises?
What percentage of gods have they found the dead bodies for?
Damn that sounds fun.
What do the players actually do?
Explore new systems, looking for God?
you could say that, but what's different is that we have never experienced a true 'existential crisis' yet. Everybody always still subconciously assumed the existance of God(s). The revelation event was the first actual existential crisis encountered by humanity.
Just to be clear: I don't believe this, this is just a fun set up.
They're not gods we know, they're just anonymous humongous beings to which physical laws and matter and energy can be traced back. It's unknown how many there are, but so far, they've all been dead.
The game we've run so far and are coming to a close in consists of them trying to terminate a scientist working for their 'church' who has been doing what is termed 'unproductive research' - that being research in avenues that the church believes would distract from the search of God, an example most churches agree on would be research into immortality.
They've so far found his research station (a monumental 'wrist band' around the arm of a dead god) and have pursued a group that has either obducted or extracted him into the corpse itself.
They have are now currently faced with an AI driven mad by dying so much in defense of ANOTHER base INSIDE the body and probably very close to the scientist, and who knows, maybe close to God (...?)
oh, and they've also been faced with a judge Holton character which also seems to be interested in that scientist and the AI (a different one to the one mentioned above) he seemingly is trying to help ascend.
Goddamn I can't draw to save myself, just about bit off more than I could chew but I'm happy with it.
First game in over seven years and I'm liking it. 2e is a bit of a jump from only knowing d100 systems but It's not too bad. Definitely faster fighting than tRoS
Looks like great fun to play, obviously ruleset looks different but I'm getting that shadowrun-esque modern swashbuckling feeling.
That's an old drawing from years ago.
Pretty crazy yeah.
okay, depositing the next one then.
This one was a grand strategy campaign in a Europe-equivalent of ~700-800 AD. It's purpose was to map out that time frame in a huge world-building endevour of this continent from the equivalent of 2000BC to 1600AD. It worked a charm.
Emil's this mountain king whose father had united all the tribes of his region and who then to surpass him started fucking into the rest of not!Europe, taking the kings and princes of subjugated lands as generals that brought their own armies.
The game played in the last few years of the campaign, all the way at the eastern edge of the continent and consisted in taking over a more organized Gaul-analogue.
Before the game was over Votrik had his tongue cut out and returned home with his not!huscarls, Vitun returned home to his people with his army and Emil changed religion.
When he died at the end of the campaign when, while crossing a river, his appendicitis acted up and he fell of his horse and drowned, it was already to retake revolting lands. The fate of his young Empire was sealed before it had been completed, but the impact it had on Masson (the continent) would be imense.
>See if you can find all the references to historical great leaders!
This is our party for Horde of the Dragon Queen and its sequel book. We're currently just near the start of the second book.
>no dwarves
get good. Nice drawing though.
How well does the DM handle having a large group?
Very niceky drawn
>appendicitis attack while crossing a stream, falling off your horse and drowning
Well that's probably near the top of the list of "shit ways to go" but apparently one Ceasar went down via horse. Legend has it another got struck by lightning by straying too far past the Tigris.
Yeah, the shitness of the death was a big appeal of why he went that way. Glorious leaders don't always die gloriously, and the mundane often has as much of an impact on history as the heroic
The death itself was loosely inspired by how Barbarossa went out.
It's easy to remember the real bad ones too, as the visceral nature of the way they go sticks with you. I listened to the Revolutions podcast and then he covered the downfall of Robespierre I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I wanted him to go down but damn, nobody really deserves it THAT bad.
Oren is a DMPC, and unfortunately for our DM, the party kind of likes to split up to explore dungeons and the like. Irek and Reinhold are (were, in the latter's case) the biggest offenders for that.
He handled it quite well. At one point Irek and Reinhold got into a nasty fight against a huge four-armed troll while the rest of the party surrendered and got captured (the lodge in the first book is notorious for being a player wipe area). They spent 3 hours kiting this boss creature and flinging weak-ass fireballs at it to keep it from regenerating. Our DM made that a separate session for them.
We've gotten better at sticking together lately.
reposting mine
Here's one for an online Deathwatch campaign I recently joined.
