So you gained Immortality, Eternal Youth, and seized control of your plane of existence (As in it is now an extension of your will). Now what?
So you gained Immortality, Eternal Youth...
It's a big multiverse and control over one plane is a good start to take over another.
Hookers and blow.
Set about ensuring the populace of all is happy, healthy and able to live their lives without the fear of petty squabbling and dick measuring between nobles and nations. So long as they don't try to dispute my rule, follow the laws decreed and put forth some effort to support each other then they can live their lives.
head over to /cyoag/ and do it again and again
This. Either I take someone else's plane or I wait around for someone to take mine. There's always a bigger fish, and I need to prepare.
Copy and paste multiple instances of the universe from starting conditions. Make sure the initial universe is running smoothly, but not to the point of absolute idyll, and use the copypasta universes to perform experimental mathematics.
So the fighting never ends just gets more theaters and is ever expanding?
The universe would be boring if not.
Such is life when you forgo the peace of death.
>So you gained Immortality, Eternal Youth
>seized control of your plane of existence (As in it is now an extension of your will). Now what?
But, you lost me right here. Why the fuck would I ever want that?
First things first, simply release the hold I have on my plane, sit back and watch the fireworks. Then do what I should've done to begin with and simply enjoy all that my plane has to offer, *without* the headache of having to rule over it. Explore, experience and hope that there are ways to travel to other planes for when I grow bored of this one.
Let the plane and its people go where they will, cause I sure as fuck plan to.
Fuck bitches and make the world a better place
What if you can only have one?!
take my dear sweet time and enjoy myself
I'd start slow, keeping to the kinds of things regular people do, then move out from there. Lovers, live in various villages/cities, travel around, enjoy the small things (art, music, food, sports, whatever). Then I'd start exploring. I'm guessing I'm some kind of caster? Start delving into lore and magic, which is kind of like exploring, in a sense (really this part could be several posts on its own; let your imagination run free). Alter my body to what I want it to be. Take up cat burglary and assassination (against evil people). Start building and crafting (both structures and items), working on ideal places to live and work. Make an airship? floating castle? magic laboratory with portals and other stranger shit? Probably build my perfect waifu eventually. Visit the cultures/cities of other races (especially elves, dwarves, gnomes, good giants). I'm not machiavellian myself; I don't do any long-term jew shit, but after a long enough time?
Anyway, that's probably at least a century worth of stuff. I would likely have to eventually make spells that affect my mood and state of mind, or maybe manage my increasing memories better. I might try to steer life in a better direction and eliminate evil from the plane. I would avoid using my plane-controlling powers unless absolutely necessary. Eternity would get boring very fast otherwise.
That's what he's going to improve about the world.
This Disappear and do whatever. I just wanted to see if it could be done, and actually get no joy from lording over everything.
I think I'll start by taking up carpentry.
I set up a comfortable life for myself and then give the reigns to somebody else.
I don't want any responsibility.
I try to be a just ruler and probably fuck it up.
Turn it into a generic epic fantasy world. Retire to heaven with a harem of catpeople. Watch over the stories that the resulting world will generate, intervene when it seems appropriate and interesting.
Basically just become the deity equivalent of a couch potato watching TV all day.
>Now what?
You have such a limited imagination.
Titties and beer
Hookers with asscracks full of magical cocaine.
As far as the eye can see...
Remake it into a more interesting place, then use my incredible powers to give myself amnesia and start again.
My current character would be thrilled. This is basically her goal in life becaise wizard. She'd start by acquiring a copy of every book existing in that world, and make a gigantic lair/library of them all.
Wizard education for everybody! No more wars! Only magical wars, which do not count as wars but research! In short, she'd turn everybody to the side of caster superiority, and make undead minions of those who resist. Slowly, her plane would become a giant lich lair filled with books and apprentices and weird magical creations. Then she'd try and make it into a planar ship so she can conquer other planes.
But what if you get thrown out of your own plane?
Get a gf.
People are going to hang themselves out of boredom.
Ironically, you'll live in a world full of depressed people
It would be extremely painful.
Start various long term projects, like weird selective breeding programs
The world is about to become a much much better place. The first thing I do is spread humans to other planets, then I start to heal the damage we did on this one and turn it into the seat of my planar empire.
Maybe some day I'll try and expand into another plane, maybe bang some extraplanar hotties.
>Build and breed a lot of cray shit
>Open portals to other planes
>Write some philosophical manifestos
>Fuck off and wander the multiverse a bit
I have a legacy in place, I don't need to worry about common survival and I'v had the opportunity to provide whatever wisdom I feel I have. No point sticking around to micromanage all that shit. I give them a strange and beautiful world to work with, it's their chance to leave a mark on it. My ego is satisfied, they don't need another god.
At this point I would like to be student again and fill myself up with new ways. Maybe one day to return to my home plane to check in and work as wise wanderer and guide to new adventurers.
But that's what you did last time, user.
Destroy it.
Time to banish Death and women. Henceforth, this shall be the Elemental Plane of Faggotry!
Build a utopia, of course. After all, that was the entire point.
