Leave the EMPEROR to me
Best doctor coming through
Oh you're here doctor!
Thank goodness, I'm not sure anyone's noticed, but the Emperor's looking a bit unwell. I think he might have sleeping sickness.
>best doctor
>trying to make the new man for 10k years
>BTFO by Cawl who just pulled chad marines out of his ass
Fagulous Blel is a cuck who will forever be jealous of chadmarines
>Fabulous Bill
Best Boy
Look, one shoting titans take some time and effort alright?
>one shoting titans
Did I miss a meme?
Chaos chadmarines when
Tard, New Man have nothing to do with Space Marines. They are suppose to be the replacements of Mankind.
Also Fab successfully cloned both Fulgrim and Horus. Creating perfect clones with all their memories and also it appeared all their powers.
Fabius can slay any model with Wounds characteristic in one hit with his pimping cane.
And everything has Wounds characteristic this edition.
It just works - there's still the issue with getting him in melee range though.
Yeah, when 8th rules were previewed, Veeky Forums in it's infinite vacuum of wisdom perpetuated that Fabius Bile would be able to use his one hit man killer weapon on Titans and when the titan died, the leadership check would cause the other titans in the unit to flee.
Now obviously this is a gross misreading of the incomplete rules, but people legitly believed this and it became a short lived meme.
TLDR: People are fucking stupid and 40k playerbase need to be purged from the genepool
>Creating perfect clones with all their memories and also it appeared all their powers.
That's fucking dumb.
Fulgrim's powers of what, hairstyling?
No, it's not. According to the new novel, Primarchs store information and memories into their genes in a way similar to how a computer creates backup.
A clone with the same genetic structure as a primarch would have the memories and personality of the original.
Ultimate charisma/charm.
Memories are fine, sheer power is not.
...so he could clone the Emps, then?
They have the same body and by having the same mind means they would have a similar warp presence aka soul.
He needs a pure geneseed sample. Like one from a founding member of the Grey Knights
>created clones of primarchs
>these did literally nothing of importance
>still outdone by Cawl and the Primaris Marines
Feminist bull BTFO yet again
Emperor had to steal power from the chaos gods to get enough energy to form those souls.
No fucking way anyone can just clone them full power.
>Emperor had to steal power from the chaos gods to get enough energy to form those souls.
The thing is, he didn't have to. He would have been able to pull it on his own. Chaos convinced him otherwise.
So why don't we have tons of primarch flying around on both sides? If Fabius can do it, so can Cawl. Primaris marines should just be replaced by primarchs.
Because neither Fabius nor Cawl are the Emperor.
Fabius is working with the knowledge that the Emperor unlocked by his bargain with Chaos. It's okay.
>so can Cawl.
He needs a pure gene sample and I doubt Girlyman would agree to it.
Why do the Emperor's Children get 2 special characters while the other legions get 1 if they're even lucky.
But didn't he already clone Fulgrim?
Fabius is a renegade that hates his former legion.
What do you think GW is going to do once people get tired of Primaris and sales start to slump.
>Nu-Primarchs and Golden Men fucking everywhere.
>Armies of Guilliman tier characters soon.
or that one arm of the emp that fell off
new man is inherently not related to current mankind. By the standards of the actual term astartes ARE the new man. Fabius just wants to do the next one. Maybe you should read some books in the real world to understand what the term means and where it comes from.
If he's such a great scientist, why hasn't he cured his baldness?
>the virgin Fabius
>the chad Honsou
>implying Chaos infighting in the Warp isn't a million times more important than conquering a few sectors of Imperium space
Humanity is an afterthought for the Chaos Gods, a valuable resource but ultimately it's mostly non-uplifted heretics who care the most about the Imperium. Daemons have other concerns.
it's setting consistent.
But it's also fucking dumb. Narrativly it takes so much oomph out of death my leg hurts.