Also a pic I made of them eventually facing down an entire fleet of the country they are from, as they have now become enough of a threat to warrant being wiped out. That will probably be happening soon, once they defeat the lich they are currently fighting.
post theme:
Thanks user, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
It was still fun how they survived everything that I threw at them because of their fuck ups
This is beyond adorable.
They were, and then the ranger stopped coming, then the dark cleric/sorcerer, and then the campaing died
Nil's face reminds me of Skallagrim.
Part 2. These ones are from my campaign, which is a pirate adventure I'm writing myself. We're not
as far into this one, so there isn't as much to really say about the characters beyond their personalities. But I'm excited to lead them to certain doom.
>okay, depositing the next one then.
what were the earlier ones?
Comissioned art of my LMoP campaign for a bunch of newer players with a rotating cast of characters. Went pretty well, group formed a holding company dedicated to solely buying up property and creating adult entertainment for the masses. Basically turned Phandalin into fantasy Las Vegas for shits and giggles.
Left to Right:
>-CN Drow Rogue: didn't end up doing much, besides picking a fight with Redbrands and dying in a fucking Yackety-Sax chase against orcs
>-CE Wood Elf Ranger: player would not trying to climb trees, dive into water and other dumb shit. decided to feed her tiger some potions they found under the manner, the d10000 magical effects chart was consulted, she grew three times her size and then committed suicide for reasons.
>-LG Half-elf Paladin: Brand new player, got *really* excited over his brand new greatsword i randomly rolled for, may have married it for all I know.
>-TN Wood Elf Ranger: The brains of the group, also the party's loot keeper and general man of reliability. Nearly one-shot the Black Spider after all his Shield spells were expended with Sharpshooter bullshit.
>-CN Half-Elf Bard: A GM's worst nightmare: the one player with previous experience who decided to make a bard instead of his traditional paladin. Broke about every encounter he could find, and charmed his way out of every social situation.
>-CE Tiefling Rogue: Started out as the daughter of the dead Ranger because her player was an edgelord extraordinaire. Deciding that sacrificing a random druid to the gods and demanding a resurrection of her mother. I was feeling annoyed with him and decided to have him die and be resurrected instead, randomly rolled as a tiefling. Naturally, this being an edgy race he's even happier. Wasn't able to kill him a second time for interfering with the plot half the campaign with his idiotic shenanigans.
>-LN Half-elf Eldritch Knight: Party sane man alongside surviving ranger, could be relied upon to do some decent damage and keep the other characters in line.
>-LE Drow Warlock: Basic mad scientist archetype. Skinned a man for pillowcases for his tent. Actually one of the better players at the table.
>-NG Half-elf cleric: Was there for like four sessions then disappeared into the void, never to be seen again. Group promptly looted everything he had.
>-(in background): Me, resident psycho wrangler and enabler of this shit. Still one of the more fun campaigns I've dm'd.
That's a lot of pointy ears.
>Basically turned Phandalin into fantasy Las Vegas for shits and giggles
>Adult Entertainment
I'm guessing that's Mafia Era Vegas not modern Vegas.
I posted this in the last thread by here you go.
Bascially a kind of time crash occurred and different times are bleeding into eachother like Time Spiral except on earth.
Also all myths, superstitions, and magical traditions from all cultures are somehow all real, like Shaman King.
Reposting from the last thread;
The original party
The party at the end of the first chapter.
Criminal Gang #1
Criminal Gang #2
>Vitun Gorensborn
>Fucking Gorensborn in Finnish
Coincidence or not,what's he like?
It looks like Harrah got a tan at some point, and something changed with B. A. Barakus.
Also you might want to post character information for people who weren't here for the last thread.
Who was Baldrik?
Are you leaving the character's names out for a reason?
>player would not trying to climb trees, dive into water and other dumb shit.
What were they trying to do these things at inappropriate times for no particular reason? Like diving into water in the middle of a conversation, or climbing a tree at a funeral? (though now that I think about it if there are enough people at a funeral I could see some people climbing trees for a better view)
justwhat is it in finnish? Might very well be deliberate who the fuck knows.
