Which one do you choose Veeky Forums?
Which one do you choose Veeky Forums?
Fuck Brandon and his "take all the magic out of it" magic.
I shall delve into the deepest recesses of Feruchemy.
Breakdown for those of us who don't feel like reading a doorstopper?
Feruchemy has a hole, the others look like legos.
idk why people get so mad about this. Magic can be just the 'physics' of the universe or it can be this weird thing that doesn't follow knowable rules
Either are fine?
Where Brandon fucks up is his insistence on 'rules' means every book has this awful 'technical diagram' scene where a character walks through all the fucking laws of the while they magic around the room.
I get it, you don't want 'ass pull' magic in your series. That's fine - but put it in the fucking appendix you austist
Because people masturbate over the former and completely fuck up the latter.
That's lewd, user.
Allomancy -- Power over the physical world that uses metal as fuel. You can use it to do low tier marvel superhero shit.
Feruchemy -- Magic of exchange. You can choose to be weak now to store strength to hulk out later. Or be slow and sluggish now to be fast later. Or sickly now to heal fast later. Basically, you suffer extended personal nerfs to be strong.
Hemalurgy -- Sacrificial blood magic shit. You steal the attributes or powers of somebody else to put them in another person permanently via magic piercings. You can mix and match piercings as needed if you have a lot.
Because "Alternate Physics" isn't really magic.
bump serious discussion
>magic is what I define it to be lmao
No I'm pretty sure it's still magic.
Not him, but
>Definition of magic - the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
If you have clearly laid-out laws according to which the magic works, then they are no longer mysterious or supernatural, but rather comprehensible and natural, as in, obeying the natural order of the world.
Mystery is one of the essential components of magic. Performing the magic ritual, i.e. the thaumaturgic mystery is by definition miraculous and impossible to reproduce and/or peer-review.
Whenever it becomes possible to reproduce the magical (supernatural) effects and give them an explanation, said effects are no longer supernatural, but rather natural.
Whenever a clear explanation is given, it is no longer magic, but rather alternate physics.
Hemalurgy, the whole thing of being a bloodmage is cool as fuck and better if it has social consequences, such as people being scared shitless as soon as they see it in action and grabbing their pitchforks to drive you out of town and stuff, or paladins hunting you down for doing heinous shit. Fun times
After a quick google, Feruchemy.
Nibb. People all of the history believed magic to be a law of nature, unknown and dangerous to use but otherwise not Warhammer's unpredictable warp-fuckery
Ah yes, I remember the first time I read the alternate physics chapter of the PHB. You know what I found really weird about 3.X? The wizard class had all these rules for magic and spell slots without them ever defining what a spell did or providing any examples. Must be part of that mystery thing you mentioned.
>People all of the history believed magic to be a law of nature, unknown and dangerous to use but otherwise not Warhammer's unpredictable warp-fuckery
This is actually a relatively recent view, stemming from the Renaissance. Prior to that, nobody really thought of magic as "laws of nature we just don't know about yet"
If it always works the same way every time and you can then travel to the elemental plane of fire and go 'Oh, this is where my fireball came from" then it's alternate physics.
the concept of nature as a whole being governed by something akin to laws is an incredibly recent thing, compared to the extensive history of magic
Where can I read about people's worldview on magic?
This guy gets it.
I'd put a giant container on my back, and hook it up to a bellows on my left arm. That way, with my right, I can stab someone with a giant hollow needle, flap my other arm furiously and extract all their delicious blood without alerting anyone of my deed.
Attempts to explain how the world works are pretty damn ancient, every form of religion for example fits in here. It's just that we've gone from explaining it in rather anthropomorphic terms to using math, since that turned out to work a lot better. Then there's the astrology/astronomy that managed to nail things down well enough to make specific and correct predictions in the early days of human civilisation. Just common knowledge is another set of rules for how nature works, merely less fundamental such. Don't eat that, use this reed for arrow shafts, and so on.
>God is literal atheist
If you know what you're doing, Feruchemy can be used for some real good stuff (as seen in Bands of Mourning), especially as a full Feruchemist. Allomancy is the flashiest and superficially strongest. But if you have Hemalurgy (and a ready supply of sources) you can get both of them in whatever combination you want, which is OP af.
Feruchemy has some damn practical powers, though. Like the ability to store food, sleep, warmth or attention span.
show me a lego brick that looks like the symbol on the right.
fuckin hell, the one in the middle looks like pic related
that's not hemalurgy though
nigga people thought regular physics were magic shut your dumbass up
Turned out it wasn't though, didn't it?
Why do his characters speak like they're from modern day USA?
Gold Twinborn. Technically indestructible but by old age. You will need a shitload of money because you will have to be covered in bling.
I just chalk it up to translator convention. We ain't hearing them talk in whatever language they have, just what they'd sound like to the present day.
I guess I'm just spoiled by Tolkien's use of language
Because all he's good at is autistic magic systems