Familiar Thread

Familiar of choice, art, lore, settings. Everything goes here.

Tell us about your familiar user.

OP starts;

Cats, specifically the smaller varieties, developed a sort of precognition that can be interpretated into prophecy and/or sight into the unseen. This is, of course, due to their unique position in the food chain as both a nocturnal predator and prey animal. This explains their screwy habits of jumping at nothing and excessive denning (spirits are incapable of assailing certain enclosed, angular geometries).

Snakes, bats, owls, and other middle-ground critters have variants of these 'abilities' due to their statuses of nocturnal predation and/or preydom, which can be interpretated much like the cat habits. Snakes for example are known for feeling the movement of unseen creatures, sometimes movement that has happened long ago, rabbits on the other side of the coin are known for foreseeing what you have yet to decide on doing, mostly the dominant pair on a family.

frogs are best familiar. They pretty much constantly ooze magic-junk. If you averaged out all the animals on earth, you would get a frog. Frogs are pretty much tiny slaads, and are incredibly chaotic, which lends itself to sorcery. Frogs are incredibly witch-like, with green skin, warts, and scrawny limbs. If a wizard doesn't use a frog for a familiar, you can bet he uses them in spells and potions.
Frogs live in fetid water, a substance similar to poison, which must be boiled (cauldron, anyone?) to be made drinkable. frogs eat flies and other insects, and would probably eat pixies and fairies in a fantasy setting. They are heavily associated with disease, which in turn is related to magic. We discovered that electricity can cause dead frogs to "live" which is pretty much the start of necromancy.
In conclusion, frogs.

My last Sorcerer was into Falconry as hobby so his familiar was a pretty good Hawk and perception boost named Blithers while my last Warlock was a Celestial Pact of the chain Halfling who was basically in debt to his patron for getting freebie powers. His familiar was a Imp named Gus who was trying his darnest for redemption. Fun games.

My character have a spiderhawk as a companion. Basically a flying spider that was first trained as a messenger but can also tie up someone with web given the opportunity.
Did a bombing run once, with a grenade.

Loyal, reliable, proud as an eagle, also like to cuddle.

I'm playing a Moonknight cleric who has two enthralled animal companions.
A pair of owls who have learned various tricks.
Mostly they scout from the sky and guard my cleric while he briefly sleeps.
He believes they were sent by his god to watch over him.

Eventually his goal is to enthrall a direwolf.

My warlock has a Tressym as his fiendish familiar.
It's called Gar, but is a fiend.
So. Garfiend.



The best are the ones you make yourself.