Finally, a new home for r/incels
Turn into various animal forms and rape mortal women.
Oh, and catgirls. There should definitely be catgirls, if there aren't already.
Play d&d with the ugliest fucks i can find in the plane and achieve the same thing but in tabletop form, and then act like i just got the powers, it'll blow their minds.
Then just desintegrate them or something and go do more meta shit.
I mean, that's what life is like in Star Trek's Federation. People channel their energy previously spent on survival/one-uping one another into hobbies and passions. Self-enrichment becomes the name of the game.
Rig the mortal machine to have suicidal people and Atheists from the mortal realm reincarnate into my realm when they die. Then have tea,cookies and orange/apple juice during a brief interview it will be Vallhalla esque where everybody gets to live life to its fullest again(NEET with unlimited funding)and on weekends I'll grant anybody a wish that I don't forsee as malicious to my realm or its other inhabitants like if they want their waifu to be real or to grant the mercy of a long dreamless sleep(not death)
Friday is party day. I don't care if you are an introvert but on Friday everybody has to socialise and compete in fun events.
I'll probably be a recluse for 4 days of the week by sailing around an endless ocean(permanent sunset but interchanging cloud patterns and weather)on a yacht watching series/movies ,Reading and playing vidya.
Sometimes probably go for long walks on islands and continents randomly generated for me to explore.
I'd probably just chill with my waifu while practicing altruism,humility and redundant futility(abide by my own laws) so I don't go power crazy and create Slaneesh Sentral Or Khorne Kity.
And now my ridiculously circuitous plan is one quarter complete!
That sounds really really boring. I mean, if the GM was lex enough to let me do that, then I can just steamroll the rest of the, whatever the current cosmology is shaped as, but it won't be any fun at all. It's the kind of thing some people may love to powerwank themselves to sleep about, but I prefer having a much smaller presence and importance in a game/setting. That's just me, though.
Tax Reform
Law Reform
Investigate technology
Tame and regulate magic
Increase agricultural productivity so more people can specialize in other crafts
Drastically improve the standard of living
build spaceships
...and then become the new Illithid-style multi-dimensional empire
I turn my realm into a massive FLGS/Holodeck for other Immortals to hang out in and eventually start abducting nerds from other planes to see them act out their fantasies.
genocide. start with gnomes. maybe do elves next. after that? who knows?
I enjoy infinite diversity.
try to fuck my waifu
Now, we fuck
I share it with my love interest and start chilling with her on earth, until we can explore planets in galaxy
That sounds fucking nightmarish, so i'd probably use all the power and knowledge i got from my plane-conquering shenanigans to try and leave it a better place than i found it and then un-immortal myself.
He's a big demiurge
I always wonder if people with this sentiment have it because of some sort of sour grapes reaction, or maybe just because of a lack of imagination.
Well, it's more of a looking at the big picture thing than anything else. I mean fair enough you'd enjoy your immortality a few centuries, maybe even some millenia but then what? You'll run out of things to do at some point, and everyone and everything you care about is going to disappear so you'll end alone and bitter with little more than life in an eternal, meaningless hell. Shit gives me shivers.
Seriously what is the problem with immortality if a restricted number of people have it?
Best special power (would be amazing with teleport).
you basically keep all your power but let the universe run its course with its good moments and bad moments while you watch
like God does
You sound like a faggot.
You can loose friends even if you're mortal. If you fragile about, then immortality won't help, of course.
Death is not the solution to future problems imagined.
I don't think you should worry about something so distant until you have a better understanding of how it's going to happen, how you're going to react, and what you can do to avert it if possible.
Your problem with it could easily be applied to the perfectly possible case where you end up a lonely but healthy 80 year old. Is having someone around that you've known for most of your life really so important that you wouldn't be able to find meaning in living without them? Do you think you'd want to commit suicide at that point, or would it be better to just stick around for a decade or two longer on your own? And if the answer is yes to that, then why would you ever really want to stop? Why not go for a century longer? Or two centuries?
More importantly, do you think you are capable of deciding whether or not you should commit suicide at that point in the far future right now?
I don't know user. I don't see any problem. You have my vote if you're going to lobby for it.
no no no
the universe is always moving
some ice planet having tundra storms
some crystal planet with new crystal being and amazing colors
>Seriously what is the problem with immortality if a restricted number of people have it?
Who restricts immortality? Who chooses over life and death? Beware, this can lead to a tyranny unprecedented in history. I say, who wishes to live shall live.
This is a great question, and of course it's the work of gods. And humans always wanted to climb the ladder to god's territory.
That level of tyranny don't imply bad things, it just imply powerful weapons/systems to repeal rebellions.
Someone has got to figure out what quintessence is about and AI waifus are a bonus
Opulent mansion. Lots of pleasure slaves. Interdimensional internet. Pretty much never not be drunk. Library with good books from every dimension
Immortality is eternal life, and youth.
Life is suffering, and struggle is eternal.
So you will struggle, and suffer for eternity.
Whether that is physically, mentally, and or just from boredom....why not just continue your conquest, and expand your experiences just to overcome monotony?
