>He punishes his players because 'actions have consequences'
He punishes his players because 'actions have consequences'
Other urls found in this thread:
Bait is delicious. That is it's nature.
>He lets people who like anime play because 'it doesn't have to affect their roleplaying'
>Actions don't have consequences
Fight me you dirty scub-loving gaijin
always hilarious when that happens
>He doesn't like skub.
Why even live?
>not liking skub
Fucking flat earthers
>Players are all stronger than me
>Can't have consequences because they will beat me up if i try to punish them
>Bumping the thread
You're a retard
Damn, I fucking hate fat people.
This guy there would be even worse than the "muscled douchebag" if he had the chance.
>he doesn't let eagles fly hobbits into Mordor
>implying scub = skub
Check out the dirty casuals here.
If what you think is that punishment isn't the only way to show that actions have consequences, you're right. If what you mean is that actions shouldn't have consequences, fuck off.
I can smell that post
>Players aren't buying my railroad? lets punish them and claim it was "actions have consequences" bullshit
I hate this one so much
>GM constantly threatens the players with vague consequences
>fuck his railroad up and laugh as the GM scrambles to pull something out of his ass
>GM always punishes players for acting the way he doesn't want them to
>GM never encourages the players for acting the way he wants them to
>GM doesn't lay down clear instructions for how he expects players to behave before the campaign starts
>GM tells us we're gonna be playing mercenaries
>won't give more details or help with character direction
>other players don't want to reveal their characters "to avoid metagaming"
>I make a mostly amoral rogue who's willing to do many things for money (yet not still like civilian massacres, rape etc., the tasteless stuff), aka a mercenary
>they show up with a Paladin, NG Cleric, and LG Monk
>GM indulges them without question and I'm the odd one out
>characters are fighting an evil cult that keeps attacking their city
>local city official is mysteriously replaced
>they go in and talk to one of the secretaries, and get into an argument with his personal guards, then leave
>they repeatedly BTFO cult hideouts, but kill everyone and don't take prisoners
>cult keeps attacking, blowing up random civilians with Fireballs
>only one player really seems to take any initiative in investigating
>no one really says anything despite me trying my hardest to answer any questions about the city
>one player can literally turn invisible at will for extended periods of time, and they don't even try to infiltrate the building that they think is linked to the cult
>no attempts to disguise themselves as guards, anything like that
>meanwhile the cultists continue doing their work weakening the city
>last session an impostor priest killed a bunch of guards at a funeral with cloudkill
>they had the presence of mind to have him brought to the temple for speak with dead
>I gave them some decent answers to their questions even though the dead cultist made his will save and could have refused to answer their questions
>worst part: they specifically asked for a city-based investigation / intrigue campaign
>and the one player who wanted it most, leaves the table to go play vidya whenever a scene not involving his character is brought up
>although, said character is my favorite of the group
Am I the bad guy here?
>Not recognizing all forms of scub and skub equally
fucking skub supremacists . Jesus user it's 2017, all skub is equal
I had a similar problem with my characters not asking any questions or investigating and then fucking themselves over and getting mad at me because they had no clue what they were doing and barged into situations with no planning or information. The trick is to deliver trickles of information to them without them prompting and then rewarding further investigation.
>look at all these watch wearing salty, salty soyboi beta cucks
>and the one player who wanted it most, leaves the table to go play vidya whenever a scene not involving his character is brought up
Who the fuck does that? Does he have ADD or something?
I'm skubist and proud.
>worst part: they specifically asked for a city-based investigation / intrigue campaign
Literally no one actually wants an intrigue campaign. Even when they say they do they really don't. What they really want is an action adventure with ELEMENTS of intrigue.
Make them roll for wisdom checks and give them some insight every now and the if they're that uninterested
Kind of. I don't know what he wants from this campaign at this point. He gets angry whenever the group leaves the city.
I mean, I enjoy the roleplaying. I also enjoy mysteries to some degree, if they are decently well put-together. I mean, I myself can think of how the D&D group I play in (different from the one I GM for) would approach this:
>disguise selves as one of the guards, either mundanely or magically
>climb up the windows and sneak in
>fucking find the people they spoke to who slipped them a note saying they hadn't seen the guy in weeks, and talk to them further
>hell, just walk in there invisibly since you have a character who can turn invisible whenever she wants
We had a player who actually did this kind of thing, but everyone else made fun of his characters and he had to basically quit the group cause he had kids IRL.
I'm starting to get to that point. Although, they only have 7 days left until these guys finish their iron golem and sic it on the city along with the animated corpses of the allied orc tribe the party wiped out, so I guess I should start giving them more clues.
Although at this point I am fine with the demon cult attacking the city in force and destroying it. A lot of major NPCs will likely be killed and the party themselves might have to fill in the city's leadership.
Or they might all get wiped out by a CR 15 golem. Honestly, I am fine with either outcome at this point.
>players kill the mayor in front of witnesses/guards
>guards decide to congratulate the players on their combat prowess because arresting/attacking them would be punishing them for defying gods plans
>a scene not involving his character
>He punishes players for something THAT GUY does
>Punishes players for a small slip up another character does
>Punishes players for having strange flavors or odd roll play
>Punishes players for something they did OOC
>Punishes players cause GM is a passive aggressive ass hole that gets ticked off at everybody
>all while playing favorites
I mean role play, fuck
>>Punishes players for having strange flavors
I wonder who could be behind this post
It is impossible for you to see if that user saged or not.
Assuming makes an ass of you and me, user.
fucking truskub
>He TPKs for a single person's mistake