He's the away-chieftan of the Not!alpine tribes. They were such a splintered people that Emil had them elect representatives amongst them - one for staying at home and one for coming with them. As such, his army - comprising all of the forces his people, the Vroznak had sent - was the biggest, albeit almost all light infantry.
But having started out as just the chieftan of a few hundred people, he didn't conduct himself in that manner, he always said that the life of one of his soldiers was of no lesser worth than his own, and he was super chill and always with the rabble. He even went so far to decline a crown from Emil when the latter wanted to crown his greatest generals to the position of king (which until then had been reserved for Emil himself) in an effort to style himself as something above all kings of the world, the Emilian High-King (A position that survived to the early modern in one or another form btw)
When tell came from home that the Vroznak tribes had decided to reenter into independence, he returned home without question.
that knight looks about 200 years out of fashion
Good suggestion, Harrah was always supposed to be middle eastern looking but I messed up the first drawing and corrected in the second.
Baldrick was a poorly planned character who's player wanted a change, so Mason McMurphy, a cop with a grudge, showed up and killed Baldrick to fill his bounty.
>> Daniel "Steely Dan" Steelington, smooth talking Tiefling hexlock who pretends to be a private detective
>>Mason McMurphy, Human Ranger, mother was a cop, father was a criminal, now he has faked his death and been press ganged into the inquisition
>>Harrah, Human mute kensai monk who knows a lot more than she lets on, but enjoys watching the party toil
>>Mira Underwall, Dwarven librarian turned inquisitor, steals every scrap of paper she can find
>> BA Barakus, Black DragonBorn paladin of helm who specialists in raming down doors, is really only in it to get his pension.
Blatant Hydras
>> Wilhelm, Large german bodyguard of Vincent
>> Vincent, Heir to a Barony, scheming to assassinate his mother and adopted sister at his wedding
>> Runa, Adopted by the Baroness, now works as a captain in the gang she runs.
>>Baroness Viscomme, leader of a large criminal gang called the blatant hydras, owns a pet hydra
Yellow Hydras
>>Mongo the Vast, a dwarf with gigantism and tattoos of every man an animal he has killed on his arms and bodyguard to Kelly
>>Kelly, Daughter of Douglas, quiet and secretly a serial killer known as Haema Buteo
>>Dietrich, Douglas' right hand man and secret traitor planning to assassinate him at his daughters wedding
>> Douglas, Captain Barbossa if he ran a mafia gang
>> Von Karma, Douglas' lawyer, also in on the assassination plot
Good shit
Running an OSR campaign with Basic Fantasy RPG plus supplements.
Right now they're exploring the Anomalous Subsurface Environment. Only one session, so nothing too crazy has gone down so far.
In a time travel game?
Or are you saying that his equipment looks two centuries outdated In his native time period?
This was the inspiration I used. I guess if you stretched his head out to elf proportions it might look pretty close.
They dubbed themselves Elfquest for a reason
oh probably, but still, they made the entire place into a debauchery-filled nirvana.
it was more that the character would climd trees in the middle of combat at inopportune times. Sound useful, but if you're insisting on claiming 90 ft up with a climb speed that even with a dash is only 30 ft then thats three rounds of combat wasted for your teammates to gain experience in whilst you herpaderp around for shits and giggles.
What system? Does everyone command a unit of NPC troops?
why is V never satisfied?
Is BA said "Bah" or does he just abbreviate his first and middle names down to "B." and "A." like how some historic figures do?
drawing my party. hopefully will be done in time to post later.
Pronounced Bee Ayy, he's named after the A team character.
>Baroness Viscomme
is the a half elf?
GURPS, and everyone commanded multiple regiments of NPC troops, as many as they can afford to feed and equip
the latter
Posting more NPC portrait photos. Sorry I took so long, I had really bad food poisoning.
One more for now.
Is that a crowman?
That's Kaw-Kaw the mystic. He's a traveling fortune teller whose fluency in mimicking common is strong, but has random outbursts of volume. It seems as if all of his fortunes end with catastrophe and woe, whether he intends them to or not, he can't manage to keep the customers coming in from the same town for very long and is usually forced to stay on the move.
One more portait before bed.
what's the setting for this anywho?
here's a bigger party image I made that includes a lot of the NPCs under our and Emil's command.