Having achieved nigh-infinite power over my home plane, I reshape it into a vast torus ring-world, slowly rotating around a sun that changes color with the seasons, inside of which is an indestructible bubble containing an astral gate which is the only entrance to my sub-plane. Around the torus, seven perfectly spherical moons rotate, the colors of which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, cyan, and violet, respectively.
Each of the moons is habitable, rich in minerals, and aside from plentiful native flora and fauna, completely unoccupied. On each moon, a vast, awe-inspiring ziggurat stands as a testament to my power. As for the torus ring-world, with almost infinite space to work with, I augment the native flora and fauna to be ideal for hunter-gathering and agriculture, and scatter countless, seemingly ancient ruins filled with treasure, traps, and hostile monsters across its surface, to keep the natives from succumbing to ennui.
I then contact each major civilization via a possessed prophet with miraculous power, and inform them that I have achieved ultimate power, and demand tribute. They will each receive ten years to construct an opulent temple dedicated to me, preferably a ziggurat, but I'm not picky, after which, the prophet will inspect it, and if it doesn't manage to impress me, I destroy the structure with a vast meteor, and scatter the civilization to the four winds with terrible disasters. I'm fairly easy to impress, so there shouldn't be any problems.
If it does manage to impress me, I grant the civilization ten years of bountiful harvests, peace, and prosperity. When the decade has finished, I inform them that if I am to continue blessing their civilization, they are to sacrifice the equivalent of thirty million usd and a dozen of their most beautiful female virgins to me in their temple, upon sacrifice, both will be consumed by prismatic flame and transported to my sub-plane.
> (1/2)
If they do not offer a sacrifice according to my specifications, they are not punished, they just aren't blessed, which while harmless on its own, will leave them at a disadvantage towards their more pious neighbors. I inform them that, while they are free to worship their previous deities, I demand a position in their pantheon, not necessarily as an over-deity, all that matters is that I'm there, it doesn't matter if I'm worshiped as almighty or as a harvest deity, so long as I'm worshiped.
My sub-plane consists of an endless idyllic lightly-forested meadow with an immense palace in the center, filled with vast piles of treasure, even vaster libraries of literature, and tens of thousands of scantily-clad, now-immortal non-virgins, which I take at my leisure. At the center is my throne room, where I sit upon my throne, waited on hand-and-foot by my harem, and spend my time reading mystical tomes and fictional tales, intimately enjoying their company, telepathically shit-posting on deitychan, and watching adventurers delve the ruins of the world via an enormous, levitating crystal ball.
I take the form of an idealized version of myself, physically at the peak of human potential in every way possible, and subtly radiating with arcane energy. To prevent my palace from getting crowded with maidens, I set up a system wherein members of my harem I haven't had sex with in a decade will dissolve and drift back to the world to reincarnate. In a few millennia, the palace should be filled with maidens who have managed to keep my attention, and thus, are objectively superior aesthetically and sensually. As for the surplus treasure, I simply subconsciously expand my palace to accommodate it
With this setup, I should be content for the next few million-odd years.
> (2/2)
You don't say.
I create a group of superintellects that would serve as my advisors. I have them begin research into the nature of the planes and divinity.
I then create a universe in which the world is an infinitely flat plane, filled with natural resources galore. I then create a race of highly powerful war machines and highly adaptive life forms (quite possibly slimes)
I then begin work on allying with other plane-masters and focus on ascension.
I would treat my subjects kindly, as if I reached this stage my subjects can. And because, what purpose is there in being powerful if not helping other creatures?
The war machines would serve as my soldiers, defending my plane and enforcing my commands. They would be highly organized into a hierarchy, proper order would be enforced. Satan will not rebel against me
The adaptive beings would be my citizens. They would work as my muse, fueling my ideas and opinions. They might beat my superintelligences to an answer. Monkeys and typewriters and so forth.
> Now what?
A few millennia of careful goblin eugenics.
A goblin? With those proportions? You seek an orc-elf hybrid, you foolish little toad of a man.
>Become lord of my plane of existence
>Declare myself lord over all, or Overlord.
>Declare myself strongest, most amazing overlord in the cosmos.
>One day, an oracle comes and announces that there are others.
>Set out to fight them
>One weakling claims that they guard an artifact that should not be touched.
>Dispose of weakling, investigate artifact
>Artifact prophesizes that my realm will fall to my own hand.
>In fit of rage, destroy artifact.
>Turns out artifact was keeping my world together.
>Shit shit shit, my subjects, my loved ones, my awesome castle!
>IDEA! Infuse bind the artifact to my soul to keep it intact.
>Become artifact because I fucked up
>Pretty shitty, but I still have control of my plane
>Can summon powerful minions to fight for me
>Order them to conquer in my name until I can find out how to get my body back.
>Pic related.
Have you ever read "Midnight at the Well of Souls"? Like that, but with kinkier sex.
2 chicks at the same time
If you're so unimaginative that you couldn't find a way to occupy yourself literally forever with an entire plane of existence at your disposal then maybe death is the right way for you to go.
play a sandbox game that's actually enjoyable
I have always wanted to do this but I'm too monogamous to broach it