This is the last big battle before Emil had consolidated his power in Not!Gaul, thereby extending his Empire to the edges of the continent.
That looks pretty cool. I'd imagine combat involves a fair bit of abstraction for the main fights and then more crunchy if there's personal combat? I remember running a rather large battle in the middle of a dark heresy game and it ground out bad. Kinda had to deus ex machina things just so we could end the session already.
Teach me your secrets!
>I'd imagine combat involves a fair bit of abstraction for the main fights and then more crunchy if there's personal combat? I remember running a rather large battle in the middle of a dark heresy game and it ground out bad.
Our GM made a system that's close to perfect for mass combat. It maps morale, casualties and advantage all really quick and easily.
The trick was that Emil had all his generals fight with the main force, so you never stopped playing your character - you gave orders AS the general. So if you were in one unit (which could be made up of a bunch of elements moving in unison), you could give that unit clear cut orders and roll on your command or tactics or strategy or whatever is most appropriate how well they follow it. If you want to give orders to an element outside of you, you either need to outsource them or send them by riders or have signals agreed on beforehand.
So it wasn't all that more abstracted OR more complicated than one on one combat. And it still involved a lot of one on one combat due to the ability to add to your roll if you put yourself more at risk for a clearer picture of the fight and better control over your units.
I like it. I'm guessing the battles played out over a longer time ingame than realtime? One thing that threw me about the history of rome was larger battles would go on for an entire day, and quite often an advantage would be gained but night would fall before they could press it into an encirclement or rout.
>I'm guessing the battles played out over a longer time ingame than realtime
Yeah, in some instances quite extremely so. But the 'fighting through nightfall' only ever really happened once I think. Before that could happen, morale would be depleted. You'd need more reserves for that than we really played with.
just mine character
>I left my home in Norfolk Virginia
>California on my mind
>I straddled that Greyhound
>And rode into Raleigh and on across Caroline
Tried and did horribly at adding colour, apologies to Brina for the butchery.
Had to flip it because southpaw and terrible.
That colourjob's not terrible what are you talking about?
Kept mixing up where my light source was, eventually decided on upper left but some parts of the beard shading didn't look right. I was originally trying to just do a tracing and then add colour but without the original as an underlay it looked really faded, probably more to do with my brush strength, had to cover for my fuckups by using really low brush transparency but then lost a lot of edge definition.
Was just typing that and realised I could've just duped the colouring layer and fixed most of that problem :\
I'll repost mine from the previous thread
From left to right:
>The Beast Boy
>Ull (and Grey)
>Half-elf Summoner (Wild Caller archetype)
>20 years old
>Grew up alone with his eidolon in the woods
>He’s in journey to learn how the civilized world works
>The Leader
>Human Inquisitor (Sin Eater archetype)
>52 years old
>Grew up in a temple, serves Torag
>He’s in search of his long-lost sister
>Freed Ull and Wulfrion from jail, made a contract with the PCs
>The Cursed Face
>Human Oracle (cursed with the Wolf-scarred Face by Urgathoa)
>23 years old
>Bastard born, grew up in the streets
>Despite being an oracle he despises the gods and serves no divinity
>The Mercenary
>Human Fighter
>32 years old
>Bastard born, grew up in a gang of thieves
>Formerly a sergeant in a mercenary company, mostly cares about gold and profit
>Has named his sword “Betsy”
Also last session ended with us meeting the druid of the forest Ull grew up in after some shenaningans with kobolds and goblins and trees[\spoiler]
Recently drew these to commemorate a campaign that ended last summer, after running for over a year of regular sessions.
Because she has a cunty attitude.
hot diggity dang
That's really awesome, seems like you've got some great talent involved. I love the idea of PCs being unit commanders.
so it's a vagina joke?
can you upsize the font on the character descriptions please. reading it is making my eyes hurt.
Love these ones. Excellent thematic designs.
Thank you! My players were very helpful in explaining what they envisioned with their designs. The group was definitely one of the best I've had the fortune to play with, and I'm really looking forward to our new game next summer.
Sure thing, sorry if it was too small the first time around.
These look great!